Winter is Coming - The PBP


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Font of Life vs Ongoing 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10; Boots of Freed Movement 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Raising his maul high Genryu slams it into the angel

Howling Strike 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (15) + 26 = 41; Damage 4d6 + 3d6 + 26 ⇒ (6, 1, 1, 1) + (4, 1, 3) + 26 = 43; Miss: Deal 8 damage

Genryu's maul rises and falls, wreaking further havoc on the angel. There is no evading the blow this time.


Remliel's Mark of Prophecy - While marked and in sight of Remliel, when the target hits Remliel, the angel can force it to re-roll the attack at a -2 penalty. Also, once on each of his turns as a free action, if Remliel misses the target with a melee attack, the angel can re-roll that attack.

Note that the dark purple circle where the seal used to be is now a 50 foot deep pit.

Theren - under Remliel's Mark of Prophecy (see above)
Remliel - under Theren's Oath of Emnity; to end encounter, if Remliel ends his turn adjacent to Theren or either hits or misses with a melee attack, he takes 5 damage; divinely challenged by Lam; Stunned to end Lam's next turn.
Lurean - 10 ongoing psychic, slowed (se both)
Lam - 10 ongoing psychic, slowed (se both); +2 to next attack against Remliel

Male Deva Wiz 23 / Cleric / Divine Oracle / Sage of Ages

Lavender moves the wolf up to attack the angel once more, even as he launches a spate of force missiles himself.

Standard: Magic Missile vs Ref 1d20 + 23 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 23 + 2 = 40 4d4 + 12 ⇒ (2, 3, 1, 3) + 12 = 21 force. Minor: Move Guardian Hound to L11. Minor: Attack with Guardian Hound vs Ref 1d20 + 23 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 23 + 2 = 37 3d4 + 12 ⇒ (3, 4, 4) + 12 = 23 untyped. Remliel is still -2 on his next attack against me.

Lavender continues his long distance assault while the spectral hound tears ferociously at the angel. Remliel's position no longer looks good.


Remliel's Mark of Prophecy - While marked and in sight of Remliel, when the target hits Remliel, the angel can force it to re-roll the attack at a -2 penalty. Also, once on each of his turns as a free action, if Remliel misses the target with a melee attack, the angel can re-roll that attack.

Note that the dark purple circle where the seal used to be is now a 50 foot deep pit.

Theren - under Remliel's Mark of Prophecy (see above)
Remliel - under Theren's Oath of Emnity; to end encounter, if Remliel ends his turn adjacent to Theren or either hits or misses with a melee attack, he takes 5 damage; divinely challenged by Lam; Stunned to end Lam's next turn; -2 to next attack on Lavender
Lurean - 10 ongoing psychic, slowed (se both)
Lam - 10 ongoing psychic, slowed (se both); +2 to next attack against Remliel

Elf Avenger/Zealous Assassin/Harbringer of Doom 23

Theren once again advances on the angel and attempts to run him through.

Moving to K12 and making a basic attack. (Should be flanking, and Censure applies) 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (11) + 30 = 411d20 + 30 ⇒ (9) + 30 = 392d12 + 24 ⇒ (1, 1) + 24 = 26 I'm guessing that might qualify for a reroll. If not, just ignore these next rolls. 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (8) + 28 = 361d20 + 28 ⇒ (7) + 28 = 35 Alright, no matter what I missed.

Male Deva Cleric 22

Cast Crown of Light on Lurean, gain +5 to all defenses until my next turn.
Also a burst of light flashes out centered on Lurean doing damage to all foes hit.
1d20 + 24 ⇒ (19) + 24 = 43
3d6 + 13 ⇒ (5, 3, 1) + 13 = 22

Stunned as he is, Remliel uses his inherent powers to force Theren to attack again, causing the elf to mistime his blows and miss.

Divine light springs from Tavar's hands and he places a protective crown on Lurean's head. As the crown settles, it sends a shaft of ferocious light into Remliel, although the angel deflects some of the damage.

Remliel can't do anything. He's stunned. He's adjacent to Theren at the end of his turn and takes 5 damage.


Remliel's Mark of Prophecy - While marked and in sight of Remliel, when the target hits Remliel, the angel can force it to re-roll the attack at a -2 penalty. Also, once on each of his turns as a free action, if Remliel misses the target with a melee attack, the angel can re-roll that attack.

Note that the dark purple circle where the seal used to be is now a 50 foot deep pit.

