
Rise of the Runelords

The Concordance RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

One thing I hate to do is DMing the spell Divination on the fly. I am just no good at cryptic poetry and the like. Can anyone help by posting ideas (or suggestions, or anything they used in their own games)? Things that might be divined are:

  • Where is Xin-Shalast?
  • How do we get to Xin-Shalast?
  • Where is Karzoug?
  • How do we kill Karzoug?

I am sure there are other questions... but any help or ideas (or even suggestions on how to create my own) would be appreciated.

How far are you into the path? There are times when you want to obscure this information and other times when you want to use it to hammer the PCs' skulls. How much information are you looking to divulge?

Sovereign Court

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So, I'm not much of a poet, but...

  • Where is Xin-Shalast?

    The lost land lies afar
    A cold mountain: Massif Mhar
    Seek the path of the River Avah
    Xin-Shalast tears a dark scar

  • How do we get to Xin-Shalast?

    Step atop the world's roof
    March The Kazaron to Leng's mirror
    Take the path of the sleepless hoof
    The mountain face is reached from the river

  • Where is Karzoug?

    Over the city of Xin-Shalast
    Step into a runic past
    In a scar Karzoug wakes
    In the eye his soul is cast

  • How do we kill Karzoug?

    Dominant swords
    tear the eye
    By sword and spell
    the claimer may die

The Concordance RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

tbug wrote:
How far are you into the path? There are times when you want to obscure this information and other times when you want to use it to hammer the PCs' skulls. How much information are you looking to divulge?

We are getting ready to start part 6, Spires. I'm trying to do as much preparation as i can just in case.

GeraintElberion wrote:

So, I'm not much of a poet, but...

very good Geraint, I hope my players will not use to much divination (we seldom do) but just in case I saved your ideas.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Those really are good, Geraint! It looks like you're a reader of Nostradamus. Some of those could almost be quatrains.

Another option that I highly encourage is the use of Harrow cards. They didn't see direct advertising until "Curse of the Crimson Throne", but they are a great way to do divinations and work just as well in "Rise of the Runelords". Doing a reading is pretty easy, using the rules included with the cards and it's actually pretty easy to come up with an explanation that fits the plot.

You can look here for an example: A Harrow Reading in RotR

The cards are evocative enough that you should be able to make something fit for all of them.

I would also say that you shouldn't feel like the results of a divination have to be poetic. Choose a few words or phrases that apply to the subject and give some vague references to it. This is the easiest way to handle things when you haven't prepared.

And to be honest, if you've ever watched psychics work, that's usually what they give out. Very rarely are the details so specific that they can't be interpreted in several different ways.

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