nib |
Dear fellow SCAPpers,
I've got a feeling that the brilliant "add-on community" which gathered here on the boards and uploaded stuff to the RPGenius.com website has slowed down considerably for no real reason.
I agree that the early chapters are probably very well covered by now and any additional stuff is just variations of what others have done already, but for later chapters, especially the ones where the cagewrights start rearing their ugly heads, have very little material online.
I'm quite sure that lots of DMs have added side-treks, quests or the occasional hand-out which could be shared to benefit the rest of us. Even material deemed suboptimal, can be useful by providing a new idea. Sometimes, it's just a spark that's necessary to find oneself putting extra time in the campaign, which pays off in the end.
Please don't hesitate to upload.
I will do so myself in a minute, just to prove the point.

Elcian |

I would agree with this. I have only ever used it as a resource so I guess I cant complain but there is some very good stuff on there. I especially like the map tiles which can be printed off and are minature scale. The players love these. We are about to start chapter 4 and the map tiles seem to dry up a bit.
Does anyone know how these were produced in the first place?

Shimrath |

Is it unlawful (improper?) to submit artwork or the blue descriptive text from the adventures, for download and use by SCAPpers around the world?
I run the SCAP online using Fantasy Grounds, and files containing the pics and descriptive text have been very useful to me in the lower chapters. I would like to post the same sort of resources for the later chapters, for folks to utilize, but don't want to do anything 'wrong'.
Please advise.

nib |
Actually I think, a wiki might work. Around X-mas I should find some time to spare. My campaign currently hovers in stasis due to RL issues between chapters 9 and 10. I think, I can compile a rather comprehensive collection of add-ons, partially done by myself, mostly provided by others.
If I get an ok from paizo, I could collect what's on RPGenius and put it into a wiki, which could then be expanded further by the community...
Are there volunteers, who would (at least try to) participate in such a project ? (I'm fully aware that most work will reside on my shoulders)

Olaf the Stout |

Actually I think, a wiki might work. Around X-mas I should find some time to spare. My campaign currently hovers in stasis due to RL issues between chapters 9 and 10. I think, I can compile a rather comprehensive collection of add-ons, partially done by myself, mostly provided by others.
If I get an ok from paizo, I could collect what's on RPGenius and put it into a wiki, which could then be expanded further by the community...
Are there volunteers, who would (at least try to) participate in such a project ? (I'm fully aware that most work will reside on my shoulders)
Nib, I'm willing to help. I've never edited or added to a wiki before so I might need a little bit of instruction on that.
I've got 7 issues of my Cauldron Chronicle that I can add as well.
Olaf the Stout

koramado |

Hi guys,
Yeah, I decided to bring down theRPGenius site at least temporarily because it was getting to be a problem for me as far as managing the spam. I definitely want to keep the files that everyone submitted available to whoever wants them. I also agree that the site was a pain, but it was the best I could do at the time.
I'm totally in favor of a wiki or whatever can be more useful to anyone interested in the resources that have been contributed over the years. Anyone want to collaborate on turning theRPGenius.com into a wiki? Or is someone already on the way toward launching something else? Putting an end to theRPGenius and letting someone else take over isn't the end of the world, but I'd be just as happy to keep it rolling and see some new life breathed into it. If not, I'm also happy to support whatever someone else may have in development by sending over all of the files that have been submitted to date. It's still all about helping people improve their campaigns.
Again, anyone interested in seeing theRPGenius.com turned into a wiki? I'm happy to install an open source package and assign some roles to a group of interested people.
Let me know what you all think. I'm available at koramado (at) therpgenius (dot) com, or right here on the messageboard. I'm excited to check this thread later for your thoughts.
Best regards,

Olaf the Stout |

I will be eternally grateful for all the work you put into the RPGenius site. It has been incredibly useful for my SCAP campaign.
I personally don't mind what shape or form you bring the site back in. If you think a wiki would be the most user friendly option then go ahead. I'd be willing to help with whatever option you decide to go with.
Olaf the Stout

delvesdeep |

The RPGenius site has been an inspired creation on your behalf that has helped countless campaigns including my own. Whatever happens with the information you should know how thankful I (and I'm sure many others) are for all the hard work you have put in to first put it together and then manage it.
Well Done

lord buckley |

Dear Koramado,
a sad thing to hear, that some doors will be closed in the future, and honestly spoken, the site wasn´t that much of a pain, believe me, in my time I´ve seen far worse than that ...
It was great work, and should be rememembered as such by all those, who just dropped by, to steal a little bit of someone elses wisdom, such as I did, and more so by those, who were more than willing to share the fruit of their hard work and little bits of insight, for almost no reward, which I have to confess, I never did - shame on me.
You did well in keeping all important information together, and should be honored as one of the greater minds in a ever-bubbling cauldron of intrigue and adventure
Yours sincerely, Claremont the Elder, Lord Buckley

koramado |

Thanks for all the kind words. Thanks to all of the contributors as well!
I've gone ahead and installed MediaWiki to the domain and am currently playing around with how to use it effectively. I'd appreciate anyone with wiki experience that would be willing to help me organize things. Once it is rolling better, then everyone will be able to be a contributor and edit pages, upload files, etc.
Email me if you want to lend a hand.
koramado (at) therpgenius (dot) com
Best regards,

Ikor |

Is it unlawful (improper?) to submit artwork or the blue descriptive text from the adventures, for download and use by SCAPpers around the world?
I run the SCAP online using Fantasy Grounds, and files containing the pics and descriptive text have been very useful to me in the lower chapters. I would like to post the same sort of resources for the later chapters, for folks to utilize, but don't want to do anything 'wrong'.
Please advise.
Hey Shimrath, I'm running the game online myself. I've only got the texts up to chapter 6 typed up. I'm a really slow typist, so it's a serious labor of love on my part getting these things prepped for online play. Any chance you want to divide some of the work if you're still typing? I could do one chapter, you do the other, and we trade via email?