Lurean - 10 ongoing psychic, slowed (se both); +5 all defenses to end Tavar's next turn
Lam - 10 ongoing psychic, slowed (se both); +2 to next attack against Remliel
Theren - under Remliel's Mark of Prophecy (see above)
Remliel - under Theren's Oath of Emnity; to end encounter, if Remliel ends his turn adjacent to Theren or either hits or misses with a melee attack, he takes 5 damage; divinely challenged by Lam; Stunned to end Lam's next turn; -2 to next attack on Lavender

Bloodied now

1d20 + 31 ⇒ (11) + 31 = 422d12 + 13 ⇒ (7, 6) + 13 = 26

Lam swings his fullblade once more.

Cast Virtue to gain 47 Temp Hp

1d20 ⇒ 18Save

Male Eladrin Warlord 22/Paragon Swordmage/Ruler of Winter Epic Destiny

"Theren, Hit him again."
Stand: Commander's Strike on Theren, Theren makes a melee basic attack with a +6 bonus to damage.
1d20 ⇒ 13

Lurean stands his ground and calls on Lam's strength to finish the angel.

Lam strikes true on his own behalf and swings again at Lurean's behest.

The celestial being starts to smile as the blows continue to fall around him.

"I was made mighty that heroes of worth might prove themselves. Such was the wisdom of my maker."

Lam - make another melee basic attack v Remliel and add +6 to the damage if you hit.


Remliel's Mark of Prophecy - While marked and in sight of Remliel, when the target hits Remliel, the angel can force it to re-roll the attack at a -2 penalty. Also, once on each of his turns as a free action, if Remliel misses the target with a melee attack, the angel can re-roll that attack.

Note that the dark purple circle where the seal used to be is now a 50 foot deep pit.


Theren - under Remliel's Mark of Prophecy (see above)
Remliel - under Theren's Oath of Emnity; to end encounter, if Remliel ends his turn adjacent to Theren or either hits or misses with a melee attack, he takes 5 damage; divinely challenged by Lam; Stunned to end Lam's next turn; -2 to next attack on Lavender
Lurean - +5 all defenses to end Tavar's next turn

1d20 + 29 ⇒ (11) + 29 = 402d12 + 19 ⇒ (6, 2) + 19 = 27

Guided by Avandra and Lurean's encouragement, Lam strike true once more. Remliel's head is up now and he stands proudly as the attacks follow one and other.

"You have worth. My creation was not in vain."


Remliel's Mark of Prophecy - While marked and in sight of Remliel, when the target hits Remliel, the angel can force it to re-roll the attack at a -2 penalty. Also, once on each of his turns as a free action, if Remliel misses the target with a melee attack, the angel can re-roll that attack.

Note that the dark purple circle where the seal used to be is now a 50 foot deep pit.


Theren - under Remliel's Mark of Prophecy (see above)
Remliel - under Theren's Oath of Emnity; to end encounter, if Remliel ends his turn adjacent to Theren or either hits or misses with a melee attack, he takes 5 damage; divinely challenged by Lam; Stunned to end Lam's next turn; -2 to next attack on Lavender
Lurean - +5 all defenses to end Tavar's next turn

Howling Strike 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (13) + 26 = 39; Damage 4d6 + 3d6 + 26 ⇒ (6, 4, 4, 5) + (1, 1, 4) + 26 = 51; Miss: Deal 8 damage

No longer stunned, Remliel manages to avoid the worst of Genryu's latest massive attack.

Misses. Just.


Remliel's Mark of Prophecy - While marked and in sight of Remliel, when the target hits Remliel, the angel can force it to re-roll the attack at a -2 penalty. Also, once on each of his turns as a free action, if Remliel misses the target with a melee attack, the angel can re-roll that attack.

Note that the dark purple circle where the seal used to be is now a 50 foot deep pit.

Theren - under Remliel's Mark of Prophecy (see above)
Remliel - under Theren's Oath of Emnity; to end encounter, if Remliel ends his turn adjacent to Theren or either hits or misses with a melee attack, he takes 5 damage; divinely challenged by Lam; -2 to next attack on Lavender
Lurean - +5 all defenses to end Tavar's next turn

Male Deva Wiz 23 / Cleric / Divine Oracle / Sage of Ages

Lavender repeats a winning tactic.

Standard: Magic Missile vs Ref 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (19) + 23 = 42 4d4 + 12 ⇒ (4, 3, 3, 1) + 12 = 23 force. Minor: Attack with Guardian Hound vs Ref 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (9) + 23 = 32 3d4 + 12 ⇒ (1, 3, 3) + 12 = 19 untyped. Remliel is still -2 on his next attack against me.

