Winter is Coming - The PBP


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OK. That's enough votes in favour. Extended rest it is. Any precautions you'd like to take? Please note that the cold is such that unless you protect yourselves in some way, you'll take damage and regain fewer surges than normal.

Male Eladrin Warlord 22/Paragon Swordmage/Ruler of Winter Epic Destiny

Lurean will stand a watch. He has cold resis 15 so I assume he's okay as far as the cold goes. Try to find a defensive point that overlooks as much of the approach as possible.

Lurean won't take cold damage, but he will, like everyone else, regain 1 fewer surges than normal. I have a feeling Lav might have a pocket mansion ritual stashed away somewhere.

Male Deva Wiz 23 / Cleric / Divine Oracle / Sage of Ages

"Ah, a spell I have been working on for just this occasion."

Lavender stands back and traces with his finger a rectangle the size of a large doorway. When he is done, it glows momentarily. He reaches forward, and opens what is now a finely carved wooded door.

"We will be safe from the elements -- and other things -- in here." He gestures his friends inside. Beyond the door, all can see a well-appointed mansion. "This will not be detectable once we are in, and I assure you it is quite warm."

Also includes food and such. Perfect for an extended rest, and all because I forgot to swap out for Mass Fly last time!

male Human Warlock (fey/star)/Hexer/Magister level 23

"Your thousand lifetimes have endowed you with a lot of extremely useful knowledge, Lav."

Alasandro sets one of his bottles of wine to chill in the snow and heads into the lavish accommodations.

Someone needs to do the fey portal ritual. Either Tavar or Lavender are qualified.

Please make sure all hp/surges/powers and whatnot are up to date - Lav, which spells are you taking today?

You all have 1AP.

Fully rested within the luxurious accommodations provided by Lavender, the heroes prepare to face down Koliada in her deepest sanctum.

Male Deva Cleric 22

Fey Portal = 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (4) + 19 = 23

Perhaps Lavender should perform the rite.

No check needed. If you know, you know it. Casting time 10 minutes, transport time instantaneous.

Male Deva Wiz 23 / Cleric / Divine Oracle / Sage of Ages

Done and ready.

The portal opens and you pass intantaneously into the feywild. Although the scene before you is as frozen as the mountains you just left, the difference is unmistakable. The light is so intense and the place so beautiful that for half a heartbeat, the danger awaiting you fades into insignificance.

Not for long however. The approach to the Winter Witch's domain is along a slick ice bridge which lies across a lake of freezing blue water. Clearly there is no way that it should be unfrozen, and yet the water glints and moves, more like liquid diamond than anything you have seen in your own, familiar plane. Ahead of you lie the stairs to your final destination and guarding the way, three seemingly lifeless trees, shrouded in icicles, stand silhouetted against the sky.

As the portal opens, they swivel to look at you, strange blue eyes ablaze with fervour and they move. In the instant of your arrival, you realise that the statues adorning the bridge are not mere decorations. Other adventurers before yourselves have made this perilous journey and they have failed. Elves, dragonborn and other, stranger shapes, worn by time and now unrecognisable are now but icy statues.

The statues provide cover.
The terrain is particularly treacherous. If you don't have ice-walk, it counts as difficult (two movement points to move one square).
Falling in the lake is a bad idea. It's very cold (doing 20 damage if you start your turn there and requiring a DC15 Althetics to swim). DC25 Athletics to get out again.
The stairs are also difficult terrain. It costs an extra two squares of momement (so 4 total) to climb up and an extra one square of movement (3 total) to climb down. Does not apply to creatures with icewalk.
Creatures without ice-walk and are not prone already may attempt to slide along the ice, but this requires a DC27 Athletics check for each square entered. On a fail, the creature is prone, but the move action is not spent.



Disclaimer: Lav is going to hate this map, but the difficulties with the terrain are kind of the point with this one.


OK folks. Roll init and give me your positions. I'm out for all of today (awards ceremony in London - very odd), but will try and get you all on the map when I get back late tonight.

Don't forget Lurean's +6 bonus to init.

[ooc]Init so far:-
Alasandro - 43 (inc Lurean's +6 bonus)
Frostblight Treants - 34

Elf Avenger/Zealous Assassin/Harbringer of Doom 23

I'll take O15. Initiative: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (3) + 23 = 26

Male Deva Wiz 23 / Cleric / Divine Oracle / Sage of Ages

R17. Init: Better of 1d20 + 14 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 14 + 6 = 21 and 1d20 + 14 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 14 + 6 = 29

I don't mind when the terrain constrains the characters. My objection is when out-of-game concerns about map software constrain the characters!

