So now what?


Scarab Sages

Our group has been going through the Age of Worms and we are nearing completion. I'd estimate 3 more sessions. It's been a great run, but it has been a bit long -- the better part of two and a half years.

So I'm starting to look towards what next. I'd like to do a four or five adventure story arc -- mostly to keep from taking quite as long as the Age of Worms took.

I have access to most Dungeon adventures (prior to 4e). I'm fine converting things to our game so I don't care what edition or world the adventures are from. I've also been thinking I need to support my favorite spot for gaming (Paizo) but would like to narrow down my options so I'm not buying everything trying to figure out what would work best for me. (I'm not interested in doing Savage Tide unless I can do so with only around 4 of the adventures.)

So does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do after Age of Worms.

I would Suggest Rise of the Rune Lords its only 6 books and really good

Scarab Sages

Joey Virtue wrote:
I would Suggest Rise of the Rune Lords its only 6 books and really good

I've already got the first four and it is definitely a possibility.


Joey Virtue wrote:
I would Suggest Rise of the Rune Lords its only 6 books and really good

I do have to comment that, although RotRL is 6 books long, the adventures in these 6 books are larger than those in the magazines... time-wise they should take about the same amount of time. the LB modules (tower of the last baron and chimera cove) are a short story arc (32 pages each) which could be another option. As would the Falcon's Hollow adventures ( D0 which is a free download, D1, D1.5 and E1 I believe) are another option, although they are more loosly connected (same NPCS/location, but the story's don't have hooks for each other)

Moff Rimmer wrote:
Joey Virtue wrote:
I would Suggest Rise of the Rune Lords its only 6 books and really good
I've already got the first four and it is definitely a possibility.

Although the plot is actually rather similar to AoW. For a change of pace, I would recommend Curse of the Crimson Throne. Paizo really got experimental with some different mechanics to produce their desired scenes and effects in CotCT, such as the Harrowings (though, to be fair, RotRL introduced Haunts, which are wonderful). Ultimately, the plot is the same as in AoW and RotRL: Super powerful magical evil which has been long forgotten threatens to awake at last and take over/destroy the world as we know it... but then, that seems to sum up 90% of campaigns ever. CotCT is significantly different in its approach, however; and I have to say I like it a tad more than RotRL for it (and I wasn't a very big fan of Runeforge in Sins of the Saviors).

Also, CotCT has the best rakshasa-themed adventure I've ever read! :)

Liberty's Edge

Moff Rimmer wrote:
So does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do after Age of Worms.

I would suggest a hoard of hungry chickens. They like worms. :D

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