Crit on the MM for 5d6 + 28 ⇒ (1, 6, 6, 5, 5) + 28 = 51 force

Remliel slumps to the ground as Lavender's barrage of force hits him.

To all intents and purposes, he appears to be dead.


Remliel's Mark of Prophecy - While marked and in sight of Remliel, when the target hits Remliel, the angel can force it to re-roll the attack at a -2 penalty. Also, once on each of his turns as a free action, if Remliel misses the target with a melee attack, the angel can re-roll that attack.

Note that the dark purple circle where the seal used to be is now a 50 foot deep pit.

Theren - under Remliel's Mark of Prophecy (see above)
Remliel - under Theren's Oath of Emnity; to end encounter, if Remliel ends his turn adjacent to Theren or either hits or misses with a melee attack, he takes 5 damage; divinely challenged by Lam; -2 to next attack on Lavender
Lurean - +5 all defenses to end Tavar's next turn

Elf Avenger/Zealous Assassin/Harbringer of Doom 23

Theren stands over the defeated angel, ready to strike it down on the off chance it is faking.

Readying an attack on it for entirely metagame reasons.

"Once a day when you die" type meta-game reasons perchance? It fits with Theren's previous behaviour not to leave a potentially living enemy behind him at least :D

Elf Avenger/Zealous Assassin/Harbringer of Doom 23
Rev DM wrote:
"Once a day when you die" type meta-game reasons perchance? It fits with Theren's previous behaviour not to leave a potentially living enemy behind him at least :D

More like the "Why are we still in combat?!" type of metagame. Either he's still alive or someone new's going to come up and punch us.


Remliel's Mark of Prophecy - While marked and in sight of Remliel, when the target hits Remliel, the angel can force it to re-roll the attack at a -2 penalty. Also, once on each of his turns as a free action, if Remliel misses the target with a melee attack, the angel can re-roll that attack.

Note that the dark purple circle where the seal used to be is now a 50 foot deep pit.

Remliel - under Theren's Oath of Emnity; to end encounter, if Remliel ends his turn adjacent to Theren or either hits or misses with a melee attack, he takes 5 damage; divinely challenged by Lam; -2 to next attack on Lavender
Lurean - +5 all defenses to end Tavar's next turn
Theren - under Remliel's Mark of Prophecy; readied action

Male Deva Cleric 22

"I would ask again for your surender but I know you cannot do so, leaving us no choice but to destroy your physical body".

Tavar throws a lance of faith, -2 for angel being prone included.
1d20 + 22 ⇒ (12) + 22 = 34 vs reflex.
2d8 + 13 ⇒ (1, 5) + 13 = 19 radiant.

Tavar's Lance of Faith misses and Remliel lies still.


Remliel's Mark of Prophecy - While marked and in sight of Remliel, when the target hits Remliel, the angel can force it to re-roll the attack at a -2 penalty. Also, once on each of his turns as a free action, if Remliel misses the target with a melee attack, the angel can re-roll that attack.

Note that the dark purple circle where the seal used to be is now a 50 foot deep pit.

Lurean - +5 all defenses to end Tavar's next turn
Theren - under Remliel's Mark of Prophecy; readied action
Remliel - under Theren's Oath of Emnity; to end encounter, if Remliel ends his turn adjacent to Theren or either hits or misses with a melee attack, he takes 5 damage; divinely challenged by Lam; -2 to next attack on Lavender

Male Eladrin Warlord 22/Paragon Swordmage/Ruler of Winter Epic Destiny

Lurean stands with his sword ready as he scans around.
Ready attack.
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24

Lurean sees nothing that should not be there. The area contains the fallen bodies of many foes and the now unguarded pit which the seal so recently covered.

Remliel still lies motionless.


Remliel's Mark of Prophecy - While marked and in sight of Remliel, when the target hits Remliel, the angel can force it to re-roll the attack at a -2 penalty. Also, once on each of his turns as a free action, if Remliel misses the target with a melee attack, the angel can re-roll that attack.

Note that the dark purple circle where the seal used to be is now a 50 foot deep pit.

Theren - under Remliel's Mark of Prophecy; readied action
Remliel - under Theren's Oath of Emnity; to end encounter, if Remliel ends his turn adjacent to Theren or either hits or misses with a melee attack, he takes 5 damage; divinely challenged by Lam; -2 to next attack on Lavender
Lurean - readied action

Elf Avenger/Zealous Assassin/Harbringer of Doom 23

"Wait. Do we know where the Sun's Sliver is?"

