J-Rod's Hollow's Last Hope


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It is late evening, however the sky is clear and the sun's rays give enough light for the companions to trek halfway between Milon's cabin and the Darkmoon river.

You set up camp and rest comfortably within a clearing. Again, you locate an expired campfire whereby you easily establish a fresh flame. The night passes uneventfully with only the soothing sound of the forest crickets serenading you to slumber.

The next morning you awaken early and set out again towards the marking on your map.

Just a few short miles through the wood lead you to the sound of running water. You step through a tangled web of brush and tree to find yourselves at the Darkmoon river.

Make a Listen check.

Rogan Tane wrote:
Rogan will have his bow in his hands as they head into the woods. He will head directly north, towards the mark Milon made for Ulizmila's possible location.

Despite it being late in the evening, the clear sky allows you to travel for a few miles before you must stop to rest. You locate a clearing with the remains of another expired campfire.

The night passes uneventfully as you rest comfortably to the serenading sounds of the forest crickets.

The next morning you awaken early, gather your gear and set off again towards the site marked on your map as Ulizmila's hut.

You travel but a few miles until you pause for a moment to hear the sounds of flowing water. Passing through a thick tangle of brush and trees, you step out near the edge of the Darkmoon river.

Make a Listen check.

I'm headed to bed, guys. Talk to you tomorrow!

Male Elf Ranger 3 / Monk 3 (Gestalt)

Nice 3.5 tribute with the "Listen Check" - here's a perception check for you =): 1d20+8=14

Male Elf Ranger 3 / Monk 3 (Gestalt)

Unfortunately, I will have to wait until the morning to see the result. G'night, men.


Omen will take up his short spear as they leave Milon's cabin and follow Rogan into the woods. When they stop to rest for the night, he will pull a decent sized wooden ocarina out of his crudely stitched backpack and play this song as they sit around the fire. As the bouncy and energetic tune fills the air, the fire light dances across the half-orc's weathered features, sometimes seemingly in time with his happy melody. However, the tune he plays flows for several minutes rather than just 1 minute and 13 seconds

Later, when they arrive at the waters of the Darkmoon River, the list of dangerous creatures that Milon recited is playing through his mind, which leaves him slightly on edge and a tad jumpy.

Perception: 1d20+8=23

You both went to bed nearly 2 hours before I got back from my committee meetings. My envy threatens to wash the world away in a second flood. I go now to pass out and hopefully catch some Z's. See you fine specimens of incredibility later.

Male Elf Ranger 3 / Monk 3 (Gestalt)

I would like to make a knowledge(nature) check for the creatures Milon mentioned. Here's the roll if you deem it applicable. It goes in the order he listed them: razorcrows, giant moorsnakes, slurks, and saingrist's crawlers:1d20+5=9,13,16,12

Rogan will pass-on any information that he has of the critters to Omen. This would have been done while camping for the night, if that's ok.


In the same vein, Omen is able to make any knowledge check untrained even if the DCs are higher than 10. I would imagine that Steve is right in that they would all fall under Knowledge (Nature), but that is assuming they are all animals, fey, giants, monstrous humanoids, plants, or vermin. It would require a Dungeoneering check for each one that might be an aberration, and an Arcana check for any that might be a magical beast. Slurks and Saingrist Crawlers both sound funky enough to possibly be either alternative.

In the event they all fall under Knowledge (Nature)... here are my check results in the same order.
1d20+5=9, 1d20+5=18, 1d20+5=8, 1d20+5=14

We both got the exact same roll for Razorcrows. Unfortunate that it's a 9 =\

Rogan Tane wrote:

I would like to make a knowledge(nature) check for the creatures Milon mentioned. Here's the roll if you deem it applicable. It goes in the order he listed them: razorcrows, giant moorsnakes, slurks, and saingrist's crawlers:1d20+5=9,13,16,12

Rogan will pass-on any information that he has of the critters to Omen. This would have been done while camping for the night, if that's ok.

