Shisumo's Heroes of Rokugan discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Matsu Ume wrote:
Ok, I've cut the Dojo and disadvantage, and did some minor surgery on the character history. Is this in ok shape now?

Only two things:

Theology 2 (Ancestor Worship) costs 5 CP, not 4 CP, which puts you 1 CP over.

I'm coming up with an Insight of 123.

Also, you might consider Obligation (Akodo Family) as a replacement for your Bitter Betrothal - then your backstory could be that Hirofumi is pushing for a marriage and wants to use the Obligation to force you to accept, but you're still hoping there's another option somewhere...

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Insight was indeed wrong, I've corrected it already. I've also taken a two point obligation to the Akodo, which she is currently trying to find a way to repay without them calling that particular shot on her. With the one CP left over, I've taken back Meditation 1, which should not change her insight as per Heroes of Rokugan rules.

Sounds good so far?

Sounds perfect. You're basically ready to go, from what I see.

Hopefully, I can start the game thread tomorrow - if you're still filling in background details, no harm done if it's not quite ready when we start.

Two more issues. Dice rolling:
As far as I'm concerned, you're welcome to do your rolling on your own. I'm not interested in worrying about cheaters - we're here to have fun, and suspicion's kinda anti-fun, at least for me. On the other hand, if you want, there is always Invisible Castle, which can handle L5R-style dice mechanics. Here's what you have to do in order to use IC: dice should be entered like so -, for a roll that is XkY+Z. If you are making an attack roll and your attack is 6k3+3, then, you would type Note that this method would mean you would automatically keep the highest dice, which most of the time is what you want to do, but not always. To consider a possibility relevant to our current situation, it's usually considered honorable in duels to first blood to do as little damage as possible, using the keep mechanic to keep low dice instead of high dice. There might be other reasons why you might wish to fail a roll or otherwise have the total come up low. (Note: IC will let you keep the lowest dice instead - substitute "takeLowest" for "takeHighest" in the option string and it will do so automatically.) Regardless, I'm willing to let you roll on your own unless I start seeing things that make me think I should do otherwise.

Content comfort zones:
The HoR website mentions that HoR adventures are roughly PG-13 - some violent content, and (gasp!) some sexuality. I'd like to know how comfortable everyone is with the idea that they might at some point be the target of a seduction attempt, the success of which would be resolved by a combination of RP and dice rolling. Note: I'm a big believer in 'drawing the curtain' over the consequences of such activities, no matter what everyone else is comfortable with. In this case, since the PCs are under 18, I think we're actually legally required to do so. So I'm just talking about something like, "...and she makes her move. Roll Awareness/Etiquette (Sincerity) to resist her Seduction attempt. You failed? Okay, so you move to a private location, and we'll see you in the morning." Thoughts on this issue?

OK I'm a bit confused: Initiative, how do I calculate it?

and Full defense is Agility/Defense roll...I have 3 in each, so is it 3k3 or 6k3?

Kuni Heihachi wrote:
OK I'm a bit confused: Initiative, how do I calculate it?

Base Initiative is Reflexes/Insight Rank. That means (Reflexes + Insight Rank), keep (Reflexes). Quick gives you an additional rolled die, and there are several effects (kata, spells, Techniques) that can give static bonuses.

Kuni Heihachi wrote:
and Full defense is Agility/Defense roll...I have 3 in each, so is it 3k3 or 6k3?

6k3. Again, when rolls are written out, it's always Foo/Bar, and the roll is therefore (Foo + Bar) keep (Foo).

DM Shisumo wrote:

Content comfort zones:
The HoR website mentions that HoR adventures are roughly PG-13 - some violent content, and (gasp!) some sexuality. I'd like to know how comfortable everyone is with the idea that they might at some point be the target of a seduction attempt, the success of which would be resolved by a combination of RP and dice rolling. Note: I'm a big believer in 'drawing the curtain' over the consequences of such activities, no matter what everyone else is comfortable with. In this case,...

Technically, it's a grey area for written words about minors, as no child is actually harmed in the process. I think for the boards, it's better to do the cinematic fade to black though.

I have no problems with PG-13 adventures tho!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Keeping things PG13 is pretty much a given, I think. I mean, messageboard policy and all. Besides, child protection laws vary wildly by location, so a timely fade is really the best way to go.

