The Bazaar of the Bizarre

Forum Games

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Jack Hammer wrote:

Inside the bundle is a small pink t-shirt with 'Dark & Stormy Princess' on the front, with butterflies and songbirds. On the back, 'Protected by the Dark & Stormy Knights' with a picture of the Jack clan.

"It's a tradition that our favorite ladies wear these shirts. Your mommy has one with different pictures."

"Thank you, Daddy. I really like it. It's even my favorite color!"

She pulls the T-shirt on over her dress and takes his hand again, skipping along the street again.

"This way," she says.

I'm trying to have her home in on the politician now.

Great. This should be fun. How about Devlyn trying to talk this guy down? ;)

Jack Hammer wrote:
Great. This should be fun. How about Devlyn trying to talk this guy down? ;)

The funny thing is that Devlyn was supposed to be a man of actions and not words. That whole notion got thrown out the window for him a while ago in the last RL game I played him in. I guess he's growing up... ;P

I've got about two hours until I have to log off to go home. If you want him to try it, now's the time :)

The Dalesman wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
Great. This should be fun. How about Devlyn trying to talk this guy down? ;)

The funny thing is that Devlyn was supposed to be a man of actions and not words. That whole notion got thrown out the window for him a while ago in the last RL game I played him in. I guess he's growing up... ;P

I've got about two hours until I have to log off to go home. If you want him to try it, now's the time :)

You could always let your actions/swords speak for themselves. This guy will be a tough nut to crack. Just need to find the right motivation...

Okay, I started heading towards the politician character since that's pretty urgent quest, but then Charles had to log off because he didn't feel well. Do you think he'd mind if I played his npc to keep this moving?

lynora wrote:
Okay, I started heading towards the politician character since that's pretty urgent quest, but then Charles had to log off because he didn't feel well. Do you think he'd mind if I played his npc to keep this moving?

He seemed to indicate that with the guy running the gladiatorial games, so I guess it would apply to all of them...

The Dalesman wrote:
lynora wrote:
Okay, I started heading towards the politician character since that's pretty urgent quest, but then Charles had to log off because he didn't feel well. Do you think he'd mind if I played his npc to keep this moving?
He seemed to indicate that with the guy running the gladiatorial games, so I guess it would apply to all of them...

Okay, I'm running with it. I wouldn't even consider it with a character of course, but this guy was more of an idea so...

Arielle skipped down the street until she came to an out-of-the-way boardinghouse. She walked inside waving cheerily at the startled desk clerk and headed up the stairs. She walked down the hallway to the room at the very end. She stopped in front of the door.
"In there," she said pointing at the door.

Arielle wrote:

Arielle skipped down the street until she came to an out-of-the-way boardinghouse. She walked inside waving cheerily at the startled desk clerk and headed up the stairs. She walked down the hallway to the room at the very end. She stopped in front of the door.

"In there," she said pointing at the door.

"Hmmm - interesting place to find one. Let's see what we've got here."

Devlyn knocks on the door.

The Dalesman wrote:

"Hmmm - interesting place to find one. Let's see what we've got here."
Devlyn knocks on the door.

You can hear the sound of footsteps approaching the door, and it opens just a fraction. You catch a glimpse of a pudgy nervous-looking man before the door slams shut.

"Go away!"

lynora wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

"Hmmm - interesting place to find one. Let's see what we've got here."
Devlyn knocks on the door.

You can hear the sound of footsteps approaching the door, and it opens just a fraction. You catch a glimpse of a pudgy nervous-looking man before the door slams shut.

"Go away!"

"Sorry to bug you, but we need to talk to you about some recent buying activity in the Bazaar that you participated in. Perhaps you can let me in and we can talk about this in a more...discreet fashion?"

Listening at the door to make sure he isn't trying to bolt out a window or anything.... :)

The Dalesman wrote:

"Sorry to bug you, but we need to talk to you about some recent buying activity in the Bazaar that you participated in. Perhaps you can let me in and we can talk about this in a more...discreet fashion?"

There is a long pause on the other side of the door. The door opens just a fraction.

"Just one of you. Or I scream my head off until the watch arrive."

lynora wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

"Sorry to bug you, but we need to talk to you about some recent buying activity in the Bazaar that you participated in. Perhaps you can let me in and we can talk about this in a more...discreet fashion?"

There is a long pause on the other side of the door. The door opens just a fraction.

"Just one of you. Or I scream my head off until the watch arrive."

"Just me. Nobody else will come in, as you wish."

The Dalesman wrote:

"I only asked if I could come in. Nobody else will, as you wish."

