Event Reporting - What information do I need to gather ?

Pathfinder Society


I will DM my first PFS game next Saturday, and, being the compulsive-obsessive sort, I want to make sure I have everything ready and at my fingertips.

Which brings me to Event Reporting.

I used to DM and organize events for the Living Greyhawk campaign, so I know a bit about Event Reporting, and I've read in other threads that until the "Report Event" link is up and running on the Paizo site, we are asked to hang on to the results until that feature goes live.

But what information do I need to gather for reporting ?

From past experience, I made up a small template that I will fill out on Saturday, which include:

The Event Name: TBD
The Event Code: TBD
The Adventure Title: The Hydra's Fang Incident
Date Played: November 1st, 2008
Start Time: 10 AM (hopefully)
Game Master's name and PFS ID: me, 4001
Players #1 thru 6's Name and PFS ID: whoever shows up 8)

Anything else I might need to put in ?

Scarab Sages

Factions. You'll need each player's faction.

And technically, the scenario's number, not the title.

Otherwise, you're golden. :) Good luck!

Sczarni 4/5

Teresake wrote:

Factions. You'll need each player's faction.

And technically, the scenario's number, not the title.

Otherwise, you're golden. :) Good luck!

we've been using sheets based on the Gencon sheets with:

GM Name:
GM Number:

For each player:
Character Name:
Pathfinder Number:

Prestige Points:

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