Sorry for the late post!


Rogan has not heard of razor crows before.

Giant moorsnakes are gray and brown patterned aquatic snakes, skilled at hiding amid debris and floating foliage at the edges of rivers and lakes. They are much like constrictor snakes, doing damage by wrapping around larger prey and squeezing the life out of them.

You have never heard of a "Slurk" before.

As for the Crawlers, you already knew everything Milon told you. They are quite irritable and will attack anything which provokes them.


Like Rogan, you have never heard of razor crows.

You also know what Rogan knows in regards to the moorsnakes, but you also know they are not aggressive and can be easily avoided.

The name "Slurk" sounds familiar enough to allow you to make a separate Knowledge (Arcana) check.

Finally you know everything that Milon informed you and Rogan about the Crawlers, as well as the info I gave Rogan.

Omen, you hear what sounds like an animal's whimpering a short distance away.

Rogan Tane wrote:
Nice 3.5 tribute with the "Listen Check" - here's a perception check for you =): 1d20+8=14

Yep, I'm a stooge. Good call! =)


[ooc]Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20+0=14 [ooc]

"Hrmmm... do you hear that whimpering, Rogan? It sounds like it is coming from... hrmmm... this way."

Omen will begin to slowly walk toward the whimpering, gently pushing any large leaves or small bushes near the ground aside with the butt of his spear, just to ensure he doesn't step on any hapless critters that might be hiding underneath.

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:
Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20+0=14

Slurk's are big frogs (medium-sized) who fire slime from their backs due to thick nodules which spray the material out on their foes. It hardens to a chitinous crust and causes the creature to slow in their movements.

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:

"Hrmmm... do you hear that whimpering, Rogan? It sounds like it is coming from... hrmmm... this way."

Omen will begin to slowly walk toward the whimpering, gently pushing any large leaves or small bushes near the ground aside with the butt of his spear, just to ensure he doesn't step on any hapless critters that might be hiding underneath.

Not far from the edge of the forest-shrouded lake, a fox with large ears and bright orange fur lies bleeding, its hindquarters caught fully

in the jaws of a crude iron trap.

Make a Knowledge (Nature) check.


Before I decide what to do here, here's the Knowledge (Nature) check. Bleeding Fox Knowledge (Nature) Check (1d20+5=17)

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:
Before I decide what to do here, here's the Knowledge (Nature) check. Bleeding Fox Knowledge (Nature) Check (1d20+5=17)

You identify the creature as a Firefoot Fennec; small foxes with large ears and wispy patches of flame-colored fur around their paws.

They are quite rare.



Omen immediately casts Speak with Animals as he approaches the wounded critter. He opens his mouth and gentle yips and barks emerge rather than words.



"Hrmmm... I heard your cries, brother fennec, and have come to help. Hrmmm... hold as still as you can while I try to free you from these... hrmmm... metal teeth."
He bends down and tries to pry open the trap enough for the fennec to extract itself.

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:


Omen immediately casts Speak with Animals as he approaches the wounded critter.

"Hrmmm... I heard your cries, brother fennec, and have come to help. Hrmmm... hold as still as you can while I try to free you from these... hrmmm... metal teeth." He bends down and tries to pry open the trap enough for the fennec to extract itself.



As you approach the animal, he speaks. "Please help me. The jaws are fierce."

Make a Perception check.


A few more barks leave the half-orcs lips.


"We will help you, little brother."

Perception: (1d20+8=10)
There's the crappin' two. Dangit. Steve! Perceptionize this piece! InvisibleCastle betrayed me in the Fennec's hour of need!

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:

"We will help you, little brother."

Perception: (1d20+8=10)
There's the crappin' two. Dangit. Steve! Perceptionize this piece! InvisibleCastle betrayed me in the Fennec's hour of need!

I'll roll for Stevo if he doesn't mind... after this roll, I don't think he will!

