psionichamster |
Increase Dex
Take Combat Expertise
Take Dodge
Deflection Bonuses
the spell "Ray Deflection" from the Spell Compendium would prevent any and all rays
Crystal of Arrow Deflection, Lesser grants a +5 bonus against ranged attacks (Magic Item Compendium)
Monk AC boosts, with commensurate Wis increases
and finally:
Miss Chances, a la Blur, Displacement, Mirror Image, concealment, Invisibility, and the like.
Greg Schulze |
Shield Ward feat (PHB2)
Add your Shield bonus to AC to the following:
a) Touch AC; and
b) resisting Bull Rush, Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, & Trip attempts.
I made a 15th level PC and bought a +5 buckler; so with the PR Shield Specialization (buckler) feat, he gets a +7 bonus to his touch AC when using it.
Greg Schulze |
At higher levels, a multiple attacking bad guy can go through your mirror images pretty quick. I played a fighter/wizard 12th level PC with mirror image and it only took a round or two before they were all gone; I should have taken blur (plus you cannot receive any sneak attacks with blur cast on you due to its concealment). At low levels, though, I highly recommend mirror image. Once the enemy can take 3 attacks per round, it nearly takes more time to cast the spell than it's duration.
Dennis da Ogre |
Mirror Image is the gold standard, of course.
Hogarth nailed it in one. Anything that gets you Mirror image is ideal. Displacement or invisibility are pretty good also and perhaps a little more widely available.
In a pinch just obscuring mist (maybe fog horn) prevents ranged anything... but onscures everything.
Dennis da Ogre |
At higher levels, a multiple attacking bad guy can go through your mirror images pretty quick. I played a fighter/wizard 12th level PC with mirror image and it only took a round or two before they were all gone; I should have taken blur (plus you cannot receive any sneak attacks with blur cast on you due to its concealment). At low levels, though, I highly recommend mirror image. Once the enemy can take 3 attacks per round, it nearly takes more time to cast the spell than it's duration.
Umm... a round or two means 5 missed touch attacks, blur has an 80% chance of getting hit on the first attack. Also, many of the most dangerous effects are standard action ranged touch, a single miss is enough. Also, if you burn one round and force them to burn 2 or even 1 1/2 then you are ahead.
Greg Schulze |
I guess I got off topic with mirror image, refering to general combat, not ranged touch attacks in particular. Since ranged touch attacks tend to be more deadlier (i.e. usually death, or 20d6 points of damage from disintegrate), I can see how mirror image would trump blur in that case. Against one ranged touch attack per round, mirror image would be better than blur; against a 15th level fighter, not so much, as your chance of getting hit would increase every time the 15th level fighter attacked (assuming that he doesn't roll a 1) and destroyed a mirror image, until all your mirror images were gone.
Abraham spalding |
Which is why we have Greater Mirror Image and displacement.
If you think you'll have a lot of rogues to deal with a lesser cloak of displacement gives a constant 20% miss chance... not great but enough to kill any sneak attack and possibly avoid an occasional surprise attack.
If you are a cleric Entropic Shield would be a cheaper blur for you against ranged attacks.
Other armor bonuses to look for:
Sacred (fairly widely available)
Circumstance (only one spell I know gives this -- Holy Star)
Untyped (defense weaponry is good)
The Black Bard |
Human Paladin W Charisma 16 base + Tower Shield Proficiency + Shield Specialization + Shield Ward + Divine Shield = At level 4, your touch AC with only a tower shield is 15, 18 with Divine Shield. Assuming decent Ring of Protection, Dexterity, and Charisma Boosts, you could be looking at Touch AC 21 at level 4.
Currently have a Dragonborn Paladin/Platinum Knight who's breaching Touch AC 26 at level 7. I expect his level 20 Touch AC to be around 35.
