Star Wars, The Old Republic--Lost Hope Discussion Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Scarab Sages

Male Synod Psion Kineticist 5

Reading the book and working on him now.

Male Rodian Scoundrel-2

This is Negative Space BTW.

Sorry, I was busy with work reports (Quarter 1 reviews). I am very much interested in playing and can create a character ASAP. Seeing we are in the Old Republic days right before the assault on The Star Forge (do our characters know this at the start of the campaign?), I assume Rodians are acceptable as a race?

Here is what I want to play, suggestions and recommendations are always helpful.

Rodian Medic (soldier class initially): He would be working for the republic/Jedi council as everyone loves a priest (Um, er, I meant medic).

Rodian Demolitionist (soldier class initially): He would be working for the republic/Jedi council due to his bomb disposal skills.

Rodian Stellar Galactic Correspondent (scoundrel class initially): Basically has recorder drones follow him around and he reports on stories for the holonet. He is also a hacker in disguise. This would be a difficult one as why would the republic or Jedi council need a reporter working for them in a combat or time or crisis? Maybe for archival purpose for the great Jedi library?

Thoughts? Concerns? One favored over the other?

So lets go kick this star forges ass...vent...or something!

Male Human . . . ish . . .
Groodar Greepbar wrote:

Rodian Medic (soldier class initially): He would be working for the republic/Jedi council as everyone loves a priest (Um, er, I meant medic).

Rodian Demolitionist (soldier class initially): He would be working for the republic/Jedi council due to his bomb disposal skills.

Rodian Stellar Galactic Correspondent (scoundrel class initially): Basically has recorder drones follow him around and he reports on stories for the holonet. He is also a hacker in disguise. This would be a difficult one as why would the republic or Jedi council need a reporter working for them in a combat or time or crisis? Maybe for archival purpose for the great Jedi library?

Thoughts? Concerns? One favored over the other?

Rodians are not a problem. Either soldier concept works, but I have to say the reporter concept is kind of cool, as its got a lot of RP potential. I can see the Republic having "embedded" reporters during a war like the Jedi civil war, but I do picture him being there as due to the Republic instead of the Jedi.

Dantooine's Hope has a boarding crew full of Jedi because of Master Vandar's plan to have them aid Revan in his assault, but the Hope itself is a Republic warship.

At any rate, I really like the reporter angle, but its up to you, and it will be interesting to see every one else's thoughts on this.

I posted this in the other thread, but I'll reiterate here. If Uzzy can get me a character concept in before I hear back from baron, I'll take Uzzy as our last slot.

Tarlane will be our first alternate in this case if anyone has to drop.

If baron does get ahold of me before Uzzy gets a character concept up, then Uzzy is our first alternate and then Tarlane is our second alternate.

I'm hoping to get rolling as soon as possible . . . how does Wednesday work for everyone for having characters done and character sheets to me?

GameMasterKEJR wrote:

I'm hoping to get rolling as soon as possible . . . how does Wednesday work for everyone for having characters done and character sheets to me?

Ready, willing and eager, sir!

Male Selkath Jedi 2 (XP: 1342)

Bring on the Sith!

Ignites his lightsaber....shooom!

I like the reporter angle as well, and either concept works for that build.

Female Twilek (Lethan) Jedi 2

Aruuna Irdrall, Lethan Twilek Jedi

1. What does your character care for most? Her masters Lightsaber. It both represents the Jedi tradition, and her own failures. Something she is determined to honour, and atone for.

2. What does your character dislike the most? Sith.

3. Why are they working for the Republic/Jedi Council? Because they allow her to pursue the Sith. If that were to change, she may have to reconsider her allegiances.

4. What is your destiny? In her mind, Destruction of the Sith.

((Hope I'm not being presumptuous by posting here!

Male Human . . . ish . . .

Okay, our update then is Uzzy is out last regular, and Tarlane and baron (if still interested) are our back ups in case anyone wants to move on.