Q15; Initiative 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12

Male Deva Cleric 22

R18; Initiative best of two = 32 plus any bonus from others.
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 221d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32

Thanks. I'll update this in the morning. Exhausted and elated, although more than a bit surprised. We won!

Male Deva Cleric 22



The statues provide cover.
The terrain is particularly treacherous. If you don't have ice-walk, it counts as difficult (two movement points to move one square).
Falling in the lake is a bad idea. It's very cold (doing 20 damage if you start your turn there and requiring a DC15 Althetics to swim). DC25 Athletics to get out again.
The stairs are also difficult terrain. It costs an extra two squares of momement (so 4 total) to climb up and an extra one square of movement (3 total) to climb down. Does not apply to creatures with icewalk.
Creatures without ice-walk and are not prone already may attempt to slide along the ice, but this requires a DC27 Athletics check for each square entered. On a fail, the creature is prone, but the move action is not spent.


Tavar - has cover from statues


Rolled for Lurean. Alasandro's actions follow shortly.


Tavar - has cover from statues

male Human Warlock (fey/star)/Hexer/Magister level 23

Minor - Curse T1.
Attack T1 with Dire Radiance. 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (7) + 24 = 31 - v Fort, including prime shot bonus. Flat miss.

Alasandro tries to take advantage of his early chance to attack and flubs horribly.


Tavar - has cover from statues

Male Deva Cleric 22

Move to P16 and cast Divine Armor, close burst 3, should include everyone, +2AC and gain resist 5 all until the end of the encounter.

Tavar calls on The Raven Queen to aid his friends and her power washes benevolently over all of them, strengthening and empowering the group.


To end encounter, everyone is at +2AC and resist 5 all.


Male Eladrin Warlord 22/Paragon Swordmage/Ruler of Winter Epic Destiny

With his blade drawn, Lurean moves to meet the beasts.double move to N11

Lurean advances, watching to see what the treants do next.

He finds out in short order. Moving with ease over the ice, the fey beings stretch out roots to snare and hold the heroes in place.

The foremost treant advances on Lurean, Alasandro and Theren, the chill of its presence sending slowing cold through their bones.

Glaring at the three of them it shakes particles of purest cold from its branches.

Shake the Shards (AC) - close burst 3, enemies only. On hit target takes cold damage and loses and resist cold it has (se)
1d20 + 32 ⇒ (5) + 32 = 37 - v Lurean
1d20 + 32 ⇒ (14) + 32 = 46 - v Theren
1d20 + 32 ⇒ (15) + 32 = 47 - v Alasandro
2d8 + 6 ⇒ (8, 5) + 6 = 19 - cold damage

14 cold damage to Theren and Alasandro - resist 5 factored in.

T3 moves to block the stairs.

Treants have an aura 3. Creatures starting their turns within the aura are slowed (2 squares of movement only) and take 10 necrotic damage.


To end encounter, everyone is at +2AC and resist 5 all.

Theren - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Alasandro - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Lurean - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Treant 1 - cursed by Alasandro
Treant 2
Treant 3

Male Deva Wiz 23 / Cleric / Divine Oracle / Sage of Ages

Lavender slowly advances and casts a rare incantation, gesticulating precisely. As he ends it, all his allies find themselves hovering a few inches above the treacherous ice.

Move: Q16. Standard: Mass Fly. We all have Fly 8 TEOMNT, sustain minor.


Note that Lav has Resist Necrotic 16

Lav floats playfully above the statue as he and his allies sprout wings. Not a sentence I'll be typing that often, I feel.

Treants have an aura 3. Creatures starting their turns within the aura are slowed (2 squares of movement only) and take 10 necrotic damage.


To end encounter, everyone is at +2AC and resist 5 all.
We're all flying until Lav chooses not to sustain the effect.

Theren - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Alasandro - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Lurean - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Treant 1 - cursed by Alasandro
Treant 2
Treant 3
Lavender - resist 15 necrotic (equipment)

Elf Avenger/Zealous Assassin/Harbringer of Doom 23

"You willingly block us from our holy goal. Now, be punished." Theren then charges over the ice to attack the nearest treant.