1d20+8; [13,8] = (21)

Rogan looks up into the trees to the north-east and appears to see something. He steps back cautiously.

He informs you that he sees a gray-skinned humanoid creature attempting to conceal itself in the trees that,

Knowledge (Nature)
1d20+5; [1,5] = (6)

he fails to identify. He points out, however, that it's aiming a shortbow straight in your general direction.

I guess right now would be the time to say INITIATIVE!


Do I see this tree-climbin', short-bow pointin' jerk after Rogan points it out? If so, here's my Knowledge (Nature): (1d20+5=18) check.

Also, that's the last roll on InvisibleCastle I can make from work today because of the internet filter. I get 6 10-minute sessions on some game sites, which is what IC comes up as for our filter.

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:
Do I see this tree-climbin', short-bow pointin' jerk after Rogan points it out? If so, here's my Knowledge (Nature): (1d20+5=18) check.

Yes, you see him and you identify him as a hobgoblin by the look of 'im.

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:
Also, that's the last roll on InvisibleCastle I can make from work today because of the internet filter. I get 6 10-minute sessions on some game sites, which is what IC comes up as for our filter.

Understood, I can make the rolls for you if you wish.


I'm cool with that. I'll never trust IC anyway. Never. Blacky has a personality and has long been my ally and friend. I will never be comfortable not rolling Blacky.

How far away is this hobo-jerk? If he's within 30ft I'm blastin' him with lightning.
As a standard action.

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:

I'm cool with that. I'll never trust IC anyway. Never. Blacky has a personality and has long been my ally and friend. I will never be comfortable not rolling Blacky.

How far away is this hobo-jerk? If he's within 30ft I'm blastin' him with lightning.
As a standard action.


Omen Initiative: 1d20+0; [10,0] = (10)

Rogan Initiative: 1d20+4; [2,4] = (6)

Hob-jerk Initiative: 1d20+1; [3,1] = (4)

Unfortunately you are 50 ft. away from him, not close enough to get off your lightning blast.

But, it is your turn!


A low, rumbling growl escapes Omen's lips as he clenches his teeth after noticing the figure in the tree. Judging the distance to be too great for a lightning blast, Omen instead fishes his ocarina out of his pack (move action) and then casts a spell of Sleep on the arboreal attacker, the verbal component of which is this song played on the ocarina (standard action).

If the hobgoblin has 4HD or less, it must make a Will Save DC 12 or fall asleep. It will wake up if it takes any damage or remain asleep for 1 full minute.

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:

A low, rumbling growl escapes Omen's lips as he clenches his teeth after noticing the figure in the tree. Judging the distance to be too great for a lightning blast, Omen instead fishes his ocarina out of his pack (move action) and then casts a spell of Sleep on the arboreal attacker, the verbal component of which is this song played on the ocarina (standard action).

If the hobgoblin has 4HD or less, it must make a Will Save DC 12 or fall asleep. It will wake up if it takes any damage or remain asleep for 1 full minute.

As you play the tune you seen the hobgoblin begin to pull back on the bowstring as he realizes he's been spotted.

Hobgoblin Will save:1d20-1; [18,-1] = (17)

He does not seem to be affected at all by your sleep-inducing tune and continues to aim his shortbow toward you.

I believe Steve get's home somewhat soon, so I will just let him take his turn

Male Elf Ranger 3 / Monk 3 (Gestalt)

Rogan positions himself 30 ft. from the gray skinned humanoid (if possible) and away from Omen, hoping to spread the creatures attention as far apart as possible. As a swift action he activates his dodge ability (AC +1).

Immediately springing into action, Rogan shifts quickly and easily into a position that both brings him within prime striking range and spreads the field of combat. Grabbing a black fletched arrow from his quiver, he whispers a quick prayer and in one smooth motion draws and fires his bow.

Attack Roll: 1d20+6=12 this is a 14 if the creature is a monstrous humanoid.

