Pavo Alazario |

Moving into the room last, Pavo can't help but scan the room, in search for his little sister. However, he quickly refocuses and launches an glob of acid at any opponents that may be left after his companions' onslaught.

GM Malvoisin |

Sorin scans the room and then focuses on the charging dog. He quickly darts to the side in front of Dorran and leaps onto a crate. He draws back his arrow and lets fly at the dog. His aim is true, and the arrow sinks into the dog's flank, eliciting a yelp of pain. Move action plus successful Acrobatics check, attack hits for 4 damage.
Dorran, already having his bow ready, lets loose a shot that takes the animal in the throat. The second arrow is more than the dog can take, and it collapses with a whine to the damp floor. Attack hits for 5 damage, killing the dog.
Clandru calls out, "Children , stay quiet ! We are here to help you . You'll soon be free!" The priest's words seem to have good effect, as many of the children begin to calm down, lessening the noise in the room substantially. Successful Diplomacy check
Moving into the room last, Pavo can't help but scan the room, in search for his little sister. However, he quickly refocuses and prepares in his mind the words to launch a glob of acid at any other opponent that may appear after his companions' onslaught. Readied action to cast Acid Splash at any new enemies
The dog causes Marra pause, she knows this mutt, she remembers it as a pup...Bloo was its name, as she remembered. Too late for the poor animal now, dying with two arrows stuck in it. Marra draws her blade and looks around. Readied action to move and attack any new enemies
Just then, the door at the northwest catwalk slams open, and a burly one-eyed half-orc steps through, armed with a flail and shield. Half of his face is a mess of pucker-shaped scars, but the brute just giggles strangely as he sees the invaders in the fishery. He screams at the children, "Wolves in the henhouse, hee hee! Up and at 'em, worthless gits, or it'll be Gobblegut's jaws for the lot of ya, hee hee!" Some of the children look confused, torn between this half-orc's threats, and Clandru's words of calming.
Upon the new enemy's appearance, Pavo and Marra both act swiftly. The sorcerer hurls his gobbet of acid up at the half-orc, but only a bit of it lands on its target. Casts Acid Splash, hits for 1 damage.
Marra meanwhile, draws her blade and charges up the catwalk steps to meet the new foe, but not quite reaching him. "No quarter asked, none given!" Moves 20' up the stairs, but can't reach the half-orc.
Round 2

Pavo Alazario |

Hoping to keep the children from harm, Pavo says "Please trust in us! We are here to help. We wish to make brutes like this giggling orc and his boss pay for what they have put you all through. Just keep safe, and we will deal with the rest. With that, Pavo, spurred on by determination to find his sister, launchs another glob of acid at the giggling half-orc.

Marrala the Lost |

Marra was not encumbered, as I stated she left some stuff in her room, therefor she should be able to reach the Half-orc on that charge.
On the first page...
"A harrow card..." she muttered, having had harrowings in the past, she remembered a dog-eared harrow deck from her younger years as well, playing cards, pretending to do harrow readings, strange that she got this card, for she didn't recognize this card...it was missing from the deck they had.
Others who have been wronged, Marra thought, grim determination rolled over her, perhaps, just perhaps, with these others, she would be able to exact her long planned vengeance, everything in her life revolved around that slime, from her earliest memories she knew nothing else, those few memories she had before Lamm had fled, only the memory of her mother remained...no name just the eyes...
she ran the whetstone over her falcata and Calliope's war razor one more time before gathering her stuff to leave... to get some breakfast.
I don't think I'll need my blanket or bedroll today...so I'll leave them here...that way they won't hinder me should combat break-out.
Marra wipes a tear that had welled up and prepared for this, she hoped it wasn't a trap that Gaedren was setting up, but if it were she'd be ready for that even. She had tried to kill him last year as he made a trip outside his hideaway...if that damn gnome hadn't been there to help him after the dart missed, she could have tried another angle...but again she'd had to tuck tail and run...had he found her? No, if that had been the case, I would not have seen the morning's light...
Marra rehides the coins in her bedroll and blanket in the room. She looks around the room one last time...and departs; heading for breakfast...after breakfast in the common room, she wanders around town, if it were a trap, and she was to die today, she might as well enjoy the day before the sun set.
2 hours before sunset she will set-up to observe the entrance from a distance at first.