The door opens just a little wider, allowing Devlyn to enter. The man slams the door shut behind him. He is a bit overweight and his clothing is quite opulent. His hands are covered with rings and he has a large gold chain around his neck. He looks at you suspiciously.

"I very much doubt that we have anything worth talking about, but as I didn't want my purchasing habits shouted abroad for any thief to hear I agreed to speak to you. What do you want?"
He twists his rings about nervously as he speaks and his words are excessively clipped and ill-tempered.

lynora wrote:

The door opens just a little wider, allowing Devlyn to enter. The man slams the door shut behind him. He is a bit overweight and his clothing is quite opulent. His hands are covered with rings and he has a large gold chain around his neck. He looks at you suspiciously.

"I very much doubt that we have anything worth talking about, but as I didn't want my purchasing habits shouted abroad for any thief to hear I agreed to speak to you. What do you want?"
He twists his rings about nervously as he speaks and his words are excessively clipped and ill-tempered.

:Great: he thinks to himself, :dressed and acting just like a Sembian:

Devlyn nods his head and says:
"Well, as you have just purchased a stolen religious artifact, and the people looking for it won't care that you didn't know, I very much think we do have something worth talking about."

The Dalesman wrote:

Devlyn nods his head and says:
"Well, as you have just purchased a stolen religious artifact, and the people looking for it won't care that you didn't know, I very much think we do have something worth talking about."

"A stolen artifact! That is preposterous. I have done nothing of the kind, and you cannot prove that I have. Now kindly leave these premises before I have you arrested." His eyes dart to and fro and he speaks, never looking directly at Devlyn's face. He pulls a silk handkerchief out of his pocket and dabs at the sweat on his face.

"It's hard to just stand here and wait, Daddy," Arielle says, watching the door impatiently.

lynora wrote:
"A stolen artifact! That is preposterous. I have done nothing of the kind, and you cannot prove that I have. Now kindly leave these premises before I have you arrested." His eyes dart to and fro and he speaks, never looking directly at Devlyn's face. He pulls a silk handkerchief out of his pocket and dabs at the sweat on his face.

"I'm afraid you have, friend. And these people don't need any proof other than that bright shiny jewel in your possession. Quite a few of those flooded the market earlier today. The merchants who brought them made sure that they sold all of their stock before leaving here rather quickly. Now you seem to be preoccupied with something that is making you look over your shoulder like a hunted man, but I'm sure if you think about that for a moment, you'll realize that their behavior and brisk dealings is rather suspicious."

"What you're holding is a broken piece of a religious item of very strong significance to a certain religious group. One that doesn't like having their possessions stolen, and none too forgiving of those whom they feel have wronged them. They're not going to care whether or not you did the original deed, or had anything to do with it. You have part of it in your possession, and that means you're guilty. Laws don't hold up too well when zealous fanatics are on a crusade to punish those who have 'wronged' them, neh?"

The Dalesman wrote:

"I'm afraid you have, friend. And these people don't need any proof other than that bright shiny jewel in your possession. Quite a few of those flooded the market earlier today. The merchants who brought them made sure that they sold all of their stock before leaving here rather quickly. Now you seem to be preoccupied with something that is making you look over your shoulder like a hunted man, but I'm sure if you think about that for a moment, you'll realize that their behavior and brisk dealings is rather suspicious."

"What you're holding is a broken piece of a religious item of very strong significance to a certain religious group. One that doesn't like having their possessions stolen, and none too forgiving of those whom they feel have wronged them. They're not going to care whether or not you did the original deed, or had anything to do with it. You have part of it in your possession, and that means you're guilty. Laws don't hold up too well when zealous fanatics are on a crusade to punish those who have 'wronged' them, neh?"

The politician went quite pale and began dabbing his face with his handkerchief at alarming speed.

"Zealous religious fanatics," he murmured, sinking into a chair that creaked under his weight. He began to laugh hysterically.
"Damned if I do and damned if I don't," he gasped out before dissolving into manic laughter once more.

lynora wrote:

The politician went quite pale and began dabbing his face with his handkerchief at alarming speed.

"Zealous religious fanatics," he murmured, sinking into a chair that creaked under his weight. He began to laugh hysterically.
"Damned if I do and damned if I don't," he gasped out before dissolving into manic laughter once more.

He leans over to the side of him, talking in a tone that will keep his attention, but is not threatening.

"Look - I'm guessing you're trying to get out of a bad situation of some kind that you're already in. Getting yourself into a second one while trying to get out of the first isn't going to fix things. I tell you what - if you're willing to part with that item, I'll compensate you well for it, and make sure that you won't be the person they come looking for to find it. That will let you focus on whatever your original problem is. Does that sound fair?"

