J-Rod's Hollow's Last Hope


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Initiative: Cauldron 17; Rogan 9; Omen 6.

The cauldron springs up on four iron legs in the shape of human arms ending in fists and charges at Omen.


Omen easily dodges the lumbering object as it bends down slightly and attempts to bite him.

I'll go for Steve since there's only one logical option here and it won't be until later this evening before he can jump back in. Steve, feel free to announce a retcon and we'll re-do this if you want.

Rogan, seeing the cauldron attacking Omen, clenches his fists and moves in to attack.

Flurry of blows!
1d20-1=(19) (Rolled Natural 20)... 1d20-1=(7) (does not confirm)
Damage roll: 1d6=(5)
Damage roll: 1d6=(3)

Rogan lands two solid punches near the center of the cauldron.

Rogan, your fists sting slightly and it does not seem like you have done any damage.

Omen's up.


Omen will take a five-foot step and position himself so that he and Rogan are flanking the cauldron. He will then draw his club and take a swing at the twisted device.

Attack Roll/Damage Roll: I tried rolling the d20 and the d6 at the same time and it looks ugly here. I got a 6 to hit and a 4 for damage =\

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:

Omen will take a five-foot step and position himself so that he and Rogan are flanking the cauldron. He will then draw his club and take a swing at the twisted device.

Attack Roll/Damage Roll: I tried rolling the d20 and the d6 at the same time and it looks ugly here. I got a 6 to hit and a 4 for damage =\


Omen moves to the opposite side of the cauldron and swings his club at the iron object. Unfortunately the club just seems to bounce off the shell of the animated cauldron.

Cauldron's turn

The creature spins around on it's unnatural legs and again attempts to bite Omen with it's unnatural mouth.

Attack roll: 1d20+2=(14); Damage: 1d8+1=(6)
Improved Grab: 1d20+2=(21) vs. Omen CMB (16): Success

After Omen has followed through with his swing, the gaping mouth of the cauldron clamps down on his arm and holds tight.


Steve and I have been discussing this scenario via text message. We were going to try and stuff that body in it, but now it seems to have it's mouth full with me

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:
Steve and I have been discussing this scenario via text message. We were going to try and stuff that body in it, but now it seems to have it's mouth full with me


Rogan's Turn

Rogan, seeing Omen in trouble, takes a five-foot step near him and begins to assist him in getting free of the cauldron by grabbing hold of his arm.

Delay action to assist with breaking the grapple, or if you decide otherwise, will take his action after you to attack.


I do not decide otherwise! I decide that wise! Break free!

Break Grapple:1d20+1=12 (+2 for Rogan's Aid Another? = 14)

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:

I do not decide otherwise! I decide that wise! Break free!

Break Grapple:1d20+1=12 (+2 for Rogan's Aid Another? = 14)

Rogan grabs hold of your arm and pulls along with you, while bracing his left foot on the cauldron. Unfortunately the grasp of the cauldron is too strong and you are unable to break free.

Rogan Aid Another: 1d20+1=(6)
Omen's turn -

"Omen wrote:
Break Grapple:1d20+1=12 (+2 for Rogan's Aid Another? = 14)

Break of grapple failed. Even the +2 wouldn't have helped... you have to beat a DC 15 + the creature's CMB (BAB + Str. Modifier + size bonus). Makes it a bit tougher and the cauldron rolled pretty well.

Rogan maintains his grip on your arm, ready for another shot at breaking you out of the hold.

Cauldron's turn
Grapple check: 1d20+2=(9)
Omen breaks free!

The cauldron attempts to maintain it's grip on Omen's arm, however Omen takes advantage of it's poor grip and pulls his arm out of it's gaping mouth.

Initiative is the same, Rogan didn't actually delay because you agreed to have him assist. His "action" actually took place before yours.

Rogan's Turn

Rogan moves back into flanking position.
Attack: 1d20+1+2=(19); Damage: 1d6+0=1

Rogan maneuvers back to the opposite side of the cauldron and with a round-house kick, pummels it in the center. The cauldron tips forward slightly but does not appear to be damaged.

Omen's Turn.


"Rragh! Unnatural!"
Omen swings his club wildly, hoping to overturn the magical cauldron if he connects.
Attack Roll: (1d20+2=14)
Damage Roll (if applicable): (1d6=2)

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:

"Rragh! Unnatural!"

