Dorran Kelvar |

Dorran cringes as the boards give way and Marrala almost falls. He then begins to look around to see if the crash had attracted any unwanted attention
Perception (1d20+5=20)
Then whispers to the group " We need to pay better attention. Not Marrala's fault but that could have ended horribly. Keep one eye on your surroundings and one eye on the ground"

Malvoisin |

Dorran cringes as the boards give way and Marrala almost falls. He then begins to look around to see if the crash had attracted any unwanted attention
Perception (1d20+5=20)
There is no sign from the fishery that anyone has noticed the goings-on aboard the barge.

Malvoisin |

Sorin pushes open the door to the cabin of the barge, and pokes his head in, letting the beam of his lantern illuminate the interior. The air inside the room is thick and musty. Thick sheets of cobwebs hang from the walls and mounds of blankets, cushions, and straw clutter the floor. A narrow flight of stairs leads down to the south into the ship’s hold.
Suddenly, a dark brown, long-legged spider the size of a cat springs forth from the clutter in the filthy cabin, and lunges at Sorin!
17: Dorran
13: Pavo
12: Clandru
11: Sorin
9: Marra
5: Drain Spider

Dorran Kelvar |

From his position Dorran quickly inspects the wood on the dock near him for any wood rot or damage before hoping up and drawing his bastard sword. He then enters the door and moves to engage the spider
Attack (1d20+4=17)
Damage (1d10+3=6)

Marrala the Lost |

Malvoisin |

Dorran presses forward from his position at the rear, then hops onto the deck of the barge. He is pleased to note that it holds under his weight...apparently, the worst of the rotten wood already collapsed during Marra's episode. The soldier swiftly moves in front of Sorin, bastard sword in hand, and skewers the spider neatly on the tip of his blade. The thing's legs twitch a few times, and then it goes still.
Well, that was quick! :)

Malvoisin |

Hmm, it's been pretty quiet for the last couple of days. Well, let's press on.
Sorin holds up his lantern to illuminate the stairs down into the hold. With Marra and Dorran right behind him, followed by Clandru and Pavo, the halfling leads the way below. Dark and dank, the ship’s hold smells of mildew. Several barrels, crates, and other containers lie stacked here and there, and a shallow layer of river water has collected in puddles.
A soft scratching sound comes from behind a few of the crates.

Pavo Alazario |

Pavo simply follows the others, whispering when he does speak. "Though he may be in the fishery, we should determine why he has a rundown boat roped to the dock...this thing doesn't even seem to be seaworthy, yet still it is here."
Hearing the noise, Pavo begins to focus his mind as a spell comes to the forefront of his memory...ready to fly from his fingertips with but a command. Collecting up the necassary ingrediants, Pavo prepares to let loose.

GM Malvoisin |

The tension in the party rises at the sound of something rustling around amongst the junk in the hold of the barge. Sorin draws his bow, and Pavo readies his magic.
Moments later, several more of the long-legged drain spiders erupt from hiding! They move aggesssively to attack the intruders in their nest.
Initiative Order:
4 Drain Spiders
I can't get Maptool to run stably right now for some reason, so let's just do this old school style. Descriptively post your combat intentions, and we won't worry so much about positioning for this fight. Have at them!

Clandru KRUPTER |

Clandru should normally have two attacks this round
One is the normal attack , the other is the AoO with the glaive .
Both miss

Pavo Alazario |

Pavo lets fly with his spell as a glob of acid flys towards the nearest spider that is still standing. If a spider attacks him, he will take a 5 foot step away from the spider before launching his magic.
Acid Splash Attack 1d20+2=22 damage 1d3=3
Dice ar not liking these spiders, crit confirmed and extra damage of 3

GM Malvoisin |

I'll NPC Dorran for the first round of combat here.
As the swarming spiders scuttle forward, Sorin darts to the side and looses an arrow. His aim is on the mark, and the first spider is impaled against a nearby crate, legs twitching in its death-throes.
The spiders swarm over the first adventurers into the room, mandibles clicking. Marra turns one aside with her shield, but Sorin and Dorran are not so fortunate. The tall ranger feels the pain of one set of mandibles as the spider scrambles over him, and bites through his boot leather. Sorin is bitten as well, in the soft flesh of his thigh. The halfling yells out in pain, and he feels his strength lag as the vermin's poison works its way into his bloodstream.
Dorran curses the spider that bit him on the ankle, and obliterates the nasty thing with one hard swing of his bastard sword. The spider that bit Sorin, meanwhile, suddenly explodes in a cloud of greenish vapor and acidic goo, thanks to the dead-on accuracy on Pavo's splash of magical acid. With the last spider right on top of her, Marra quickly drops her sling, draws her falcata, and cuts the thing nearly in half with the wicked curved blade. As quickly as that, the fight has ended.
Sorin 7/9 hp, 8/10 STR
Dorran 11/12 hp
Combat Mechanics
Sorin moves and hits Spider#1 with his bow attack, including Sneak Attack, for 5 damage, killing the spider.
Spider #2 moves and attacks Sorin, confirming a critical and hitting for 2 damage. Sorin fails first FORT save, takes 2 STR damage from poison.
Spider #3 moves and attacks Marra, missing.
Spider #4 moves and attacks Dorran, hitting with its bite for 1 damage. Dorran makes his FORT save.
Dorran attacks Spider #4, confirmed critical, hitting for 21 damage with bastard sword! Overkill!
Pavo casts Acid Splash, confirmed critical on ranged attack vs. Spider #2, hitting for 6 damage...killing it.
Marra drops her sling, draws her falcata, and hits Spider #3 for 5 damage, killing it. End combat.
Sorin and Dorran both make their secondary FORT saves, avoiding further poison damage.