And if I suddenly don't respond, that's because my office just lost power. We've got a nasty storm over our heads right now, and things are starting to flicker....

If that happens, I'll try to log back on when I get home - assuming I have power, of course :)

The Dalesman wrote:

He leans over to the side of him, talking in a tone that will keep his attention, but is not threatening.

"Look - I'm guessing you're trying to get out of a bad situation of some kind that you're already in. Getting yourself into a second one while trying to get out of the first isn't going to fix things. I tell you what - if you're willing to part with that item, I'll compensate you well for it, and make sure that you won't be the person they come looking for to find it. That will let you focus on whatever your original problem is. Does that sound fair?"

"You don't understand," he whined. "I've already sent a message to them saying I had something they would find of interest. If I don't have something I'm as good as dead. I *need* the gem to buy back my soul."

lynora wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

He leans over to the side of him, talking in a tone that will keep his attention, but is not threatening.

"Look - I'm guessing you're trying to get out of a bad situation of some kind that you're already in. Getting yourself into a second one while trying to get out of the first isn't going to fix things. I tell you what - if you're willing to part with that item, I'll compensate you well for it, and make sure that you won't be the person they come looking for to find it. That will let you focus on whatever your original problem is. Does that sound fair?"

"You don't understand," he whined. "I've already sent a message to them saying I had something they would find of interest. If I don't have something I'm as good as dead. I *need* the gem to buy back my soul."

You're making this terribly hard for me to wrap up quickly :P

He blinks.
"Your soul? And, pray tell, just what in the Nine Hells did you do to warrant selling your soul?"

The Dalesman wrote:

He blinks.
"Your soul? And, pray tell, just what in the Nine Hells did you do to warrant selling your soul?"

"I was young and stupid and I wanted power. I always thought that I would find a way out of it, that I could just buy it back when I had everything I wanted. But I've been trying for years, and this is the first time I've ever found something that they might be willing to take in trade."

lynora wrote:
"I was young and stupid and I wanted power. I always thought that I would find a way out of it, that I could just buy it back when I had everything I wanted. But I've been trying for years, and this is the first time I've ever found something that they might be willing to take in trade."

"And 'they' aren't from the mortal world, right?"

The Dalesman wrote:
lynora wrote:
"I was young and stupid and I wanted power. I always thought that I would find a way out of it, that I could just buy it back when I had everything I wanted. But I've been trying for years, and this is the first time I've ever found something that they might be willing to take in trade."
"And 'they' aren't from the mortal world, right?"

He looks at you like you're an idiot. "Of course they aren't from the mortal world. One generally doesn't sell one's soul to the next fellow down the lane. They reside in the other place you've already named."

lynora wrote:
He looks at you like you're an idiot. "Of course they aren't from the mortal world. One generally doesn't sell one's soul to the next fellow down the lane. They reside in the other place you've already named."

"Glad to have your attention again. Alright, if you want a chance to get out of this latest trouble, then let me have that jewel. Then I can see about digging up something that will pay off your old debt. It's a one-time offer, so I'd advise deciding quickly."

Time for me to head home. I'll log back on in an hour or so :)

The Dalesman wrote:

"Glad to have your attention again. Alright, if you want a chance to get out of this latest trouble, then let me have that jewel. Then I can see about digging up something that will pay off your old debt. It's a one-time offer, so I'd advise deciding quickly."

"And what guarantee do I have that you won't just take the gem and leave me to my fate?"

Arielle wrote:
"It's hard to just stand here and wait, Daddy," Arielle says, watching the door impatiently.

"Some people aren't as gentle and nice like you. They need to be talked to a lot before they feel happy."

"I know. Boring."

"How 'bout you tell me what you've seen these last days? I've been asleep, and missed them all."

Jack Hammer wrote:
Arielle wrote:
"It's hard to just stand here and wait, Daddy," Arielle says, watching the door impatiently.

"Some people aren't as gentle and nice like you. They need to be talked to a lot before they feel happy."

"I know. Boring."

"How 'bout you tell me what you've seen these last days? I've been asleep, and missed them all."

