cthulhudarren |
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My pcs look like they won't make it to 5th level after BG, as they are still 3rd level while sailing home to Vanderboren manor. Any ideas on adventures to bridge the gap? I may go with something inspired by the regional map, though the stuff for the rust and fire dungeon is much too high ECL. I also don't want to use war of the wielded.
Or is it better to keep them lower level and beef up the shrine of Tomoachan. I intended to beef that up a bit more like the original module anyway.

Bacchreus |

I'm currently running my group through SWW and instead of the first fort that you come to I have changed it to the module The last breaths of Ashenport from Dungeon 152. Its available on wizards site free. Very excellent module heavily involving a Dagon cult.
Its for 6th level but scaling it down shouldn't be a problem.Also incidentally the module has a makeover into 4th ed in dungeon 156 which is also available for free at wizards. I found the skill challenge info in the 4th ed version gave me some more insight on the situation + the art is better which is good for handouts.
I'm also going to be using the module Tammerauts from dungeon 106 instead of the destroyed fort. It's also scaled for 6th and is also referenced in TBG at Krakens cove (the ship name with the missing letters). So this might also be worth a look.
Hope this helps

Humble Minion |

I second Tammeraut's Fate. I thought hard about including it myself, but I already had War of the Wielded going and two bridging adventures would have been too much. Really nice adventure, though I like the first half much better than the second half. You might want to be a bit careful about how much underwater-type treasure you give out though, just to keep things interesting through SWW.

Bellona |

I'm currently running my group through SWW and instead of the first fort that you come to I have changed it to the module The last breaths of Ashenport from Dungeon 152. Its available on wizards site free. Very excellent module heavily involving a Dagon cult.
Its for 6th level but scaling it down shouldn't be a problem.Also incidentally the module has a makeover into 4th ed in dungeon 156 which is also available for free at wizards. I found the skill challenge info in the 4th ed version gave me some more insight on the situation + the art is better which is good for handouts.
I've skimmed briefly the 4e version of Ashenport, and it looks as though they beefed up some boss encounters which were a bit weak in the 3.5 version (at least when I ran it). This is a good thing in my view, and could easily be incorporated into the 3.5 version.

Robert Hradek |

Paizo's own W2 River into Darkness is what I am using. Basically I'm having the consortium in that module be one of the companies that the Vanderboren's owed money to. So in order to pay the debt, Lavinia sends the PC's on this adventure to go into the jungle on a riverboat and help defend a beseiged trading post, that may not be morally worth saving.
It is for 4th level pc's, but it has a few dangerous high CR encounters, as any good adventure should.

cthulhudarren |

Paizo's own W2 River into Darkness is what I am using. Basically I'm having the consortium in that module be one of the companies that the Vanderboren's owed money to. So in order to pay the debt, Lavinia sends the PC's on this adventure to go into the jungle on a riverboat and help defend a beseiged trading post, that may not be morally worth saving.
It is for 4th level pc's, but it has a few dangerous high CR encounters, as any good adventure should.
Very good idea! What did you do about the boat?
Your thoughts are appreciated!

Robert Hradek |

Very good idea! What did you do about the boat? ** spoiler omitted **
I also want to trim it down so that the characters are only at level 5 at the end, per the SWW requirements.Your thoughts are appreciated!
Though if you don't like the magic engine, what would it be, steam powered? hampster wheel powered? I guess you could have a metal part break that there isn't a spare for. Being in the jungle the only option would be to temporarily carve a new part from an ironwood tree that happens to grow on top of a cave near a waterfall.
Well, for my game, being that my players aren't uber minmaxers, I want them to be at least level 6 before SWW. mostly because I want to add other stuff in along the journey, but also because some of the encounters, like the ooze, are really deadly.
But if you want them to be 5th, then just have creatures run away. The creatures are native to the jungle, so they should know how to get around better than the pc's. Other than that, just nerf the big bad guys into a lower CR.

Chef's Slaad |

I'm considering a partial rewrite of the bullywug gambit. The premises is that Hedrath Kellani (the mother of Rowyn) is behind the bullywug assault on the Vanderboren Manor. I'm also writing in a wormfall ball and a big tournament (in the Arena) as part of the Wormfall festival. I'n not sure how I want to link these events yet.
One direction of thought is that Hedrath wants to ruin the party's reputaion (much like they ruined Rowyn's) and then she wants to kill them. She'll sabotage the party during the wormfall ball where they'll recieve the Orren Cross for services provided to the city. Their presentation marred, she will then engineer an assault on the Vanderboren Manor, thereby demonstrating their inability to prorect their own patron.
I'm stille a bit sketchy on why the bullywugs don't kill Larissa outright, though.
Any comments, thoughts?

ironregime |
I inserted Last Breaths of Ashenport from #152 (at Blackwell) pretty much as written, Dragon Hunters from #104 (half-way to Tamoachan), expanded Tamoachan, and slotted in Rana Mor from #86 beyond Tamoachan, in addition to a couple of self-written side treks along the way.
I would speak to plans for Tammeraut's Fate and some others modules as well, but my players may be lurking....

