The Unofficial Top 32 Guildhall

RPG Superstar™ 2009 General Discussion

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Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

Mark Thomas wrote:

I't funny I ran a game last night and the camaraderie and support sort of put me at ease for submitting today. Still editing is a litttle stressful.

Good luck to all of you.

Last Tuesday was my gaming night and I told myself I would not look until then, since I would be disappointedly distracted from work. Of course Vic's email popped up with bad news/good news subject. Guess who was too distracted to get work done :). I called Mate at home: no luck. I called her at work: no answer. I called her cel still no luck. Who to share with?

longer story

One of my friends and proof readers got the weekly message from paizo and forwarded it to me with the subject ...Sorry. I got to email him back and tell him to read a little closer. My name is on the page! He has been a great help in getting my villain straitened out.

So gaming night was a bit of buzz for me. Which it always is anyway. I felt like Homer beerbeerbeerbedbedbed O:)

I have to say, and there may be a better place for this, but I feel I have already gotten the best prize ever. Getting feedback from three designers and four pros is worth a lot to me. The real prize. Last year I did not know where I fell in the process. This year I got feedback! Genuine feedback!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8 , Star Voter Season 9 aka Zynete

I found out that I was in the 32 after I got back from my routine cleaning at the dentist. I was just going to check my e-mail to see if I had gotten the notice that PF 18 had shipped and instead saw the confirmation e-mail.

I was super excited and my hands were uncontrollably shaking making it difficult to type.

The word count of my villain fluctuated a lot crossing the 500 word limit a few times before I got it straightened out.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka Ezekiel Shanoax, the Stormchild

I think my villain first came to mind back in '08 when I was watching that year's Superstar competition. Either that or I was bitten in my sleep by a dream-spider sent from a long-forgotten secret civilization hidden beneath the Arctic Circle. no, wait, that's...

Yo yo yo - what we really need here is some fan art. Round 2 calls for some awesome villains, and while it is our job to paint with words, how freakin awesome would it be to have a collection of artist's renderings to bring them further to life...?

Second-best to actual artwork is the classic "who would play them in a movie" game...

Huzzah to all the field! This is all a grand adventure.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 aka eotbeholder

I checked the website during my lunch break at school and learned results wouldn't be out until 5:00... then spent the afternoon convincing myself I could take the ego hit if I didn't make it and it was no big deal... then thought for sure I hadn't made the cut when I couldn't find my name under the Ms... then realized the list was alphabetized by first name and did a little happy jig that frightened my roommate's cat.

I started writing up my villain and realized I had broken 500 words before even writing the backstory or motivations/goals. A long series of revisions and trimmings followed, but I think I ended up with something much stronger than my original concept as a result. I write best with tight word limits... I'd never properly edit without them. Like my Big Brother always says, Freedom is Slavery!

So pumped for this contest. Can't wait to see everyone's villains, and learn what diabolical (or abyssal, or daemonic) twists the judges have planned for round 3.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo

Smeazel wrote:
Maybe at some point I'll post my first villain idea somewhere...

After the contest is over, maybe we should start a clearing house thread where the Top 32 unload everything they almost submitted, but didn't. It'd be like a giant volcano of awesome.

Edit: And before I forget:

Trevor Gulliver wrote:
I had a sleepless night disturbed by nasty dreams and my villain was waiting for me in the morning.
Matt Banach wrote:
I was bitten in my sleep by a dream-spider sent from a long-forgotten secret civilization hidden beneath the Arctic Circle.

You know, there's a wondrous item that helps fix such problems... ;-)

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Smeazel wrote:
(For whatever it's worth, I think this message may mark the first time I've ever used the phrase "Holy cow". I'm not sure why I decided to use it here...)

Oh, come now. You're just trying to throw us off from guessing your villain. I'll go first...

Was it a...celestial bovine by any chance? :-D


RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Neil wrote:
Was it a...celestial bovine by any chance? :-D

Perhaps it has +30 to Acrobatics checks when the moon is out? ;-0


Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 aka flash_cxxi

NSpicer wrote:

Just thought I'd poke my head in, nod, and say "cool"...

I'm still trying to wind down from the multiple edits on my villain concept. I've got a low-level headache (probably from stress?) and my stomach either doesn't like what I had for lunch (pizza and hot wings!) or it too is tied in knots.

Thanks for setting up Guildhall 32...

P.S. It's so much easier when you just post under your one avatar. Although I've got several PbP avatars on the boards. ;-)

Wow, it's like I posted something but it's not me talking!