"Okay, Daddy. I spent my first day wandering around on a big field. There were a lot of hurt and dead people there. It took hours before I finally found Grandpa. And then he brought me back to the Eyrie, and that's where I found the first shiny. I like the Eyrie. It feels safe there. And Djuhah tells me stories, and he taught me how to play hopscotch. Grandpa doesn't know any games. I asked. And we went all over looking for the shinies. We went to an Oasis, and to a big sun temple, and here at the bazaar. The birds helped me find the ones at the Eyrie. And there was a dragon. She sounded pretty mean, but when I asked her nicely she gave me a whole sack full of shinies she said another dragon had been collecting. But she kept one when she flew away. And Mr. Devlyn made me try to eat vegetables," she added wrinkling her nose in distaste.

Arielle wrote:
"Okay, Daddy. I spent my first day wandering around on a big field. There were a lot of hurt and dead people there. It took hours before I finally found Grandpa. And then he brought me back to the Eyrie, and that's where I found the first shiny. I like the Eyrie. It feels safe there. And Djuhah tells me stories, and he taught me how to play hopscotch. Grandpa doesn't know any games. I asked. And we went all over looking for the shinies. We went to an Oasis, and to a big sun temple, and here at the bazaar. The birds helped me find the ones at the Eyrie. And there was a dragon. She sounded pretty mean, but when I asked her nicely she gave me a whole sack full of shinies she said another dragon had been collecting. But she kept one when she flew away. And Mr. Devlyn made me try to eat vegetables," she added wrinkling her nose in distaste.

"Wow. You've been busy."

"Vegetables can be fun to eat sometimes. People make salsa with them, and some of the spicier ones make you make funny noises."

The more time JH spends with Arielle the brighter his eyes become. They're already well beyond the lifeless state from when he first awoke.

Jack Hammer wrote:

"Wow. You've been busy."

"Vegetables can be fun to eat sometimes. People make salsa with them, and some of the spicier ones make you make funny noises."

The more time JH spends with Arielle the brighter his eyes become. They're already well beyond the lifeless state from when he first awoke.

"I like sugar much better than vegetables. But I've never tried salsa. It might be alright I guess," she says doubtfully, not really sure that anything that includes vegetables and not sugar can actually be good to eat. "And what kind of funny noises?"

Arielle wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:

"Wow. You've been busy."

"Vegetables can be fun to eat sometimes. People make salsa with them, and some of the spicier ones make you make funny noises."

The more time JH spends with Arielle the brighter his eyes become. They're already well beyond the lifeless state from when he first awoke.

"I like sugar much better than vegetables. But I've never tried salsa. It might be alright I guess," she says doubtfully, not really sure that anything that includes vegetables and not sugar can actually be good to eat. "And what kind of funny noises?"

"Oh, your tummy can make funny growling sounds and tickle a bit. Then if you eat a lot you can make wind noises. When we put your mommy back together we'll visit your uncles Jack and they will teach you all about funny noises."

Jack Hammer wrote:

"Oh, your tummy can make funny growling sounds and tickle a bit. Then if you eat a lot you can make wind noises. When we put your mommy back together we'll visit your uncles Jack and they will teach you all about funny noises."

She giggles. "That sounds like fun, Daddy."

She leans her head against him and yawns. "It's taking a really long time."

lynora wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

"Glad to have your attention again. Alright, if you want a chance to get out of this latest trouble, then let me have that jewel. Then I can see about digging up something that will pay off your old debt. It's a one-time offer, so I'd advise deciding quickly."

"And what guarantee do I have that you won't just take the gem and leave me to my fate?"

"The better question is: Do I trust this person and stay alive (and keep my soul where it is) or wait for the zealots to come, and die much sooner than I want and spend an eternity in damnation?"

"Besides, just taking things isn't what I do."

The Dalesman wrote:
lynora wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

"Glad to have your attention again. Alright, if you want a chance to get out of this latest trouble, then let me have that jewel. Then I can see about digging up something that will pay off your old debt. It's a one-time offer, so I'd advise deciding quickly."

"And what guarantee do I have that you won't just take the gem and leave me to my fate?"

"The better question is: Do I trust this person and stay alive (and keep my soul where it is) or wait for the zealots to come, and die much sooner than I want and spend an eternity in damnation?"

"Besides, just taking things isn't what I do."

"I really hope you're telling me the truth," he says, reluctantly pulling the star out of his pocket and holding it out. "As I said before," he says, with a sniff, "damned if I do and damned if I don't. I should have listened to my mother. She warned me not to get involved with evil."

Growing bored, Lk begins to make his fingers twist in strange patterns muttering under his breath.

Trying to cast the orison light because he is bored.

lynora wrote:
"I really hope you're telling me the truth," he says, reluctantly pulling the star out of his pocket and holding it out. "As I said before," he says, with a sniff, "damned if I do and damned if I don't. I should have listened to my mother. She warned me not to get involved with evil."

