PC adventuring group names.

Savage Tide Adventure Path

My PCs never like to come up with names for their group, so I made up one for them. It was tongue in cheek, for a bit of fun. I had people start calling them:

Lavinia's Aggressive Reconnaissance Patrol

None of us are into LARPing at all, so we all have a bit of a nervous embarrassed laugh at this.

Did/does your group have an interesting name? Or did they not have one at all?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

My player's named themselves the SWORD, Sacred Warriors of Righteous Destruction. Pretty apt name for a group of dedicated demonslayers!

When we played through, the group only got their name after defeating the Lotus Dragons if I remember correctly. They named themselves Kira-Hasu which means Lotus Killers. We got a kick out of beating Rowyn twice in an Adventure Path.

Sovereign Court

We had a group in Living Greyhawk called the Dawn Riders. Interesting little organization.

Liberty's Edge

We had a group that went by Glacier, one that went by Quin'drel, and one that was Vlos Sol (I think thats right).

Always fun to see what the company comes up with/agrees upon.


my pcs began from IoD, so i decided that some of them were olmans prince
(as said in IoD, some olman prince are in temporal stasis.. obviously malcanthet reincarnated or cloned them in some way)

so.. they don't remember exactly their past.
They remember a great fight with demons
and a huge explosion on the isle (the first savage tide)

the amber is a substance that for them represent a mysterious past.
and tears represent their failure during the fight with the demons.

Silver Crusade

Eye of the Beholder.

We were a band.

In another game set in the Conan-verse, we were collectively known as The House of Shackled Souls. Our base of operations was pretty damn haunted. The irony here being that I came up with the name yet I was the only one who wasn't really a house member(it pays to stay freelance in Stygia).

My players fought over this for several sessions.

Four Roses and Red Roses were the two suggestions that came closest to being accepted.

In the end, they did not take on a name.

After making fun of the Jade Ravens and the Blue Nixie my group apparently decided that everything should use the naming convention [color or material] [animal or monster]. They named their group the Silver Beetles. They also renamed the Sea Wyvern, it is now the Bronze Dragon.

Morrow wrote:
After making fun of the Jade Ravens and the Blue Nixie my group apparently decided that everything should use the naming convention [color or material] [animal or monster]. They named their group the Silver Beetles. They also renamed the Sea Wyvern, it is now the Bronze Dragon.

Don't they realize that renaming a ship is bad luck!

My PCs are planning on doing the same thing, even though one (the captain) says in his character writeup that he is superstitious. I take this as a role playing fail. I am trying to play up the superstition element for the crew and ship, I'm going to borrow an idea I got here, that Avner shoots an Albatross and the crew screams of bad luck... then do journey's end.

My group's PCs are together only because their (usually divergent) personal goals happen to coincide for the time being. There's really no impetus for a group name; it would just seem silly and contrived.

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