Male Elf Ranger 3 / Monk 3 (Gestalt)

If applicable, here's the damage roll: 1d8+1=6 This is an 8 if it's a monstrous humanoid.

I'm off to another softball game. See you lads around 8:30. J-rod, you may roll for me. Keep the dodge bonus going, please. If Rogan misses at all, he will look for his arrows after they rescue the fennec.

Rogan Tane wrote:

Rogan positions himself 30 ft. from the gray skinned humanoid (if possible) and away from Omen, hoping to spread the creatures attention as far apart as possible. As a swift action he activates his dodge ability (AC +1).

Immediately springing into action, Rogan shifts quickly and easily into a position that both brings him within prime striking range and spreads the field of combat. Grabbing a black fletched arrow from his quiver, he whispers a quick prayer and in one smooth motion draws and fires his bow.

Attack Roll: 1d20+6=12 this is a 14 if the creature is a monstrous humanoid.

Unfortunately your arrow misses and lodges itself in a thick branch near the hobgoblin. He looks to his left where the arrow protrudes from the branch and then turns his attention back to Rogan.

Hobgoblin Attack Roll: 1d20+2=(15)

The hobgoblin looses his arrow straight at Rogan, while Rogan, seeing the oncoming danger, sidesteps it just as it finds it's way into the soft dirt nearby.

Omen's up.



"Hrmmm... it seems your would-be trapper has heard your cries too... hrmmm... little brother fennec."

Omen speaks a few more soft barks and yips before raising the ocarina to his lips again. He plays a few notes as a wisp of what looks similar to pipe smoke snakes out of one of the holes in his instrument. By the time the short tune is finished, the vaporous form has weaved through the air like a ribbon and begins to quickly coalesce into a solid form directly behind the hobgoblin. "Hrmmm... come, father White Ear, and help defend your son." With that, a howl pierces the air as a gray wolf with one white ear takes form beside the hobgoblin. Without hesitating, the wolf attacks.

Standard Action: spontaneously convert Detect Plants or Animals into Summon Nature's Ally I.
Move Action: kneel down and begin to try freeing the fennec once again.


Appearing next to the hobgoblin with a howl, White Ear immediately lunges, jaws snapping furiously.
Attack roll: 1d20+4=16
Damage roll (if applicable): 1d6+1=7
Trip roll (if attack roll hit): 1d20+3=19

Sorry to keep you chaps hanging like that. went to the state park after work again and when I got home dinner was on the table and I was soaked with sweatiness and in need of a dire shower.

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2, Ranger 5, Order of the Bow Initiate 3
White Ear wrote:
Sorry to keep you chaps hanging like that. went to the state park after work again and when I got home dinner was on the table and I was soaked with sweatiness and in need of a dire shower.

So, would a dire shower be twice the size of a regular shower, with various bone protrusions and a rather nasty disposition?

male humanlike humanoid Barbarian 1/Cloistered Cleric 5/Technomancer 5

... ... ... yes. It's a CR8.

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2, Ranger 5, Order of the Bow Initiate 3

Did it clean you or eat you?

male humanlike humanoid Barbarian 1/Cloistered Cleric 5/Technomancer 5

oh I am very much cleaned and not eaten. it's one of the perks of my aura.

White Ear wrote:

Appearing next to the hobgoblin with a howl, White Ear immediately lunges, jaws snapping furiously.

Attack roll: 1d20+4=16
Damage roll (if applicable): 1d6+1=7
Trip roll (if attack roll hit): 1d20+3=19


The hobgoblin quickly turns as the smoky form of a wolf appears behind him. He continues to hold his shortbow trained toward Rogan's direction until the wolf attacks.

As the wolf lunges, the hobgoblin drops his shortbow to the ground and begins to lose his balance on the thick limb. White Ear leaps and lands his jaws squarely on the hobgoblin's neck. No sound leaves the hobgoblin as his lifeless body falls from the tree and slams into the ground below.