Luna eladrin |

I added Tammeraut's fate as an extra island in SWW. I also introduced an extra NPC. He stole an Olman relic from Syrgaul Tammeraut, and fled with it to Firewatch Island, where he hid in the hermitage. That was the reason Syrgaul Tammeraut attacked the island.
I let the players find clues about the location of the Olman item, starting with the piece of the Tammeraut in BWG. Another clue was that they heard a bard singing a song about the daring escape of the Olman relic thief, mocking the Scarlet Brotherhood. This bard was giving a performance during the Wormfall Festival, which I changed to a festival week, so that I could include some extra activities for the players.

Bacchreus |

I'm going to be using Tammerauts fate in place of the 2nd fort landing, you know the destroyed one, can't remember its name. I haven't worked out the final details yet but I'll be keeping it mostly as written but I may shorten it a little because of giving away too much xp. Essentially I want to get accross to the group that great evil is happening all over the world and they are heading to the heart of it.
I've also previously run a demogorgon cult in Sasserine which they fought, in fact I completely transposed the temple from fogmire (HTBM)with alterations under the historians guild which worked great. That and also using Last breaths of Ashenport are giving me a focussed link to Demogorgon & Dagon all the way through the campaign which my players have really noticed.
To compensate I'm also wiping the sargasso, some of the minor encounters and the result of the final storm, mainly because I'm not fond of the no choice aspects in the encounters plus I don't want xp overload. essentially when they get to the Island apart from stopping off to rescue passengers from a run aground sister ship being terrorised by a T-Rex the party will go straight into TOD.
Also as a start to TOD I'm adding Torrents of Dread from Dungeon 114 for the partys introduction to the Olmans.

Mykull |

And now for something completely different:
I used Palace of the Twisted King from #116 in between TBG and SWW.
I knew my players were going to be on a boat for several gaming sessions and I wanted to give them a bit of variety while they were leveling.
Abernathy, the merchant from Dead Man's Quest (#107) went off in search of a map to the halfling homeland, which is more or less on the way to the Isle of Dread. The PC's were motivated to find him because they liked him and they wanted the map.
They're on SWW now, but they enjoyed the different environment. It was interesting to see these fishes out of water deal with the climate of a desert.

Hagor |

Good suggestions everyone! I will certainly look into them.
My players will visit Kraken's Cove in the near future, so I'm also looking ahead. Some other ideas I'm toying with:
(FYI: I will probably drop the bullywugs at Lavinia's & heavily modify SWW)
- After Kraken's Cove, visit the tomb of everflowing blood (from Mad God's Key) (inhabited by BW or lizardmen + meet Vanthus) (need some work)
- Forsaken Arch (dungeon #120): very nice setting - I always wanted to run it. In addition, PCs already met some Kenku in Sasserine (allies of LD).
- The pathfinder society scenario in the Opera: the bard PC rolled a natural 20 when entertaining the crowds at Pedro's Chocolate Bar & he got invited to perform at the Opera House...
- Tamaraut's Fate is a very good suggestion, and I had great fun running it in the past.

cthulhudarren |

I'm going to be using Tammerauts fate in place of the 2nd fort landing,
Question for everyone who used/is using Tammeraut's Fate, it looks like a decent part of the plot dynamics is that the players are stuck on the island. Obviously this isn't going to happen with the Sea Wyvern. What changes if any did you make to account for this and keep the drama factor high? I already figured to change the first scene to a drowning at sea that they discover.

![]() |

Question for everyone who used/is using Tammeraut's Fate, it looks like a decent part of the plot dynamics is that the players are stuck on the island. Obviously this isn't going to happen with the Sea Wyvern. What changes if any did you make to account for this and keep the drama factor high? I already figured to change the first scene to a drowning at sea that they discover.
Unfavourable winds, or none at all. If they arrive early evening then the drowned ones might attack the ship. Ohh zombies making holes in the bottom of your boat, ooohhhh. ;)

Hagor |

Bacchreus wrote:I'm going to be using Tammerauts fate in place of the 2nd fort landing,Question for everyone who used/is using Tammeraut's Fate, it looks like a decent part of the plot dynamics is that the players are stuck on the island. Obviously this isn't going to happen with the Sea Wyvern. What changes if any did you make to account for this and keep the drama factor high? I already figured to change the first scene to a drowning at sea that they discover.
Going from memory here - and I didn't run it in a Savage Tide context.
I think IMC there was some bad weather coming and since the ship was too big to enter the harbor of the Island, it dropped the PCs and went for shelter elsewhere on the coast (with clear orders to return asap).

