sweet alot of hits!
alright, heres the low down for the rifts campaign.
yes it is pbp.
for right now, lets keep it simple and take stuff you find from the rifts campaign book. so if its listed in there, your golden.
BLUF: while i have lots of years being a GM, this is my first time doing a campaign as PBP, and it will be my first time being a GM for rifts, so just bear with me.
as the campaign continues and i gain exp working with this system, ill open it up to new OCC/RCC's from other world books. but agian, for now, just the rifts book.
so, with that being said. lets get the ball rolling on developing some characters and have some serious fun with this!!!


sounds good
story discussion page
the above link is where we will post our story discussions. once i have a third person with a character built and posted, ill get the story rolling. just make a post as your character on here to let me know when your ready...

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I was thinking about an RPA pilot, too, but I'll go with a Cyber-Knight instead if that's what David wants to do and we're limited to core book only. I was thinking something along the lines of a knight working incognito in Coalition lands if that's where we're playing.
EDIT: Just saw you're wanting to do a Coalition campaign ... hmmm. Not sure what I'm down for in that case. Always preferred killing the pseudo-Nazis and takin' their stuff rather than being one.

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Sounds like we're mostly rolling up members of a Coalition squad of some sort. Could I still make a Crazy, perhaps one who's been hired as a mercenary or assigned to the squad as a sort of social experiment by the CS brass? If that won't work, let me know and I'll roll up a Combat 'Borg.
EDIT: Also, I assume we're just rolling 3d6 in order (with the extra die on 16-18, per the book). Is Invisible Castle fine, or do you want to use another site for dice-rolling?

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I would like to play a Undead Slayer; an Atlantean (human) returned to Earth to fight vampires and their ilk. If I remember my RIFTS; the Coalitian is on the boarder with the vampires.
Dewn has said everyone is limited to the Core Book only to start, so slayer is probably out. Also, sounds like he wants everyone to be either Coalition or compatible with the Coalition.

Valegrim |

Dont see why undead slayer wouldnt be capatable; Atlanteans are human stock who left and came back; seems a good story hook. Isnt coalition pretty much just humans; Slayers cant even cast spells; they pretty much are good at resisting vampire effects due to their tatoos and heal fairly fast; but are still ppe and not mdc though anyone can get mdc armor or spells.
hehe Atlantis is hte only book I could find too hehe
if anything not in the rifts or coalition book is out; I suppose I can borrow one and could play a Dogboy or something; hehe anyone want to make a pack? I just thought a undead slayer would be fun; especially with the vamp kingdom close by
Valegrim wrote:I would like to play a Undead Slayer; an Atlantean (human) returned to Earth to fight vampires and their ilk. If I remember my RIFTS; the Coalitian is on the boarder with the vampires.Dewn has said everyone is limited to the Core Book only to start, so slayer is probably out. Also, sounds like he wants everyone to be either Coalition or compatible with the Coalition.

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Dont see why undead slayer wouldnt be capatable; Atlanteans are human stock who left and came back; seems a good story hook. Isnt coalition pretty much just humans; Slayers cant even cast spells; they pretty much are good at resisting vampire effects due to their tatoos and heal fairly fast; but are still ppe and not mdc though anyone can get mdc armor or spells.
hehe Atlantis is hte only book I could find too hehe
if anything not in the rifts or coalition book is out; I suppose I can borrow one and could play a Dogboy or something; hehe anyone want to make a pack? I just thought a undead slayer would be fun; especially with the vamp kingdom close by
It only wouldn't be compatible to start. DEWN MOU'TAIN, has said that this is his first time gamemastering Rifts and that he would like us to only use the core book to start. He'll open up other books as we go along. Other than that, I would welcome a fellow Dogboy. Join the pack my brother! Together we shall hunt those who foul the land with their vile magics and save humanity!

bref_weapon |

Here's my rolls via invisible castle...
(still have to toss on a d6 for the one exceptional stat that I got)
Not what I was envisioning, but I can always play a grunt, provided there is room. I have no problem playing a Coalition Dead Boy.
Humans first!
any room left in this? I can't stand running Rifts but I love the setting...
I would have no idea how to run Palladium over pbp :)
/D20 is a nightmare in itself! :)