TerraNova wrote:
Keeping things PG13 is pretty much a given, I think. I mean, messageboard policy and all. Besides, child protection laws vary wildly by location, so a timely fade is really the best way to go.

Absolutely. But personally, TN, you're okay with the concept that Ume might get seduced, theoretically?

I have absolutely no problems with either PG-13 content or seduction attempts. Was out all day and just got home - I'll attempt to finish off my character tonight.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

She might also get her belly sliced up with a razor-blade or trampled to death by a horse. I really don't see so much difference between these scenarios as to object to one, but not the others. :)

So, if this character dies, I might need to Roll up an Usagi and have take different school, Yojimbo ;)

Just cuz LoL

TerraNova wrote:
She might also get her belly sliced up with a razor-blade or trampled to death by a horse. I really don't see so much difference between these scenarios as to object to one, but not the others. :)

Remind me to not ask about your personal life. ;)

Honestly, it has come up once with an HoR scenario for a group I played in. At one particular point, a player basically felt like her character was forced by the dice to have sex with someone she (the player) didn't want to have her character have sex with. I'm trying to get a feel for whether that's something likely to happen here, so I can just avoid it without causing anyone any issues.

Nah, if Yukari gets seduced, she gets seduced. :-p I can see how some players could get iffy about it, but I don't have any issue with it. She's my character, not me, afterall, and if somebody has the skills to smooth-talk her into doing something, then so be it. :) Sounds like this game's going to be fun. :D

DM Shisumo wrote:
TerraNova wrote:
She might also get her belly sliced up with a razor-blade or trampled to death by a horse. I really don't see so much difference between these scenarios as to object to one, but not the others. :)

Remind me to not ask about your personal life. ;)

Honestly, it has come up once with an HoR scenario for a group I played in. At one particular point, a player basically felt like her character was forced by the dice to have sex with someone she (the player) didn't want to have her character have sex with. I'm trying to get a feel for whether that's something likely to happen here, so I can just avoid it without causing anyone any issues.

Heh, the dice do as the dice will...let the dice roll!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Nothing to do with my personal life, actually. Its just that no one usually raises a fuzz about being seriously hurt in combat, or suffering an accident if the dice say so. As soon as a bit of social interaction comes into the mix, bristles tend to rise.

Maybe because we usually feel we are in total control of our own behavior IRL, even if we are not. ;)

Indeed! And I'm likely being overcautious here, but sex can make people... twitchy. I'd rather be too careful than not careful enough and really upset somebody.

Anyway, I think there are numbers in place for everyone except Nagatsuna now, yes? We're just about ready to roll!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Commoner 3

Everything sounds fine to me as well, I won't mind PG-13 or letting the dice roll. I'll be working on getting the description/background done tonight.

Here I am updated with a description and a little backstory. Let me know if there's anything that needs revision (or addition in the case of one particular disad - going to have to ponder that one). I think the only other thing I need is my furoshiki.

Now I've almost got butterflies in my stomach. There's just something about L5R's world that ropes me in and makes me really want to play.

Would it be okay to know one of the bigger name NPCs by face such as Kakita Saburashi? I don't think it will be a problem but it's best to ask these things before starting.

Female Utaku Battle Maiden 1

Have added appearance, personality and backstory (including details for the haunting disad). I've switched the skill points for spears and iaijutsu around and have added 2 points of investigation. I've also taken the Can't Lie disadvantage.

Need to decide on one more weapon and do travelling kit, then Yukari should be completely done. :)

Nagatsuna is close to being ready and is filled out enough to be very roleplayable at this point. All the changes made me almost rebuild him from square one as I kept getting confused on the numbers trying to subtract and add everything. BTW, I am currently using a second edition Players guide and the Way of the Crab (if it's legal).

Kakita Megumi wrote:
Here I am updated with a description and a little backstory. Let me know if there's anything that needs revision (or addition in the case of one particular disad - going to have to ponder that one). I think the only other thing I need is my furoshiki.

I'm still curious about what you/your family did to earn the Obligation (especially at that level) to the Phoenix. (Which is ironic, of course, because it's my fault you have it.) One possibility I thought of, which would darken the character somewhat - perhaps a training accident, during a duel or similar, that resulted in a visiting Phoenix's death? Or worse, perhaps, an illegal duel that went too far, thanks to her "Crabby" nature? Another idea would be that it's an inherited obligation - these things are often passed along family lines.