Omen swings his club wildly, hoping to overturn the magical cauldron if he connects.
Attack Roll: (1d20+2=14)
Damage Roll (if applicable): (1d6=2)

Your club connects with the cauldron, and while you get a clear shot to it's center, it does not appear to do any real damage.

After this, the cauldron again attempts to bite down on your arm.

Attack roll: 1d20+2=(22); Natural 20 (no joke); Crit. Confirmation: 1d20+2=(7) Does not confirm.
Improved Grab: 1d20+2=(14) vs. Omen CMB (16) Fail.

Again the cauldron bites down on your arm and attempts to hold tight with it's iron "jaws," however you are able to pull free of it's initial grip.

Rogan's Turn

Rogan looks over at you slightly exasperated, "I do not think we can win this fight, friend! This thing's iron flesh seems to much for us to penetrate!

Flurry of Blows Attack Roll: 1d20-1=(5)
Second attack: 1d20-1=19 (Natural 20) Crit. Confirmation: 1d20-1=15 (Confirms)
Damage: 1d6=3; 1d6=4. Total damage=(7)

Rogan swings his left fist at the cauldron and it misses as the cauldron moves just after having had Omen's arm pulled from it's mouth. He follows up with a right-handed uppercut straight into it's "chest" and the force of the blow slightly pushes the cauldron back.

Omen's up.


What would it require for me to maneauver over to the wrapped body, heft it into the air, and then stuff it into the cauldron's mouth?


Upon looking at my current HP (9) and the cauldron's damage (1d8+1), I have decided to not even consider stuffing this thing and will instead...

"Rraghh! This one agrees and does not wish to be devoured by this unnatural lump of iron!"

Omen withdraws and beats a hasty retreat out of the hut!

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:
Upon looking at my current HP (9) and the cauldron's damage (1d8+1), I have decided to not even consider stuffing this thing and will instead...

Way to metagame. ;-)

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:

"Rraghh! This one agrees and does not wish to be devoured by this unnatural lump of iron!"

Omen withdraws and beats a hasty retreat out of the hut!

After Rogan tips the cauldron back slightly with his powerful uppercut, Omen shouts over to him and quickly departs the hut.

The cauldron whirls around and attempts to attack his uninjured foe, the fist-swinging elf.

Cauldron attack roll: 1d20+2=(15)

Rogan, seeing the cauldron snapping down with it's iron jaws, moves his left forearm up to intercept the attack just as it closes down, and the mouth of the bizarre animated thing deflects away after a successful block.

Rogan's Turn

After he blocks the attack, Rogan follows suit after Omen and departs the hut in a full retreat.



Omen will move another 30 feet from the hut and then retrieve a stored item (ocarina) - thus using up his 2 actions.

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:
Omen will move another 30 feet from the hut and then retrieve a stored item (ocarina) - thus using up his 2 actions.

The cauldron quickly follows after Rogan and squeezes through the front door, nearly catching up to him with it's four iron legs to try and clamp down on his leg, however it doesn't quite reach him.

The cauldron is about 10 feet from Rogan

Rogan continues to retreat away from the pursuing animate, heading straight out into the wood from the clearing.



Omen changes direction quickly, watching Rogan blitz past him like a bolt, and instead of running any farther from the hut will run parallel to it (double move), hoping that the cauldron will pursue Rogan and allow him to slip back in and snag the Rat Tail.

"This one thinks you make good bait and should continue baiting the metal beast away from the door!" Omen's voice splits through the eerie silence of the field as his and Rogan's courses diverge.

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:

Omen changes direction quickly, watching Rogan blitz past him like a bolt, and instead of running any farther from the hut will run parallel to it (double move), hoping that the cauldron will pursue Rogan and allow him to slip back in and snag the Rat Tail.

"This one thinks you make good bait and should continue baiting the metal beast away from the door!" Omen's voice splits through the eerie silence of the field as his and Rogan's courses diverge.

Rogan yells back in reply, "Indeed! The thing sees me fit for a meal!" and then continues into the wood.

Omen, as you slip around away from the cauldron while angling yourself towards the door, you notice the cauldron halts in it's tracks at the very edge of the clearing. It pauses for a moment as if reset, and then turns and begins lumbering back to the hut.

It has a pretty decent movement and even just walking, it is halfway there. You are about 60 ft. away to the south of the hut, while the cauldron is 30 ft. away to the east.

Rogan again shouts, "Omen, it appears our friend has lost interest in me, I will try and reattract it's attention!"

