Today in the News

Off-Topic Discussions

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A new assembly technique

A bizarre creature, more unusual than previously realized

Little bird, big journey

The wonders of modern medicine

The Exchange


Crimson Jester wrote:


The Exchange

Prince That Howls wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:

Something very strange and cool. Now to weaponize it.

Scarab Sages

Crimson Jester wrote:
Prince That Howls wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Something very strange and cool. Now to weaponize it.

That's right folks! Here we come!!!

Scarab Sages

And, in other news....

Nevermore? Mystery visitor misses Poe's birthday

Liberty's Edge

Best. Headline. Ever. Period.

Crimson Jester wrote:

Awesome stuff.

Jobs of the future: line up now to be an electronic waste data manager!

Need a hand? Go see your FLBPM-Friendly Local Body Part Maker;look out dairy cows your competition is hopping in; location privacy; proof that almost ANYTHING can turn a profit; and more

A "bearable" invasion of privacy

Emotions today, criminal stupidity, making engineering more palatable and more!

From snail shell to soldier shell.

Edit: I noticed I got post 666 on this thread. Burlew didn't make a big deal of it with OotS so I won't do so with my post, either.

The Exchange

the number you are looking for isn't 666

The Exchange

also this is long but well worth the look

Liberty's Edge

Man caught having sex with a table gets six months in jail.

Teletubby wanted in robbery.

Man dressed as breathalyzer suspected of DUI.

Liberty's Edge

Man pretending to fall off Hwy. 77 bridge actually falls.

Perry Mason accused of being fake lawyer.

Man cited for 'rocking out' to John Denver.

Dark Archive

Jewish prayer prompts flight diversion

I've got the solution to all this:

Everyone is anesthetized at the gate.

I know, I know! I'm BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If everyone sleeps through the flight, there'll be a lot less diverted flights, no freak-outs when a person starts praying or acting nervous, or calls the attendant a sexist name; and best of all the passengers can be chicken-cooped in, allowing the airline to fit more people in steerage, er, Economy.

Since everyone is asleep, no need for those heavy half-size cans of K-mart Clearance Diet Rite and brandless BBQ Snack packs that stink-up everyone's breath.

No! Here's the best part--we passengers won't have to sit through another flight of six viewings of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, sandwiched in-between the 300 lbs. blob and the neo-hippy hairy-armpit lady from the Land of Never-takes-a-shower!!

Hey, airline industry-TSA--see that over there? That's all the money you could be saving with a good anesthesiologist.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

More Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

In South Korea, people are told to hop to it and start families

Steven Purcell wrote:

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

More Whisky Tango Foxtrot

The irony. So much for turning the other cheek.

The faces of democracy?

...bagged, tagged, and blinking cadavers

Lord Acton's dictum in action

Decimal calendars and navigation

Sexy farmers, failure in all its glory, and more

Dandelions: no mere weed anymore

Liberty's Edge

Steven Purcell wrote:

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

More Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Good to see that investigative journalism isn't dead.

What is it about Americans that makes them do things like this? I just don't get it. Sure, I support the ideas that my country was founded on, but damn, aren't we ever capable of doing really stupid shit.

Liberty's Edge

CNN says, "Last Decade Was Warmest Ever"

I think this obviously biased writer needs to talk to some geophysicists and paleontologists; maybe consult a book about Dinosaurs, at the very least. Or maybe he doesn't believe there was a Early Eocene?

Andrew Turner wrote:

CNN says, "Last Decade Was Warmest Ever"

I think this obviously biased writer needs to talk to some geophysicists and paleontologists; maybe consult a book about Dinosaurs, at the very least. Or maybe he doesn't believe there was a Pleistocene?

I think the writer meant since record keeping began.

Liberty's Edge

Garydee wrote:
Andrew Turner wrote:

CNN says, "Last Decade Was Warmest Ever"

I think this obviously biased writer needs to talk to some geophysicists and paleontologists; maybe consult a book about Dinosaurs, at the very least. Or maybe he doesn't believe there was a Early Eocene?

I think the writer meant in recorded times.

The article marginally clarifies this, but the headline is patently designed to interest a certain subset of individuals. IMHO.

I was thinking about the Ice Age and originally wrote Pleistocene, but should have written Eocene, since that's the hottest in 'recent' planetary history. : p

Liberty's Edge

Andrew Turner wrote:

CNN says, "Last Decade Was Warmest Ever"

I think this obviously biased writer needs to talk to some geophysicists and paleontologists; maybe consult a book about Dinosaurs, at the very least. Or maybe he doesn't believe there was a Early Eocine?

Warmest in the last few hundred years? Likely. Warmest EVAR??/? Not a chance.

Cool. Must have been all the fossil fuels. Thanks guys.

Liberty's Edge

Saudi Arabian Court Sentences Child To Be Flogged

Why can't the world's energy resources be in a civilized country?

Liberty's Edge

The face of a famous skull found on Flickr.

Liberty's Edge

Trapped father survives with help of iPhone app

Full of Win!

Scarab Sages

Saints beat Vikings in OT, reach 1st Super Bowl

Yesterday there was an article on the front page here in ABQ; like 7 teachers (women and men) of sorts having sex with teen aged students, all busted in the last three months. Some education eh...

The Diamond Seas of the gas giants

Slime mold more sophisticated than previously thought

Past massive earthquakes and possible future ones

A late-night talk-show host, then, is a malign stranger who scavenges in order to spread malicious gossip in a forum that is not just tedious but dead.

Liberty's Edge

Steven Purcell wrote:
A late-night talk-show host, then, is a malign stranger who scavenges in order to spread malicious gossip in a forum that is not just tedious but dead.

A divorce. Terminate jolly mind job. Annoy fallen man.

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

Wolf-girl Decapitates Dead Dog. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, indeed.

Prions doing something useful

Earth is becoming hidden from the aliens

Echolocation commonalities

Liberty's Edge

Bomb turns out to be melon.

Boston cat called for jury duty.

'No domestic attacks under Bush,' Giuliani says.

Botox: The next terror threat?

Another possible cause for carpal tunnel syndrome...

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