Kakita Megumi wrote:
Now I've almost got butterflies in my stomach. There's just something about L5R's world that ropes me in and makes me really want to play.

That's good to hear, because I'm about to post the intro post on the thread!

Kakita Megumi wrote:
Would it be okay to know one of the bigger name NPCs by face such as Kakita Saburashi? I don't think it will be a problem but it's best to ask these things before starting.

Not at all. In fact, you're perfectly welcome to establish Saburashi as your sensei, if you wish.

Utaku Yukari wrote:

Have added appearance, personality and backstory (including details for the haunting disad). I've switched the skill points for spears and iaijutsu around and have added 2 points of investigation. I've also taken the Can't Lie disadvantage.

Need to decide on one more weapon and do travelling kit, then Yukari should be completely done. :)

Looks perfect. No issues whatsoever.

Hida Nagatsuna wrote:
Nagatsuna is close to being ready and is filled out enough to be very roleplayable at this point. All the changes made me almost rebuild him from square one as I kept getting confused on the numbers trying to subtract and add everything. BTW, I am currently using a second edition Players guide and the Way of the Crab (if it's legal).

Doesn't look like you've updated your profile with the new version of him, yes?

Technically, neither of those books is legal, but a lot of the stuff in them has been reprinted or updated for 3rd Ed, and I can help with the conversion if it's needed.

All right! Let's get this party started!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Looks like the Post Monster has spawned before its demise. The little monster does not quite manage to eat posts, but it prevents their threads from being pushed to the top.

Long story short: I Posted ;)

Done and done. My background has been updated with details of my obligation to the Phoenix (I totally stole your idea of a duel gone awry). Now to get to the PbP thread and get Kakita Megumi in on the action!

Quick Question, if I take the Yumji as my weapon, do I have to buy each arrow or does it come with some? Those arrows are quite expensive individually, or is that the price for a quiver of arrows?

Kuni Heihachi wrote:
Quick Question, if I take the Yumji as my weapon, do I have to buy each arrow or does it come with some? Those arrows are quite expensive individually, or is that the price for a quiver of arrows?

I've always assumed if you take a yumi as part of your starting equipment that it comes with 20 arrows of any type automatically.

As far as I can tell, that's the price per arrow. Note that everything is ludicrously expensive - buying equipment is a painful, painful process.

DM Shisumo wrote:
As far as I can tell, that's the price per arrow. Note that everything is ludicrously expensive - buying equipment is a painful, painful process.

Probably to enhance the reliance a samurai has on their Clan/daimyo for equipment. I mean, if every samurai could afford loads of stuff where does that leave their lord?

I also wanted to share this Wikia. It's not updated for the Heroes of Rokugan but should prove helpful in at least one way to somebody (it served as a good refresher for me).

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

Good thing to bring up. There's also a HoR wikia, if you're interested, but it's mostly listings of people's PCs, and includes a fair number of spoilers as well.

So after looking over the structure of iaijutsu duels I found here at Heroes of Rokugan I am mystified. Maybe it's less confusing in action or with the actual rulebook but I'm hoping to get some step-by-step instructions or practise beforehand. Would there be a chance for either (or both) Shisumo?

Please look over Nagatsuna, Shisumo. I hope he is right but as I only have the second edition I imagine I'll still have to tweak some stuff. I removed the Vanity disadvantage (which came out of the second edition players guide).

Okay. Long dueling example, spoilered because of ludicrous length.

First, we need a pair of duelists.

For the sake of argument, and in order to avoid tricky questions of Techniques, we’ll make it Akodo Jiro vs Bayushi Ichiro. So here are their relevant dueling stats:

Akodo Jiro, Akodo Bushi 2
- Agility 3, Awareness 2, Reflexes 4, Void 3
- Iaijutsu 4 (Focus)
- Iaijutsu Mastery Abilities: +1 Focus in duels

Bayushi Ichiro, Bayushi Bushi 2
- Agility 4, Awareness 3, Reflexes 4, Void 3
- Iaijutsu 5
- Iaijutsu Mastery Abilities: +1 Focus in duels, Free Raise on all Iaijutsu rolls

The first step of the dueling process is for each duelist to take their stance.

