Warmages in Golorian

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

The Concordance RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

One of my players asked my about warmages and warmage schools in Golorian. I sort of went overboard in my reply, but I thought I would share with y'all in case someone else might find it of use

Warmages in Golorian

Warmages came out of Complete Arcane, which are not part of the SRD so Paizo could not include them in their setting. That being said, here is my opinion on where warmages came from....

Golorian has a long, long history --- something like 4-6 thousand years of *recorded* history. In that time, warmages could have come from several places. Since I am more familiar with the RoRL series, the Runelord of Evocation, Alaznist (Wrath), would have definitely had a warmage school for her minions. In fact I considered changing some of the mages in the Runeforge to warmages but I didn't have time to work them up.

In any case, Alaznist ruled in Bakrakhan, which was where the Varisian Gulf is today. So a library of warmage secrets could have been unearthed and founded on one of the islands out in the gulf. There could be a school in Riddleport (though I doubt it -- Riddleport doesn't seem like a warmage kind of place, especially considering there is already on magical university there). There could also be one in Magnimar.

So a warmage can be from almost anywhere and just learning the warmage skills as he adventures. He doesn't need to be a member of any order or belong to any school.

However, in my campaign, I have placed several friendly, yet competing, warmage schools in the following places. First I name the school, and then tell you the name of the order that runs it. Any other information follows (all the fluff). Then lastly I tell you why I put the school there).

Warmage School by Location

Absolom -- Tarth Karltha, Order of the Blue Flame. Tarth Karltha is probably the richest of the warmage schools of Golorian. Absolom is the middle of the world after all and Tarth Karltha desires to be the leader of the warmages in Golorian. Of course this desire conflicts with all the other warmage schools. Thus warmages of the Blue Flame aren't as popular with warmages as they could be.

Carpenden, Andoran -- Tarth Valorian, Order of the Swift Eagle. One of the newest schools Tarth Valorian has trouble retaining students and teachers as Andorians tend to go off and fight for the cause de jour at the drop of a hat. However, they have no lack of students and mages who apply for entrance into the Order.

Egorian -- Tarth Vex, Order of the Fire Hawks. Tarth Vex is a school that is torn in two by competing demands. On one hand, warmages are evokers, first and foremost. But Cheliax is also an ally of the Nine Hells, and the demand for competent conjurers is intense. Many of the students here are conjurer/warmages.

Egorian is the capital of Cheliax and warmages seem like they could be "influenced" by diabolical forces. I see these warmages tending towards conjuration more than the usual warmage though.

Eleder, Sargava -- Tarth Cigerhet, Order of the Lion. A fast growing school, Tarth Cigerhet is definitely off the beaten track. A majority of their students are Mwangi, but not all. Most of the teachers, in fact, are Chelixian.

A former Cheliaxian colony, Sargava is on its own now and the natives (very tribal African in flavor) are slowly/quickly (depends on who you ask) taking over. Warmages seem like an African to me, but that is in my opinion.

Hellknights -- Each order of the Hellknights has a small subgroup of warmages. Afterall it is always handy to have a mage who can cast spells in armor. The Hellknights’ warmages are neither powerful enough, influential enough, or number enough to really deserve their own school.

Janderhoff - Tarth Margrava, Order of the Iron Fire. Run by Kell Irongrip, a dwarven warmage/archmage, Tarth Margrava focuses on spells that can be used to defend the dwarven people. Additionally the Iron Fire's warmages are in demand for escort duty and exploration of the Mindspin Mountains.

I like the idea of a dwarven-run warmage school. Just feels right.

Mechitar, Geb -- Tarth Evarg-thed, Order of the Hand. Mechitar is the capital of Geb, the longest ruling aristocracy in Golroian. Probably because it is ruled by a ghost and his lich-consort. The Order of the Hand is very necromatic (duh!) and on the decline, but definitely a place where a warmage school would pop up. Almost as far away as Tarth Jagajenda in Niswan.

Niswan, Jalmeray -- Tarth Jagajenda, Order of the Roc. A very exclusive school, it is very hard to gain membership in the Order of the Roc. This is probably because of the requirement that you must be Vudrani to be a student here. One of the more famous schools, even people in far off Varisia have heard of the Order of the Roc.

Very Indian is flavor, very strong Oriental influence. Also very far away.

Quantium, Nex - Tarth Nothelek, Order of the Kraken. The Order of the Kraken are huge rivals of the Order of the Hand, and rarely due they cooperate together. However, they are known for their metamagic abilities and the fact that they are working to recover the land that buffers Nex and Geb, the Mana Wastes (where magic does not work).

Nex is the arch-enemy of Geb, and they would definitely have something that Geb would have, if only for self-preservation.

Sothis, Osirion -- Tarth Memlis, Order of the Silver Sphinx. This is one of the smallest, yet most influential schools. They claim to be the first one, the original home of warmagery. Other schools scoff at this, but it is true that despite their small size they have access to magics and arcane knowledge that the others do not.

Obviously for the Egyptian flavor of Osirion.

Starfall, Numeria -- Tarth Pellmont, Order of the Diamond. Starfall is the capital of Numeria, and Numeria abuts the Worldwound where all the demons in the Abyss are congregating to invade Golorian. Thus Tarth Pellmont is a very influential school. Students here are mostly worshippers of Iomedae but they are also known for their very powerful evocation magics. One of the principle feats taught here is Element Substitution (Cold).

Warmages (I imagine) would be helpful to have around.

Trollheim, Land of the Linnorm Kings -- Tarth Nantýr, Order of the Silver Bolt. A very aggressive school, many of the students that fail here don't drop out, they are instead casualties of spell battle.

The warmages of Tarth Nantýr are very Norse-like in flavor. And warmages would come in handy fighting the minions of Irrisen which is right next door. Irrisen is ruled by one of Baba Yaga's daughters and her evil fey often make forays into the Linnorm Kings' territories.

catdragon wrote:
Since I am more familiar with the RoRL series, the Runelord of Evocation, Alaznist (Wrath), would have definitely had a warmage school for her minions.

Nah, she had evokers.

The Concordance RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

KaeYoss wrote:
catdragon wrote:
Since I am more familiar with the RoRL series, the Runelord of Evocation, Alaznist (Wrath), would have definitely had a warmage school for her minions.
Nah, she had evokers.

Absolutely. I am sure evokers had a high place in her organization (or government, or whatever you want to call it), but if you want something blown up and blown up a lot but not be totally defenseless in combat, get a warmage.

catdragon wrote:

Absolutely. I am sure evokers had a high place in her organization (or government, or whatever you want to call it), but if you want something blown up and blown up a lot but not be totally defenseless in combat, get a warmage.

Nah, you get an evoker and meatshields. What are slaves for? To die for you while you blast your enemies (and their slaves) to cinders. Plus, an arcanist worth his salt will have defenses in place that dwarf mere physical barriers. Alaznist and her disciples didn't use abjuration or conjuration, that's true, but illusion and transmutation can do a decent job, too.

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