Bacchreus |

I was planning on putting dangerous shoals etc near the pier and letting them know that it can only handle smaller boats so the SW will have to stand too off shore which will effectively put it out of the action for the evening.
+ zombies sinking their small boat if necessary to stop them getting away.
although I doubt if that will be necessary for my group as they don't seem to worry about being away from the ship.

Luna eladrin |

The Sea Wyvern could not reach the shallow waters around the island, so the party went to the island with two smaller boats. I had them reach the island late in the afternoon, so when the party was through investigating the hermitage and defeating the peryton it was already getting dark and the zombies were already approaching. So they had no chance of going back to their boats, since the path in-between was full of zombies.

Kurukami |

A related thread lead me towards "Huzza's Goblin-o-War", from Dungeon #63. A hill giant has convinced a tribe of goblins and a margoyle pack to work with him as pirates on the high seas! *grin* It's a short little intermission from the long journey, and should work well as an aside if you run it after they leave Sasserine but before they get beyond the Amedio Peninsula.

ironregime |
Question for everyone who used/is using Tammeraut's Fate, it looks like a decent part of the plot dynamics is that the players are stuck on the island. Obviously this isn't going to happen with the Sea Wyvern. What changes if any did you make to account for this and keep the drama factor high?
Like Bacchreus, I inserted Tammeraut's Fate as Fort Greenrock. Instead of having been attacked by zombies (which seem overly common already in this AP), I had the locale be ground zero for a second savage tide. This allowed the players to be relatively certain that Kraken Cove wasn't a fluke and that Vanthus had passed this way ahead of them.
I expected my players not to stay a night on the isle, and didn't want to force them into it, so the best aspects of Tammeraut's Fate (the night time) wouldn't have come into play anyway.

Fantomas |
cthulhudarren wrote:Question for everyone who used/is using Tammeraut's Fate, it looks like a decent part of the plot dynamics is that the players are stuck on the island. Obviously this isn't going to happen with the Sea Wyvern. What changes if any did you make to account for this and keep the drama factor high?Like Bacchreus, I inserted Tammeraut's Fate as Fort Greenrock. Instead of having been attacked by zombies (which seem overly common already in this AP), I had the locale be ground zero for a second savage tide. This allowed the players to be relatively certain that Kraken Cove wasn't a fluke and that Vanthus had passed this way ahead of them.
I expected my players not to stay a night on the isle, and didn't want to force them into it, so the best aspects of Tammeraut's Fate (the night time) wouldn't have come into play anyway.
Wow... thank you! I am going to do this!
This thread has been extremely helpful. I had been planning on running War of the Wielded, but then decided to check out Tammeraut and I like it alot.

Bacchreus |

cthulhudarren wrote:Question for everyone who used/is using Tammeraut's Fate, it looks like a decent part of the plot dynamics is that the players are stuck on the island. Obviously this isn't going to happen with the Sea Wyvern. What changes if any did you make to account for this and keep the drama factor high?Like Bacchreus, I inserted Tammeraut's Fate as Fort Greenrock. Instead of having been attacked by zombies (which seem overly common already in this AP), I had the locale be ground zero for a second savage tide. This allowed the players to be relatively certain that Kraken Cove wasn't a fluke and that Vanthus had passed this way ahead of them.
I expected my players not to stay a night on the isle, and didn't want to force them into it, so the best aspects of Tammeraut's Fate (the night time) wouldn't have come into play anyway.
Thanks Ironregime, you can cosider that idea swiped in some form for my version aswell

Bacchreus |

I had him in the final encounter room trussed up on the altar and let the group save him from being altered. then I'm going to just reskin the slaad as a fish demon that erupts out of him in the next day or two on the journey. I'll do a scene where hes feeling sick and itching with sweat pouring off him while he's shaking with cold. Then he'll start clawing at his flesh to reveal fish scale skin and the monster will step out of him like a suit. (nice and gory)
That should have the party running around trying to work out if anyone else had narrow escapes which will give me more chance to use Rowyn creatively.

ironregime |
Hey, sorry for the abrupt resurrection, but for anyone who ran Last Breaths of Ashenport (Dungeon 152 on the Wizard's site), what did you do with Father Feres and the blue slaad encounter?
Father Feres acted very nervous in Blackwell/Ashenport. The PCs lost track of him, and they didn't think anything of it until much later when he became ill. They managed to save him, and he 'fessed up about having been abducted in Blackwell. It ended up being a creepy reminder of the horrors of that town, rather than a Slaad slugfest.