Each duelist gets into the iaijutsu stance taught by their School. (In combat, they enter the Dueling Posture.) They can then study their opponent’s stance. This is an Awareness/Iaijutsu (Assessment) roll, TN 5. Raises may be called on this roll, either to gain information on your opponent or to hide information from your opponent. A successful roll gains one piece of information, plus one for every Raise you make to gain information, after subtracting Raises your opponent made to hide information from you. Possible pieces of information you can learn include:
• The opponent’s rating in the skill he/she used for the Assessment roll, usually Iaijutsu (some Techniques can change this, though)
• The opponent’s Awareness, Reflexes, Agility, or Void
• The opponent’s Insight Rank
• The opponent’s remaining Void Points
• The opponent’s current Wound Level

At this point, either duelist can concede the duel and suffer consequences as if they had lost the duel. This is not considered dishonorable, as there is no shame in acknowledging a superior opponent – but if the duel is to the death, the conceding duelist would be required to commit seppuku instead.

If the duel continues, each duelist chooses one Trait from Agility, Reflexes, and Void, for their opponent to use during the rest of the duel as their focusing Trait. This Trait is referred to as the Choice.

Example: Akodo Jiro and Bayushi Ichiro face off in a duel. Each begins by taking their stances and making Assessment rolls. Jiro will be rolling 6k2; he declares two Raises, both for information. Ichiro will be rolling 8k3 and has a Free Raise; he uses the Free Raise to try to conceal information from his opponent (sneaky Scorpion), while declaring three more Raises for information. Jiro’s TN is 15, which is exactly what he rolls, so he is entitled to learn 3 things about Ichiro. Ichiro’s TN is 20 – he rolls a 24, so he reduces Jiro’s number of items learned to 2, while learning 4 things about Jiro himself. Jiro learns Ichiro’s Void and Reflexes. Ichiro learns Jiro’s Void, Reflexes, Agility, and Iaijutsu rating.

Neither is willing to concede the duel based on what he knows, so it will continue. Comparing Ichiro’s Void and Reflexes, and knowing that the Bayushi School emphasizes Agility, Jiro chooses Ichiro’s Void to be his focus Choice. With all three of Jiro’s possible Traits known to him, Ichiro decides to make Jiro uses his Agility for his focus rolls.

Once the Assessment is over, Focusing begins.

At the beginning of the Focus phase, each duelist’s base TN to be Hit is set to 5; only Techniques or other effects that specifically say that they work in duels apply to this TN.

The character that rolled highest in the Assessment phase of the duel has the first option to Focus or declare Strike. (They may, if they so choose, concede this right to their opponent – in serious, i.e. non-practice, duel, this earns the duelist one point of Honor.) Declaring Strike, it should be noted, is not an action but a command – when you declare Strike, your opponent gets to strike at you. If they choose Focus, they must make a roll of Choice/Iaijutsu (Focus) against the opponent’s current TN to be Hit. If the roll is failed, the duelist is forced to declare Strike. If the roll succeeds, both duelists’ TN to be Hit is increased by 5, and the other duelist has the option to Focus or declare Strike.

In a duel, each duelist has a Focus Pool equal to their Choice Trait. (Other effects, such as the Iaijutsu 3 Mastery Ability, can increase this Pool.) Every time you Focus, your Focus Pool is reduced by one. If you have no Focus Pool remaining when your turn comes to Focus or declare Strike, you must declare Strike. You can, however, add a Focus to your Focus Pool by spending a Void Point, and then spend that Focus immediately to roll. You can also spend a Focus from your Focus Pool to gain a +5 bonus to a Focus roll – you can even do this in combination with the previous option, spending a Void Point to gain a Focus to your Pool, and then burning that Focus to get a +5 bonus to your Focus roll.

Example: As the winner of the Assessment roll, Bayushi Ichiro has the first option to Focus or Strike. His Choice Trait, determined by Akodo Jiro, is his Void, so he rolls Void/Iaijutsu for his Focus rolls, and has a Focus Pool of 4 (Void 3 plus Iaijutsu 3 Mastery). Jiro’s Choice Trait is Agility, so he will be rolling Agility/Iaijutsu (Focus); he too has a Focus Pool of 4.

As neither duelist has any applicable Techniques, the TN for Ichiro’s first Focus roll is 5, and he makes it easily (his Free Raise alone carries him through), reducing his Focus Pool to 3 and increasing both duelists’ TN to be Hit to 10.

Jiro Focuses as well against a TN 10; he gets a 34. His Focus Pool drops to 3, and the duelists’ TNs are 15.