As in, we might just end up standing here waiting for the angel to get back up until we find it.

A glint of pure sunlight catches your eye from the bottom of the pit. Even fifty feet below the surface, the pure radiance of the Sun's Sliver catches your attention.

No more trusting than the rest of his friends, and aware that his athletic ability is lacking, Lam merely readies an attack should Remliel return miraculously to life.


Remliel's Mark of Prophecy - While marked and in sight of Remliel, when the target hits Remliel, the angel can force it to re-roll the attack at a -2 penalty. Also, once on each of his turns as a free action, if Remliel misses the target with a melee attack, the angel can re-roll that attack.

Note that the dark purple circle where the seal used to be is now a 50 foot deep pit.

Theren - under Remliel's Mark of Prophecy; readied action
Remliel - under Theren's Oath of Emnity; to end encounter, if Remliel ends his turn adjacent to Theren or either hits or misses with a melee attack, he takes 5 damage; divinely challenged by Lam; -2 to next attack on Lavender
Lurean - readied action
Lam - readied action (Holy Strike) (

"Young pups and their hesitation"

Howling Strike 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (12) + 28 = 40; Damage 4d6 + 3d6 + 26 ⇒ (2, 1, 4, 4) + (5, 4, 2) + 26 = 48; Miss: 8 damage

As Genryu strikes, Remliel twitches and you see a sliver of phantom breath rising from the body.

The spirit form of the angel turns and salutes you.

"Well was my maker charged in my creation. Take the Sun's Sliver and bring about that which is written."

There is a final blaze of transcendant light and Remliel's earthly body vanishes as completely as if it had never been.

Out of combat. XP to be allocated when I can get the calculator to work again.

Male Deva Wiz 23 / Cleric / Divine Oracle / Sage of Ages

Lavender says simply, "Shall we?" and steps into the pit, descending gently to the bottom as his ring glows.

Purple Dragon Commander's Ring daily. That's his third item daily today.

With Remliel's final passing, the last barrier to taking the Sun's Sliver falls away. The artifact almost leaps into Lavender's hands. Instinctively the mage knows what the wonderous item was meant to do and how it can help the group accomplish their purpose.

Details below:
Property: The creature who possesses the Sun’s Sliver suffers no ill effect from cold weather and has ice walk.
Property: Resist cold 10
Property: Cannot be crafted
Power (Daily): Standard Action. Effect: You and allies within 5 squares of you regain the use of their second wind and all spent encounter powers.
Power (Daily): Standard Action. Effect: Use against the Winter Witch when she is unconscious and at 0 hit points or fewer. This use permanently destroys Koliada the Winter Witch and the Sun’s Sliver.

Male Deva Wiz 23 / Cleric / Divine Oracle / Sage of Ages

Lavender looks around the base of the pit, expecting to find nothing of further interest.

If not, he teleports back above, Sliver in hand.

Perception was 39 before being eaten. Dimension door.

Lavender does find some other trinkets of interest. I'm working on that one.

Beneath the Sun's Sliver lies a small chest, beautifully carved and intricately locked. Clearly of high value in itself worth 15,000gp, the contents are also interesting.

A scroll of Overland flight


Overland Flight
Component Cost: 5,000 gp
Market Price: 25,000 gp
Key Skill: Arcana (no check)Level: 20
Category: Exploration
Time: 30 minutes
Duration: 10 hours

You and all allies within 5 squares of you gain overland flight 20. You lose your minor, immediate, and standard actions while flying at your overland flight speed, and can use your move action only to fly. You fly the specified number of squares with a single move action. If you take actions to do anything else, you crash. When using this ritual to fly for 10 hours, including rests, you can travel approximately 100 miles.

A diamond statuette of Remliel in full flight worth 50,000gp

3 potions of spirit

Level: 20
Price: 5,000 gp
Power (Consumable): Minor Action. Drink this potion and spend a healing surge. You do not regain hit points as normal. Instead, you gain a +4 power bonus to death saving throws until the end of the encounter.

2 potions of regeneration

Power (Consumable • Healing): Minor Action. Drink this potion and spend a healing surge. You do not gain hit points as normal. Instead, gain regeneration 10 until the end of the encounter. If you aren’t bloodied at the start of your turn while this power is in effect, you don’t regain any hit points and the regeneration is suppressed until the start of your next turn.

