Deathless (4e)


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female half elf cleric/ranger 7

Good question. Where is the nearest temple to Melora?

Hasnett nods and prepares to leave. "I think the stars may have more answers than any library, but let's start with the books."

Male Half-Elf Warlock 7
Hasnett wrote:

Good question. Where is the nearest temple to Melora?

Hasnett nods and prepares to leave. "I think the stars may have more answers than any library, but let's start with the books."

"Books can carry a great deal of information," Elohir says prophetically, clutching his leather bound volume to his chest.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

By the stars and moons, it is still the early hours of morning when the group are escorted back to the gates of Xan's estate. Melora's temple near the main harbor is likely to be quiet at this time.

female half elf cleric/ranger 7

Hasnett leads the motley band to the temple and looks around.

"Give me a hand here. I don't know what I'm looking for."

OK. So hunting for information about new born gods, death gods, previous changes in weather patten, abrupt changes in landscape, sudden appearance of new lifeforms. Either recently or in the past. What kind of rolls would you like for all that? Assuming that we can do it without some bunch of randomly disguised cultists jumping on our heads.

Male Half-Elf Warlock 7

Elohir looks ill-at-ease at the temple, but follows Hasnett wherever she goes.

"It is....very nice Hasnett," says Elohir between nervous glances. "Are you sure the rest of temple will not mind us all going inside together? I could wait outside. Also, the stars will start to fade as morning approaches and I will not get a good reading then. It could take awhile."

female half elf cleric/ranger 7

"It's only a building Elohir, you don't have to be polite about it just because it belongs to my goddess. She's not like Erathis, she doesn't fuss about architecture."

She considers the twitchy one.

"Wait outside if you have work to do, but may I call you if there's anything you can help with?"

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Funny Hasnett should mention that. Before you get there . . .

The streets between the upper manors and the harbor are what pass for wide and sport occasional oil lamps at this hour, but the overall effect is one of gloom, made worse by the multi-story buildings lining the main ways.

You have been walking for perhaps five minutes when a cloaked and hooded figure steps from a nearby alley and calls in a cheery voice. "Hold, what have we here? Five walkers out in the night, armed, but with an irresistible look of wealth. Perhaps I'll relieve you of it."

Passive Insight 21:

Not a thief.

Map update coming soon. Roll initiative.

Female Halfling Rogue 7

Initiative (1d20+9=29)
I would suspect there is a strong possibility that Hoku may go first.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Dang, don't waste those, people!

Map is up. Yellow squares are oil lamps, shedding bright light in burst 2. They do not impede movement. Everything else is dim light. Please place yourselves between B12 and H16, inclusive.

Female Halfling Rogue 7

F13, please

Male Half-Elf Warlock 7

Elohir glares at the figure.

"We do not have time for such petty troubles. We have dealt with gods and giant beasts and have little concern over some common street trash. Leave us be or I see a messy end for you."

Initiative 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Put me at G13

female half elf cleric/ranger 7

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 - Hasnett continues the tradition of blowing decent rolls on init.

"You're not a thief. What do you want with us?"

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Need locations from Irawaru and Aden and init from Irawaru


Male Human Barbarian 7

1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

J12 please

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7
Irawaru wrote:


J12 please

J12 is out of bounds; no further forward than H, please.

Male Human Barbarian 7

Sorry, missed that. H12, please.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

"Not a thief?" A guttural laugh. "Then I'll just relieve you of your lives."



Female Halfling Rogue 7

Hoku dashes forward. "If plans to kill, shouldn't yap so much, hey?"

Move to L15. Trick Strike: 1d20+13=23 vs m1 AC. If Hit: 3d4+7+2d8 damage = 5+7+8=20 damage, and slide foe to K15. Any time Hoku hits M1 this encounter, she may slide him 1 square.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Hoku misses the cloaked figure in the shadows.

Dim light penalty made the difference.


Female Halfling Rogue 7

Forgot to mention: Hoku will use Second Chance the first time an attack hits her.

Male Half-Elf Warlock 7

Elohir looks confusedly at Hasnett after her response.