GM Malvoisin |

Okay, I did not remember that. I just checked her character sheet, where it still says she has Medium encumbrance. I'm not going to make a new map now, but suffice to say that Marra is one square closer to the half-orc, and that she was able to attack him, as follows...
With a final lunge, Marra's momentum carries her further up the stairs, and she slashes wickedly at the half-orc before he can react. The young woman's falcata slices through armor and flesh alike, leaving the leering foe bleeding badly, but still standing. 11 damage

Marrala the Lost |

Okay, I did not remember that. I just checked her character sheet, where it still says she has Medium encumbrance. I'm not going to make a new map now, but suffice to say that Marra is one square closer to the half-orc, and that she was able to attack him, as follows...
With a final lunge, Marra's momentum carries her further up the stairs, and she slashes wickedly at the half-orc before he can react. The young woman's falcata slices through armor and flesh alike, leaving the leering foe bleeding badly, but still standing. 11 damage
No prob, I figured that is what happened, also, unless I'm caught completely unaware, her battle reflex is to drop her backpack in round 1...and hopefully it won't get fireballed...that is if I have my full pack with me, which I don't currently...(I need 2000gp to get a haversack ;)

Dorran Kelvar |

Dorran quickly runs up the stairs and steps in front of Marra and attacks the half orc with his bastard sword Attack (1d20+4=18)Damage (1d10+3=4) hoping to quickly bring an end to his wretched life

Clandru KRUPTER |

GM Malvoisin |

Round 2
Sorin watches as Marra charges the half-orc and then he turns and runs down towards the other flight of stairs. He gets halfway up the stairs and then launches an arrow across the room at the giggling half-orc. The arrow lodges right in the strange half-orc's neck, ending his giggling abruptly. The half-orc pitches forward, dying, right onto Marra as he collapses on the stairs. END COMBAT
With the current threats ended, the room resonates with the whimpers and crying of frightened children.
What now?

Marrala the Lost |

Round 2
Sorin watches as Marra charges the half-orc and then he turns and runs down towards the other flight of stairs. He gets halfway up the stairs and then launches an arrow across the room at the giggling half-orc. The arrow lodges right in the strange half-orc's neck, ending his giggling abruptly. The half-orc pitches forward, dying, right onto Marra as he collapses on the stairs. END COMBAT
With the current threats ended, the room resonates with the whimpers and crying of frightened children.
What now?
Marra slides against the wall as the half-orc falls, letting his corpse slide down the stairs, then she kicks him over the edge.
Is this one of the lieutenants that was here when any of us were?, just let me know if I recognize anyone from 2 or more years before.
"Quiet those kids up..."
Then Marra slides up to the door, ready for any additional combatants coming through...she'll peer through if it's still open.

