Kobold Trilogy


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"Leave it to a dwarf to not be able to navigate above ground...This way...this way..."

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Zalania finally takes her nose out of her spellbook and looks up, realizing they're going the wrong direction.

"Gambril's right. It's the other way."

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

**Gently touches thread with her wand of gentle repose** (Not dead. Just on hiatus due to the madness of the times.)

I guess it wasn't just me...

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Well, with the boards being down due to PFRPGPFD (which apparently still isn't as perfect as some people would hope it would be), and a number of people attending Gencon and just now getting back. Not to mention the people like me who are still hung over after reading the Core Rulebook and going back to all my other books to see what's compatible with it, lol (it's like being interested in a game all over again) - I still have not managed to read the entire feats section.

Yeah, the boards were borked...can't wait for the madness to subside...

Silver Crusade

dude human. Cavalier (Ronin)

I am here. Now that we are going the right direction(I thought maybe you were all doing something extra I missed in the game thread)the game goes on.

"Sally forth!"

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

"Yes... Holur, has your companion showed up yet? You're the leader for now. I don't really know where we're going."

Maile Half-Orc Druid

I just wrote a long post which was eaten by the boards...grrrr!! I'll try to remember what I wrote

"Yes, here he comes" Holur points to an old ragged-looking wolf trotting out from an especially deep shade in a copse of trees. The reddish-black coat of the beast seems a tad long for the season, but its movements speak to a lethality and uncanny intelligence to keep one guessing. The dull-grey eyes of the animal catches ones attention and slowly mesmerizes the viewer, cementing their attention. The wolf pads over to Holur as a warm smile splits his face and the beast nudges its head into the "mountain man". "With Maiiengan here, I am now ready to travel. He has become my best friend and most trusted traveling companion and I couldn't imagine being anywhere without him. He is fairly tame when I'm around, but make no mistake-he has his own mind and only obeys my requests because he chooses to. He poses no danger to anyone who does not threaten him or myself."

Ok, now I don't know anything about the oldest tree or what part it is in, but I'm going to make something up to keep the story/adventure going. If I'm overstepping boundaries just say so...

"The oldest tree is in a deeper part of the forest" Holur explains as he begins his stride to the well worn path, "I've not seen the tree, but I have been in that part of the forest once. I heard some unsettling things I didn't recognize, so I never returned. Holur breaks into a grim-looking grin, "That part of the forest is not frequented by "civilized" people, so it tends to be a haven for things that don't want to be bothered by them. We'll have to be careful when we get there."

This is a pale comparison to what I originally wrote...but it'll do. Again, if my description of the oldest tree is overstepping story-telling bounds, let me know. This is my first pbp.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Arrrgh. I hate it when that happens. If I write something long, I usually copy it before pressing Post. That way if it gets lost, I can just paste it back in. And you didn't overstep bounds at all. Heck, I'll probably be overstepping more bounds than you will be - its difficult trying to play that you know things just before they happen.

Zalania holds out her hands palms up to the wolf, doing her best to make friends with the animal. "Hello there... Well, if we're ready to go, I say let's move out."

Having run this module at home, that was pretty good for a generic description.

Gambril takes one step away from the wolf slowly

"Nice wolf, good wolf." Gambril stutters slightly."

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

Klanos turned as the male named Gambril steered him the other direction. "Err..yea dis way. Long as we be movin somewhere den. Oi, so was dis tree aboot den, we be needin some bark or what?"

The dwarf didn't seem to mind that he was going the wrong way, now that the group was on the move. He looked about with a sad expression at all the sick that seemed to need help. A small sickly looking blonde girl child waved at him from the street corner and he discreetly waved back with a smile only she could see. Inwardly he vowed to see this job done and as quickly as possible as the child began coughing furiously before being herded away by her mother.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Zalania answers immediately, without stopping to think.

"Eldertree moss. I believe it only grows in one area of the forest, and fortunately our wild friend here knows where it is."

The wolf starts to glance at her curiously, but Zalania corrects herself without looking at it.

"Not the wolf, but his taller and more wilderness-versed companion."

Yes, let's be off...

In other words, I think we're ready...I say you can jump scenes with us, to get us where we're going...it's PbP afterall

Silver Crusade

dude human. Cavalier (Ronin)

Sorry, lost Internet access on the way back from the sandbox. I thought there would be access, now I am in WA and I will jump you all forward to move it along.

as in the Iraqi sand-box?