Every one of these statements mirror my own sentiments perfectly (except I had Subway with chicken, bacon, pepperoni, 2 cheeses, salad & Southwest Chilli sauce for lunch - I love that my Parents own 2 Subways).

Good Luck with Round 2 everyone. After the first round I am really looking forward to reading about everyone's Villains and Elizabeth, I'm looking at you in particular here; I loved your Haunted Shoes).

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo

NSpicer wrote:
Smeazel wrote:
I think this message may mark the first time I've ever used the phrase "Holy cow".
Oh, come now. You're just trying to throw us off from guessing your villain.

Nah. I take him at his word. Of course, the use of the phrase "unholy cow" is an entirely different story.

Power word moo!

More seriously...

Craig Johnson wrote:
After the first round I am really looking forward to reading about everyone's Villains and Elizabeth, I'm looking at you in particular here; I loved your Haunted Shoes...

Yeah. I'm betting Elizabeth is someone we're going to have to watch (and watch out for) in the current round.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 aka flash_cxxi

Epic Meepo wrote:
After the contest is over, maybe we should start a clearing house thread where the Top 32 unload everything they almost submitted, but didn't. It'd be like a giant volcano of awesome.

It's funny, but the Dazzler was my first idea and I liked it so much that I never even bothered trying to think up alternates. I'm glad I didn't now, I might have gone with something else and not gotten picked.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8 , Star Voter Season 6

Well i just figured out what Item I'll submit next year. :-)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 aka NChance

Just poking my head to to say howdy. Ever since Tuesday it seems as though I've had all of zero time to myself. Between the villain fine-tuning from Tuesday night to Friday afternoon, scheduled games that aren't gonna stop just cuz I made it into the Top 32, and general running around, I'm going at a mile a minute. Oh, and trying to comment on everyone's item, that's taking longer than I'd have hoped as well.

Anyway, I digress. I hope everyone else is having a bit of a more stress-free time of it than I am, and I wish everyone the best of luck in the upcoming rounds.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Craig Johnston wrote:
Good Luck with Round 2 everyone. After the first round I am really looking forward to reading about everyone's Villains and Elizabeth, I'm looking at you in particular here; I loved your Haunted Shoes).

I hope I live up to your expectations in the next round! I can't wait to see what everyone else came up with.

Philip Snyder wrote:
Ever since Tuesday it seems as though I've had all of zero time to myself.

I feel the same way. I should have been more optimistic and planned my villain in advance.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6 aka TerraNova

Ditto on the zero time for myself - but it's a dry heat, and beautiful kind of pain ;)

I'm only now starting to look through the other items, and after burning my fingers once will probably refrain from commenting.

Ah well, good of luck to all of you, but best luck for me ;)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 aka Smeazel

Matthew Morris wrote:

Come on people,

Update those profiles!

Done (finally).

Visit my profile and find out more about me than you could have possibly ever wanted to know!

(Uh... not that there's really all that much about me there. But it's not like there's all that much you want to know about me anyway, right?)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo

Matthew Morris wrote:

Come on people,

Update those profiles!

When's the deadline for profiles? Will people see our profiles before voting starts? And how do I get confirmation of my profile if the profile submission tool doesn't work?

Oh, no! I think my profile is going to be way over the word limit! And I'm starting to think the judges are going to make us stat out other finalists' profile concepts in the profile stat block round of the competition.

Forum Profile Superstar 2009 is stressing me out!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

We have profiles?!

How long have those been there?

Ok.. all set!

Apologies for the brief gatecrash.
For those who were unaware of it, there is a rough Beta playtest index on the Paizo boards here: *link*
The later hyphenated versions give some idea of the indentation structure of my original word documents.

In case it helps with the statting round.... :)

Right. Sneak out again....

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Hey, they posted up our locations - glad to see a few fellow New Englanders on the list!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 aka Lord Fyre

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Apologies for the brief gatecrash.

For those who were unaware of it, there is a rough Beta playtest index on the Paizo boards here: *link*
The later hyphenated versions give some idea of the indentation structure of my original word documents.

In case it helps with the statting round.... :)

Right. Sneak out again....

Kicks Charles Evans 25 on the way out!

Actually that link is helpful.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8 aka OgeXam

Greetings Fellow 32'ers, and everybody else as well.

