100 Ideas for the Police State

Off-Topic Discussions

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The Exchange

The Administration is having trouble maintaining Order.

People are meeting in secret.
Gathering in Groups.
Demanding self-Government.

What to Do?

1. GPS tracking and 'Kill the disident' Microchip.

2. Firewall the entire internet to prevent opposing view points from being heard.

3. Require a permit for all inter-county travel. "Troublemakers" can't get a permit.

Liberty's Edge

4. Bread
5. Circuses

Dark Archive

6. Reality TV shows that splashily showcase 'ordinary people like you!' becoming overnight celebrities and millionaires, to give the oppressed citizenry locked into an unchanging socioeconomic caste system a fluffy fantasy that they might someday escape their inequal situation and join the wealthy elite children of priviledge.

7. Lotteries, for the exact same reason. Give them hope that they can better their station without doing anything *crazy* like storming the Bastille and chopping off a bunch of their social better's heads!

8. Establish a Ministry of Truth. This will be an enormous pyramidal structure of glittering white concrete rising 300 meters into the air, containing over 3000 rooms above ground. On the outside wall are the three slogans of the Police State Party: "War is Peace," "Freedom is Slavery," "Ignorance is Strength." There is also a large part underground, which contains huge incinerators where documents are destroyed after they are put down "memory holes"...

You guys are amatures :D

9. They use nanites introduced through vacinations to build an enhanced reality interface into the optic and auditory nerves. This way the elite has turned most people into cyborgs who's perceptions they can edit. The is why i can see the black helecopters and the truth of the elites control, and you smucks who got vacinated cannot. The truth has literally been air brushed out for you.

Zombieneighbours wrote:

You guys are amatures :D

9. They use nanites introduced through vacinations to build an enhanced reality interface into the optic and auditory nerves. This way the elite has turned most people into cyborgs who's perceptions they can edit. The is why i can see the black helecopters and the truth of the elites control, and you smucks who got vacinated cannot. The truth has literally been air brushed out for you.

John Carpenter already did it without the nanites.

10. State controlled education that isn't free.
11. State controlled television that is free

12. Government issued permits required to operate any website
13. Secret police
14. Total opacity of all government functions

Kruelaid wrote:
Zombieneighbours wrote:

You guys are amatures :D

9. They use nanites introduced through vacinations to build an enhanced reality interface into the optic and auditory nerves. This way the elite has turned most people into cyborgs who's perceptions they can edit. The is why i can see the black helecopters and the truth of the elites control, and you smucks who got vacinated cannot. The truth has literally been air brushed out for you.

John Carpenter already did it without the nanites.

I don't really do john carpenter...what did he do it in?

They Live

15. All printing houses and publishers require government permits.
16. All publishers must be members of the state 'party'.

Zombieneighbours wrote:
I don't really do john carpenter...what did he do it in?

Oh... you must already live in a Police State...

R.J. MacReady wrote:
Zombieneighbours wrote:
I don't really do john carpenter...what did he do it in?
Oh... you must already live in a Police State...

Just watched it. It was okay.

Dark Archive

17. Free opium, tobacco and coffee for everyone.

18. Special benefits for everyone who exposes traitors in society.

Liberty's Edge

19. attack dingoes.

Heathansson wrote:
19. attack dingoes.

Would you settle for attack poodles?

Loses train of thought and returns to licking himself.

Liberty's Edge

20. Offer a broad and generous social welfare package: free housing, food, health care, transportation, and internet access. All for the small price of one's privacy and personal liberty.

Liberty's Edge

CourtFool wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
19. attack dingoes.

Would you settle for attack poodles?

Loses train of thought and returns to licking himself.

No. They're not marsupials.

Liberty's Edge

21. Speakeasys, underground jazz/fight clubs, rumrunning and smuggling liquor, good old boys operating stills; freedomfighters with tommy guns, The Lone Republic of the Brave secedes from aforesaid Police State.

Heathansson wrote:
CourtFool wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
19. attack dingoes.

Would you settle for attack poodles?

Loses train of thought and returns to licking himself.

No. They're not marsupials.

Are dingoes? really?

No! Dingos are not marsupials. Bad werepoodle! Bad!

22. Remove legal prohibitions against stationing battle-ready military formations within the nation to use as police forces.

23. Use them.

Liberty's Edge

therealthom wrote:
No! Dingos are not marsupials. Bad werepoodle! Bad!