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Ummm... okay.

I kind of thought this was a Golarion adventure, but whatever.

Zalania steps out onto the space port deck, then changes directions suddenly a mere second before a blast of steam erupted from the steel grate where she had been standing.

"Are you coming, Gambril?"

Silver Crusade

dude human. Cavalier (Ronin)

now I deleted that post practically seconds after it went to the wrong thread.... how did it stay there?

Anyway, fret not my friends, you are not in another galaxy, a long time ago, far far away.....

Yep, the Iraqi sandbox. It is good to be back. Now, if I can just get the posts to actually post and then actually go where they are supposed to....

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

I think you did delete it, and I just happened to see it before you did.

Silver Crusade

dude human. Cavalier (Ronin)

Okay, you have all arrived after two days of uneventful travel, to within sight of the Lumbers Consortium.
The edge of the forest can be seen close behind the consortium, with the magnificent woods stretching father than the eye can see. Contrasting with the beauty of the wild forest, is the scarred landscape that makes up the consortium grounds.
Thick smoke and unpleasant smells waft through the air, with their origins clearly being the aforementioned locale.
Even from the distance, you can see the rough workers milling about plying their trades. Their reputations are much darker than other like establishments, and said establishments are far below the nicer side of societies approval.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Zalania pulls the edge of her vest up to her mouth and delicately coughs, doing her best to push the affronting air away from her.

"They certainly know how to make a lot of noise and smoke here. I suppose all that wood is worth it."

"Ah, hard working men, I hear they eat sawdust pancakes up here." Gambril jokes. in the game I ran, they did eat sawdust pancakes, the chef used sawdust to stretch the ingredients...and pocket some of the coppers

"Where has Holur gone? I'm sure this place is an affront to his natural doctrine."

"I'm not sure what scares me more, the consortium or the woods beyond..."

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

"I don't think I can imagine sawdust pancakes, let alone eat them." Zalania says in disgust.

Zalania tries to recall when she last saw their druid companion.

"I'm sure he's around here somewhere. Perhaps he's already ahead of us."

"Holur!" (she hollered)

Maile Half-Orc Druid

"I'm here, mutters Holur. "I don't like this area as I can sense the pain of the land here, but I suppose we must deal with what we came here for first...

Holur gives a quick whistle to brings his four-footed friend bounding out of the bushes and skidding to a stop in front of him. The druid tussels the wolf's head and muzzle distractedly before he sighs and turns to the barbaric site of destruction. "I suppose we should get moving. I believe the part of the forest we're looking for is this way."

"Now where did that dwarf go?"

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Zalania looks around for the dwarf.

"I forgot that the dwarf doesn't move as quickly as the rest of us. I hope we didn't lose him somewhere behind."

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

Klanos stands a few feet ahead of the group scowling. Arms crossed, his foot taps out a regular beat as the smoke from his pipe wafts lazily over his head. Looking back over his shoulder he replies gruffly. "Aye be 'ere. Maybe we canna be pressin on now eh?"

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Zalania nods.

"Certainly. Follow the druid."

Ah, there he is, our "friendly" dwarf...nice to see you almost overlooked you Gambril says with a slight smirk...

looks around expecting Dungeon Master to step out from behind a tree...

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1
Gambril wrote:
looks around expecting Dungeon Master to step out from behind a tree...

This is like trying to turn the pages of a book that are stuck together.

I wonder how many weeks it will take to get stuff back to the hollow...

Hello up there...

Silver Crusade

dude human. Cavalier (Ronin)

DM falls out of the tree. OOOFF!!!

You may all proceed into the forest if you have no interest in the logging consortium.
Upon entering the forest, I will need three perception checks from each person. As well as a knowledge nature and arcana from the prospective persons of whom it may apply.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Perception checks (1d20+3=9, 1d20+3=9, 1d20+3=18)

Knowledge (Arcana) (1d20+8=21)

Zalania removes her silk headscarf from her head and holds it to her mouth and nose as she makes her way past the noisy sawmill.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1
Gambril wrote:

I wonder how many weeks it will take to get stuff back to the hollow...

Hello up there...

While we're OOCing. What's the likelihood I could get you to do some artwork for me? Is there any available online I could look at.

I don't have anything except some of my architectural school stuff available atm, I have that "Thorngrim" commisision I've done the linework on, but not completed, since I had a second job fall in my lap. Haven't had loads of time since. Trying to keep up with my games (though some of those are disappearing, so I think I'm going to try to dedicate 30 minutes to art daily again soon.