Male Human . . . ish . . .

So, I have the following characters ready to go:

Arunna Irdrall, Twi'lek Jedi

Christy Gamble, Human Jedi

HK-22, Custom Droid Soldier

Klonsa Frakhesh, Selkath Jedi

Danguard Troy, Human Jedi

Still need character sheets from:

Negative Space (Rodian ?)

Ubermench (? Jedi)

Patrick Barrett (Khil Scoundrel)

Male Rodian Scoundrel-2

Are we emailing the character sheet directly to you knight? What format you want? PDF? Word DOC?

Male Human . . . ish . . .
Groodar Greepbar wrote:
Are we emailing the character sheet directly to you knight? What format you want? PDF? Word DOC?

You can use your profile as your character sheet, or you can e-mail me at KnightErrantJR "at" gmail "dot" com. PDF, or document works (I use Open Office for my word processing, FWIW), and Uzzy even sent a really nice spread sheet.

Sovereign Court

A spreadsheet that you guys can find here.

Excel SAGA Edition Sheet

Male Rodian Scoundrel-2

Character emailed and also posted in my profile.

Had my books with me at work on Sunday, but was a busy day. Planned on working on it yesterday, but wife had something come up and I had to take care of the twins and home-schooling our oldest. Trying to get it knocked out and to you tonight.

Male Human . . . ish . . .
Patrick Barrett wrote:
Had my books with me at work on Sunday, but was a busy day. Planned on working on it yesterday, but wife had something come up and I had to take care of the twins and home-schooling our oldest. Trying to get it knocked out and to you tonight.

Trust me, I can understand work and personal matters taking a bite out of gaming time.

Male Human . . . ish . . .
Groodar Greepbar wrote:
Character emailed and also posted in my profile.

I see the character in the profile (although I can't find your talent anywhere, and your Love/Hate/Destiny is still empty), but I never got the e-mail.

Did you send it to KnightErrantJR "at" gmail "dot" com?

Male Rodian Scoundrel-2

Yes, I emailed it to your address you provided. I sent it again just now. Perhaps your ISP's spam filters are blocking it or such since it has an attachment?

As for the talent and likes/dislikes not being on the profile, I have yet to add those and will add them tonight.

If for some reason you have not gotten my email, I have posted it to my site for you to download.

Few things of note which need to go by you first before they are introduced to the game:

Holocam droid is from the Star Wars Legacy Campaign Guide. You said only gear from the Core Book and the Knights of the Old Republic Book. Seeing this fits with my character will you allow it?

Did not see any prices for an everyday backpack and weapons belt, I paid 2 credits for each but please let me know if it costs more.

I picked languages which would fit in the character concept, are these ok as well?

Can Groodar reprogram Author (the holocam droid, assuming you allow it) before game start so it understands Rodese instead of Basic.

Do I need to buy, take any feats, or get any factions points or such with any kind of reporter organization or guild?

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Uzzy wrote:

A spreadsheet that you guys can find here.

Excel SAGA Edition Sheet

Thanks!, I'll convert soon to this and give the GM a copy when I'm done. Very Cool.

Male Human . . . ish . . .
Groodar Greepbar wrote:

Few things of note which need to go by you first before they are introduced to the game:

Holocam droid is from the Star Wars Legacy Campaign Guide. You said only gear from the Core Book and the Knights of the Old Republic Book. Seeing this fits with my character will you allow it?

Did not see any prices for an everyday backpack and weapons belt, I paid 2 credits for each but please let me know if it costs more.

I picked languages which would fit in the character concept, are these ok as well?

Can Groodar reprogram Author (the holocam droid, assuming you allow it) before game start so it understands Rodese instead of Basic.

Do I need to buy, take any feats, or get any factions points or such with any kind of reporter organization or guild?

Even though its outside the normal equipment parameters, the holocam droid fits perfectly with the character, so its fine with me.

