Golarion Goblin |

What with Adamant Entertainment putting out angelic and vermin lord pacts, I thought I'd try my hand at it too, so I'm working on the dragontouched pact. I'm mainly trying to adapt the dragonfire adept from Dragon Magic into 4E without coming up with an entire new class. Considering how the dragonfire adept was, essentially, the warlock with a different flavor and attack shape, a warlock pact seemed the way to go.
That said, I do have a question: I'm trying to create a controller warlock as opposed to a striker with this pact. Is that a feasible endeavor or should the controller be the sole purview of the wizard?

detritus |

What with Adamant Entertainment putting out angelic and vermin lord pacts, I thought I'd try my hand at it too, so I'm working on the dragontouched pact. I'm mainly trying to adapt the dragonfire adept from Dragon Magic into 4E without coming up with an entire new class. Considering how the dragonfire adept was, essentially, the warlock with a different flavor and attack shape, a warlock pact seemed the way to go.
That said, I do have a question: I'm trying to create a controller warlock as opposed to a striker with this pact. Is that a feasible endeavor or should the controller be the sole purview of the wizard?
I would suggest not trying to make it a full controller aspect, but a striker with a controll twist. There are set to be at least 4 controllers by the end of the year, so it is not just the wizard anymore. Invoker (divine), Druid (primal), Wizard, Sorceror

Matthew Koelbl |
Keep in mind that if you are developing it as a pact, changing from a striker to controller is probably not possible - as long as the Warlock gets Warlock's Curse, they are likely to be in a striker position.
However, I do think you can emphasize controllerish powers - more area effects than most warlocks, but perhaps for lower damage. Add in some auras and a similar focus, and I think it will be solidly distinct from the others, without infringing on any other territory.

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The key to new builds will be the little boost they get with specific powers. For instance, if a power does 1d6+1 damage, a pact might make the damage 1d6+int. So there is that to consider in addition to the pact power itself. There are two approaches: modify the existing powers to fit the new pact or develop new powers.
I, for one, am lazy and think modification is a good first start.
I know nothing of the dragonborn adept or whatever its called, but here is a suggestion, my 2cp if you will:
Dragon Pact:
A dragon pact warlock gains the use of the Dragons Breath power.
Dragons Breath
A warlock with a Dragon Pact gains a breath weapon as a STANDARD encounter power (just like a dragonborn breath weapon but a standard action rather than a minor - choose damage type, choose key ability).
Whenever a creature under the effect of a warlock's curse dies, all creatures (all enemies?) within burst 1 centered on the square of the cursed dead creature take Con (or whatever key ability is associated with the dragon pact) modifier damage of the same damge type as the warlocks dragons Breath.
So boom. The warlock remains a Striker (as it should), it "loses" the bonuses the other pacts get with certain powers, but gains a very powerful breath weapon encounter power that has a controller feel as well as a curse effect that has a very controller feel to it as well.
For even more funkiness, you could make the pact effect damage type specific. If the Dragon Pact warlock had acid damage type breath, rather than Key Ability damage in burst 1, make it ongoing 1 acid damage , save ends. Or if Cold, no damage but the burst creates a slow effect, save ends.
Power-balance-wise, this is a bit too good. So maybe the curse creates an immediate reaction power, burst 1, same damage, but a to-hit roll is needed for all enemies creatures in burst. Keep in mind, if its all creatures, that means allies too, so cursing an enemy that runs into melee may very well do more harm than good as it damages your allies.
In any event, it clearly needs tweeking, but makes for a great start.