Yes they are! They have little pouches with marsupial teats.

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:
therealthom wrote:
No! Dingos are not marsupials. Bad werepoodle! Bad!
Yes they are! They have little pouches with marsupial teats.

That would be Tasmanian Tigers...Dingos were 'introduced' apparently from Asia down a land bridge.

The Exchange

Samnell wrote:

22. Remove legal prohibitions against stationing battle-ready military formations within the nation to use as police forces.

23. Use them.

24. Declare physical misshandling by officers a legitimate action of non assault.

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:
21. Speakeasys, underground jazz/fight clubs, rumrunning and smuggling liquor, good old boys operating stills; freedomfighters with tommy guns, The Lone Republic of the Brave secedes from aforesaid Police State.

25. Covert action teams sent to burn down succesionist filth to pursuade them of the importance of being subject to the rule of better laws.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

26. Genetically modified super-hagfish with the ability to read minds and super-slime that can bind dissenters in their clothes.

27. Appoint Kruelaid as your leader.

28. Recognize Kruelaid as the embodiment of God on Earth.

29. Kill yellowdingo and imprison all Texans.

30. Ensure that there is an important competative sports match on every night.

Silver Crusade

31. Drug them with American Idol.

32. Secretly replace the Legislature with circus clowns. Wait, already done. Just without the balloon animals.

33. Replace the Supreme Court with American Idol judges, and let the citizens 'vote' and delude themselves that someone actually is counting them. (to play off an earlier post)

EDIT: Change 32 to 'Require the Legislature to be able to make ballon animals.'

34. Declare waterboarding to be necessary and thus "not torture".

35. Convince people that there is an immediate threat to them that can only be solved by acts of barbarism.

36. Declare critics of barbarous acts to be unpatriotic.

crmanriq wrote:

35. Convince people that there is an immediate threat to them that can only be solved by acts of barbarism.

36. Declare critics of barbarous acts to be unpatriotic.

Worked for FDR.....

37. Allow a small unelected group, say 9 people or so, to have the absolute last word on any law.

Dark Archive

39. Create a polarized political atmosphere where both major political parties spend more time attacking each other then solving problems.

40. Enforce in peoples mind that some things are just not right to say, even with freedom of speech.

41. Have people begin arguing over what is and is not correct to say.

42. Utilize the internet and have a few covert agents infiltrate internet messageboards and have them distract people with loony conspiracy theories.

Liberty's Edge

43. Declare war on an intangible concept, societal construct or mythical being.

Personally, I'd love to see a war on war, hatred or Neptune/Poseiden ('cuz Posiedan War 2 sounds cool). :)

44. Write new and rewrite existing law through executive order.

Good lord...is it POSSIBLE to have a discussion that doesn't turn toward politics?

It would be nice if we could keep this thoroughly in the realm of helping out someone's game setting, and away from thinly-veiled political sniping.

Liberty's Edge

45.Nationalize the banking, auto, and medical industries.

Heathansson wrote:
45.Nationalize the banking, auto, and medical industries.

I guess not.

bugleyman wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
45.Nationalize the banking, auto, and medical industries.
I guess not.

What, we can't steal ideas from real life?

Next you'll have shadowrunners who don't bootleg software or music.

1. Mind control via media and internet, causing you to do illicit activities, then blackmail

2. MK U l t r a....

Scarab Sages

The thread was based upon a real patent application bugley...

And those ideas can be used for a game...

Life is a game anyway..it's just a game, lose your life, that's OK, you'll get a new body soon...choose your parents, and then we'll reincarnate you...ready....GO! ah crap, they aborted you, let's try again! =D

crmanriq wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
45.Nationalize the banking, auto, and medical industries.
I guess not.

What, we can't steal ideas from real life?

Next you'll have shadowrunners who don't bootleg software or music.

Of course you "can." But let's head off the cries of "censorship," since that isn't really what's going on here...there is a unpleasant political back and forth developing that will kill this thread, which sucks, because it has the potential to be cool.

Xaaon of Xen'Drik wrote:
The thread was based upon a real patent application bugley...

I did see that the aplication was real, but perhaps I completely missed the point of the thread. I thought someone was trying to gather ideas for a setting, using that article as a springboard. If this really was intended as a political thread, I'll excuse myself, as I've had enough of those.

Have fun storming the castle. :)

Kruelaid wrote:
29. Kill yellowdingo and imprison all Texans.

You have a facility that can maintain that prison gang?

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