Ichiro Focuses. The TN is 15; he gets a 33. His Focus Pool drops to 2, the TNs go up to 20.

Jiro Focuses. At TN 20, he gets a 29. His Focus Pool drops to 2, the TN is 25.

Ichiro Focuses. TN 25; he also gets a 29. His Focus Pool is 1, and the duelists’ TNs are 30.

Jiro Focuses. He spends a Void Point (he has two left now) on the roll; good thing, too, because he just manages a 31, beating the TN of 30. The duelists’ TNs are at 35, and Jiro’s Focus Pool is 0.

Ichiro Focuses. Like Jiro, he spends a Void Point. The TN is 35, but his dice go crazy – he rolls a spectacular 59, easily beating the TN and also earning back the Void Point he just spent (by rolling three 10s on his dice). The duelists’ TNs are 40, and Ichiro also has no Focus Pool.

Jiro is out of Focus Pool, but he spends a Void Point to increase his Pool by one; he then spends his last Void Point on the roll itself. Against a TN of 40, though, he can’t quite manage it – he rolls a 38. He is forced to declare Strike.

Finally, the Strike and the resolution of the duel.

When a duelist calls Strike, their opponent immediately makes an attack roll, using Reflexes/Iaijutsu (Strike) against the duelist’s current TN to be Hit (including all bonuses from Focusing) plus their armor, if any (dueling is normally performed unarmored). The attacker gains a Free Raise for every time he Focused. All of his Raises, whether Free or otherwise, may only be used for Called Shots, Increased Damage or (for Free Raises) to add +5 to the total of the attack roll. If the duelist lives through this attack, they may respond in kind, at the same TN and with a FR for every Focus they made. This is, of course, very dishonorable if the duel was to first blood. After both opponents have attacked, either of them who hit their opponent may spend additional Void to deal additional damage, at 1k1 per Void Point spent. If this kills both duelists, the duel is considered a Karmic Strike and both duelists are considered to have lost. If it is a lethal duel and both duelists are still alive at this point, the duel becomes a standard skirmish, with both duelists rolling Initiative.

Because Jiro declared Strike, Ichiro immediately tries to hit him. Neither duelist is armored, so Jiro’s current TN to be Hit is 40. Ichiro rolls Reflexes/Iaijutsu, gaining one Free Raise from his Iaijutsu 5 Mastery Ability and an additional four Free Raises from having Focused four times. Ichiro takes all 5 Free Raises and puts them toward hitting Jiro, granting himself a +25 bonus to the roll. Rolling 9k4+25, he decides he can afford to be a little more thorough, Raising twice for extra damage. This makes his TN 50. With that hefty bonus, though, he makes a 63. Ichiro easily hits Jiro, dealing his standard katana damage plus 1k1 (for the Raises). His damage roll, though, is weak, and he only deals 15 Wounds.

Because this is a lethal duel, Jiro can now respond with a strike of his own. He is suffering Wound Penalties, but they are fairly minor (+5), so Ichiro’s TN is 45. Because Jiro Focused three times, he has 3 Free Raises on his roll, all of which he puts toward hitting Ichiro. Out of Void, though, all Jiro can do is make his Reflexes/Iaijutsu roll and hope for the best. At 8k4+15, his odds are good – and his dice are apparently quite happy with him, as he rolls a 65 total. He rolls his damage as well, and again the dice favor him, producing 27 Wounds. Ichiro spends a Void Point to reduce the Wounds to 17.

Now that both duelists have attacked, either may spend Void Points to deal additional Wounds to their opponent if they managed to hit that opponent. Both hit, but Jiro has no Void left. Ichiro does, though, so he spends his remaining 2 Void Points to deal an additional 2k2 Wounds to Jiro, for another 13 Wounds.

Because this is a duel to the death and both duelists are still alive, they move to a skirmish; both duelists are wounded, Jiro quite severely, and both have used many of their resources already. The end result remains a mystery.

Awesome, thanks a lot Shisumo! That has been a huge help in understanding iaijutsu dueling. I'll probably be referring to it a lot.

On another note, go Ichiro! Teach that Akodo a lesson for daring to oppose the Scorpion.

Hida Nagatsuna wrote:
Please look over Nagatsuna, Shisumo. I hope he is right but as I only have the second edition I imagine I'll still have to tweak some stuff. I removed the Vanity disadvantage (which came out of the second edition players guide).

