pres man |

And I'm pretty sure it's no more offensive to think of every man as a potential rapist than it is to think of every woman as a potential victim...
Or that all women are potential whores? (I realize some might find the use of that term in bad taste, but I think it is important to try to hit the same level of emotional reaction as calling all men potential rapists)

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For consideration: Obama's late-night slip teaches how words hurt
Old news ;)
None of the Networks have mentioned it yet. Yes, I'm watching specifically for that :)

CourtFool |

Old news ;)
I was not posting it here for the ‘liberal media’ argument. I thought it relevant to this thread. Should the participants in Special Olympics ‘get a thicker skin’ or is it antagonistic to call every man a ‘potential rapist’?
I apologize to those of you who were following along at home just fine without the graphs and slide shows.

Sharoth |

Crap, this thread got big too fast... is it too late for me to offend someone?...anyone?
You offend me greatly! So much that if I had the energy to make an enemies list, you would almost be at the top of that! Teach me to owe you $60 that I need to pay you! Hate! Hate! Hate!
P.S. - Send me an e-mail so I can get you the money, oh vile fiend!

Thraxus |

I think the idea of making the sphere of public discourse more welcoming for those who have been marginalized is noble. The idea of stopping people who don't share your views from speaking is not.
Agreed. Unfortunately, human nature gets in the way and you end up with the latter more often then the former.

Mairkurion {tm} |

You know, the more I think about it, the more I think the "thicker skin" needs to be gotten by those who are accused of offending, rather than those who were offended. You think I'm a _____ist? Fine. I want to know why you had this reaction, because I'm concerned with you as a human being, no matter how wrong/crazy you may be and however much I may have to control my natural reaction at being called a Nazi/rapist/hobo/redneck/serial killer/etc. I will now listen to your reasons and sympathize with your feelings. After the process is gone through, I may recognize a need for a change of my behavior or attitude, and I may apologize. I may alternatively state my reasons for withholding an apology and continuing in my way, along with my rationale for why the offended party needs to reexamine their reaction.

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houstonderek wrote:Buy?Yes. I was implying that you are causing the current troubles in Mexico by indulging in your illicit drug use. Spanish is the official language of Mexico. Thus, a tenuous insult in Spanish.
Yeah, but I haven't even BEEN to Mexico since that fateful day on the border, oh so many years ago...

Thraxus |

logic and fact should be the weapons of choice...intead we have flames, and trolls, puns and insults... its almost ironic this happens in a fantasy forum :P
Alas, logic and fact are uncommon weapons. These discussions have been civil compared to most I have seen. Even when emotion as crept in, those involved could step back and see points made by others.
More often than not, when someone argues emotionally, they are unwilling to accept fact or logic as it means their emotional basis was wrong. These are the ones that will ignite a flame war inferno, because they will see the presentation of facts as a personal attack.

Mairkurion {tm} |

I am still of the mind people just need to be excellent to each other. That would eliminate the need for political correctness.
This is what I was getting at with "consideration" and "manners," earlier. I also think it is why I think the person who it told they have offended has to be the one with the thick skin, not the offended party, who is putting themselves in the position of the weaker party (even if, say this is just a politically opportunistic move in a pc climate.) You grant them the benefit of the doubt and seek to heal the offense. It is an act of strength, both rationally and sympathetically, and so I think of "excellence." Also, CF, I bet Sharoth was just tasting to decide what sauce he wanted to serve with his appetizer...
At TD - Why would anybody want to call you a nerd when you've already outed yourself as a Christian! With a tattoo, no less!

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houstonderek wrote:CourtFool wrote:I'm not smart enough to be a nerd! :PTarren Dei wrote:What? Nobody? Nobody wants to call me a nerd??Too many pots and kettles.1,999 posts (2,050 including aliases) says you qualify.
EDIT: Your aliases are seriously underperforming.
Well, Rick's PbP died so now he's homeless and being molested by poodles, Rammelstad is my as yet created PFS character, and SirDerek is either dead or homeless, I'm still not exactly sure what happened to King David's castle...

Thraxus |

I agree, TD. But I am really nervous about the category of hate speech. Maybe it's been better defined than I realize, legally, but it seems a dangerous and slippery step. Make crimes illegal, not thoughts or speech, except to the extent that one is planning or inciting crime (and here, intention apart from other actions is always a lot more difficult to prove in court, and should be.) If there is a freedom to love, is the freedom to hate implied? "Hate, but do not break the law (which includes transgressing another's rights)." As much as I want to not be hated, I'm not sure I have a right to not be hated, or to belong to a group that has the right not to be hated. Alternatively, we establish a threshold or criteria for who can be hated, and we enforce that (good luck).
I think you have good reason to not like hate speech laws. In nearly every case I have seen some attempt to define it, you end up with Freedom of Speech violations.