Rogan steps back into the clearing and yells, "Hey!" at the cauldron as it quickly walks back to the hut.

Omen, you're up.


The cauldron is 30 feet from the hut and I am 60 feet from the hut or the cauldron is 30 feet from me and I am 60 feet from the hut or we have a triangle that meets both those descriptions?

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:
The cauldron is 30 feet from the hut and I am 60 feet from the hut or the cauldron is 30 feet from me and I am 60 feet from the hut or we have a triangle that meets both those descriptions?

You both broke out of the hut running straight east since that is where the door faces. Rogan ran past you followed by the cauldron.

Actually now that I think about it, I'm assuming that you were not running directly back towards the hut but in avoiding the cauldron, you were running slightly towards the hut and basically around it (south of it). Or were you running straight to the south from where you were at, away from the hut?


I would have run South at first and to make it simple we'll say for 30 feet and then made another turn and then headed West, back toward the hut for the remaining 30 feet of my 2nd move action. If I am now within 30 ft of the cauldron, I will shot it with a lightning blast and then boogie on out of here (to the South) so that it will chase me and Rogan can grab the root. If it is not within 30 ft, I'll wait to see if Rogan gets its attention before I take an action, thereby effectively delaying.

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:
I would have run South at first and to make it simple we'll say for 30 feet and the made another turn and then headed West, back toward the hut for the remaining 30 feet of my 2nd move action. If I am now within 30 ft of the cauldron, I will shot it with a lightning blast and then boogie on out of here (to the South) so that it will chase me and Rogan can grab the root. If it is not within 30 ft, I'll wait to see if Rogan gets its attention before I take an action, thereby effectively delaying.

Alrighty, it is about 60 feet from the door of the hut to the edge of the clearing. I will just say the cauldron is 30 feet from the door of the hut to the east, which makes you about 30 feet away from it to the south. Fire away!

The Keeper of the Tomes wrote:
Omenkalas Nariah wrote:
I would have run South at first and to make it simple we'll say for 30 feet and the made another turn and then headed West, back toward the hut for the remaining 30 feet of my 2nd move action. If I am now within 30 ft of the cauldron, I will shot it with a lightning blast and then boogie on out of here (to the South) so that it will chase me and Rogan can grab the root. If it is not within 30 ft, I'll wait to see if Rogan gets its attention before I take an action, thereby effectively delaying.
Alrighty, it is about 60 feet from the door of the hut to the edge of the clearing. I will just say the cauldron is 30 feet from the door of the hut to the east, which makes you about 30 feet away from it to the south. Fire away!

Heck, I'll just say that even if you miss, you will attract it's attention.

The cauldron pauses once again and then shifts direction to the south towards Omen. It quickly intercepts him and attempts to bite him.

Cauldron attack: 1d20+2=(7)

The cauldron misses completely as Omen successfully saves it's attention from Rogan who just yelled at it.


Rogan breaks out into a full sprint right into the hut holding onto his light-bearing arrow and begins looking for the rat's tail.

Omen's turn again


Attack Roll (ranged touch attack): (1d20=2)

Omen feels betrayed by the world.

Omen retreats 30ft to the south, increasing the space between him and cauldron to 60 feet.

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:

Attack Roll (ranged touch attack): (1d20=2)

Omen feels betrayed by the world.

Omen retreats 30ft to the south, increasing the space between him and cauldron to 60 feet.

(See above) Go again... or do I assume you just keep retreating to 30 feet further now that he caught up to you? Despite missing the cauldron, you still attracted its attention.


I will continue to retreat, although with a full defense action (+4 AC!), to the edge of the tree line, so that if pressed I can take a five foot step out of the clearing and thereby escape the ravenous iron... thing.

This... "Orc Ferocity: Once per day, when a half-orc is brought
below 0 hit points, but not killed, he can fight on for one
more round as if disabled. At the end of his next turn,
unless brought to above 0 hit points, he immediately falls
unconscious and begins dying."... just gave me boldness in my orcly-awesomeness

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:

I will continue to retreat, although with a full defense action (+4 AC!), to the edge of the tree line, so that if pressed I can take a five foot step out of the clearing and thereby escape the ravenous iron... thing.

This... "Orc Ferocity: Once per day, when a half-orc is brought
below 0 hit points, but not killed, he can fight on for one
more round as if disabled. At the end of his next turn,
unless brought to above 0 hit points, he immediately falls
unconscious and begins dying."... just gave me boldness in my orcly-awesomeness

Omen dodges the cauldron's iron clutches and retreats beyond the treeline as Rogan continues searching through the hut. The cauldron quickly follows behind and just as it is about to cross the line, it stops, pauses briefly, and then turns and heads back toward the hut.