Most of this looks fine. A couple nomenclature issues: It's Theology, rather than Shintao (Shintao is an Emphasis of Theology if you want to specialize), Artisan: Origami rather than just Origami, and Deceit rather than Intimidation (again, Intimidation is an Emphasis of Deceit).

Class skill tweak: because it's Deceit and not Intimidation, it's not a Bugei Skill. Also, you can't buy a non-School Skill up to 3 at character creation. Both of these have the same fix, though - swap Jiujutsu for Deceit in your School Skill list. Done and done.

More important stuff: Hands of Stone costs 6 pts for bushi in 3rd Ed, and Blood of Osano-Wo doesn't exist. I'd suggest taking the 2 pt version of Strength of the Earth (Wound Pen reduction even without raging!) and using the extra point to finish paying for Hands of Stone, but other options are possible if you'd prefer something else. Also, I need to know what you are Driven to do, and who your Obligation is to.

Finally, I'd appreciate it if you'd go through and put your Attack/Damage calculations for your most frequent attacks, your Initiative, and your TN to be Hit on your sheet somewhere. Note that Jiujutsu is a Weapon Skill in 3rd Ed Revised, and so gets the bonus from Crab Hands.

I took Clear Thinker advantage if that works. The rest is pretty much how you corrected it. I was thinking he is driven to destroy Shaowlands creatures in Rokugan no matter the cost (does not apply to the Shadowlands otherwise he would be stuck there forever). So he would knowingly charge into a trap, sacrifice his family or friends to see the shadow creatures destroyed, or shirk other duties. Let me know if this works or I need to be driven to do something else. The obligation is to his sensei because of his destruction of the dojo. I'll add the attack, defence, etc... numbers in a little bit. Oh, and is his insight right?

Hida Nagatsuna wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Clear Thinker, in 3rd Ed, costs 5 pts. (sigh) What about the old Crab bushi standby, Bishamon's Blessing? Or you could just use those two points to buy a Deceit (Intimidation) or Theology (Shintao) or Jiujutsu (Wrestling) Emphasis...?

Insight looks right. Also, because I don't want you to be surprised later, I should tell you Death Trance no longer makes you utterly immune to Fear - it just gives you an additional four dice to roll to resist Fear when you encounter it.

Sorry for the delay in moving forward, guys - a combination of stalling so Ubermench could show up and technical issues where I suddenly didn't have wireless access yesterday. Moving on...

Ubermench, if you're still reading this, it would be a good thing for Tamu to show up soon...

DM Shisumo wrote:
Sorry for the delay in moving forward, guys - a combination of stalling so Ubermench could show up and technical issues where I suddenly didn't have wireless access yesterday. Moving on...

No problems, I've been enjoying the interactions as a whole. Everyone gets issues with their Internet at times and I knew somebody had yet to post.

Male Half-Orc Monk 5

Sorry, I was off in the mountains for the last couple of days. I'll post my catch up asap.

Shosuro Tamu wrote:
Sorry, I was off in the mountains for the last couple of days. I'll post my catch up asap.

No prob! The PCs are just about to get introduced, though, so I wanted to make sure you hadn't had a last minute change of heart! :)

Male Half-Orc Monk 5
DM Shisumo wrote:
Shosuro Tamu wrote:
Sorry, I was off in the mountains for the last couple of days. I'll post my catch up asap.
No prob! The PCs are just about to get introduced, though, so I wanted to make sure you hadn't had a last minute change of heart! :)

Nope, I still want to play a bodyguard that will do anything to protect his charge.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

Wow! 100 posts already! Thanks guys, this is going great! I hope everyone's having a good time so far!

Scarab Sages

Male Synod Psion Kineticist 5

Yup, very detailed so far.

We're almost at 100 posts here as well! This has been a very fun game so far, I'm rather enjoying it.

DM Shisumo wrote:
Hida Nagatsuna wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

What does Bishamon's Blessing do? Is there a advantage that makes him good looking? (that'd help with the ladies :)

Great game! I am enjoying it immensely also :)


Bishamon's Blessing basically gives you the benefit of three Raises for every two you call - though you have to actually call them, you can't use Free Raises.

Dangerous Beauty is a 2 pt Advantage that would actually help you be more Intimidating, as well as establishing Nagatsuna as a good-looking, if rather large, man, should you wish to take that route.

I'm loving it so far. :) It's a lot of fun.

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