"What do you mean? Do you know this person?

female half elf cleric/ranger 7
Elohir Miriel wrote:

Elohir looks confusedly at Hasnett after her response.

"What do you mean? Do you know this person?

"No. But I know people. He's not an ordinary footpad. Be careful."

She grins slightly. "Of course, we're not exactly ordinary either. It may balance out."

Holding my action for the time being

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

"Ah, they fight back." The mugger(?) drops back slightly into the shadows of the alley and launches a psychic attack on the halfling. "Forget, little woman." But the attack has no effect. Then he roars "Kill the priestess!"

Memory Ripper vs Will 1d20 + 12 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 12 - 2 = 13.

A second cloaked figure steps out from the deep shadows of the alley acorrs and gestures at Hasnett. Hasnett feels the moisture rapidly leaving her body.

Desiccating Curse vs Fort 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30. Damage 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 1) + 3 = 7 untyped, and Hasnett takes -2 to all defenses (se).

Aden - on delay
Hasnett - -2 to defenses (se)

female half elf cleric/ranger 7

Engraged at the disruption to their mission, Hasnett barges past Hoku and slams her morningstar into the loudmouth, sending bolts of lightning arcing around him.

"It's been a long day. A lot's happened. You are in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Move to L16
Hunter's Quarry on M1
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30 - Bolts of Warding.
25hp lightning damage for crit. 2d6 ⇒ (2, 5) = 7 - weapon crit damage. 1d6 ⇒ 1 - Hunter's Quarry damage. Total 33 damage. He's knocked prone (weapon property on crit)

Additional for the Bolts of Warding: Until the end of your next turn, any enemy takes 5 lightning damage if it ends its turn adjacent to any ally within 5 squares of you.

1d20 ⇒ 1 - in the midst of her other achievements, she fails to save.

AP to shift out of the way to M15 beside Hoku.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

"You will regret that," the figure says from the ground in the alley.

Map improved -- yellow is bright light, clear is dim light (concealment against those with normal vision), gray is dark (total concealment).

Going to give Aden some time to react before more baddies go.

Aden - on delay
m1 - prone. Until the end of Hasnett's next turn, takes 5 lightning damage if it ends its turn adjacent to any ally within 5 squares of her. Until end of encounter, each time Hoku hits the target she slides it 1 square.
Hasnett - -2 to defenses (se)

female half elf cleric/ranger 7
pat512 wrote:

"You will regret that," the figure says from the ground in the alley.

"Probably. I said it's been a long day."

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Two men and two women, all armed with longswords, rush out of the next alleyway on the cloaked one's commands, charging at Hasnett. Three of them are able to get attacks in on the priestess, two of them connecting.

Longsword vs AC: m3 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 10 + 1 = 15; m4 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 10 + 1 = 30; m5 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 10 + 1 = 21. Forgot the low-light penalty, but also forgot Hasnett's -2, so two hits, -8hp to Hasnett

A seventh figure, with shortsword and leather armor, advances carefully but quickly out of the shadows whence the caster came and moves in behind Hasnett, thrusting through a vulnerability in her armor.

Shortsword with CA vs AC: m7 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 12 + 2 = 30 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 4) + 2 = 7 CA dice 2d6 ⇒ (5, 2) = 7 -14hp to Hasnett; total this round -22hp to Hasnett

Aden, realizing the danger Hasnett is in, moves in to flank the thug. He swings his khopesh with the characteristic sound of thunder. Thanks to the thug's focus on Hasnett, Aden connects, also forcing the enemy's attention on him..

Aegis of shielding on m7. Booming blade against m7 AC, with CA: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 11 + 2 = 21 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13


m1 (leader) - prone. Until the end of Hasnett's next turn, takes 5 lightning damage if it ends its turn adjacent to any ally within 5 squares of her. Until end of encounter, each time Hoku hits the target she slides it 1 square.
m2 (caster)
Hasnett - -2 to defenses (se)
m3-m6 (minions)
m7 (thug) - under Aden's aegis; marked, and if hits target with attack excluding Aden, damage reduced by 6. Under Aden's booming blade for one turn -- if target starts next to Aden and moves away, takes 1d6+1 necrotic and thunder.

female half elf cleric/ranger 7

Just on bloodied.