He takes the profferred star from him.

"Thank you. Now give me a moment to see what I can put together here."

He goes to the door and opens it. He hands the star to Arielle so that the man in the room cannot see what he's doing. He motions for her to put it in her bag quietly.

"Alright, it seems this guy had a powerful motivation to buy this. Seems he made a literal 'deal with a devil' in his past, and the price was his soul. He was going to use this to pay off that debt," pointing at the star.

Arielle hugs the star tightly, grinning widely, before putting it in her bag as quietly as she can.

"So what would a devil consider fair payment in exchange for a soul? That we could actually procure in good conscience?"

The Dalesman wrote:
lynora wrote:
"I really hope you're telling me the truth," he says, reluctantly pulling the star out of his pocket and holding it out. "As I said before," he says, with a sniff, "damned if I do and damned if I don't. I should have listened to my mother. She warned me not to get involved with evil."

He takes the profferred star from him.

"Thank you. Now give me a moment to see what I can put together here."

He goes to the door and opens it. He hands the star to Arielle so that the man in the room cannot see what he's doing. He motions for her to put it in her bag quietly.

"Alright, it seems this guy had a powerful motivation to buy this. Seems he made a literal 'deal with a devil' in his past, and the price was his soul. He was going to use this to pay off that debt," pointing at the star.

"Thanks. It sounds like money won't be good enough to pay off that kind of debt. Any ideas? Those kind of bad guys are hard to please, and we're not exactly rife with evil items."

Allura wrote:
"So what would a devil consider fair payment in exchange for a soul? That we could actually procure in good conscience?"
Jack Hammer wrote:
"Thanks. It sounds like money won't be good enough to pay off that kind of debt. Any ideas? Those kind of bad guys are hard to please, and we're not exactly rife with evil items."

I'm not sure. Maybe we can petition for him to be granted asylum at the Sanctum? He'd be safe there for the time being, and that would allow us to finish collecting the stars and maybe find something that would be a suitable trade."

"Well, that sounds like a reasonable plan. The wards there should keep him protected for the time being."

Devlyn nods and walks back in.

"Alright. It's going to take me a little bit of time to find your proper barter. In the meantime, we need to get you someplace where you can actually be safe for a while. This boarding house isn't it. If you've got any less-flashy clothes, I would suggest getting changed right now, because we need to leave the Bazaar."

The Dalesman wrote:

Devlyn nods and walks back in.

"Alright. It's going to take me a little bit of time to find your proper barter. In the meantime, we need to get you someplace where you can actually be safe for a while. This boarding house isn't it. If you've got any less-flashy clothes, I would suggest getting changed right now, because we need to leave the Bazaar."

"I - I have a cloak I can wear over my clothes," he says nervously. "But I'm afraid that's the best I can do."

lynora wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

Devlyn nods and walks back in.

"Alright. It's going to take me a little bit of time to find your proper barter. In the meantime, we need to get you someplace where you can actually be safe for a while. This boarding house isn't it. If you've got any less-flashy clothes, I would suggest getting changed right now, because we need to leave the Bazaar."

"I - I have a cloak I can wear over my clothes," he says nervously. "But I'm afraid that's the best I can do."

"Hang on."

He reaches into his Haversack and pulls out some spare clothes.

"They'll be a tight fit, but they'll draw less attention than this stuff will. Get changed and then we'll head to the omniportal. I have a friend who's in really good standing with a benevolent (and proacvitve) god of the Sun. We're going to take you there to lay low for a while."

The Dalesman wrote:

"Hang on."
He reaches into his Haversack and pulls out some spare clothes.

"They'll be a tight fit, but they'll draw less attention than this stuff will. Get changed and then we'll head to the omniportal. I have a friend who's in really good standing with a benevolent (and proactive) god of the Sun. We're going to take you there to lay low for a while."

The politician reluctantly took off his finery and squeezed into the clothes that Devlyn gave him. He cautiously opened the door.

"I hope you're right about this place we're going to being safe. Er.." he stops, speechless, as he sees the rest of the assembled group.

"Why don't Devlyn and I escort this gentleman back to the Sanctum while the rest of you continue what you were doing. Don't worry, sir," she said with a reassuring smile,"it's going to be alright. We'll make sure nothing untowards happens to you."

Little Kiba wrote:

Growing bored, Lk begins to make his fingers twist in strange patterns muttering under his breath.

Trying to cast the orison light because he is bored.

Not succeding in his endeavor to cast natural magic, Lk gives up and waits for the group to get on the move again, youthful anger/dissapointment on his face.

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