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Inside Cover: The naked girl who wants to smell your sweat.
An army recruitment poster for the Loyalists.
An Ad for expensive booze.
What happens to horses that dont make it to the finish line.
The People you get to Kill in the up comming war with Iran.
How Porn will make you Impotent.
Ewan McGregor's Sweat in a Bottle.
The Naked girl who wants to ride your Quadbike.
The exjailbait 'Actress/model' you should have in your life.
An ad for Mammoth cloning.
A two page spread on Human trafficking - for those of you interested in where all the naked girls are comming from.
Another Post Jailbait 'Actress/model' you should have in your life.
An Ad for Jason Statham - who cares what film.
The High end X-band Radar on the Oil rig platform - cause the Chinese are the new soviet threat.
Sports stars pulling girls.
Stupid in Afghanistan or "How an RPG hit me in the Privates".
The naked girl you should be filming on your digital camera and watching on your flatscreen.
The naked girl your local council would force you to register and microchip.
More Sports stars pulling girls.
Mercenary Recruitment program. The reason you should kill for money.
A third Post-Jailbait 'Actress/model' you should have in your life.
Getting your girls in the same room for group relations.
Mike Tyson.
Yet another Post Jailbait 'Actress/model' you should have in your life.
"Ship Salvage" in hostile in other peoples waters.
Clothes because you aint old enough for the Uniform and cant afford the Girls.
David Beckham's Sweat.
Again with the Sports stars pulling girls.
Another ad for booze.
Armoured vehicles you could drive if you join up for that war they have all planned out.
Back Cover: How you would look dressed like James Bond.

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unless it's a health magazine...then it shows some ripped guy...
or some ripped chick that looks like a guy...
Wow, that description of FHM Magazine is kinda nuts...I wonder if a 3 letter agenCy Is Actually running that mag...since they like to hire mercs...and they also recruit from the military...and do things like salvage operations in hostile waters...and the magazine itself is 3-letters...and of course they're foreshadowing the war with Iran and towing the line about China...and of course Mercs are all about the B****es
think about it...

DoveArrow |

The woman's form is eight times as sexy as the sexiest male form. (theres geometry and advanced trig involved or Id show the math)
I find that absurdly hard to believe. For starters, why are heterosexual women attracted to men?
The theory that I've heard, and it sounds much more plausible (at least to me), is that men are attracted to women on the front covers of magazines, and women identify with those women. I don't know if it's true, but it seems to make a lot more sense.

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drunken_nomad wrote:The woman's form is eight times as sexy as the sexiest male form. (theres geometry and advanced trig involved or Id show the math)I find that absurdly hard to believe. For starters, why are heterosexual women attracted to men?
The theory that I've heard, and it sounds much more plausible (at least to me), is that men are attracted to women on the front covers of magazines, and women identify with those women. I don't know if it's true, but it seems to make a lot more sense.
and supposedly on health magazines, men want to look like that so they identify also.

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DoveArrow wrote:That's a good question. Any women out there want to try to field this one? I'm thinking it's less about physical attraction and more about security.
I find that absurdly hard to believe. For starters, why are heterosexual women attracted to men?
Depends on the girl. Keep in mind most girls can and do find other girls attractive. By attractive I mean they know what it is that makes them that way and can appreciate that in other women, with out being sexually attracted to them. While most men can not or at least find it taboo to.
Plus men are more visual when it comes to turnon's so how a woman looks matters a lot to them. While women are less visual, it is not that we don't like a good looking guy only that it is less of a issue for the average woman than the average man.
And finally men as a whole tend to be a lot more self confident about their looks. Regardless the man, most of them believe they look good enough. So fewer of them want to look like johnny Depp in his prime or who ever. While women often lack self confidence about our looks and almost all of us would like to be more attractive and think we should be.
So in my opinion and thats all this is as well as the above. The reason women on covers of mags for both men and women sell better is simple. Men want to be with said women and women want to look like said women.
Now before I get flamed there are of course exceptions to the rule and this is just from my own personal experience I am not claiming any of the above as facts.

Kirth Gersen |

Another interesting tidbit: check out the male models in magazines whom women think are "hot." You'll notice a number of features that more ofthen than not they have in common:
1. Long hair;
2. Weak chin;
3. Full, pouty lips;
4. Long eyelashes;
5. Hairless chest with overdeveloped pecs the size of boobs;
6. Slender wrists;
6. Hairless legs.
Makes you wonder why none of the computer-generated "girls" in Playboy have mustaches...

Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |

And finally men as a whole tend to be a lot more self confident about their looks. Regardless the man, most of them believe they look good enough. So fewer of them want to look like johnny Depp in his prime or who ever. While women often lack self confidence about our looks and almost all of us would like to be more attractive and think we should be.
And billions of dollars are being spent every year to keep women feeling that way! :(

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Dark_Mistress wrote:And finally men as a whole tend to be a lot more self confident about their looks. Regardless the man, most of them believe they look good enough. So fewer of them want to look like johnny Depp in his prime or who ever. While women often lack self confidence about our looks and almost all of us would like to be more attractive and think we should be.And billions of dollars are being spent every year to keep women feeling that way! :(
Yep which is often one of the big parts of womens mags, how to look better. lots of ads about products for that ect. Which i think it why women are on the cover of women's mags.

Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |

Lord Fyre wrote:Yep which is often one of the big parts of womens mags, how to look better. lots of ads about products for that ect. Which i think it why women are on the cover of women's mags.Dark_Mistress wrote:And finally men as a whole tend to be a lot more self confident about their looks. Regardless the man, most of them believe they look good enough. So fewer of them want to look like johnny Depp in his prime or who ever. While women often lack self confidence about our looks and almost all of us would like to be more attractive and think we should be.And billions of dollars are being spent every year to keep women feeling that way! :(
Then, why do women buy them?
I mean if the whole point of the cover model is to make women feel worse about themselves, why do women still shell out their money for them?
And why do men buy them?
Yes, I am well aware of "The obvious reason."
But that is part of the problem. Do we need to be "told" what shape/style/age of women to like?
/rant off

pres man |

Stupid in Afghanistan or "How an RPG hit me in the Privates".
I am still trying to work out how you would survive being shot in the happy sack with a rocket propelled grenade?
Rocket propelled grenade? Oh! I thought it was a comment about how someone started playing roleplaying games and they stopped getting any "action". ;)

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Inside Cover: The naked girl who wants to smell your sweat.
An army recruitment poster for the Loyalists.
An Ad for expensive booze.
What happens to horses that dont make it to the finish line.
The People you get to Kill in the up comming war with Iran.
How Porn will make you Impotent.
Ewan McGregor's Sweat in a Bottle.
The Naked girl who wants to ride your Quadbike.
The exjailbait 'Actress/model' you should have in your life.
An ad for Mammoth cloning.
A two page spread on Human trafficking - for those of you interested in where all the naked girls are comming from.
Another Post Jailbait 'Actress/model' you should have in your life.
An Ad for Jason Statham - who cares what film.
The High end X-band Radar on the Oil rig platform - cause the Chinese are the new soviet threat.
Sports stars pulling girls.
Stupid in Afghanistan or "How an RPG hit me in the Privates".
The naked girl you should be filming on your digital camera and watching on your flatscreen.
The naked girl your local council would force you to register and microchip.
More Sports stars pulling girls.
Mercenary Recruitment program. The reason you should kill for money.
A third Post-Jailbait 'Actress/model' you should have in your life.
Getting your girls in the same room for group relations.
Mike Tyson.
Yet another Post Jailbait 'Actress/model' you should have in your life.
"Ship Salvage" in hostile in other peoples waters.
Clothes because you aint old enough for the Uniform and cant afford the Girls.
David Beckham's Sweat.
Again with the Sports stars pulling girls.
Another ad for booze.
Armoured vehicles you could drive if you join up for that war they have all planned out.
Back Cover: How you would look dressed like James Bond.
You realize that you have just described this from a very intimate veiwpoint. Either you bought the magazine and have spent a lot of time with it, or you have been a very bad boy in the store with it. Neither makes me inclined to believe that you actually have any serious problems with the magazines ethics.

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DoveArrow wrote:Lord Fyre wrote:Then, why do women buy them?Why do men buy Rogaine?To make themselves look better.
But, Rogaine does not actually make men feel worse about themselves. It seems that that is a covert objective of advertising directed at women.
Actually the point of the mags are, if you do this, this and that. Buy this, this, and that. Then you to can look like the model on the cover.
To be fair, I personally don't buy them. So my perception of them might be slightly skewed.