"At least they've come out of the woodwork," Hasnett looks resigned as multiple foes attack her.

"How kind of you to gather to listen to the words of Melora," she addresses the crowd around her.

"One of her precepts is the prevent the rampant spread of cities and empires. I do believe you qualify."

Male Half-Elf Warlock 7

Elohir's eyes fill with pitch and he places a guttural curse on m2.

"N,gha, hai!" he says, and m2 feels the weight of Elohir's darkest nightmares upon him.

Elohir then recklessly runs by Aden as shadows swirl to conceal him.

"I apologize in advance Master Aden, but I do not think I can hold this back completely!" says Elohir in passing.

Pat, if the clear areas are already low-light and my shadow walk also gives me concealment, do they stack to give me total concealment? I don't have my books with me on campus or I'd look it up myself.

With a scream, inky black tendrils burst forth from Elohir's shadowy form and envelope the surrounding enemies and the unfortunate Aden. When he opens his eyes again, Elohir looks at Aden with absolute horror.

"No, no, no! Not again! Not again!" he begins muttering, pulling on his tussled hair.

Minor Action: Curse m2
Move Action: Move to M12, gaining concealment from Shadow Walk.
Standard Action: Hunger of Hadar vs. REF:

  • 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30 vs. Aden
  • 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29 vs. m2
  • 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26 vs. m5
  • 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23 vs. m6
  • 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 vs. m7
  • 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13 damage and on a hit, target is pushed 3 squares away.
    m2 will take 13 + 1d6 ⇒ 13 + (6) = 19 on a hit. Aden, unfortunately, takes 14 + 2d6 ⇒ 14 + (5, 1) = 20 CRIT damage, but I won't push him.

  • Male Human Barbarian 7

    Charge to L12, attacking m2 with Basic Melee.

    1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 161d12 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

    "COME GET SOME!!!!!!!!!!"

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7

    If no objections, I'm going to resolve the last two posts in posting order rather than init order, or it will be even more confusing than it is. Probably late this evening, after live game.

    Male Human Barbarian 7

    No probs, I'll Delay after our deranged Warlock.... :D

    female half elf cleric/ranger 7

    As Elohir explodes with suppressed power, Hasnett just hears his anguished cry above the noise and makes a mental note to ask the warlock what he's talking about. If she survives to do so.

    Male Half-Elf Warlock 7

    " was not supposed to be like that. Hasnett, heal Aden, heal him! I hurt him! I hurt him!" cries an anguished Elohir.

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7

    Would Elohir rather draw an OA from m2 or m7 on his way to square M12? I don't see how he can avoid both. Granted, there will be a concealment penalty.

    Re concealment, I'm fairly sure they do not accumulate. But warlock concealment would help against low-light vision or darkvision, so there's still potential benefit.

    Male Half-Elf Warlock 7
    pat512 wrote:

    Would Elohir rather draw an OA from m2 or m7 on his way to square M12? I don't see how he can avoid both. Granted, there will be a concealment penalty.

    Re concealment, I'm fairly sure they do not accumulate. But warlock concealment would help against low-light vision or darkvision, so there's still potential benefit.

    Elohir is provoking from m7 because m7 is currently marked by an Aegis of Shielding. He'll have a -2 to hit me and Aden will be able to reduce the damage. He may not want to ever do it again AFTER the attack though. :)

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7

    The thug thrusts at Elohir as the warlock stalks past, but Aden's shielding magic reduces the blow to a scratch.

    OA vs AC 1d20 + 12 - 2 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 12 - 2 - 2 = 22 2d6 + 2 - 6 ⇒ (4, 1) + 2 - 6 = 1 -1hp to Elohir

    The shadow then overtakes Elohir, and several of the attackers -- and one ally. The enemy warlock screams in terror at the mere echo of what Elohir faces nightly, and two of the attackers simply fall dead in their tracks.

    The thug escapes the worst of the fear, perhaps due to lack of imagination, but Aden is not so fortunate. As noted, -20hp to Aden

    Elohir, where do you want to push m2? This will probably alter Irawaru's action, though per my usual practice, not his die roll.

