Any news on the "Game Table"?

4th Edition

Dark Archive

I was just wondering if anyone has heard anything about the D&D Insider virtual Game Table's current status? Or the character creator virtual mini thing that was part of that? Are they still working on it?

If I have unknowingly aggravated a sore spot, please don't send any ninjas after me. I have had three attacks already this week. ;)


Run! news as far as I know...

Dark Archive

I seem to have found the answer to my own question.

Posted on the WOTC forums by a WOTC staff member (April 24th, 2009):

"Previously, we focused all of our energies and effort into making the Character Builder the best tool it could be. We're going to continue that focused effort as we move forward - we're just shifting our attention to the Campaign Tools. This means that we're not actively working on any other unreleased tools, which includes the game table and the character visualizer. Once we have the Campaign Tools out and we're as happy with them as we are with the Character Builder, we'll have a better idea of what our next step is."

Go to the Link here for the full post.

That is too bad...

Currently they are both on the backburner. After the initial difficulties with DDI, and a reduced digital department, they realized they only had the resources to work on one component at a time.

They released the Character Builder first (currently available as part of DDI, or as a free demo for levels 1-3). They then had a survey and collected data from several sources to see what was the most in demand product to next work on - a Campaign Manager ended up being the clear choice, so that is what is currently under production.

Exact details on that are not yet available, but it seems likely it will include updated versions of the monster builder and encounter builder, as well as presumably the Dungeon Builder originally planned as part of DDI, and potentially other resources handy for running a campaign.

Once that is complete, they will again be evaluating to determine what next to work on - it seems likely that the Game Table would be next on the list, but even if that is the case, it remains a significant way off. The Character Visualizer is essentially in the same place, and largely considered even less important of a project (though I can see them eventually implementing it as part of the Character Builder.) But again, a ways off.

Hope that answers your question, even if it wasn't the news you were looking for!

Dark Archive

Matthew Koelbl wrote:

Hope that answers your question, even if it wasn't the news you were looking for!

It does and no it wasn't the news I was hoping for! :(


Dark Archive

Larry Latourneau wrote:


Not again! ;)

Given that they've decided to focus on one application at a time (and given the success of the Character Builder) I think it is very likely that the Game Table will be next up on the list after the Campaign Manager suite. I have to admit, though, I loved the decision to do a suite of DM's tools next. Not only does it make sense from a progression standpoint (player tools, followed by DM tools, followed by online support for the game itself), but it's an application I can see getting a ton of use out of if it lives up to the same caliber of product as the Character Builder.

So far it's vaporware. How likely that is to change seems to be a matter of great controversy. Personally, I'm not holding my breath, but I'd love to be proven wrong.

I was thinking about this myself recently. I reconnected with a guy who I used to game with in high school. He lives is Japan now. He hasn't played since 1e, but recently got the itch again after finding some old 1e books in a used book store there. I'm thinking of trying to get together some from that old group for a pbp 4e game. But it would be my first try at DMing (or playing) 4e, and I haven't done a pbp before, which is why I was wondering about the "Game Table". I've looked at some of the threads on popular online tabletops. Any favorites among you guys here?

There are many ways to do play by post games as there are a multitude of sites out there for it. Or you can set up your own private board somewhere for the game as well. The 'Game Table' is not a play by post application it was suppose to be something akin to things like Fantasy Grounds and Maptools which is a play by chat format with extra features such as a virtual tabletop for miniatures and combat.

The Online Tabletop I'm most familiar with is Pygon's TTopRPG. It has been a while since I have used it, but I'm quite happy to see one of the latest updates.

While I haven't used it as much, there is also GlitterComm, I also haven't used this in quite a while so I'm not sure how it is currently.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

That's too bad, as the Game Table was the only thing about the DDI that really interested me.

Fantasy Grounds II is very nice and has a 4e ruleset available, created by fans. The program itself costs money though, for both the DM and players (though it's a one time expense).

In free options you've got:

TTop is supposed to be very good also, is free, and the developer hangs out on the Paizo chat -- he's usually willing to run demos for folks.

The developer for Glittercom also hangs out on occasion at the Paizo chat, so you might consider that also.

Maptool, part of the suite of tools, is also pretty good and free. It has a great community who are helpful if you have problems and need help.

- Ashavan

Thanks for the suggestions. MapTools looks to be the best fit, at least for a start.

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