White Ear successfully one-shotted the chump.

Just as the hobgoblin hits the ground, two shrieking birds fly into view in the air above the tree.


You free the fennec in the midst of this and pull him away from the trap. "Thank you, friend. I thought I was going to die. The pain is still great."

The birds will act on the hobgoblin's initiative.

John Hathaway wrote:
oh I am very much cleaned and not eaten. it's one of the perks of my aura.

Ah, yes, the awesomosity aura. It's a good one.

Male Elf Ranger 3 / Monk 3 (Gestalt)

Rogan readies an action: if either of the birds flies towards them, he will shoot, assuming he does not recognize them as a familiar species.

John Hathaway wrote:
oh I am very much cleaned and not eaten. it's one of the perks of my aura.

Ah, yes, the awesomosity aura. It's a good one.

Me wrote:
The birds will act on the hobgoblin's initiative.

A.K.A- It's Omen's turn

"Rogan wrote:
Rogan readies an action: if either of the birds flies towards them, he will shoot, assuming he does not recognize them as a familiar species.

They appear to be crow's, and they look aggressive

Male Elf Ranger 3 / Monk 3 (Gestalt)

Whose turn is it?

Rogan Tane wrote:
Whose turn is it?



My bad. Since White Ear acts on my initiative count I thought the birds went after Rogan. Here we go then.

Yet again, Omen puts the simple instrument up to his lips. He plays a short and gentle melody, after which the fennec feels a wave of warmness wash over him.

Standard Action: Cure Light Wounds on the fennec for 1d8+1=3
Move Action: Omen takes cover behind a nearby tree and urges the fennec to take cover as well.

The Keeper of the Tomes wrote:
They appear to be crow's, and they look aggressive

How much you want to bet these jerks are of the "razor" variety? Dadgum dual knowledge check 9's.


The wolf zips over to where Omen has taken cover behind a tree, whirling around to face the birds, his upper lip curled back in a vicious snarl.

That's all he can do at this point. Tag, Steve, you're it!

Omenkalas Nariah wrote:

My bad. Since White Ear acts on my initiative count I thought the birds went after Rogan. Here we go then.

Yet again, Omen puts the simple instrument up to his lips. He plays a short and gentle melody, after which the fennec feels a wave of warmness wash over him.

Standard Action: Cure Light Wounds on the fennec for 1d8+1=3
Move Action: Omen takes cover behind a nearby tree and urges the fennec to take cover as well.

The fennec hops up gently after he feels the healing power of the spell close up his wounds. He then follows you around the tree and takes cover behind it.

Rogan's turn.

Alright gents, I really need to get some shuteye. Will check this when I get up around 5 tomorrow. Have a good night!

Male Elf Ranger 3 / Monk 3 (Gestalt)

Rogan selects another arrow, nocks, draws, and fires. Unfortunately, the fletching on this particular arrow was loose, and it tears free of the shaft mid-flight. The arrow hurtles harmlessly into the trees. unless you have a critical failure deck, in which case, i defer to you, J-Rod.

Attack Roll: 1d20+5=6

Damage Roll: ... Yeah ...

Rogan Tane wrote:

Rogan selects another arrow, nocks, draws, and fires. Unfortunately, the fletching on this particular arrow was loose, and it tears free of the shaft mid-flight. The arrow hurtles harmlessly into the trees. unless you have a critical failure deck, in which case, i defer to you, J-Rod.

Attack Roll: 1d20+5=6

Damage Roll: ... Yeah ...

No critical failure.

As the arrow flies through the air, the crow's halt in mid-flight and then quickly fly off, apparently realizing that their companion is dead.

Feel free to RP another day of travel. You will arrive at the hut around evening. I'm off to bed. Night fellas!

Male Elf Ranger 3 / Monk 3 (Gestalt)

Sorry to skip out mid-battle fellas, but I needs my beauty sleep.