My first reaction when I read my email that said I was in the top 32 was, "alright which of my friends faked the email." I could not verify since the site was bombarded with users. Then once it set in, I had to give my baby girl to my wife so I could jump up and down for joy. hahahaha

As for the villain writing I am right there with a lot of you, I had one villain idea in mind and got to writing, and when I thought I had a good outline for each section I hit word count. 875! That was the outline. So I was like hmmm, ok that is too complex. Let me redo this. 6 revisions later I was able to drop down under the 500 mark.
Checked the time at 30 minutes to deadline. Sweat started to bead up at this point, then the submission started to appear to not take. Almost had a heart attack. hahahahaha

Sorry I have not posted much earlier, had a little more excitement the next morning and got the joy of a CT Scan and other batteries of tests. AT least I got time to think of my villain instead of going to work.

Good luck to everybody. It is a honor to be amongst the top 32! <bows deeply to everybody>

If any of you guys make it to DragonCon come find me at The Cheese Grinder table and say hey!

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

Question for the other alternates. One of my pbp folks wants to see my item. I did not want to post it yet. Though not the 32, I'm not out until Tuesday either. Have you are did you plan to post your item somewhere?

I would like to BTW to see them, just for curiosity's sake *grin*

Dark Archive Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4

Epic Meepo wrote:
On a related note, am I the only one who ended up dropping the first villain concept he came up with in favor of something else?


In fact, my final Villain submission from last year was the last in a long, LONG line of ideas, some of them (and no one ever belives me when I say this) a million times more gonzo than the Ul-Shadai ever was.

I look forward to seeing what you guys have got cooked up for all of us Superstar! fans, and best of luck to each and every one of you!

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 8

Curaigh wrote:

Question for the other alternates. One of my pbp folks wants to see my item. I did not want to post it yet. Though not the 32, I'm not out until Tuesday either. Have you are did you plan to post your item somewhere?

I would like to BTW to see them, just for curiosity's sake *grin*

Might well do tho I understand we can't anyway til the next round proper starts.

Having said that, with the benefit of all the advice I have already received I've (in the matter of a few minutes) revamped the original into a MK2 version which is much tighter rules wise and more condensed. Just goes to show that a little constructive "overview" can help your game and often it doesn't take much to make something nearly good into something quite a bit better.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Congratulations to everyone who made it into the top 32 (and the alternates too)! I love the wondrous items you came up with, and I'm eager to see what your villain concepts are.

I'd actually forgotten about the contest! I just thought it would be fun to submit something, so I came up with a couple dozen ideas, had friends and family help me pick the most interesting one, went through the Magic Item Compendium to make sure it hadn't already been done, and then wrote it up. I don't hang out here much, so I only found out by checking my mail; my jaw hit my lap. I didn't even know what the next round was! And then I had a panic attack, because I'd spent most of a month thinking up Boundary Chalk, and now I had to come up with a villain idea in three days (and not even a weekend!).

So I did the same process for round 2. I came up with a bunch of one-line ideas for villains. It helped that I keep around a file of "story seeds": random story or adventure ideas I've had in the past that might be useful someday. I also reread a series of Villain Builder articles that I'd seen a while back. I again had friends and family narrow down the choices, and picked the one that seemed most interesting. Then I had another panic attack, calmed down, and wrote up a villain that I'm totally stoked about. I ran over the word count coming up with hooks, and trimmed it back to 495 words.

If I make it to round 3 I may be hosed, because I haven't actually played Pathfinder much, and have little confidence I can put a stat block together in three days. But I'm honored to have been selected for round one, and had such a good time with my villain concept that I feel like I won even if this is as far as I get.

You seem like a great bunch, and I'm thrilled to be included in your number. I wish all of you the best of luck.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Matthew Morris wrote:

Come on people,

Update those profiles!

Did it last night. Took me too long, because, well, look at my Special Ability.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Epic Meepo wrote:

The villain I scrapped before coming up with my actual entry was based on the Monkey King from Chinese folklore. He was going to be an awakened monkey lich wizard (illusionist) 20 who created duplicates of himself by casting the simulacrum spell on his own hairs.

But then I realized that the concept itself wasn't original at all. (One of the Monkey King's names in Chinese folklore can be translated as Awakened Monkey, so even that design choice is entirely derivative.) Don't get me wrong, the stat block and combat tactics would have been extremely original. But a concept lifted straight from mythology probably wouldn't have made it to the stat block round.

Now that's blatant.

I dunno. Depending on how creative you were with the concept, it might have won you Wolfgang Baur's vote. Have you seen the name of his blog?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 aka Darrien

Clinton Boomer wrote:
I look forward to seeing what you guys have got cooked up for all of us Superstar! fans, and best of luck to each and every one of you!

