Games that could use more Cthulhu

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Liberty's Edge

Twister is just way too easy when you're an amorphous blob of writhing pseudopods.

Just slip a tile with the Yellow Sign on it into the standard Mah-Jongg array... hilarity ensues!
Next time you play Truth or Dare: "I dare you to say 'Hastur' 3 times!"
For the person who referenced mini-golf: try Miniature Gnoph instead!
For the kids, there's always Pixar's classic, "A Gug's Life."


Liberty's Edge

Spin the Bottle

.S P U D.

Mouse Guard.

I Can Has FreeSwag wrote:
J-Pop (Japanese Pop Muzak) and Anime-Style Renderings' got yer Cthulhu/Starspawn right here...

Needless to say, once Cthulhu got down, Nyarlathotep decides to bust some moves out on the dance floor.

Scarab Sages

Cthulhu's Cradle. secret portents and instructions are passed along in the symbols in the string...the string of course being stretched between and manipulated by the hands of three reanimated blind triplets and you.

Second order stochastic dominance games.

Oooooh, yaaay ...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

How to Host a Ritual Sacrifice
Go Fish (Innsmouth edition)
Elder Civilization
World of Lovecraft
Non-Trivial Pursuit (It's really important you don't get caught!)

Hmmm...more of a toy than a game, but I'll bet 'Squamous-Putty' might be a big hit with the kids.

Crayola's "Colors Out of Space" crayon box (featuring Brown-Silver and Blue-Orange)

I Can Has FreeSwag wrote:
I Can Has FreeSwag wrote:
J-Pop (Japanese Pop Muzak) and Anime-Style Renderings' got yer Cthulhu/Starspawn right here...
Needless to say, once Cthulhu got down, Nyarlathotep decides to bust some moves out on the dance floor.

That was awesome. My six year old loved it. :)

Scarab Sages

I Can Has FreeSwag wrote:
I Can Has FreeSwag wrote:
J-Pop (Japanese Pop Muzak) and Anime-Style Renderings' got yer Cthulhu/Starspawn right here...
Needless to say, once Cthulhu got down, Nyarlathotep decides to bust some moves out on the dance floor.



Hungry, hungry shoggoths.

Not so much a game, but I've always thought the Care Bears could use a healthy injection of Cthulhu.

Pin the tail on the Byakhee.


I Can Has FreeSwag wrote:
I Can Has FreeSwag wrote:
J-Pop (Japanese Pop Muzak) and Anime-Style Renderings' got yer Cthulhu/Starspawn right here...
Needless to say, once Cthulhu got down, Nyarlathotep decides to bust some moves out on the dance floor.
That was awesome. My six year old loved it. :)

Glad to hear it- hope the SAN drain was kept to a minimum. ;)

Gavgoyle wrote:
I Can Has FreeSwag wrote:
I Can Has FreeSwag wrote:
J-Pop (Japanese Pop Muzak) and Anime-Style Renderings' got yer Cthulhu/Starspawn right here...
Needless to say, once Cthulhu got down, Nyarlathotep decides to bust some moves out on the dance floor.



There's just no telling where, when, and what lovecraftian horrors might pop up when we least expect it. ;)

It is close to >that time of the year< again.

Tensor wrote:

It is close to >that time of the year< again.

Once more with feeling. ;)

Scarab Sages

Operation (actually - the Sanity check for seeing the OUTSIDE of the Old Ones is bad enough. The Sanity check to resist the madness from seeing their insides ... ::shudder::)


Pin the tentacle on Cthulhu

Bobbing for Shoggoths

Spin the Necronomicon: Whoever it points to you have to sacrifice.


Paranoia (Funny title? The Computer says it needs no funny title. Trust the Elder God--I mean Computer.)

Liberty's Edge

Rock Scissors Tentacle

Hangman. Good luck deciphering the missing R'lyehan runes before your stick man is fully constructed on the ominous hanging tentacle.

The terrible things that can happen when you let japanese fandom get their hands on Cthulhu.

PS For those that prefer their muzak to not be so... high-pitched.

Dark Archive

I've got a fever... and the only cure is more sanity blasting horror!!!

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Risk: The game of Global Damnation!

Monopoly: Mythos Edition - Instead of money, players use sanity points :)

Pickman's Pickup Sticks! They all look like femurs!

The Musical Chairs of Erich Zann - if the music stops and you don't have a seat, you're lost in time and space.

Azatoth's peeps ain't the only ones who can get down and dance...

Tensor wrote:

Axis & Allies -

  • it needs some scary German soldiers like from Hellboy, and
  • one result of special research operations being the opening of a portal through with *he* enters our world.

  • You might like to look at Hot War at

    The Exchange

    Kruelaid wrote:
    Hide and seek.


    Blind Man's Bluff plus tentacles would be pure win.

    Call of Cthulhu


    I Can Has FreeSwag wrote:
    Azatoth's peeps ain't the only ones who can get down and dance...

    Nope, not by a long shot ;)

    The Exchange

    I am still surprised that no one has in fact suggested the obvious. Magic the Gathering.

    You need a second card to control the monster you just summoned.

    The summoned monster attacks every round and each and every player.

    Cthullu drinking games:

    Everytime you lose sanity you down a brew.

    Silver Crusade

    Knight who says Neek! wrote:

    Cthullu drinking games:

    Everytime you lose sanity you down a brew.

    Shouldn't that be the other way around?

    Celestial Healer wrote:
    Knight who says Neek! wrote:

    Cthullu drinking games:

    Everytime you lose sanity you down a brew.

    Shouldn't that be the other way around?

    Everytime you drink a beer you gain sanity? Dosn't make sense that way.

    Silver Crusade

    Xabulba wrote:
    Celestial Healer wrote:
    Knight who says Neek! wrote:

    Cthullu drinking games:

    Everytime you lose sanity you down a brew.

    Shouldn't that be the other way around?
    Everytime you drink a beer you gain sanity? Dosn't make sense that way.

    No, every time you down a brew you lose sanity.

    But then it occurred to me that playing it just like Knight suggests could actually aid in roleplaying. It seems appropriate that the character who has lost most of their sanity is the one saying, "I really love you guys. Not that way. You know what I mean dude. I'm gonna hurl."

    Celestial Healer wrote:

    But then it occurred to me that playing it just like Knight suggests could actually aid in roleplaying. It seems appropriate that the character who has lost most of their sanity is the one saying, "I really love you guys. Not that way. You know what I mean dude. I'm gonna hurl."

    Exactly! You truly become your character! Heck, if you're a lightweight drinker, and the GM begins a scary scene discription, you might even piss yourself, just like your character!

    Nothing brings true schizophrenia to the table than being so drunk you cant tell the narrative from reality...of course you do have to make sure no starts killing "Dagon" and shoot the goldfish.

    Lantern Lodge

    truth or DOOM!


    Olympic Ski Jumping

    Liberty's Edge

    Tensor wrote:


    Olympic Ski Jumping

    Not Olympic Skiing.

    Has anyone said golf yet?






    speghetti dinner



    bad mitten


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