Equipment is fine, as are the languages. I've no problem with the language programming in the holocam droid, and you don't need any feats or anything to represent being a reporter with a news service.

Male Rodian Scoundrel-2

Here is the information you wanted. Also, I purchased some blank datacards as what good is being a computer expert when you cannot copy any juicy information you recieve. Also does anyone know if the audiorecorders, videorecorders, and holorecorders in the standard book have spare medium you can purchase (extra recorder disks, etc)? I did not see any in the current books but asking in case someone saw a similar question on a message board, website, etc.

What do you care for most?
Groodar is always concerned about his on screen appearance, after all, his image is his livelihood. Groodar is still searching for that one big 'scoop' which will place his mark on the galactic mark. Kind of like the way his people are always searching for that one great 'hunt'.
Groodar cares for his on screen appearance and his reputation of being good at getting the details of a story.

What do you dislike the most?
Groodar does not appreciate those who are always taking pot shots at his recorder droids. Don't people want their name in the galactic history books? Don't people realize droids are not cheap and do not fall off of stellar trees? Groodar also dislikes people who threaten his mortal flesh with violence simply because he is recording their actions in a non-intrusive manner. Wouldn't a polite 'hey, don't record me' be the proper thing to do? Throwing things at him or his cameras is so uncivilized.

Why are you working for the Republic/Jedi Council?
Groodar is under assignment by the Jedi Council to document the fall of the foul Sith Lord Darth Malak. It is hopes that with this documentation future generations can see the tyranny that is called the Sith and what always transpires to those who succumb to the evil way of the force. Groodar was also approached by a strange robed man who always hid his face and altered his voice mechanically for a copy of the 'tape'. He claims he was working for the Republic and wanted it for archival purposes. Groodar does not know if he trusts this strange robed humanoid.

What is your destiny?
Groodar hopes to someday be rich and famous, to be able to sire many of younglings, to have his name in galactic lights, and to one day return to Rodia after his banishment to show that the 'hunt' is not the only way to prove ones worth. Groodar is destined to be famous, maybe even as famous as the duelist Twitch! Imagine it! Perhaps someday Groodar would get an all exclusive interview with the famous Rodian Duelist himself. But alas, for now, he it but a simple Rodian reporter trying to make his way in the universe.

Male Rodian Scoundrel-2

Where you able to get the character sheet BTW?

Male Human . . . ish . . .
Groodar Greepbar wrote:
Where you able to get the character sheet BTW?

Oh, yes, that one came through fine. Not sure what happened to the last one, but I got this one. Thank you.

Male Rodian Scoundrel-2

Often quiet on this board..... as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

So whats the new ETA for game start?

Male Human . . . ish . . .

Possibly tonight. I have everyone's character for the starting point of the campaign, I just have to finish up with the secret destinies for those that choose to go that route.

Thanks everyone for your patience. Work got a bit hectic, and last night was my "face to face" game night, so I didn't get this going as soon as I would have liked.

I'll post the link to the actual PbP thread once I start it. Thanks again all.

Starting Assignments for the PCs as of the beginning of the campaign:

Christy Gamble; Boarding crew, Dantooine's Hope

Klonsa Frakhesh; Boarding crew, Dantooine's Hope

HK-22; Cargo hold, Dantooine's Hope

Danguard Troy; Boarding crew, Dantooine's Hope

Aruuna Irdrall; Boarding crew, Dantoine's Hope

Groodar Greepbar; Assigned to document the battle of Rakata Prime and the boarding action of the Dantooine's Hope when it arrives at the Star Forge.

Remar Xand; Engineering assistant on the Dantooine's Hope

Ceelell Bendon; Assistant tactical adjunct on the Dantooine's Hope

Male Ithorian Noble 1

I should point out that I am proud of this title, but I may have to look up and see if there is a different definition of adjunct which I am not aware of, but am I effectively the assistant tactical assistant? Like I get coffee for the guy who gets coffee for the guy who tells us where to shoot?

