Switching of names

Customer Service



Is it possible to have the main profile name changed. I really didn't want to use my real name but I am sort of proud of having the Super Pathfider Charter tag and don't want to lose it ;-)


Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This the the profile that gets the "tags"

The Exchange

Now that I know your true name I shall bind your spirit and make you serve the side of good and righteousness for eternity as penance for the evils your skull-like visage has wrought upon humanity!


Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Fake Healer wrote:
Now that I know your true name I shall bind your spirit and make you serve the side of good and righteousness for eternity as penance for the evils your skull-like visage has wrought upon humanity!

I let you know I ran the tomb of horror not to long ago as a part of the age of worms and I have you know no one died to the Demi-Lich.

The grabed the Sphere at the early part of that adventure and when they found the lich they hit him with the the sphere.

I was most ....sad that the demi lich didn't even get one soul.

Darius Silverbolt wrote:


Is it possible to have the main profile name changed. I really didn't want to use my real name but I am sort of proud of having the Super Pathfider Charter tag and don't want to lose it ;-)

You can only change it yourself up to 10 posts I think.

You might want to tell him what name to change you to.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales


I've switched the profile names around. We don't normally do this because it kinda messes around with our database somewhat, and it may have unintended consequences on your old posts. In order to mitigate this somewhat, you see that I have renamed the sock puppet formerly known as Darius to Paul.



Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Cosmo wrote:


I've switched the profile names around. We don't normally do this because it kinda messes around with our database somewhat, and it may have unintended consequences on your old posts. In order to mitigate this somewhat, you see that I have renamed the sock puppet formerly known as Darius to Paul.


Sir you are the man.

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