Cauldron Coinage Continued...

Shackled City Adventure Path

Dark Archive

Well it's been years since this thread had any replies, but I like it so much that I figued I'd add in my 'two-sense'...yeah I know I'm horrible. Anyways I though DD's write ups on the currancy was fantastic and am using one of each in my own campaign. However there wasn't a single disscussion on electrum. I know what's the point right commoners never use it, middle and even upper class would be lucky to ever even see one, and nobility would prize them but not spend them right. Still I thought, some people might like to play with them and in my game the serve two functions I will expain later. First my history:

Electrum Peice (EP)- Watcher

The most rare and valuable coin in Cauldrons mint has been out of circulation almost the entirety of the city's history. In fact they only ever did one mint.

Before the founding of Cauldron Sarubar Spellmason and his fellow adventures explroed this savage land, battling lizardmen, yuan-ti, demons, and worse. As you can imagine there were times when circumstance required patientce, vigilance, communication, and most of all complete silence.Which are all needed when you are traveling the caverns of the ledgendary dragon Hookface. To that end Sarubar came up with an idea, since Electrum pieces were no less rare or valuable then they are now, he would distribute one to each adventurer and fashion in it a powerful dweomer. This enchantment allowed Sarubar and his comrades to monitor one anothers state of health and communicate telepathically to each other even over great distanes.

Many years later after most of his fellow exporers had passed on Sarubar, who had kept these coins gave them to his children to watch over them and keep them safe. Many years passed and with time so did Spellmason himself and in comemmeration of the first anniversary of his passing his eldest son, lord mayor at the time, had 101 electrum coins minted in his honor, one for each year of his life.

It is from the spells that Sarubar cast into those original coins that we get the term 'Watcher'.

Now to explain my two uses: one I'm using DD's alternate CW/Redemption idea wich is gold btw. So Embril still has her coin. This can play into some good RPing/Scrying both ways if the PC's ever find one, which I have a feeling they might. Second it foreshadows Hookface, and cements Sarubar in the plotline. Since I'm putting a 'Monay Matters' article in my Cauldron Herald, to go with all those tax issues I'm sure my players will read it.

Anyways sorry for the crazy long post, as always I'm interested in eveyones thoughts as well.

P.S. Much thanks to Delvesdeep for the book of ideas that I plagerized off him this campaign.

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