Using Oath of Enmity on T1, then charging him. Attack, Stealth: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (3) + 29 = 321d20 + 29 ⇒ (5) + 29 = 342d12 + 12 ⇒ (7, 5) + 12 = 241d20 + 27 ⇒ (5) + 27 = 32
EDIT: Good a time as any to use Elven Accuracy. 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (6) + 29 = 351d20 + 29 ⇒ (6) + 29 = 35

The effects of sudden flight, though helpful in one way, seem to put Theren off his stroke. None of his attacks hit, despite his best efforts to reverse that.

Treants have an aura 3. Creatures starting their turns within the aura are slowed (2 squares of movement only) and take 10 necrotic damage.


To end encounter, everyone is at +2AC and resist 5 all.
We're all flying until Lav chooses not to sustain the effect.

Alasandro - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Lurean - resist 15 cold (feat and equipment); slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Treant 1 - cursed by Alasandro; under Theren's Oath of Emnity
Treant 2
Treant 3
Lavender - resist 15 necrotic (equipment)
Theren - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)

Not really in his character, but since we can fly better use it

Move to M12 (directly above the Treant; Nature's Wrath on T1; Howling Strike 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (13) + 26 = 39; Damage 4d6 + 3d6 + 26 ⇒ (5, 6, 4, 5) + (5, 1, 5) + 26 = 57

Looking somewhat incongruous, Genryu flaps instinctively as he moves towards the treant, but has trouble adjusting his attack without his feet on the ground. The maul misses, swinging only through empty space. Genryu himself lands on top of an icy statue and feels his feet sliding from under him.

Please make a DC27 Athletics check to keep your footing. You can fly, but you need to land at the end of your turn, as you don't get to hover.

Treants have an aura 3. Creatures starting their turns within the aura are slowed (2 squares of movement only) and take 10 necrotic damage.


To end encounter, everyone is at +2AC and resist 5 all.
We're all flying until Lav chooses not to sustain the effect.

Alasandro - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Lurean - resist 15 cold (feat and equipment); slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Treant 1 - cursed by Alasandro; under Theren's Oath of Emnity
Treant 2
Treant 3
Lavender - resist 15 necrotic (equipment)
Theren - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Genryu - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)

male Human Warlock (fey/star)/Hexer/Magister level 23

Alasandro glides back out of the treant's aura and sizes up the situation.

"Lav, how long can you keep this going? Long enough for me to fly over the lake do you think?" he asks absently, before firing a bolt of eldritch power at the fey tree. He looks at little concerned as the attack, like all the others before it, misses.

"This could take a while..."

1d20 + 23 ⇒ (10) + 23 = 33 - Eldritch Blast (Ref) v T1. Misses.

Treants have an aura 3. Creatures starting their turns within the aura are slowed (2 squares of movement only) and take 10 necrotic damage.


To end encounter, everyone is at +2AC and resist 5 all.
We're all flying until Lav chooses not to sustain the effect.

Lurean - resist 15 cold (feat and equipment); slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Treant 1 - cursed by Alasandro; under Theren's Oath of Emnity
Treant 2
Treant 3
Lavender - resist 15 necrotic (equipment)
Theren - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Genryu - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)

Male Deva Cleric 22

Fly to L16 and throw a lance of faith at TI.
Attack vs will 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (10) + 24 = 34, Damage = 2d8 + 13 ⇒ (4, 4) + 13 = 21

Tavar flies to a better position, but like the rest of the group takes a while to grow accustomed to his wings and misses.

Genryu - apologies. You don't need to make an Athletics save. You can stay aloft.[/b] All[/b] - when flying, you need to move at least 2 squares each turn of plummet to the ground unless you have hover. So feel free to flap around the treants. That's what Alasandro is going to do anyway :)

Treants have an aura 3. Creatures starting their turns within the aura are slowed (2 squares of movement only) and take 10 necrotic damage.


To end encounter, everyone is at +2AC and resist 5 all.
We're all flying until Lav chooses not to sustain the effect.

