Mutant Power: Corrosion (touch)
Secret Society: Communists (Rank 2)
Secret Skills
13 Demolition
4 Botspotting
17 Propaganda
Society Beliefs: Smash The Computer and its corrupt capitalist lackeys! All power to the INFRARED masses! The masses are the creators of all wealth; high security clearance citizens are parasites fattening on the blood of the people! All wealth to the creators of wealth. Death to the oppressor! From each according to his abilities; to each according to his needs.
Friends: No one likes Commies!
Enemies: Everybody hates Commies!
Description: The Commies don’t really
know much about historical Communism,
which was a dead doctrine long before Year 1
of The Computer. However, The Computer’s
intense persecution of Communism has led
to its revival. (Certain citizens conclude if The
Computer hates Communism that much, it
can’t be all bad.) Communists have tried to
reconstruct Communism from the few sources
they’ve found, but many cells have little idea
what it’s all about.
The Party is organized in the traditional cell
structure. Each member belongs to a cell of 3-
12 comrades, directed by a leader, usually the
highest-degree member of the cell. The leader
reports to a higher member, etc., until the top
of the organizational tree is reached—the Party
Chairman. At 3rd degree, a character becomes
the leader of a cell, and at 4th degree, other
cell leaders report to him.
Advancement: Communists admire those
with a good grasp of doctrine (high Communist
Propaganda skill), and who take daring action
against The Computer. They also encourage
proselytizing—‘infecting’ citizens with
Communist propaganda leads to promotion
in the hierarchy.
Special rules: The society teaches the Unhealthy skill of
Communist Propaganda to all members, and
places high priority on achieving higher levels
with the skill. The leadership looks with extreme
suspicion on members who fail to diligently
study and spread this skill.
Information and equipment are sometimes
available to Party members, but the
member must demonstrate a strong case
for its importance and the importance of the
The Computer intensely fears and despises communists and they are the most persecuted of all secret societies.
Personal Goals/Mission: Do your best to sabotage any mission that will benefit the computer or help support the continued existence of the computer’s tyranny. Distribute as much communist propaganda as possible. A member of your cell will be contacting you with a batch of propaganda pamphlets and posters that are to be distributed- preferably among the masses.
If any of your team members seems overly loyal to the computer or is working too hard to achiever the computer’s mission then you may try to take out that character.
Your contacts In your service firm at technical services have informed you that their has been some issues with the fuel cell replenishment of Skybots. They are tending to run out of power too quickly. If you see this happening he has asked you to file a report.
Current Secret society agenda: Your comrades have recontacted you, and have given you a some new pamphlets to distribute. They have also learned that your new mission is scheduled to take you into a tech services training facility. There is a man in tech services named Yuri-O-KOF-5, he is a member of the commies, but your contacts believe he is spy for the computer. To aid you in killing Yuri they have given you a needle with a does of poison. It won't kick in right away and it will make it look like heart failure. You only have one good dose. It's green clearance. They want you to take him out. Continue to sabotage any mission that looks like it will benefit the computer.