Once again, Boomer has shown us the way. I too cannot wait to see the villains and wish everyone the best of luck.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo

Carl Klutzke wrote:
Depending on how creative you were with the concept, it might have won you Wolfgang Baur's vote. Have you seen the name of his blog?

Wow. Didn't know that. Now I'm extra glad I didn't submit an adapted version of the Monkey King as my villain. Not only would it be derivative, but it would look like an attempt to suck up to the judges, too. Yikes! I dodged a bullet there.

Edit regarding Boomer's comments: I don't know about the rest of you, but I had Boomer's "Crackling Whirling" in the back of my mind the whole time I was working on my villain. I didn't try to duplicate it, but it did set the bar for me when it came to the question, "What should I do with my villain that's never been done before?"

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am really eager to see everyone's villians. I know that I worked especially hard on mine, and I'm sure the rest of the top 32 did as well.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo

Paul Worthen wrote:
I don't know about the rest of you, but I am really eager to see everyone's villians. I know that I worked especially hard on mine, and I'm sure the rest of the top 32 did as well.

Yep. I expect to see lots of really cool villains, enough to make this round as nerve-wracking and wide-open as the last. It might take me a while to actually read through everything, but I suspect that I won't be disappointed once I have.

I'm curious: are folks planning on commenting on other finalists' entries while voting is underway, or are folks planning on waiting until voting is finished before critiquing the competition?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 aka Clandestine

I plan on commenting along with the casual reader. I think every writer wants to see as much comments about his creation, as early as possible! Or at least I do.

I did that in the previous round, too. :)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

What Vladislav said. Of course, I've got auditions to keep me distracted, so I'll be even worse about villain comments than I have been about items. Which will ALSO keep me from commenting on my own villain. Lucky me. =0

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Is anyone else starting to get a case of nerves? I am, for sure. Jeez, I can't submit early or do anything else to calm my OCD-afflicted self. I just have to wait it out. And the results aren't even in, just the comments from the judges.



RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

I don't think I responded to the original question at the beginning of this thread, about how I heard about the results of the 1st round.

I was out of the house, during my day off on Tuesday, when I stopped by my job (I work at a game store) to pick up my check. So I used the work computer to check the results, the whole time trying to tamper down my expectations. (Visualize how you will feel when you don't see your name. Visualize how you will feel when you don't see your name. Visualize... Etc.)

When I did see my name I let out a whoop you could hear in the next county. And I smacked my hand so hard it hurt for an hour afterward. :)

And then I jabbered mindlessly for a while. Whatever happens from now on is gravy, as far as I am concerned.


The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8 aka Tarren Dei

Epic Meepo wrote:

I'm curious: are folks planning on commenting on other finalists' entries while voting is underway, or are folks planning on waiting until voting is finished before critiquing the competition?

I probably wouldn't say anything negative about other finalists' entries but might voice my support for the ones I like. That's just me though.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8 , Star Voter Season 6

Tarren Dei wrote:
Epic Meepo wrote:

I'm curious: are folks planning on commenting on other finalists' entries while voting is underway, or are folks planning on waiting until voting is finished before critiquing the competition?
I probably wouldn't say anything negative about other finalists' entries but might voice my support for the ones I like. That's just me though.

I think that's the route I'll take. At the very least I'll post positive comments if anything at all.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8 aka Tarren Dei

Doyle Tavener wrote:

Is anyone else starting to get a case of nerves? I am, for sure. Jeez, I can't submit early or do anything else to calm my OCD-afflicted self. I just have to wait it out. And the results aren't even in, just the comments from the judges.



Ha. We've got a bus strike going on in Ottawa and I have to do some work in the downtown for a teacher training institute. I'll be leaving just in time to hit an hour and half of congested roads. I won't be able to see anything until around two hours after they open up the voting. I'm a pretty calm guy but tomorrow's ride home should test my patience.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8 , Star Voter Season 9 aka Zynete

Tarren Dei wrote:
Epic Meepo wrote:

I'm curious: are folks planning on commenting on other finalists' entries while voting is underway, or are folks planning on waiting until voting is finished before critiquing the competition?
I probably wouldn't say anything negative about other finalists' entries but might voice my support for the ones I like. That's just me though.

I think I'm just going to stay away from those threads, I would feel a bit guilty supporting one submission over another, so it would be likely that I would just say the same thing in every thread which I can say just as well here.

Good luck you all and I'm looking forward to reading your villains!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

I think my plan is to read all the entries and give both positive and negative feedback.