Woohoo! Only way to go is up! Officer here I come.

Male Ithorian Noble 1

Hm, re-reading that(a skill I should practice more often) I am thinking I might actually fetch coffee for the guy who tells the captain where we should be shooting. That means I'd better stay on my game since apparently the door could open both ways.

Male Human . . . ish . . .
Ceelell Bendon wrote:
Hm, re-reading that(a skill I should practice more often) I am thinking I might actually fetch coffee for the guy who tells the captain where we should be shooting. That means I'd better stay on my game since apparently the door could open both ways.

He's also perfectly open to suggestions about how his coffee should be tactically modified, or as the non-military would say, how much cream and sugar he should have in it.

To be fair, you actually get to look over battle plans and offer your opinions on what you think might have been overlooked. Captain Darluun is a fairly open minded guy.

Male Ithorian Noble 1

Oh, I was just joking. We're first level so thats more of a post then I would have expected. Still, it certainly seems to fit well since while I'm certainly not afraid to get my hands dirty, my skill lies much more with my brains then my guns.

Now I just need to start practicing talking like an Ithorian.

Edit: I am at least eyeballing the officer PrC should we get to that level, so working with the officers(even if I am just a grunt still) works great for my character. Will just be a matter of whether officially becoming an officer or just staying my base class suits the story better when that time comes. And of course whether they would have me in their ranks at all.

The PbP thread is up and alive:

Star Wars: The Old Republic--Lost Hope Campaign Thread

Just to throw this out there . . .

I have a tendency, at the start of a campaign, to make sure that people get a chance to use their skills, for example, to help establish the character, what they can do, and to give them bits of the story at the beginning.

This doesn't mean you can't make checks at other times, by any means, but I kind of like to establish that I like skill checks having a purpose in the campaign. So if you pick up on other things going on, and want to make a check here and there, feel free to tell me that you intend on making the check based on X or Y.

This has been going really well so far. I'm having a blast. Let me know if you have any feedback.

Male Ithorian Noble 1

I'm certainly enjoying things myself, so no worries on that. The setup so far has been great.

As for the skill based things, I made a skill based character because I do enjoy those things. I'm very content using all these various skills to be able to learn more of the world around our characters.

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4

well isn't that a cliffhanging post? very gripping, love it.

What will happen!? We shall see.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Rogue 1/Bard 1/Druid 1
Winterwalker wrote:

well isn't that a cliffhanging post? very gripping, love it.

What will happen!? We shall see.

Agreed!! Waiting with baited breath for what happens next! :)

I'll probably let that post hang out there for a bit to make sure everyone has a chance to check into the thread and see what's going on.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32


Sovereign Court

Yeah, that was Aruuna's last act before the black out. (And yes, it had to be said. :D)

So, keeping a running total, the following characters have checked in here or in the actual thread:







Male Human . . . ish . . .
Uzzy wrote:
Yeah, that was Aruuna's last act before the black out. (And yes, it had to be said. :D)

It did, didn't it? ;)

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4

Danguard had his last words before the black.

Female Jedi 1 / Soldier 1

I'm good.

Male Ithorian Noble 1

I've seen it as well. Posted on the other thread and am just checking in here. This looks like it will be very enjoyable.

Now we have only to hear from everyone's favorite Rodian journalist to move on . . .

Male Rodian Scoundrel-2

I'm up to date. Groodar is strapping himself in and securing his equipment.

Male Human . . . ish . . .

Grrr . . . I just reinstalled Google Chrome, since I wasn't entirely happy with it, because Firefox just crashed on me for the 3000th time in the last week. From what I understand, its an issue with sites that have flash applications, but anyway, I'll be posting soon . . .

Male Human . . . ish . . .

Darn it, I was waiting for someone to say "are you an angel?"


Scarab Sages

Male Human Rogue 1/Bard 1/Druid 1

haha, no that's a terrible line. Hope some poor kid doesn't start using it. -Atton Rand

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