Lurean - resist 15 cold (feat and equipment); slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Treant 1 - cursed by Alasandro; under Theren's Oath of Emnity
Treant 2
Treant 3
Lavender - resist 15 necrotic (equipment)
Theren - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Genryu - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)

Male Eladrin Warlord 22/Paragon Swordmage/Ruler of Winter Epic Destiny

Lurean moves his back against a statue and strikes out against the treant.
Stand: Grim Mark (shift to N10) v. T1's AC 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (16) + 28 = 442d8 + 14 ⇒ (2, 6) + 14 = 22 the target is dazed and marked until the end of your next turn. While the target is marked by this power, your allies gain a +3 power bonus to damage rolls against the target.

Lurean gets to grips with flying without any trouble at all and uses his finely honed knowledge of creatures of cold to daze and damage the nearest treant. His example points the way for his comrades to follow suit.

Unable to do much but writhe, T1 nonetheless slams its huge body into Theren and misses.
1d20 + 32 ⇒ (9) + 32 = 41 - Slam (AC) v Theren.

The second treant advances impacably on the comrades, branches stretching easily into the sky and demonstrating that flight is no easy way to avoid them. Lurean comes down to earth with a thump.
1d20 + 28 ⇒ (20) + 28 = 48 - Freezing Roots (Ref) v Lurean (reach 4). Crit. Lurean takes 1 cold damage (resist factored in) and is restrained (se). Aftereffect: immobilised to end his next turn.

Treants have an aura 3. Creatures starting their turns within the aura are slowed (2 squares of movement only) and take 10 necrotic damage.


To end encounter, everyone is at +2AC and resist 5 all.
Except for Lurean, we're all flying until Lav chooses not to sustain the effect.

Restrained - You grant CA
You're immobilised
You can't be forced to move by a push, pull or slide
You take -2 penalty to attack rolls

Lavender - resist 15 necrotic (equipment)
Theren - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Genryu - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Lurean - resist 15 cold (feat and equipment); slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect); restrained (se) - Aftereffect - immobilised to end his next turn
Treant 1 - cursed by Alasandro; under Theren's Oath of Emnity; dazed and marked (+3 to damage) to end Lurean's next turn.
Treant 2
Treant 3

Lav is trapped with dodgy internet at the moment. I dare not try and run him, but he's going to try and get online tomorrow lunchtime (European time). If he doesn't make it, I'll grit my teeth and look at his powers.

Lavender remains gracefully aloft and keeps his companions flying while he tries to pummel the nearest treant with force missiles. He fails.

Minor - maintain flight. Move two squares to keep flying himself. Standard - magic missile v T1
1d20 + 25 ⇒ (8) + 25 = 33 - Ref.

Treants have an aura 3. Creatures starting their turns within the aura are slowed (2 squares of movement only) and take 10 necrotic damage.


To end encounter, everyone is at +2AC and resist 5 all.
Except for Lurean, we're all flying until Lav chooses not to sustain the effect.

Restrained - You grant CA
You're immobilised
You can't be forced to move by a push, pull or slide
You take -2 penalty to attack rolls

Theren - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Genryu - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Lurean - resist 15 cold (feat and equipment); slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect); restrained (se) - Aftereffect - immobilised to end his next turn
Treant 1 - cursed by Alasandro; under Theren's Oath of Emnity; dazed and marked (+3 to damage) to end Lurean's next turn.
Treant 2
Treant 3
Lavender - resist 15 necrotic (equipment)

Elf Avenger/Zealous Assassin/Harbringer of Doom 23

Theren slashes at the treant.

Basic attack: 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (5) + 28 = 331d20 + 28 ⇒ (4) + 28 = 322d12 + 12 ⇒ (5, 8) + 12 = 25

Keeping his feet firmly on the ground, Theren tries again, to no better effect. A glint of amusement appears in the treant's ice blue eyes.

Treants have an aura 3. Creatures starting their turns within the aura are slowed (2 squares of movement only) and take 10 necrotic damage.


To end encounter, everyone is at +2AC and resist 5 all.
Except for Lurean, we're all flying until Lav chooses not to sustain the effect.

Restrained - You grant CA
You're immobilised
You can't be forced to move by a push, pull or slide
You take -2 penalty to attack rolls

Genryu - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Lurean - resist 15 cold (feat and equipment); slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect); restrained (se) - Aftereffect - immobilised to end his next turn
Treant 1 - cursed by Alasandro; under Theren's Oath of Emnity; dazed and marked (+3 to damage) to end Lurean's next turn.
Treant 2
Treant 3
Lavender - resist 15 necrotic (equipment)
Theren - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)

Male Deva Cleric 22

I have resist necrotic 16 and so should Lav, just letting you know.