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
spalding |
Here's a build for you (warning it's a bit long)
Class Levels:
Favored Soul 5
Mystic Wanderer 1
Heartwarden 9
Spelldancer 2
Comtemplative 1
Shaky (flaw)
Noncombatant (flaw)
Dodge (bonus)
Mobility (bonus)
Spell Focus (enchantment) (1st)
Weapon Focus (whip) (3rd)
Iron Will (bonus) Otugyh Hole location from Complete Scoundrel (3,000 gp)
Combat casting (6th)
Endurance (9th)
Persistent Spell (12th)
Spells Known
Conviction (Morale bonus on save throws)
Shield of Faith (Deflection bonus on AC)
Divine Favor (Luck bonus on Attack and Damage -- me only)
Protection from (Deflection bonus and resistance bonus AC/saves)
Cure Light Wounds
*Blank spell known*
Elation (+2 morale bonus to Dex and Str, + 5 ft morale bonus spd)
Divine Protection (+1 morale bonus to AC)
Lesser Restoration
Cure Moderate Wounds
Living Undeath (-4 to Cha, immunity to criticals and sneak attack)
Grace (+2 sacred bonus Dex + 10 ft Spd - 20 Hide -- me only)
Holy Storm (-4 spot, listen, search, ranged combat, 2d6 to evil no save/resistance)
Shield of Warding (blessed shield gives sacred bonus to AC and Saves)
Mass Resist Energy (energy resistance 30 for everyone)
Mark of Doom (No save/resistance, 1d6/caster level damage if they do anything aggressive)
Cure Serious Wounds
Sheltered Vitality (Immune to fatigue, exhaustion, ability drain/damage)
Neutralize Poison
Recitation (+2 Luck bonus on AC, Attacks, Saves - +3 if same deity)
Divine Power
Delay Death (don't die at -10 hp, still disabled)
True Seeing
Divine Agility (+10 Enhancement to Dex)
Triad Spell (Cast 3rd level spell or lower 3 times on one slot)
Raise Dead
Righteous Wraith of the Faithful (extra attack +3 morale bonus to Attack and Damage)
Revivify (raise dead within 1 round, no level lost) OR
Lifeward (Immunity to death spells, negative energy, energy drain, death effects, armor count as ghost touch)
Call Faithful Servants
Vigorous Circle (Fast Healing 3 to group)
Chasing Perfection (+4 enhancement bonus to all stats)
Greater Blindsight (blindsight out to 60 ft)
Greater Dispel Magic
7th level
Mass Spell Resistance
Mass Restoration
Holy Star (spell turning, +6 circumstance bonus AC, Attack)
Fortunate Fate (contingent Heal)
Shield of the Archons (Immunity to attacks -- personal)
*Blank spell known*
Holy Aura
Mass Deathward
Stormrage (flight speed and lightning attack each round -- personal)
Greater Spell Immunity (Up to 8th level spells)
*Blank Spell Known*
True Resurrection
Mass Heal
Greater Visage of the Deity (Multiple bonuses, personal)
The basic idea is to use the spelldancer ability to presist all your spells for the day starting with sheltered vitality which makes you immune to fatigue and exhaustion (important because the spelldancer ability can fatigue and exhaust you if you aren't careful)...mystic wanderer adds your CHA bonus as a scared bonus to AC as long as you don't wear actual armor (can still use bracers of armor).
All told after accounting for magical items I had a touch AC of 93(ish) at level 20 with a minimum save throw of +43, and immunity to everything (including actual death -- one of the spells lets you go below negative 10 HP).
And yes my DM and I double checked everything to make sure I wasn't doubling up on bonus types, or miscalculating the totals.
psionichamster |
concur on the impressive statement.
persistent Greater Visage, Divine Power, Stormrage, and Divine Favor were enough on my cleric to render him all but unkillable, though.
and as DM, unless for an absolute twink-er-iffic one-shot, Power Word: No becomes the default.
really? 90+ touch ac? and invulnerable to all "you die or are otherwise screwed" effects? wow.
Abraham spalding |
Yeah it started off as a "well what if..." statement and grew from there. The character was a real blast to play however, and not for the mechanics of it. She grew up in a temple of Sune, never attended classes or what not. When she asked why she was there the clerics typically smiled and said, "Because Sune wishes it."
Almost never did anything offensive, and generally stuck to simply buffing the party and applying diplomacy and good sense (character was a lesser Aasimar, we go into the cold north... using a form of the cold weather exposure rules, and my character, in a simple dress remembers, "Oh yes! We need to get you poor humans and halflings some winter clothing! You'll freeze up here!").
There is however one big weakness to that build...
Anti-magic field, good bye buffs good bye butt.