Rogan appears at the door of the hut and darts straight towards the tree line.

Omen's up


Ranged Touch Attack: (1d20=4)

Are you serious?!

Omen's lightning blast misses. Again. After seeing Rogan dashing for the tree line, Omen will maneauver through the woods to meet up with him. Additionally, he will play this song.

Cure Light Wounds: (1d8+1=2)

Omen sucks at everything he does today.

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:

Ranged Touch Attack: (1d20=4)

Are you serious?!

Omen's lightning blast misses. Again. After seeing Rogan dashing for the tree line, Omen will maneauver through the woods to meet up with him. Additionally, he will play this song.

Cure Light Wounds: (1d8+1=2)

Omen sucks at everything he does today.

The cauldron, "seeing" Rogan sprinting towards the tree line, begins chase. Fortunately Rogan easily reaches the other side before the cauldron catches up, resets, and then begins heading back to the hut.

That's combat! Since I forgot to give you gents xp for the town encounter, lumber consortium, Milon, and the hobgoblin, go ahead and level yourselves up to 2 and add 700 xp. We are going to be using the "Fast" xp track listed on page 13 in PRPG, so you will now be at exactly 2,000 xp with 1,300 to go for level 3.


I had totally forgotten about xp entirely and would have gone through this entire adventure at level 1 had you not said anything. That being said....


Male Elf Ranger 3 / Monk 3 (Gestalt)

Sweet deal. I'm assuming Rogan grabbed what appears to be the rats tail?

Rogan Tane wrote:
Sweet deal. I'm assuming Rogan grabbed what appears to be the rats tail?

Yep, grabbed it and booked out of there. Hope you don't mind that I took the liberty to play your character. I tried to play him as I thought you would have.

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:

I had totally forgotten about xp entirely and would have gone through this entire adventure at level 1 had you not said anything. That being said....

DM** spoiler omitted **

Yep, I totally forgot as well. I guess thats a good thing that we were immersed in what was going on that we didn't even care.

male humanlike humanoid Barbarian 1/Cloistered Cleric 5/Technomancer 5

That's it for me tonight, gents. I've got Bible Study until well after you fellahs are in bed. I might check a few times at work tomorrow, but apart from that, I won't see ya'll until it's face to face. Enjoy the level-up Steve. Catch you guys later!

Male Elf Ranger 3 / Monk 3 (Gestalt)

J-rod, you pretty much read my mind from a very impressive distance. Johnny and I were texting about the encounter and everything I said to do, you did =). I'm sending you my updated character sheet as we speak.

HP Roll: 1d10+0=5

Male Elf Ranger 3 / Monk 3 (Gestalt)

I am especially proud of my skills at the moment.

Rogan Tane wrote:
I am especially proud of my skills at the moment.

You should be my elvishly handsome friend! Amazingly awesome minds do think alike, it is most absolutely true.

Where are you guys headed next? Or, should we just put a halt to it until Sunday? Be back tomorrow morning

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2, Ranger 5, Order of the Bow Initiate 3

I would say the tree would be next, being that it is closest. I think this is a good spot to leave off until Sunday, but I'm down with RPing a little until we get there between now and then. I'll be out until late tomorrow due to a softball game and then a team get together after work tomorrow, and I've got a sermon I'm hoping to work on most of the day Saturday, so my posts will be pretty spread out.

By the way, I'm thinking of adopting this as Rogan's theme song.

Steve Wilson wrote:

I would say the tree would be next, being that it is closest. I think this is a good spot to leave off until Sunday, but I'm down with RPing a little until we get there between now and then. I'll be out until late tomorrow due to a softball game and then a team get together after work tomorrow, and I've got a sermon I'm hoping to work on most of the day Saturday, so my posts will be pretty spread out.

By the way, I'm thinking of adopting this as Rogan's theme song.

Alright, yeah, so we'll just pick it up on Sunday where you just nabbed the rat's tail and escaped the mad cauldron and are now going to be heading towards the elderwood tree. See you awesome guys Sunday!