As T1 atempts to hit Theren Genryu takes the oppurtunity to attack

Warden Fury (immediate interrupt) 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (13) + 26 = 39; Damage 4d6 + 26 ⇒ (2, 1, 2, 1) + 26 = 32, and T1 grants combat advantage to me and my allies until the end of your next turn; Miss: 8 damage.

Also get to use an ability I've forgot to use this entire game Earthstrength Resolve! When any enemy marked by you makes an attack that doesn’t include you as a target, you gain 8 temporary hit points.

Currently at 207hp and 3 temp

Foom his place above the treant's head Genryu moves off over the ice.

Move to M14

He strikes once again

Howling Strike 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (13) + 26 = 39; Damage 4d6 + 3d6 + 26 ⇒ (6, 3, 5, 1) + (3, 3, 5) + 26 = 52; Miss: 8 damage

Neither of Genryu's attacks hit the treant although the reverberations of the mighty maul do some damage.

Treants have an aura 3. Creatures starting their turns within the aura are slowed (2 squares of movement only) and take 10 necrotic damage.


To end encounter, everyone is at +2AC and resist 5 all.
Except for Lurean, we're all flying until Lav chooses not to sustain the effect.

Restrained - You grant CA
You're immobilised
You can't be forced to move by a push, pull or slide
You take -2 penalty to attack rolls

Tavar - resist 16 necrotic
Lurean - resist 15 cold (feat and equipment); slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect); restrained (se) - Aftereffect - immobilised to end his next turn
Treant 1 - cursed by Alasandro; under Theren's Oath of Emnity; dazed and marked (+3 to damage) to end Lurean's next turn.
Treant 2
Treant 3
Lavender - resist 16 necrotic (equipment)
Theren - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Genryu - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)

male Human Warlock (fey/star)/Hexer/Magister level 23

Flying confidently, Alasandro heads over the lake and curses T2 before trying to find a way past T1's mighty defences.

1d20 + 23 ⇒ (17) + 23 = 40 - Eldritch Blast (Ref). Hits for 2d10 + 10 ⇒ (9, 1) + 10 = 20 plus 3d8 ⇒ (2, 1, 5) = 8 for a total of 28 damage.


Treants have an aura 3. Creatures starting their turns within the aura are slowed (2 squares of movement only) and take 10 necrotic damage.


To end encounter, everyone is at +2AC and resist 5 all.
Except for Lurean, we're all flying until Lav chooses not to sustain the effect.

Restrained - You grant CA
You're immobilised
You can't be forced to move by a push, pull or slide
You take -2 penalty to attack rolls

Tavar - resist 16 necrotic
Lurean - resist 15 cold (feat and equipment); slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect); restrained (se) - Aftereffect - immobilised to end his next turn
Treant 1 - cursed by Alasandro; under Theren's Oath of Emnity; dazed and marked (+3 to damage) to end Lurean's next turn.
Treant 2 - cursed by Alasandro
Treant 3
Lavender - resist 16 necrotic (equipment)
Theren - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Genryu - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)

Male Deva Cleric 22

"Genyru I name you the doom of Trolls"

Casts prophecy of Doom on Genryu. Genryu can choose to make his next attack that hits a critical.

Tavar you need to move at least two squares to stay aloft, otherwise you fall into the lake. Not recommended.

Treants have an aura 3. Creatures starting their turns within the aura are slowed (2 squares of movement only) and take 10 necrotic damage.


To end encounter, everyone is at +2AC and resist 5 all.
Except for Lurean, we're all flying until Lav chooses not to sustain the effect.

Restrained - You grant CA
You're immobilised
You can't be forced to move by a push, pull or slide
You take -2 penalty to attack rolls

Lurean - resist 15 cold (feat and equipment); slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect); restrained (se) - Aftereffect - immobilised to end his next turn
Treant 1 - cursed by Alasandro; under Theren's Oath of Emnity; dazed and marked (+3 to damage) to end Lurean's next turn.
Treant 2 - cursed by Alasandro
Treant 3
Lavender - resist 16 necrotic (equipment)
Theren - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Genryu - slowed and takes 10 necrotic damage at start of turn (aura effect)
Tavar - resist 16 necrotic

Male Deva Cleric 22

Move to K15. If I have to land move to O15.

You don't have to land as long as you move two squares. Map amended.

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