Break the Chains

Off-Topic Discussions

Scarab Sages

I generally try to avoid posting things like this, but here is something that I really feel we can all get behind.

Before I get too far into it, I want everyone to put aside their religious preferences, political affiliations, or any other baggage that they might be carrying. This is something that we should all be a part of no matter who we are.

We are doing a campaign to end human trafficking. It is hard to imagine that this is going on in the world that we live in. This is a crime that needs to be stopped. The buying and selling of people as slaves is an injustice that has been going on for far too long.

We have pretty much all worked hard to free slaves in our games. Wouldn’t it be cool to help do so in real life?

There are a number of organizations that are working toward this end. One that I am part of can be found here --> Break the chains. Our donation funds boast near 98% of giving goes to what the money is meant to go to. The only reason that I mention it is so that people will be assured where their money is going to. However, they have also posted a large number of other organizations that are doing similar work --> Here. I cannot necessarily vouch for them but regardless of how, we really need to end this. One other thing that I like about the one I’m part of is that it isn’t really enough to simply free a slave. We have teamed up with people that help to get them a home, skills to make money, and show them how they can live free.

Here is a powerful site that I am a little familiar with that is working toward a similar goal. Watch the video on the site and you’ll get an idea why we all need to work together to end this.

So what can we do? It takes roughly one thousand dollars to free a slave. That’s quite a bit of money. But large communities can really make a difference. If 200 people each give $25 we would be able to free 5 slaves and give then a new life.

If this is inappropriate to post here, then I apologize (and Paizo – please delete it)

If you made it this far in this post and feel compelled to give to an organization toward this cause – please do and thank you.

If you made it this far and don’t feel compelled to give – thank you for considering.

Regardless of where we are or who we are – together we can make a difference. I hope that you will join me in this.

Not to be confused with Break the Chains.

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