What were you looking to get?

Here's an architectural drawing for color reference.

Edit: Thorngrim OK I decided to upload the linework for that "ancient" commission, it's still rough, it need to be cleaned up, and the colored.

That should work, Deviant Art link

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

I just spent the last six hours seraching DeviantArt and google images for a paladin or knight in gold armor with a red cape or cloak. Seems simple, right? Apparently not! And then I wanted to find a woman with a phoenix, but so far the only ones I've been able to find have been either nude or seminude, which is fine, just not what I'm needing. LOL. I'm trying to find/get some images for an article/story I'm writing about the Knighthood of the Phoenix (Arazni-Red Crusader resurrected) hopefully for next year's Wayfinder

Maile Half-Orc Druid

Perception checks 1d20+3=23, 1d20+3=13, 1d20+3=14
Knowledge (nature) check: 1d20+6=16

Holur shakes his head in disgust as he makes his way past the filthy butchers.

All in good time Holur, all in good time, for now, let us concentrate on this forest, and finding that cure...

Perception: 1d20+4=6, 1d20+4=24, 1d20+4=8

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

Perception checks 1d20+4=19, 1d20+4=13, 1d20+4=21

Silver Crusade

dude human. Cavalier (Ronin)

Upon entering the forest, all of you hear the distressed whining of an animal and the soft sound of a running creek, both of which are in the same direction off to the right of thetrail. The rest of the forest is In unnatural silence. A chill hangs in the air, imagined perhaps....

samerandomhero wrote:
Upon entering the forest, all of you hear the distressed whining of an animal and the soft sound of a running creek, both of which are in the same direction off to the right of thetrail. The rest of the forest is In unnatural silence. A chill hangs in the air, imagined perhaps....

Gambril quietly draws his rapier and puts a tree between himself and the noise, "Holur...was that a natural animal? or a trap?" Gambril whispers.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Zalania peers in the direction of the sound, but remains silent, waiting for Holur to answer him. She struggles to remember if the sound is familiar to her magical training.

Maile Half-Orc Druid

Knowledge(nature) check = 1d20+6 = 20 -to recognize if the noise came from an animal.

If it does come from an animal:

"Yes, and it sounds like it is in pain..." mutters Holur as he hurries in the direction of the sound.

If it doesn't come from an animal

"No it doesn't, but it sounds like someone wants you to think that"

Silver Crusade

dude human. Cavalier (Ronin)

Holur, you are certain that it is indeed an animal and one in genuine distress.

As for those that approach the sounds origin, they see....

at the edge of a creek, a fox with large ears and bright orange
fur lies bleeding, its hindquarters caught fully
in the jaws of a crude iron trap. It desperately attempts to free itself again, upon seeing the those that approach. A sharp cry emits from it once more as it tangles uselessly with the trap. Dropping once more in exhaustion, the fox gives up. Its whining continues and the same silence of the forest stands with you, its presence as real and tangible as the people around you.

dammit Gambril mutters to himself, that thing is going to bring every predator around here down on it...and I know that beasthugger is going to help it...

Gambril looks around for danger, and hides himself, preparing his short bow



Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

"Oh no. The poor fox. Why do people put up traps like this? We should do what we can to help it."

Zalania turns to Holur. "Do you think we can help it understand we're not here to hurt it?"

Maile Half-Orc Druid

Wild Empathy roll: ( 14 ) + 2 = 16 --to calm fox and release it from trap.

Heal check for fox: ( 13 ) + 7 = 20 --not sure if this would allow me to bandage and care for the fox

Holur whispers something to Maiiengan who retreats behind the two-leggeds as he cautiously approaches the injured animal. He reaches out to carefully release the prisoner from the trap and gingerly pulls the fox towards his body. The druid is constantly making soft reassuring noises to his patient all the while. He deftly uses water to wash out the bloodied areas and wraps these areas in bandages.

"I do not have any magic to heal this one today, but this should help it survive. I doubt it will want to wait around for me until tomorrow, so I'll set it free and trust in the wisdom of the goddess to keep her safe"

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Zalania assists Holur, but stays back until the Fox is calm enough to let her approach.

"I don't know much about healing, but be sure to tie the bandages tightly, but not too tightly. The fox might try to chew them off."

Aiding Heal check

Aid Heal Check, Untrained (1d20+2=21)

Holur gets +2 to his heal check, so its 22.

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