Clandru KRUPTER |

GM Malvoisin |

Sorry for the quiet weekend, guys. I actually tried to post yesterday, but the boards were down.
Marra slides against the wall as the half-orc falls, letting his corpse slide down the stairs, then she kicks him over the edge.
"Quiet those kids up..."
Then Marra slides up to the door, ready for any additional combatants coming through...she'll peer through if it's still open.
The dead half-orc's body bumps against the huge vat, then falls to the slipper fishery floor below. From here at the top of the stairs, Marra can see that the vat is filled with a foul-looking mixture of chum, seawater, and who knows what else.
Marra looks through the door where the half-orc came in, peering through the moonlit gloom. The stink that comes from the room, a mixture of fish and sweat, is enough to make the eyes water. Marra can see a large wooden trough that appears to hold a hideous mound of half-rancid fish, seaweed, and brine. Filthy seawater and fish blood stain the floor around the trough. A pair of wooden chutes lead from this trough through holes in the wall into the vat on the fishery floor. To the west, a desk and chair sit in one corner while a tall cabinet sits in the other. There doesn't seem to be anyone in the room.
Sorin grabs another arrow and then quietly runs to the first door on the balcony. He listens for movement on the other side and gets ready to launch an arrow at anyone threatening that comes through any of the doors.
Sorin doesn't hear any noise on the other side of the door.
Dorran sheathes his blades and retrieves his bow. Heading over to the body Dorran inspects him for any thing valuable, useful or informative.
Dorran gives the bloody body a quick search, but the half-orc only carried his combat gear...studded armor, a light wooden shield, and a flail.
Clandru will look at the children there seeking to see if one seems in a state of mind where he could respond quickly to questions and go ask him
"Quick , where are the others helpers of Lamm and more importantly where is Lamm ? '
One older looking boy answers Clandru's questions. "Hookshanks and Mr. Balkro are still around here somewhere. They were probably sleeping, but they might be awake after Bloo's barking like that. We hardly ever see Lamm. He lives down there," the boy points to the open bay in the floor. "Any of the Lambs that go down there to see him never come back up."

GM Malvoisin |

Dorran Kelvar |

Coming to stand behind Marra, Dorran places his hand on her shoulder in a silent apology. His fight is not with her. Drawing his bow and knocking an arrow holding it a readied position to let it fly as soon as an enemy shows itself. Dorran remains 5 ft behind Marra and will provide cover fire.

Pavo Alazario |

Pavo, listening to the older child's words, then says, "Ok, I have another question for you...do any of you know of a girl named Alexandria. She is my sister and we share the same brown hair and blue eyes. I'd say she has been part of the Lamm's for a few months now. If the name isn't familiar, then you might know her as Alex. Have you seen her?" Those of a perseptive nature might pick up a hint of desperation that the young sorceror is hiding as he attempts to find out the fate of his sister, especially after news of what might happen to children who are forced to visit Lamm.

GM Malvoisin |

Back in action!
Pavo, listening to the older child's words, then says, "Ok, I have another question for you...do any of you know of a girl named Alexandria. She is my sister and we share the same brown hair and blue eyes. I'd say she has been part of the Lamm's for a few months now. If the name isn't familiar, then you might know her as Alex. Have you seen her?" Those of a perseptive nature might pick up a hint of desperation that the young sorceror is hiding as he attempts to find out the fate of his sister, especially after news of what might happen to children who are forced to visit Lamm.
The older boy hesitates for a moment as he listens to Pavo's question. A sudden look of genuine sorrow passes across his face, and he swallows a lump in his throat before he finds his words. "Mister, I'm sorry...b-but...Alex was here, but...she spit on Hookshanks one day a couple weeks ago, and he got so mad he sent her down...below there," he points a trembling hand toward the open bay. "Down where Gobbleguts is. We haven't seen her since, I'm sorry."
"And would you know how to go downstairs ?"
The older boy points over to where the bay opens in the floor, leading down to the surface of the Jeggare River. Nearby, are several coils of rope, tied to iron rings that have been anchored to the floor. "There's no stairs. Giggles or Mr. Balko always just lower us down with the ropes."
While speaking with the youth , Clndru will move near the half orc and cast stabilize on him
Giggles' pallor lessens somewhat, and his breathing eases. It appears that he will live, thanks to the cleric's aid.

GM Malvoisin |

Sorin creeps forward to the next door and listens for any sounds.
Perception: 24
He then tries the door.
Sorin thinks he might hear someone moving around in the next room, but it's hard to be sure. With a hand gripping his weapon tightly, he reaches out and throws open the next door!
Within, Sorin quickly notes a single desk which sits in the middle of the room, and a moldy chair pushed up against the far side. A small pile of ratty furs and straw is heaped under the desk.
Of more importance, however, Sorin sees two people in the room! Both are wearing night clothes, having apparently been roused by the barking of the dog. One, a sneering man with short blonde hair, holds a dark wooden wand. The second, Sorin recognizes. It's Hookshanks, the shaven-headed gnome who left his marks on the halfling so long ago. His signature kukri is in hand, and he shouts in his annoying high-pitched voice, "You! Shoulda killed you before, when I had the chance! I don't know what you're doing here, but you won't live to tell about it! Kill him, Yargin!"
Roll Initiative and post actions, guys!