Golarion Goblin |

Here's what I've got so far -
Dragontouched Pact
You have forged a pact with the ageless might and raw power of dragons. By calling on the secrets of your scaled masters, you blast foes with eldritch breath or cow them into submission with a fear-inspiring roar.
Draconic Blast: You know the draconic blast at-will spell.
Armor of Scales: You have the Armor of Scales pact boon. Shimmering scales of power coalesce around you whenever a cursed foe falls.
Each time an enemy under your Warlock's Curse is reduced to 0 hit points or fewer, choose your Armor Class, Reflex defense, Fortitude defense, or Will defense. You immediately gain a +1 bonus to that defense until the end of your next turn.
This bonus is cumulative; if three cursed enemies drop to 0 hit points or fewer before your next turn, you gain a +3 bonus to one of your defenses until the end of your next turn.
Level 1 At-Will Spells
Draconic Blast Warlock (Dragontouched) Attack 1
You inhale deeply, feeling the eldritch energy fill your lungs, and breathe out a wave that immolates your foes.
At-Will *; Arcane, Implement; Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison
Standard Action; Close blast 4
Target: All creatures in area
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 + Constitution modifier damage.
Increase damage to 2d6 + Constitution modifier at 21st level.
Special: Choose the power's damage type whenever you make this attack: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. This attack deals that type of damage until the start of your next turn.
Level 1 Encounter Spells
Swarm of Claws Warlock (Dragontouched) Attack 1
You hurl a small clawed fist that explodes at the feet of your foes, tearing into them and hampering their movement.
Encounter *; Arcane, Implement
Standard Action; Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage and the target is slowed until the end of your next round.
Dragontouched Pact: You deal extra damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
Level 1 Daily Spells
Terrifying Roar Warlock (Dragontouched) Attack 1
You briefly take on a dragon-like countenance and bellow forth a roar that roots your enemies with fear.
Daily *; Arcane, Fear, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action; Close blast 5
Target: All creatures in area
Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Hit: 3d6 + Constitution modifier thunder damage, and the target is stunned until the start of your next turn.
Miss: Target takes half damage and is dazed until the start of your next turn.
Level 2 Utility Spells
Enduring Defense Warlock (Dragontouched) Utility 2
Bracing for impact, you call up a protective sheath that dissipates some of the incoming energy.
Encounter *; Arcane; Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison
Immediate Interrupt; Personal
Trigger: You are hit by an attack that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison damage.
Effect: Depending on the damage type to hit you, you gain acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison resistance 5 + your Charisma modifier until the end of your next turn.
I may end up making terrifying roar a higher level daily, and switching it for one that only targets one enemy. Thoughts and/or criticisms are welcome and encouraged.

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Draconic Blast is a bit too good with the ability to choose damage type on the fly. Imagine if scorching burst (wizard) had that kind of flexibility. That might be ok for a controller, but this is a striker. As written it trumps any wizard at-will hands down, that's not good imo.
Armor of scales could use a little more clarification. If 3 enemies dropped before my turn could I apply the bonuses as +1 will, +1 ac, +1 reflex for example? Also, when does it go away specifically? The end of my next turn or the start? Likely the end would be best.
Fluff of swarm of claws is not to my liking, but that's not really an issue. I'd prefer a swarm of phantom dragonlings that just appear in those squares. I'd also drop the slow effect, leave that for the real controllers, aoe's are enough of intruding on their turf (and warlocks are more about damage than status effects anyway). As a compromise I'd make it a sustain minor and any creature that starts its turn in those squares or moves into those squares takes damage equal to charisma modifier with the dragontouched pact (replacing the simple additional damage special)
In any event, pretty good start.