    Elohir - resolve push
    Irawaru - wait on Elohir
    m1 (leader) - prone. Until the end of Hasnett's next turn, takes 5 lightning damage if it ends its turn adjacent to any ally within 5 squares of her. Until end of encounter, each time Hoku hits the target she slides it 1 square.
    m2 (caster) - cursed
    Hasnett - -2 to defenses (se)
    m3-m6 (minions)
    m7 (thug) - under Aden's aegis; marked, and if hits target with attack excluding Aden, damage reduced by 6. Under Aden's booming blade for one turn -- if target starts next to Aden and moves away, takes 1d6+1 necrotic and thunder.

    Male Half-Elf Warlock 7
    pat512 wrote:

    Elohir, where do you want to push m2? This will probably alter Irawaru's action, though per my usual practice, not his die roll.

    Push m2 to K10 please.

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7

    The warlock backs into the alley in his panic.

    Irawaru - previous action n/a
    Hoku - probably best to wait this time
    m1 (leader) - prone. Until the end of Hasnett's next turn, takes 5 lightning damage if it ends its turn adjacent to any ally within 5 squares of her. Until end of encounter, each time Hoku hits the target she slides it 1 square.
    m2 (caster) - cursed
    Hasnett - -2 to defenses (se)
    m3-m6 (minions)
    m7 (thug) - under Aden's aegis; marked, and if hits target with attack excluding Aden, damage reduced by 6. Under Aden's booming blade for one turn -- if target starts next to Aden and moves away, takes 1d6+1 necrotic and thunder.

    female half elf cleric/ranger 7

    "I'll heal him, Elohir, calm down. This is not the time to have a personal crisis."

    Hasnett's tone is not unsympathetic, but she is still grimly aware of incoming enemies.

    Male Human Barbarian 7

    Melee Basic Attack on m2, moving me to K11. Using previous roll -1.

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7

    Miss. Hoku.

    Female Halfling Rogue 7

    Cannot access map for a few hours, so Hoku will Delay.

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7
    Hoku Te Ulani wrote:
    Cannot access map for a few hours, so Hoku will Delay.


    Today's a travel day, and Hoku probably really doesn't want to do that. Post when you can. FYI, and my GMs please take note, day-long meetings Thursday and Friday with minimal access, but should be able to post evenings. Also, please check your e-mail.

    Female Halfling Rogue 7

    Nimbly, Hoku slips around to flank one of Hasnett's foes and goes for a kidney strike with her dagger.

    Tumble to Flank H4 (? I think that was the one I could flank). Sly Flourish vs AC 1d20+15=35 - crit. Damage: 1d4(max)+10+2d8(max)+1d12=1d12+27=31 hp.

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7

    Hoku's target slumps to the ground without even time to cry out.

    The leader rises to his feet, growling. He attempts his invocation again, this time at Hasnett. "Forget, priestess!" Hasnett feels her skills draining away, and she is helpless to stop it.

    Memory Ripper v. Will, w/cover 1d20 + 12 - 2 ⇒ (11) + 12 - 2 = 21 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 1) + 6 = 8 Keep forgetting concealment, but also forgot her -2 to defenses, so hit. Snake-eyes on damage. 8 psychic to Hasnett, and unable to use encounter, daily, or utility powers (se).

    The enemy warlock, fear in his own eyes, suddenly takes on a grim visage and reaches out to Irawaru, who falls back, experiencing a completely unaccustomed terror. The caster then steps back into the darkness.

    Fell Touch v. Ref 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10. Hits even with concealment. 10 psychic to Irawaru and pushed.

    Hasnett - -2 to defenses (se); no encounter, daily, or utility powers (se)
    m3 (minion)
    m7 (thug) - under Aden's aegis; marked, and if hits target with attack excluding Aden, damage reduced by 6. Under Aden's booming blade for one turn -- if target starts next to Aden and moves away, takes 1d6+1 necrotic and thunder.
    m1 (leader) - Until the end of Hasnett's next turn, takes 5 lightning damage if it ends its turn adjacent to any ally within 5 squares of her. Until end of encounter, each time Hoku hits the target she slides it 1 square.
    m2 (caster) - cursed

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