Campaign Idea: New Colonists

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

The Exchange

I am currently working on putting together a new campaign. The PCs would be new settlers in a far off, unexplored and mysterious land- leaving their homeland for a variety of reasons (criminals/excommunicated etc.). Any ideas, useful products, and any other suggestions are welcome

prashant panavalli wrote:
I am currently working on putting together a new campaign. The PCs would be new settlers in a far off, unexplored and mysterious land- leaving their homeland for a variety of reasons (criminals/excommunicated etc.). Any ideas, useful products, and any other suggestions are welcome

This is a really good idea.

I guess the first question would be why are people settling in the new area. Does it contain a valuable resource, is it being "colonized" under a larger empire, both? Or are they perhaps escaping the rule of a larger government/law (ie HBo's Deadwood) This gives you a nice foundation for the campaign and starting points for various NPC types and adventure ideas.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Easy option : Drop them in Farshore on the Isle of Dread (savage tide adventure path)! There's plenty to do until Lavinia arrives, they could really hate Manthalay by then and be the local heroes. Then comes the invasion.

The Exchange

Great Ideas! Thank you. I am thinking of using a combination of Darkmoon Vale, Bloodsworn Veil, and the Isle of Dread. JW, to answer your question, the main imports would be exotic spices, beasts, and darkwood. Who won’t love a setting with Dark Fey, Dinos, Pirates and Ninjas ( I am thinking a foreign “oriental” nation who is a competing rival to the Empire).

As for the empire itself, though it is a monarchy, the main power would be a trade consortium, with the major player being a company similar to the East India Trade Company (lots of political intrigue, power struggle etc.). The main questions I am struggling with are as follows:

1. Who are the current natives? What is their outlook ( I want their ways to be exotic and somewhat alien to the PCs)
2. What is the history of this place? What happened to the main powers here?( I want powerful lost magics, threats, ruins etc. the discovery of some of which could be a potential game changer)
3. who are the main settlers? ( I want this to be mix of people hoping for a better life, odd religious offshoots and cults, spies, company men, and those that know some of the secrets of the continent and exploit it)

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

When Nick Logue finally gets his Razor Coast out, it will be great for you! Check out the Indulgences for a taste - you can get the pdfs at the paizo store.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
carborundum wrote:
When Nick Logue finally gets his Razor Coast out, it will be great for you! Check out the Indulgences for a taste - you can get the pdfs at the paizo store.

I was going to suggest this too, but since it has now been over a year with still no clue when it might actually be done. Well I didn't. I love Nick's writting and i look forward to the book. I just can't recommend it anymore till it is at least out now anymore. Just way way to long of a wait on it.

Liberty's Edge

prashant panavalli wrote:

2. What is the history of this place? What happened to the main powers here?( I want powerful lost magics, threats, ruins etc. the discovery of some of which could be a potential game changer)

Good way to do this is through an alternative magic system, like Pact Magic, Psionics, et cetera.

The Exchange

carborundum wrote:
When Nick Logue finally gets his Razor Coast out, it will be great for you! Check out the Indulgences for a taste - you can get the pdfs at the paizo store.

I have the indulgences and have liberally used them in my savage tide game. Good stuff, but who knows when Nick will get it done for me to borrow ideas from. I want more of a disconnect between local knowledge and the ancient past- hmm let me go peruse Monty Cook's Chaositech, perhaps it might give me some ideas, i also like the idea of an old far realm worshipping culture.

Liberty's Edge

I did this once. It gave me a chance to use many of my lesser-used books and Dragon Magazines. I found the Oriental Adventures/Rokugan and Psionics books to be really useful for the campaign I was running. Basically, the players' homeland wasn't the only nation interested in the new continent. In addition to the natives and a slew of monsters they'd never heard of, the players had to contend with psionic samurai sent by their shogun to claim the new world. The Pact Magic from Tome of Magic that was suggested would provide an exotic feel to your campaign too.

As for the empire itself, though it is a monarchy, the main power would be a trade consortium, with the major player being a company similar to the East India Trade Company (lots of political intrigue, power struggle etc.). The main questions I am struggling with are as follows:

1. Who are the current natives? What is their outlook ( I want their ways to be exotic and somewhat alien to the PCs)
My recommendation for something like that based on my game experiance would be to use the free stuff from 2nd edition the Maztica sourcebooks. They are available for free download and sound exactly like what your looking for. Plus they really are easy to convert.
2. What is the history of this place? What happened to the main powers here?( I want powerful lost magics, threats, ruins etc. the discovery of some of which could be a potential game changer)
The magics wernt that powerful but they were unusual, plum,a(feather)magic is prominate. Be careful of the old lost atrifacts here they raised your stat points alot and permenantly(which was hard to do in 2nd)
3. who are the main settlers? ( I want this to be mix of people hoping for a better life, odd religious offshoots and cults, spies, company men, and those that know some of the secrets of the continent and exploit it)
The main settler were religious members of Tyr or Torm the Lawful good paladin/justice gods. They treated the indiginous peoples as history expects them to be treated, cheap/slave labor. They were going to save the souls of those heathens if it killed them. Alot of the natives turned to mystra( goddess of magic) for protection since she was very similar to a benevolent goddess that was in their old pantheon.

I hope this helps.

Check out the entry for Sargava in the Pathfinder Campaign Sourcebook. You might find this suits your needs perfectly.

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