The Keeper of the Tomes wrote:
Steve Wilson wrote:

I would say the tree would be next, being that it is closest. I think this is a good spot to leave off until Sunday, but I'm down with RPing a little until we get there between now and then. I'll be out until late tomorrow due to a softball game and then a team get together after work tomorrow, and I've got a sermon I'm hoping to work on most of the day Saturday, so my posts will be pretty spread out.

By the way, I'm thinking of adopting this as Rogan's theme song.

Alright, yeah, so we'll just pick it up on Sunday where you just nabbed the rat's tail and escaped the mad cauldron and are now going to be heading towards the elderwood tree. See you awesome guys Sunday!

Guys, I was toying with the idea of giving Rogan an animal companion now instead of waiting until 4th level and make his effective druid level equal to a druid's instead of 1/2. I would also improve the animal companions as well. It was either this or I was thinking of adding an NPC. Or, I could just beef up Omen's animal companion and give Rogan a cohort of his design. What do you think?

male humanlike humanoid Barbarian 1/Cloistered Cleric 5/Technomancer 5

1) I don't get an animal companion, I took a domain instead.
2) If Rogan gets an animal companion - go ahead and beef the crap out of it.
3) I don't think Ranger's animal companions are Druid Level = Ranger Level/2 anymore, I think it's Druid Level = Ranger Level - 4 (which is sweet)
4)House Ruling that to Druid Level = Ranger Level -1 or -2 is more sweet.

I am leaving now and will see you gentlemen very soon!

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2, Ranger 5, Order of the Bow Initiate 3

I'm down with that, although if you beef the crap out of it, I don't see a tremendous need for making Rogan's level equal to a druid's for the sake of animal companions. Not that I would turn it down, cuz it would strengthen the bond between the two of them. I think I would prefer that to an NPC.

On another note, as for Sunday, what time would you like Johnny and myself to grace you with our presence? My wife will not be able to make it, she wants to visit her parents and her sister in the afternoon. Also, are we planning on doing lunch or should we grab lunch before we come and game like maniacs until dinner? (We don't mind doing either). Also, would you like us to bring any snacks?

I'm out of questions. Or am I?

Steve Wilson wrote:

I'm down with that, although if you beef the crap out of it, I don't see a tremendous need for making Rogan's level equal to a druid's for the sake of animal companions. Not that I would turn it down, cuz it would strengthen the bond between the two of them. I think I would prefer that to an NPC.

On another note, as for Sunday, what time would you like Johnny and myself to grace you with our presence? My wife will not be able to make it, she wants to visit her parents and her sister in the afternoon. Also, are we planning on doing lunch or should we grab lunch before we come and game like maniacs until dinner? (We don't mind doing either). Also, would you like us to bring any snacks?

I'm out of questions. Or am I?

Hello, Sir! I think we'll grab lunch. I was thinking pizza since that is the quintessential gaming food. Snacks would be good though I'm not sure what you might have in mind... whatever you want to bring. I'll buy drinks when we get the pizza. We will be home by 12:30, so if you guys coast in around then, that would be perfectly awesome.

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2, Ranger 5, Order of the Bow Initiate 3

Cool. That will work splendidly. Johnny and I might duck out tonight and grab some snackity chow, then. Not sure what exactly yet. We'll surprise you!

Steve Wilson wrote:
Cool. That will work splendidly. Johnny and I might duck out tonight and grab some snackity chow, then. Not sure what exactly yet. We'll surprise you!


Steve Wilson wrote:
Cool. That will work splendidly. Johnny and I might duck out tonight and grab some snackity chow, then. Not sure what exactly yet. We'll surprise you!

You guys might want to bring your books (DMG, MM, PHB, etc...) I have the Beta pdf but that's it.

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2, Ranger 5, Order of the Bow Initiate 3

Ok. Will do. I'm probably gonna bring my laptop because it has my character sheet, the beta pdf, and other such niceties. That cool?

Steve Wilson wrote:
Ok. Will do. I'm probably gonna bring my laptop because it has my character sheet, the beta pdf, and other such niceties. That cool?

That's cool, whatever you want brotherman.

male humanlike humanoid Barbarian 1/Cloistered Cleric 5/Technomancer 5

Alright. I'm here. Let's do this!


Sharp Jaw disipates rapidly into tongues of vapor, leaving Omen and Rogan standing alone in the chamber, the remains of the small kobold party now littered about the dim room.

Male Elf Ranger 3 / Monk 3 (Gestalt)

Rogan makes a quick search of the room for the (seven) arrows that missed their intended targets.

Perception Check: 1d20+11=20

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