100 Ideas for the Police State

Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages

OK bugley =D have a great day, (I'm being serious too, not an arse) So I really mean , have a great day!

Xaaon of Xen'Drik wrote:
OK bugley =D have a great day, (I'm being serious too, not an arse) So I really mean , have a great day!

You too! :)

Liberty's Edge

55. Offer the masses nebulous concepts without anything substantive like "hope" or "change." Repeat unto absurdia. They need their mantras.
Also, brave propagandistic 3/4 busts from 2 heads shorter of your "fearless leader" on every conceivable public venue are an absolute must.
Ideally, with the aforementioned mantra catchwords underneath the bust shot. Or make up some other ones. "Freedom." "The Future." Whatever.

Dark Archive

David Fryer wrote:
42. Utilize the internet and have a few covert agents infiltrate internet messageboards and have them distract people with loony conspiracy theories.

42.5. Make sure to 'leak' the craziest stuff that you are actually doing, surrounded by whackaloon stuff that nobody would believe, to pre-emptively discredit anyone who actually does catch you later as being raving conspiracy theorist nutjobs!

Once the people associate tinfoil hats with the black helicopter / area 51 / secede from the country before they take our guns / flouride robs us of our precious bodily fluids crowd, they'll never believe that wearing tinfoil hats actually *does* stop the orbital mind-control lasers!

Liberty's Edge

bugleyman wrote:
crmanriq wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
45.Nationalize the banking, auto, and medical industries.
I guess not.

What, we can't steal ideas from real life?

Next you'll have shadowrunners who don't bootleg software or music.

Of course you "can." But let's head off the cries of "censorship," since that isn't really what's going on here...there is a unpleasant political back and forth developing that will kill this thread, which sucks, because it has the potential to be cool.

Sorry; I just show up with my conservative whacko sign whenever I see a liberal with his peace flower bullhorn.....but I posted a millisecond behind you. I'm ever eager to disarm though.

Liberty's Edge

As for the intent of this thread, well.....all I can say is check the originator's recent posts, and see if you notice any kind of trend(s).

Now the counts all messed up...

46. Convince old people that they can experience a blissful death in your polluted, overcrowded cities by visiting a processing center.

47. Process the dead people into tasty green food products.

48. Don't tell the populace that soylent green is people.

Heathansson wrote:

55. Offer the masses nebulous concepts without anything substantive like "hope" or "change." Repeat unto absurdia. They need their mantras.

Also, brave propagandistic 3/4 busts from 2 heads shorter of your "fearless leader" on every conceivable public venue are an absolute must.
Ideally, with the aforementioned mantra catchwords underneath the bust shot. Or make up some other ones. "Freedom." "The Future." Whatever.

Wait. You don't appear to be showing enough respect for The Great Leader. Stay here while I report this.

56. Loyalty tests.

Two rather well known Americans said this of government:

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."

"If the policy of the government, upon vital questions affecting the whole people, is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court...the people will have ceased to be their own rulers, having to that extent practically resigned the government into the hands of that eminent tribunal."

Basically a Police state is easy to create, it is a free state that is hard. Some argue that freedom does not exist, cannot exist in any social situation which by their very nature require comprise and thus a loss of freedom. Others argue that freedom can never be taken, because if you have even one choice left you still have freedom. It all depends on what you call freedom it would seem.

A police state in this debate seems to assume a state were we are not free. So the real question has to start with what do you define freedom as?

57. Manufacture this.

The Exchange

58. Professional Wrestling 24/7 channel.

'nuff said

Liberty's Edge

crmanriq wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

55. Offer the masses nebulous concepts without anything substantive like "hope" or "change." Repeat unto absurdia. They need their mantras.

Also, brave propagandistic 3/4 busts from 2 heads shorter of your "fearless leader" on every conceivable public venue are an absolute must.
Ideally, with the aforementioned mantra catchwords underneath the bust shot. Or make up some other ones. "Freedom." "The Future." Whatever.

Wait. You don't appear to be showing enough respect for The Great Leader. Stay here while I report this.

56. Loyalty tests.

I sent him a picture of my Obamination bumpersticker and my Jesus license plate. I ain't skeert. I'm in the Republic of Texas.

59. Convince the populace that dead people who didn't believe half their rhetoric are infallible and that their opinions about the rights of the populace being contradicted by their actions means that no action can possibly conflict with any rights claimed.

60. Convince people that despite that, they still have these rights and should happily devote their fullest admiration to the state and to the dead people aforementioned for having the rights so entombed.

61. Zombie hordes. A police state needs zombies. Nuthin' like a pack of flesh-eatin' zombies to keep the locals in line.

Dark Archive

62. Wall off Death Valley and create the world's largest open air prison.
63. Allow anyone who wants to put themselves in the prison, but nobody gets out.

The more realistic suggestions remind me of the fact that I have lived in Singapore for ten years.... ;)

PS: And I don't think I would live anywhere else!

Dark Archive

Heathansson wrote:
As for the intent of this thread, well.....all I can say is check the originator's recent posts, and see if you notice any kind of trend(s).

Yikes. Cyberstalk much?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Fear will keep them in line!

The Computer is your friend.

The Computer cares about your well-being.

The Computer is good.

The Computer will most likely not detonate the explosive device impanted in your head at birth. Unless The Computer has a psychotic break. Again.

Liberty's Edge

CourtFool wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
29. Kill yellowdingo and imprison all Texans.
You have a facility that can maintain that prison gang?

I don't think he really knows what he's saying ;)

The Exchange

CourtFool wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
29. Kill yellowdingo and imprison all Texans.
You have a facility that can maintain that prison gang?

I think they call it Texas. Just build a wall aroud it with guns pointed in.

The Exchange

64. Barcode Tattoos on the Face just below the eyeline rather than an outlying appendage like the wrist.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

60. Ban Cantaloupe. Everyone knows melon breeds insurrection.

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