NY - nyc area Looking for a 3.5 group

Gamer Connection

My RotRL campaign fizzled due to 1 player moving to the west coast and the others with some schedule problems as of late.

Sunderstone wrote:
My RotRL campaign fizzled due to 1 player moving to the west coast and the others with some schedule problems as of late.

Where in New York are you located?

Dark Archive

Sunderstone wrote:
My RotRL campaign fizzled due to 1 player moving to the west coast and the others with some schedule problems as of late.

Never been there myself, but a game store in NYC called Nuetral Ground

has been running some Pathfinder stuff recently. Might be a good place for you to check out for potential players.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Tom Carpenter wrote:
Sunderstone wrote:
My RotRL campaign fizzled due to 1 player moving to the west coast and the others with some schedule problems as of late.

Never been there myself, but a game store in NYC called Nuetral Ground

has been running some Pathfinder stuff recently. Might be a good place for you to check out for potential players.

Except that Neutral Ground is closing in little over a week.

That said, the PFS group that meets there currently will continue, just at a different location. It's organizational yahoo group is here. There's also a fairly large meetup community that meets about twice a month. A lot of the games are 4e, but I've been made a co-organizer of the events to try to bolster 3.5/PFRPG support. It's here. I am currently running a RotR campaign comprised of six players who I met at meetups and PFS games so the possibility exists!) The third and final place I'd suggest you go to find people is nerdnyc which is pretty self-explanitory once you take a look at the site.

Best of luck!

Vulcan Stormwrath wrote:

Where in New York are you located?

Brooklyn, specifically Sheepshead Bay. I do drive and was hoping for Brooklyn or Queens, Manhattan is cool but only on the weekends as I would take the train.

Hello, fellow newyorkers...

For a few years i was playing in an Eberron campaign once a month at Compleat Strategist, in New York City.
The current campaign is ending this month and we have a problem with players as the participants shrank over the last months.
We don't know yet what's going to happen from january, we are thinking about it.

Nobody proposed a new D&D campaign yet, so i consider running a campaign myself, under my own D&D houserules (modified 3.5) or maybe Pathfinder.
Now it wouldn't necessary have to be on the 3rd saturday, it could change.

This being said, i know some other D&D or Pathfinder players are playing at Compleat Strategist on other days.
Sadly, i didn't get a chance to meet any of them yet, as i can only play once a month.

So i wonder if we could maybe organize something in common, one way or another...

Liberty's Edge

Well I'm also looking for a game I'm mostly looking for 3.5 books (a little tired of core though). I already play Pathfinder beta and Pathfinder Society so I'm not looking to play that...

Dark Archive

Seldriss wrote:

Hello, fellow newyorkers...

So i wonder if we could maybe organize something in common, one way or another...

Freehold, Yoda and I are in a game with 5 players now, and I up for joining another campaign; I would also be very keen in organizing some sort of Paizo meet up sometime mid January when the Holiday festivities have slowed down.

Also, I can host and have a venue for a few one shots like the Pathfinder scenarios or an old fashioned game of Axis and Allies.

Liberty's Edge

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Seldriss wrote:

Hello, fellow newyorkers...

So i wonder if we could maybe organize something in common, one way or another...

Freehold, Yoda and I are in a game with 5 players now, and I up for joining another campaign; I would also be very keen in organizing some sort of Paizo meet up sometime mid January when the Holiday festivities have slowed down.

Also, I can host and have a venue for a few one shots like the Pathfinder scenarios or an old fashioned game of Axis and Allies.

Hmm do you play with Yoda on Sunday and/or Tuesdays(that's when I play with Yoda).

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Seldriss wrote:
So i wonder if we could maybe organize something in common, one way or another...

There's a lot of Paizo going on at game stores these days. Neutral Ground (RIP) hosted PFS on Tuesday nights but this is, obviously, in a transition period as we find a new location and possibly new weeknight to play. The NYC Meetup group puts on a gameday twice a month and I generally run PFS there as well. It's usually the first Saturday of the month at CS and the third Sunday at Kings Games in Brooklyn. I know that there are other 3.5 games run at these meetups as well, but they may or may not be ongoing campaigns, which is what I gather you're looking for.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Suzaku wrote:
Hmm do you play with Yoda on Sunday and/or Tuesdays(that's when I play with Yoda).

The Baron and I play about every three weeks, usually on a Saturday. We've just started the campaign, so the routine is not yet established.

Sovereign Court Contributor

yoda8myhead wrote:

The third and final place I'd suggest you go to find people is nerdnyc which is pretty self-explanitory once you take a look at the site.

Best of luck!

Dude - you're on Nerdnyc? What's your board name? I'm knihi over there.

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Seldriss wrote:

Hello, fellow newyorkers...

So i wonder if we could maybe organize something in common, one way or another...

Freehold, Yoda and I are in a game with 5 players now, and I up for joining another campaign; I would also be very keen in organizing some sort of Paizo meet up sometime mid January when the Holiday festivities have slowed down.

Also, I can host and have a venue for a few one shots like the Pathfinder scenarios or an old fashioned game of Axis and Allies.

Hey, I'm actually the other 3.5 /Pathfinder DM who runs games at the NYC D&D Meetup. I'm more interested in running AP's than I am in PFS. As of right now I don't think that there's a big enough 3.5 / Pathfinder player base at the meetups to support tow 3.5/PF games so I'm looking to get something a little more stable going.

I'd totally be down with supporting a NYC Paizo Meetup after the Holidays. If you need someone to run a game for that let me know and if I'm available (barring familial responsibility) I'm down.

yoda8myhead wrote:
Suzaku wrote:
Hmm do you play with Yoda on Sunday and/or Tuesdays(that's when I play with Yoda).
The Baron and I play about every three weeks, usually on a Saturday. We've just started the campaign, so the routine is not yet established.

Incidentally I should be joining soon, you've had my character's letter read to you I assume.

Hello folks, me again...

All right, after some thoughts and some talk with my fellow players from CompleatStrategist in NY, i kinda changed my mind and decided not to run a Pathfinder campaign, but a D&D one, under my own set of houserules.
Please don't consider it as an offense towards Pathfinder. The point is that even if i was running a Pathfinder campaign, i would bring in so many extra rules variants that it doesn't really make sense. I'd better just go with my houserules.

So this should run on the 3rd saturday of each month, at Compleat Strategist (NYC), starting in february.
This will be a long term campaign, so i want only commited and dedicated players, no casual.
I am currently gathering the candidates, but might still have one or two seats available.

Let me know if you are interested...

If interested in a Pathfinder RPG in SI, NY shoot me an email at arbados@hotmail.com to talk further. Good luck with your game if I don't hear from you.


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