Golarion Goblin |

Draconic Blast is a bit too good with the ability to choose damage type on the fly. Imagine if scorching burst (wizard) had that kind of flexibility. That might be ok for a controller, but this is a striker. As written it trumps any wizard at-will hands down, that's not good imo.
I shrunk the blast size from 4 down to 3, making it on par with the dragonborn racial power. As for the damage type on the fly, it is only one damage type per round. However, I may drop the damage to just 1d6 in order to keep the versatility.
Armor of scales could use a little more clarification. If 3 enemies dropped before my turn could I apply the bonuses as +1 will, +1 ac, +1 reflex for example? Also, when does it go away specifically? The end of my next turn or the start? Likely the end would be best.
Rereading the pact boon, I can see where it isn't clear. I meant the boon as "Pick a defense, gain bonuses in that defense until the end of your next turn". However, I'm not sure that's A) elegant or B) clear and concise. Any suggestions on how to make it clearer would be appreciated.
Fluff of swarm of claws is not to my liking, but that's not really an issue. I'd prefer a swarm of phantom dragonlings that just appear in those squares. I'd also drop the slow effect, leave that for the real controllers, aoe's are enough of intruding on their turf (and warlocks are more about damage than status effects anyway). As a compromise I'd make it a sustain minor and any creature that starts its turn in those squares or moves into those squares takes damage equal to charisma modifier with the dragontouched pact (replacing the simple additional damage special)
How's this instead?
You hurl a small egg that explodes at the feet of your foes. Phantom wyrmlings burst out from within, tearing into those enemies and hampering their movement.As for the sustain minor instead of the slow effect, looking over the other 1st level encounter powers, of all classes, I can't find any that have the sustain minor extra and I don't want to cause a power creep this early in the system.
In any event, pretty good start.
Thanks :D
I did switch terrifying roar to a 5th level daily, and replaced it with this:Fury of the Storm; Warlock (Dragontouched) Attack 1
Calling upon the arrogant pride of the blue dragons, you blast your foe's body and confidence with a cascade of lightning.
Daily * Arcane, Fear, Implement, Lightning
Standard Action ; Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d6 + Charisma modifier lightning damage, and the target takes a -2 on all attacks rolls (save ends).
Miss: Target takes half damage and takes a -1 on all attack rolls (save ends).

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Rereading the pact boon, I can see where it isn't clear. I meant the boon as "Pick a defense, gain bonuses in that defense until the end of your next turn". However, I'm not sure that's A) elegant or B) clear and concise. Any suggestions on how to make it clearer would be appreciated
Hmm..heres a draft:
Armor of Scales: You have the Armor of Scales pact boon.
Shimmering scales of power coalesce around you whenever a cursed foe falls.
When an enemy under your Warlock's Curse is reduced to 0 hit points or fewer, choose one defense: Armor Class, Reflex, Fortitude, or Will. You immediately gain a +1 bonus to that defense until the end of your next turn. If more than one enemy afflicted with your curse dies before the end of your next turn, add an additional +1 to the defense chosen. At the end of your next turn, any bonus you have from the Armor of scales pact boon becomes zero. A new defense can only be chosen when the Armor of scales defense bonus is zero and an enemy dies while cursed.
It has been stated (enworld I beleive...at work, dont have time to search) by Mike Mearls that the Wizard was a first attempt at a controller and as a consequence, didn't really fit the niche they had in mind well. Now, I think everyone agrees controllers are "status" inducing aoe damage niche characters. Looking at the wizard, Mike Mearls clearly states that the At-Wills are under-powered. For example, Cloud of Daggers could be made sustain minor and it would become much more useful. Ray of frost could target one or two creatures (for 1d4 instead of 1d6...the slow is more important than damage), and Magic Missile could have a Push 1 effect added to it.
So, assuming a sustain minor is ok for an at-will on a controller, then a sustain minor is probably ok as an encounter power on a non-controller with a controller feel, and ok on a full non-controller.
Although, I agree, that may be pushing theorycrafting into dangerous territory, I think overall it should PLAYTEST ok...anyone who plays this should understand that any and all powers can be modified at a moments notice.
Draconic breath: Dropping the damage to 1d6 (no bonus)cis a good idea if you want to keep the damage type flexibility. If that's what you want, then definitely no sustain minor.
I like the change to terrifying roar. As you develop the powers, it would be interesting to have various powers "call upon" other draconic types as well. A Charm power can call upon the might of the green dragons for example. This would make the characters builds very interesting: do I do a "jack-of-dragons" builds with powers and damage types all across the spectrum, or do I focus on 1 or 2 dragons and get powers to reflect that (all cold powers, for example). I think you hit a homerun with the terrifying roar flavor text.