Sort out who gets what between you and note it in your profiles. Also decide where you're going next.

Male Eladrin Warlord 22/Paragon Swordmage/Ruler of Winter Epic Destiny

I wouldn't mind one of the potions of regeneration. Other than that, I have no interest in the other items.

Rev, I'm going to have to drop Lam out of this one. Life has been crazy chaotic lately, and I hate to be slowing down some games as much as I have been. Not to mention my own game that I'm running. I will be sticking to posting with Gobi as it is an older game and one I will be able to manage fine with just playing in the two games.

Thank you all for the chance to try out Epic level play

Male Deva Cleric 22

Goodbye Lam we're gonna miss ya.

Tavar will take the scroll if there are no objections.

Cya Lam. Hope everything settles down for you

You'll be missed Lam, but that makes perfect sense. Good to know that Gobi will continue and one Thovir will still be around. I'm sorry things have got so hectic for you and hope they settle down a bit soon.

Lurean - one potion of regeneration
Tavar - scroll of overland flight

Lam looks his old friends up and down with affection and regret. "You do what you need to do." He pauses slightly, gathering his thoughts.

"Killing an angel ... I'm a paladin. I can't just do that and expect no consquences. My friends, Avandra's ways are sometimes hard, but the choices are there to be made. My head says I should journey on with you and end a great evil. My heart says I must make expiation for the death of Remliel. Forgive me, friends. I must follow my heart."

Without waiting for an answer, he turns to go.

You are now down to five. This is workable (the adventure is scaled for five).

The roster looks like this:-
Theren - striker (melee)
Tavar - leader (ranged)
Lurean - leader (melee)
Lavender - controller (ranged)
Genryu - defender (ranged)

That's not an unbalanced party as such, but I think you need a bit more striker power. You've essentially got 3 more encounters to go. For the sake of simplicity, I'll haul out Alasandro rather than recruiting, if that is an acceptable solution to you all.

Thanks guys, good luck! I'll be checking in to see how things go for you all. And Rev, Nicely done. I didn't even think of that exit strategy!

Elf Avenger/Zealous Assassin/Harbringer of Doom 23

"Fare well, Lam. If everyone had the disposition for this work, then it wouldn't need to be done."

Yeah, I agree, bring Alasandro back. We could use a striker doesn't just concentrate on one big enemy. Also, who's going to hold onto the Sun's Sliver? On one hand, as the person who's probably going to run up to the Winter Witch first, I would probably benefit from the ice walk/cold resistance the most. On the other hand, who knows if enough people are going to bear me to make good use of the first daily, and if I die in the fight someone's going to have to get it off my corpse before we can actually kill her, and who knows how long it takes for her to get back up.

Tactically it might make more sense to hand the Sun's Sliver to someone on the fringes of the battle. We can't use it until we've got her down to 0 anyway and although Theren and Genryu are awesomely destructive, even at their best using all dailies and APs and buffed to the eyeballs they're not going to take her in one round.

I'll get Alasandro back from wherever it was he didn't say he was going to. He'd quite fancy one of the potions of spirit if nobody else has prior claim.

Male Deva Wiz 23 / Cleric / Divine Oracle / Sage of Ages

No opinion on potions. Alasandro is always welcome. I think it makes sense for Lav to hold the Sliver, but won't argue with someone else.

Male Eladrin Warlord 22/Paragon Swordmage/Ruler of Winter Epic Destiny

Sorry to see you go Lam. Rev, Sounds good with the striker. Haven't really had the please since he was going out the front door when I was coming in the back.

The Sun's Sliver in hand and ruminating on Lam's departure, the group return to Winterhaven to report on their progress and consult with Valthrun the Prescient.

Local sage and old friend of you all.

Entering his rooms, a familiar voice greets you.

Consider yourselves to have taken an extended rest.

male Human Warlock (fey/star)/Hexer/Magister level 23

"Yes, yes, Valthrun. I know about fey portals. We can manage that part easily enough. It's getting to the mountains in time that worries me."

The nonedescript figure pacing the room looks up in delight at your entry.

"Welcome back. Let's go. We have mountains to climb and portals to open. I'm bringing my sketch pad. The light should be astonishing. What did you do with Lam? Not badly injured?"

Male Eladrin Warlord 22/Paragon Swordmage/Ruler of Winter Epic Destiny

"Alasandro! I'm glad you're back. Climbing you say? Where is the portal?"

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