Provided I can of course, if it turns out that I can't think of anything to say about some of them then I just won't post at all. You know, an "all-or-nothing" deal to remain fair.

I will say right now however, that I am very excited about reading all the entries. I will have my OpenOffice document open with my copy and paste buttons at the ready.. believe you me.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I plan to read and give feedback on everyone else's villian. The real test is going to be not giving any replies to comments on my villian until voting ends!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 4

It's so funny that I've never really liked trying to be a rules lawyer, but as I get ready for Round 3 I realized I should have be trying harder all these years.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8 , Star Voter Season 6

TheTwitching King wrote:
It's so funny that I've never really liked trying to be a rules lawyer, but as I get ready for Round 3 I realized I should have be trying harder all these years.

See that's why I worried I'm <redacted> for round 2. I read all the comments on the bracelet, and I keep seeing compliments on the technical, round two isn't technical, it's fluff.

If I make it to round 3 (and don't have a heart attack) you're all in trouble. Mechanics I can do. ;-)

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Hey, guys...I just wanted to post here that I'm going to withhold commenting on anyone's stuff until after the voting is done. I don't want to influence anyone else's vote (positively or negatively) based on which entries I liked or disliked. Instead, I'm going to use that time to start early on my stat block. That said, I wish all of you luck and much respect.

My two-cents,

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8 , Star Voter Season 6

NSpicer wrote:

Hey, guys...I just wanted to post here that I'm going to withhold commenting on anyone's stuff until after the voting is done. I don't want to influence anyone else's vote (positively or negatively) based on which entries I liked or disliked. Instead, I'm going to use that time to start early on my stat block. That said, I wish all of you luck and much respect.

My two-cents,

No problem Neil. I'm doing the same. I will admit, there are many I like almost as much as my own.

Vote for Father Avon, the family wants you to.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

NSpicer wrote:
Hey, guys...I just wanted to post here that I'm going to withhold commenting on anyone's stuff until after the voting is done. I don't want to influence anyone else's vote (positively or negatively) based on which entries I liked or disliked. Instead, I'm going to use that time to start early on my stat block. That said, I wish all of you luck and much respect.

Same here.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 aka kid america

I would like to thank Paizo for creating the RPG Superstar contest. It is an unprecedented opportunity for home brew game designers and amateur wordsmiths to compete for a wonderful dream. A big round of applause to all those who were brave enough to enter. A special congratulation to all my fellow competitors on making it this far in the competition.

I would especially like to thank Wolfgang, Clark, Sean and Ed Greenwood for taking time out of their busy schedules and lives to critique the entries. The best part has been the BRUTAL HONESTY of the judges and the public. In a world where the MTV generation believe they deserve to be movie and television stars, rock and pop gods, or the next R. A. Salvatore or Robert Howard without doing the work or putting in the time, it’s nice to hear the truth even if it stings. There is a reason why fame is elusive and there are very few stars but a very large public. Sometimes you need to get knocked off a pedestal and have your ego put in check.

I would especially like to acknowledge Clark. Clark sorry for so many disappointing villain designs. I don’t think I’ve seen that many C’s and lukewarm reviews since the mandatory Public Speaking class I had to take in college. The greatest and most feared villain of the real world and the RPG world is probably Public Speaking. Anyone brave enough to stat that as a villain or creature?

I hope everyone understands the point of criticism is to HELP YOU IMPROVE as a game designer and writer if that is your goal. If you take it as a personal affront, disrespect and disapproval you may want to consider following a different dream.

Losing has never killed anyone in the modern era, though the same cannot be said of the past. I hope everyone who doesn’t make it to the final four walks away with the desire and understanding of what they need to work on and improve in their writing and design skills to reach the next level. Hopefully all of us will continue to have the courage to submit our work in future contests and publisher open calls for submission.

So until RPG Superstar 2010, I look forward to reading what those who worked so hard to create well-crafted villains have to unleash on us and the Judges in the up coming rounds. Remember luck won’t move you forward in the competition, only creativity and hard work.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

A bit early for a concession speech if you ask me, Victor. Voting isn't even over yet!!!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6 aka TerraNova

Agreed. I for one thing a thing's not over till its over (to horribly mangle some quite, I'm sure). I know I've turned this round into a very long shot, but if you give up, you won't win - period. Otherwise, you may wish for a strike of good luck, or small miracle.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8 , Star Voter Season 6

Snowed in, but here's my feelings on it.

Last night. My ego failed a save vs massive damage, resulting in gaining the majorly depressed condition.

After a night's sleep (and anti-depressants) take from it, learn from it, move on.

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