Coretta Young, Coalition Stalker |

Here's the bare bones. I guess she could qualify for Specialist, SAM, or Psi Stalker (no attribute requirements?!).
However, playing an officer in another game might make it a little confusing. I'd rather go with an enlisted grunt.
She's an educated Chi-Towner whose parents wanted her to become an English teacher. Instead, she enlisted out of a sense of duty.
And she's freakishly strong, according to the dice.
That's all the character development from me until I know whether I have a spot or not ;)

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Here's my rolls via invisible castle...
(still have to toss on a d6 for the one exceptional stat that I got)Not what I was envisioning, but I can always play a grunt, provided there is room. I have no problem playing a Coalition Dead Boy.
Humans first!
Xaaon of Xen'Drik wrote:any room left in this? I can't stand running Rifts but I love the setting...I would have no idea how to run Palladium over pbp :)
/D20 is a nightmare in itself! :)
you would have to make a DMing avatar and have lots of notes in it.
From my undeerstanding "Ultimate" is just a recompilation of everything and all the Erratta fixed etc. It's compatible.

Valegrim |

From what I read on the Rifts web site; they changed a lot of rules in the Ultimate version; different abilities and a general "fix" to stream line and explain things; but havent campared them.
found something cool; here is a Rifts Character Generator, just paste this into your address bar and check it out.
http://www.webcrawler.com/webcrawler300/ws/results/Web/rifts+character+gene rator/1/417/TopNavigation/Relevance/iq=true/zoom=off/_iceUrlFlag=7?_IceUrl= true&gclid=CIfHoPLOo5sCFQ2fnAodeU1qBg

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Too bad there's not a "link" feature for that generator....cuz I like this roll...
He's not very tough or pretty, but what a pretty mind!!
Character Attributes:
I.Q.: 23
M.E.: 7
M.A.: 15
P.S.: 9
P.P.: 17
P.E.: 14
P.B.: 8
Spd.: 11
Carry weight: 90 lbs.
Lift weight: 180 lbs.
Hit Points: 15
Running Speed:
220 meters/minute
55 meters/melee
8.25 miles/hour
Base Saving Throws
Save vs. Spell Magic: 12
Save vs. Ritual Magic: 16
Save vs. Psionics: 15
Save vs. Toxins: 15
Save vs. Poisons: 16
Save vs. Harmful Drugs: 15
Save vs. Insanity: 12
Save vs. Pain: 16 for Males, 14 for Females
Random Psionics: Major Psionics
Base I.S.P.: 18
Base P.P.E.: 8
can I use it?

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bref_weapon wrote:you would have to make a DMing avatar and have lots of notes in it.I would have no idea how to run Palladium over pbp :)
/D20 is a nightmare in itself! :)
I actually have some ideas for speeding up/simplifying combat that I'll post if we ever hear back from Dewn Mou'tain.


sorry for the lack of response. been having to deal with some family issues that have kept me from getting back on here to write all you back...
first off....NO UNDEAD SLAYER!!! never heard of it until now, so NO! thank you.
second, as i said before, just occ/rcc straight from the original rifts book, havent had a chance to buy the new ultimate rifts book (although i plan to buy it on the first of july with the pay check)
so, that said
3d6 for stats.
level 1 for all characters.
when you have made your character, please make up an alias and name it your characters name, posting the stats under the alias profile page. be sure to include a character background, and have 3 goals your character wishes to accomplish. once its ready for final review, please make a post with the character on the discussion page
well use the website invisible castle for all neccessary rolls once the game starts.

Me'mori |

Hmm.. okay, with it being restricted to the rifts book (picture of a splugorth minion and blind warrior women on the cover?) I'll have to alter my idea. Is Coretta Young going to be a psi-stalker? If she is, I'll make another member of the Dog Pack. If she's going to be a grunt, then I'll make another grunt.

Coretta Young, Coalition Stalker |

I am thinking about recasting her backstory. She'll originally be out of the Coalition State of Lone Star, even if the group is mostly out of Chi-Town.
I was going to change to a Military Specialist/scout (not an intelligence officer, but instead a frontierswoman and Western-style individualist). I am into Westerns, cowboys, that sort of thing right now.
A Coalition Psi-Stalker can fit too.
Plus, a Lone Star Psi-Stalker won't be nearly as likely to treat a dog pack like expendable sub-humans as CS soldiers from elsewhere.
Anyway, I'll try putting Coretta into a Psi-Stalker OCC & background to see how it looks.
I also have the old softcopy with the Keith Parkinson cover. Scary that this book is almost 20 years old now. My book is still in fine condition. If only the same could be said of its owner :)