Male Elf Ranger 3 / Monk 3 (Gestalt)

Rogan will snitch two of Goober McHobgoblin's arrows if he has some. And his shortbow. Thanks!


As the two crows fly off, Omen marks the victory with a song and then turns to White Ear as Rogan busies himself with the spoils.

"Hrmmm... this one thanks you, father. May your fangs... hrmmm... be ever sharp," Omen nods reverently as he finishes. With a proud howl, White Ear then dissipates into wisps of smoke in the blink of an eye. In another blink, the wisps of smoke fade away entirely. Omen then turns and kneels down next to the fennec before the last few moments of his spell wear off.



"Hrmmm... this one is glad you are ok, little brother. Be wary of such... hrmmm... deadly traps in the future. This one hopes that you... hrmmm... live a long and full life. The dead one would have... hrmmm... wanted your fur. This one thinks... hrmmm... it looks better on you."

Omen smiles warmly and scratches the fennec behind one of his large, soft ears. He then gets up and picks up the iron trap the fox had been caught in. He looks for a moment as if he is going to throw it into the river, but then seems to think twice before closing it and placing it in his backpack.

"Hrmmm...," he turns to Rogan, "let us hope there are no more poachers in this place." He shakes his head sadly. "Hrmmm... before we depart though... hrmmm... we must tend to that one," he points at the corpse of the hobgoblin.

g'night gents. It's hard to believe it's already Wednesday. We'll be face to face before ya know it! Sleep well and see you lads on here tomorrow.

Male Elf Ranger 3 / Monk 3 (Gestalt)

After hearing that song I'm flippin' pumped that you took a bard level. Sweetness.

Rogan strides over to the hobgoblin corpse. One arm is obviously broken from the fall, bent at an obscene angle underneath it. But the killing wound is obvious: blood flows freely from it's torn and mostly missing throat. Rogan nods at Omen appreciatively. "Nice summon, that one. How's our little friend?"

Rogan will search the body or aid Omen if he wants to search it, but I suggest you let me do it, cuz I nailed it =)
Perception Check: 1d20+8=28



Omen wrote:
Omen smiles warmly and scratches the fennec behind one of his large, soft ears. He then gets up and picks up the iron trap the fox had been caught in. He looks for a moment as if he is going to throw it into the river, but then seems to think twice before closing it and placing it in his backpack.

The fennec smiles, at least as much as his animal features would allow. After you finish scratching him behind the ear he begins to bound off into the wood, but pauses for a moment to turn back to get one last look at you, and then scurries off.

Omen wrote:
g'night gents. It's hard to believe it's already Wednesday. We'll be face to face before ya know it! Sleep well and see you lads on here tomorrow.

I'm lookin' forward to it, mate!

The fennec bounds off, turns to look at Omen briefly, and then scurries off into the woods.

Rogan wrote:

Rogan will search the body or aid Omen if he wants to search it, but I suggest you let me do it, cuz I nailed it =)

Perception Check: 1d20+8=28

Rogan, you find a small pouch attached to a belt on the hobgoblin's hip. Within you find a dirt-stained green gem along with one-hundred silver pieces. On the hobgoblin's finger is a mud-stained ring.

Rogan Tane wrote:
How's our little friend?

"Hrmmm... none the worse for wear. He will... hrmmm... be fine." Omen walks over toward Rogan, standing over the body of the hobgoblin. Once Rogan is finished, Omen kneels down, floating his hands about six inches above the body. He drones a long prayer before standing back up. "The carrion eaters... hrmmm... will be happy we have come this way. Let us continue... hrmmm... our search for the one called Ulizmila."

You quickly cross the calm Darkmoon river and continue heading north towards where Ulizmila's hut has been marked. It is still morning, and so you are able to traverse several miles of woodland before you must stop and rest.

During your travel throughout the day,you locate an overgrown deer trail which continues heading towards the same direction. Along the route, you spot what appears to be a dead white rabbit lying near the center of the path.

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