Sorin |

Init: 24
Sorins eyes lock in on the gnome and rage flows through him. He doesn't even notice the blond man standing to the side. With a snarl he draws back and launches an arrow at the gnome.
Attack: 3+5=8
I will use a harrow point and reroll
Attack: 13+5=18
I don't know if he is flatfooted so I will supple SA anyway.
Damage: 2 (+4 if flatfooted)
"It will be you dead with a note pinned to your chest." Sorin shouts as he steps to the side so Marra can enter.

Marrala the Lost |

Marra will 5' step into the doorway of the room, and swinging her Falcata about her in a Dazzling Display..."You should have killed me instead of Calliope" 1d20+3=23
with pure hatred showing on her broken face..."Now you will pay the price, and Gaedren Lamm will fall this day!" The words spat out with pure disgust...

GM Malvoisin |

Clandru moves back to the bay and tries to see what might be seen downstairs
'Do you mean that Gaedren comes up this way ? '
Clandru looks down into the bay, and sees a wooden walkway 10 feet below. It looks like it would be pretty easy to get down there with the aid of the ropes.
The boy answers, "I guess, but I've never seen him come up here at all. Everybody always goes down to see him." Suddenly, sounds of shouting voices drift down from through the open door on the catwalk above. "Uh-oh, trouble!" the boy says fearfully as he looks up in that direction.

Dorran Kelvar |

Init (1d20+3=12)
Hearing the combat from the room ahead, Dorranfigures range attack wouldnt be effective in close range drops his bow and draws his swords and moves to help Sorin. Seeing the blonde hair guy and Hookshanks, Dorran quickly draws in on the stranger and attacks
Attack- Bastard Sword (1d20+4=11)

Pavo Alazario |

Suddenly hearing the commotion upstairs, Pavo looks up to see Dorran move his way into the next room. Heading for the stairs next to the door they had all entered to get into the Fishery, Pavo does his best to focus on here and now, though the fate of his sister is still lingering through his mind.
Double move to get up the stairs and into the room that Giggles came from

GM Malvoisin |

Round 1
Sorin reacts first, and launches an arrow that hits the wicked gnome in the shoulder, eliciting a satisfying yelp of pain. Hookshanks winces, but responds by stepping around the chair and slashing Sorin viciously across the chest with his kukri. At the sight of the halfling's blood, Hookshanks laughs. "Now why does this seem so familiar, little toad?"
From the other side of the room, Yargin shouts, "We've got you now, cretin!" He levels his wand at Sorin and calls out, "Kwasny!" However, nothing happens except a puff of acrid smoke emits from the tip of the wand, causing the sneering blonde man to erupt in a string of profanity.
Dorran charges into the room, easily sidestepping a feeble swing of Hookshanks' kukri. He reaches the far side of the desk, and swings his bastard sword, but a terrified Yargin somehow ducks under the blade.
Marra enters the room next, swinging her own blade in a dazzling display that causes both of the enemy combatants to cry out and cower back fearfully.
Meanwhile, Pavo charges around to the other set of stairs, hustling up and into the next room, hoping he is not too late to lend a hand.
Combat Mechanics
1. Sorin shoots Hookshanks with an arrow, hitting for 4 damage. Then takes a 5' step.
2. Pavo double moves
3. Hookshanks takes a 5' step, then crits Sorin for 3 damage with his kukri.
4. Yargin tries to use his wand, but failed a Use Magic Device check.
5. Dorran moves 30', Hookshanks gets an AOO, but misses. Dorran attacks Yargin with his sword, but misses.
6. Marra moves into the room, then does a dazzling display. She wins the opposed check against both Yargin and Hookshanks, so both are Shaken for 1 round.
Sorin (4/9 hp)
Hookshanks (-4 hp)
Dorran (11/12 hp)