GM Malvoisin |

looks like you're using the 3.5 poison rules instead of the PFRPG poison rules. (pg 392 PFRPG Beta) since Sorin took 2 points of strength dmg instead of 1.
Oops, you're exactly right about that. My fault. Okay, so since Sorin only failed one FORT check, he should have 9/10 STR. Sorry about that.

Sorin |

Sorin cringes as he feels the poison spread through his body, but the worst of it seems to already be fading.
"Well I am guessing he doesn't sleep down here. I am going to look around for anything valuable."
Sorin starts searching around the room for anything worth taking.
Perception: 10+5 = 15/17

Dorran Kelvar |

sorry for not posting... had my nephew over last nite and didnt get the chance to post here before he came over... thanks for the npc...hehe did better rolls then i would have gotten.
Looking down at the wound on his ankle Dorran sees that its not too bad, shrugs and sheaths his blade. He then begins to see if any tracks can be found Track (add 2 if human) (1d20+5=24) After his serch Dorran asks Sorin "Find anything worth while?"

Dorran Kelvar |

"I agree looks like nothin's been down here for awhile other then those spiders." Dorran says as he gets up from his crouch from inspecting the floor. " I agree lets head out" the ranger then adds with a smile to the group " even though they were small spiders we did well as a team."

GM Malvoisin |

Just to make sure I'm absolutely clear...are we talking about the double doors on the northwest side, or the single door down the steps on the northeast side?
Oh, and it might be a good idea to let me know how you want to handle the doors if they should be locked...as they were when Sorin scouted the night before.

GM Malvoisin |

The party leaves the dilapidated barge behind, making its way carefully back around the slippery boardwalk, and around to the north side of the fishery. Like silent shadows, each of you dart onto the loading dock and proceed to the east, lining up behind Sorin on the steps.
[OOC]Also is this building kind of dilapidated, so we might be able to peer through the separated boards?
Marra takes a closer look at the wall of the fishery, trying to have a peek inside. But the building, while certainly run down, is not yet so far gone as to have gaps between the boards.
Sorin tests the handle of the single door, but finds it locked, just as he expected. The halfling then produces his thieves tools from a pocket, and sets to work at picking the lock. After only a moment or two, Sorin's efforts are rewarded with a soft 'click'...success! Turning back to give one last knowing look at his comrades, Sorin reaches out and opens the door.
As the moonlight washes into the dark room within, the party is greeted by bedlam! Almost immediately, the sound of a barking dog shatters the quiet, followed swiftly by the sounds of children crying out in fear and confusion. The party enters the room and treads upon a floor slick with seawater, bits of seaweed, and fish blood—the air is thick with the accompanying scent. Wooden catwalks to the north and south allow access to the western part of the fishery, while the floor here is only five feet above the river below. An open bay to the south allows direct access to the sloppy, muddy water, while to the northwest stands an immense
ten-foot-tall wooden vat, its sides caked and waterproofed with tar. To the east are stacked many barrels and crates, each marked in paint with a fish. Nearly two dozen small hammocks hang from under the catwalks, each with its own ratty blanket and pillow.
In the hammocks are at least two dozen skinny, dirty children all shouting and crying out at the intrusion and the subesquent dog barking. Before anyone can do anything else, the source of the barking is upon you! A grizzled, surly guard dog charges at you, barking loudly with teeth bared.
Now the hornet's nest has been stirred! Rather than roll your Initiative for you, please roll it yourself for your first round combat post, along with attacks and damage, etc. I've tried to make a decent combat map for you with Paint, please let me know how it works for you.

Sorin |

I am assuming that Sorin would have had his bow ready before he stepped through the door.
Init: 14+6 = 20
Sorin scans the room and then focuses on the charging dog.
He quickly darts to the side in front of Dorran and leaps onto a crate.
Acrobatics: 14+12=26
He draws back his arrow and lets fly at the dog.
Attack: 12+5= 17 (18 if I made it up on the crate for high ground)
Damage: 4

Marrala the Lost |

"I should have known better, stupid mutt"
The dog causes Marra pause, she knows this mutt, she remembers it as a pup...and now it lays between her and Gaedren...two years, and it's near-sighted in its old age...won't recognize me, I'm sure...
Marra draws her blade and charges the animal (or adult opponent if the dog is already dead).
1d20+5=15+2 charge=17 DMG=1d8+3=11
"No quarter asked, none given!"

Dorran Kelvar |

Dorran already having his bow ready lets lose a shot then dropping his bow and drawing his swords moves to engage the enemy stopping just shy of the dog
Attack with bow (1d20+4=14)Damage (1d8=5) move 2 squares down