DMFTodd |

A Pathfinder wiki already exists - http://pathfinderwiki.com/index.php?title=Main_Page. Don't know if this should just be part of that.
And, no offense and not saying you'd do this, but setting up a wiki on somebody's personal server - a somebody that could disappear and take everything with them - doesn't sound like the best route for a community project. A public wiki like pbwiki seems a better choice.

koramado |

No offense taken, DMFTodd. That's exactly the kind of feedback I am asking for.
I did look at the Pathfinder Wiki and it's a wonderful resource. I would welcome that option, but this thread from their forum is relevant and suggests that they are not looking to support community created game additions for Pathfinder, let alone the three Greyhawk based APs.
PBwiki is a fine solution to suggest. My ignorance of the service is to blame for not coming up with that idea myself. At the free level it should be able to support the archive just fine, without any fancy features or styling, though some of the security settings are unavailable. Are you interested in helping to organize the material and get a PBwiki setup?
Best regards,

Shimrath |

Hey Shimrath, I'm running the game online myself. I've only got the texts up to chapter 6 typed up. I'm a really slow typist, so it's a serious labor of love on my part getting these things prepped for online play. Any chance you want to divide some of the work if you're still typing? I could do one chapter, you do the other, and we trade via email?
I have done work up to and including Secrets of the Soul Pillars. If you haven't yet typed up the descriptive text for that chapter i will happily share my files with you. Just let me know where to send them. I never know how soon i will have work done on the next chapter, since running the game once a week online makes for pretty slow progress, but i'll happily share what i have once we're in contact.
Although i run the SCAP from the hardcover, i purchase the pdfs of each Dungeon Magazine containing SCAP chapters from the Paizo store. I then cut & paste the descriptive text from the magazines into a word document, and finally into Fantasy Grounds. I also harvest each pdf magazine issue for all the maps and images i need. This is much faster than typing all the text, which can be a real headache, which i learned way back in Life's Bizarre before i thought of harvesting the pdfs.

Ikor |

....I have done work up to and including Secrets of the Soul Pillars. If you haven't yet typed up the descriptive text for that chapter i will happily share my files with you. Just let me know where to send them. I never know how soon i will have work done on the next chapter, since running the game once a week online makes for pretty slow progress, but i'll happily share what i have once we're in contact.
Although i run the SCAP from the hardcover, i purchase the pdfs of each Dungeon Magazine containing SCAP chapters from the Paizo store. I then cut & paste the descriptive text from the magazines into a word document, and finally into Fantasy Grounds. I also harvest each pdf magazine issue for all the maps and images i need. This is much faster than typing all the text, which can be a real headache, which i learned way back in Life's Bizarre before i thought of harvesting the pdfs...
I would love it if you could send me the text for chapter 7, Secrets of the Soul Pillars. I was planning on typing up one of the later chapters to return the favor, but it sounds like your method is much more efficient. Do you have some kind of word recognition software that can read the text cut from the PDFs? I have Dungeon Mag PDF's too, but haven't been able to take advantage of cut and pasting, since I can only take images, which aren't transferable into the chat engine of the online gaming table I use.
Here's my email;

Shimrath |

Do you have some kind of word recognition software that can read the text cut from the PDFs? I have Dungeon Mag PDF's too, but haven't been able to take advantage of cut and pasting
The problem lies in which copies of the magazine pdfs you have. There are some fairly low quality scans floating around, and as such, they do not support character recognition (which is key for cut & paste). The pdfs you purchase from Paizo are as near to original as you can get, and they do support character recognition.
A warning though: While all of the pdfs support character recognition, at least two of the Paizo magazine pdfs have substandard image quality. See this thread for details.

koramado |

koramado wrote:Are you interested in helping to organize the material and get a PBwiki setup?I've got a little bit of experience with pbwiki and could help with the setup if that's the direction we want to go.
Sure, I've created an account for therpgenius.pbwiki.com and another person has contacted me about collaborating on setup as well. Go ahead and drop me an email DMFTodd and I'll send you the discussion that we've begun.
koramado (at) therpgenius (dot) com
Best regards,

koramado |

theRPGenius.com is back up and will remain so while a few of us collaborate to migrate the content to a new format. If you think you'd like to help, let me know by emailing koramado (at) therpgenius (dot) com
Best regards,

Andrew Bay |
Thanks for putting the site back up! I'm getting ready to start the SCAP with a group online using Maptool, and this is a tremendous resource!! I'm downloading all I can right now. I'd offer to help set up the new site, but I know nothing about wikis or web design in general, unfortunately.
I've made some maps for Jzadirune and Malachite Fortress using Dundjinni since I just started SCAP too. They're much easier to align in MapTool.

Andrew Bay |
Andrew Bay wrote:Do you have them online, or could you e-mail them to me? That would be great! My e-mail is just my username at gmail.comI've made some maps for Jzadirune and Malachite Fortress using Dundjinni since I just started SCAP too. They're much easier to align in MapTool.

section8 |

I've made some maps for Jzadirune and Malachite Fortress using Dundjinni since I just started SCAP too. They're much easier to align in MapTool.
Is it OK if I grab these to be added to the new RPGenius wiki?

Andrew Bay |
Andrew Bay wrote:I've made some maps for Jzadirune and Malachite Fortress using Dundjinni since I just started SCAP too. They're much easier to align in MapTool.
Is it OK if I grab these to be added to the new RPGenius wiki?
I encourage you to do so.