Zalania Sapphros |

Zalania also stands, thoughtful about what Laurel has told them.
Knowledge (History) Knowledge (Arcana) (1d20+8=10, 1d20+8=23)
Making checks to see if I know anything about the ingredients further than what Laurel's told us.

Holur Blackhand |

"It is more than we could expect Laurel, considering the times."
Holur stuffs the potion in his belt pouch, nods his thanks to Laurel and begins to open the door, "I am ready to leave at once...I just have to collect Maiiengan before I leave. He is waiting for me just north of the Hollow"

Zalania Sapphros |

Zalania Sapphros |

Zalania lifts her hand and counts off the three needed ingredients on her fingers.
"Eldertree, Rat's Tail, and Ironblossom Mushrooms. I haven't heard of any of those, but if Holur knows where the Eldertree is, we can get that, bring it back, then ask around to see if we can find the other stuff."
Zalania smiles assuringly.
"It probably won't take long."

Holur Blackhand |

Holur swings the door open and squeezes his way through the throng of still waiting people, making sure that his new companions are following. "I suppose that other one will follow when he can." He falls in stride with them and subtly steers the party north-to collect his long-time friend Maiiengan. "So tell me more of what brought you to know Laurel. I don't spend a lot of time in town and don't know many who live in the Hollow, I mostly keep to the wilds around here."

Zalania Sapphros |

Zalania thinks for a moment then replies.
"I have been reading Laurel's cards everyday since my family arrived here. She came to see me at our family's wagon. Since then, we've developed a great friendship and she's actually interested in arcane magic. That's not entirely surprising, but it is a little different."
Zalania hesitates, then continues.
"You're about to ask me why it's different. I'm not entirely certain. It just is."

Zalania Sapphros |

Zalania thinks for a moment then replies.
"I have been reading Laurel's cards everyday since my family arrived here. She came to see me at our family's wagon. Since then, we've developed a great friendship and she's actually interested in arcane magic. That's not entirely surprising, but it is a little different."
Zalania hesitates, then continues.
"You're about to ask me why it's different. I'm not entirely certain. It just is."
"And you, Gambril? Are you friends with Laurel?"

Zalania Sapphros |

Zalania looks around thoughtfully as they make their way to the northern gates of the town.
"Everyone ready? We can stop and get more supplies if we need to."
Zalania peers into her backpack, but everything seems in good order.
"I've not been in these woods before, so I'm hoping we don't come across anything too nasty."

Holur Blackhand |

"I'm ready as well, I tend to live as a turtle and carry what I need to live on my back. Holur looks to the approaching treeline and scans the trees for something. "I don't see my companion yet...but I am sure that he will be along soon.
So tell me more of this sickness that is happening in the Hollow, I only know that some malady is sweeping the area; we rushed out of Laurel's place so fast that I didn't get the chance to ask. How does it start? How are the villagers catching it? Have these questions been answered yet? I am happy to help, but I would know more of the cause of such happenings.

Zalania Sapphros |

Zalania hesitates, but again, she is not surprised.
"I was afraid of that."
She opens her backpack again and pulls out two waterskins.
"I filled these about a week ago. The water's probably a little stale by now, but it would be nice to know if I was able to gather relatively pure water. Holur, can you use your Sight to see if the water is diseased?"

![]() |

From what I am seeing, you are already on your way to find the three needed ingredients. Proceed forward in your quest to find them. I will have you run into Scy's character as soon as he says he wants to hop in.
Which ingredient are you going for first?
And do you need me to help move things along?
It looks like you are already going somewhere, let me know what you want to do and where you are going.
Lift off!

Klanos Aleelet |

Loud clanking sounds come from around the corner. A moment later a cantankerous dwarf dressed in chainmail with a heavy wooden shield on his arm comes around the corner of Laurels hut. Every time someone coughs he raises his shield in front of his face and takes a draw from his pipe.
Letting the smoke out slowly he lets his eyes rove about as though getting his bearings, then seeing Laurels doorway, grunts and moves towards the hut and moves inside. "Hey, crazy root woman. I got yuir sponge moss. Don rightly know jes how dis be supposed ta curing da sick, but 'ere tis none da same." The dwarf speaks loud enough to be heard outside the hut. Then,suddenly, he is heard again. Followed by what sounds like a small frying pan striking something solid.
"What! Whaddya mean ya got da wrong reagent. Ye know dere being a whole loota sick ones outside yuir door, an ye be sending me after da wrong ting? Ye daft? No..wait...OW! Whaddya... No aye don be wantin money.. What.. OW! Quit it ye crazy.. OW! Donna make me... What... An dey be leavin now? OW! Aye,Aye ooright, jes stop wit da pan already. Daft root woman! Aye heard ye da first time."
Storming out of the hut, the dwarf slams the door shut and scowls.
"Of all da crazy, half-witted, daft... Aye had ta go an pick... Bah, was tha use. Tagdor's beard but ye better be gettin a move on ye ol'git."he mutters to himself.
Hefting up his shield, he looks around wildly, his long beaded bead spinning around in cresent shapes, tangling around his mid-section.
Upon seeing the hearty looking group making to look like they are about to leave, he quickly approaches them.
"Oi! You lot dere! Ye be da ones tha crazy root woman ...eh...whats 'er name agin...Linda..Lonny...L..."
"Laurel, you blasted dwarf!" a voice yelled from inside the hut.
The dwarf blinks towards the hut, then shakes his head and looks back to the group. "Ah right, Laurel den. Ye be da ones goin ta look fer the reagents what be needed ta cure the coughin ones yea? Yea. Allright den, time be wastin, we canna make do wit da introducin me on da way. Lets be gettin to it." With that the dwarf starts heading for the ferry.

Zalania Sapphros |

Zalania turned at the sound of the gruff voice.
"Ah... I thought someone might be coming to join us. Good to see you, Master Dwarf. Sorry to hear about the problem with the other reagent."
Zalania raises an eyebrow at the unasked question and the curious look on Gambril's face.

Holur Blackhand |

Looking confused, Holur looks to Zalania and Gambril and asks, "Do either of you know this strange sounding dwarf? He seems to want to help in the search...but I can hardly tell from his words."
Holur shakes his head as he watches the dwarf trudge off to the ferry, "I must find my friend before we cross the river, it would take him much longer to cross if he had to find his own way. If you wait at the ferry, I could find him and meet you there."

Zalania Sapphros |

"It appears that Laurel knows him and that is good enough for me..."
Zalania picks at an invisible piece of lint on her blouse.
"I knew of his coming. I do not know who he is though. I'm sure he will make himself known to us. He has already promised as such."

Klanos Aleelet |

Klanos stops once and looks back over his shoulder. He scowls a bit when he sees the others still standing there talking. "Oi! Get a move on ya lazy gits! Aye've no seena sick one yet dat 'ealed up all by 'is lonesome. We 'ave work ta do. Sooner we be gettin to it, sooner dey be 'ealin up. Thas'it, one foot in front o' tha other. Alltogether now."
As the group moved towards the ferry, the dwarf looked the others over, up an down with an appraising eye. "Names Klanos Aleelet. Aye be a priest o' Torag. Should ya find yuirself in need from a kobold's pigsticker, ye comes ta me. Should ye bump yuir toe, call yuir mommy an donna waste me time."
Approaching the water landing, Klanos sees that the ferry is on the other side currently. Looking around he tried to see how to signal the ferryman.