Delvesdeep - any more on the dreams?

Shackled City Adventure Path

Liberty's Edge

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Hey DD, have you done any more on the Dreams and entering Adimarchus' nightmares?

I still have the old word file of "Adimarchus and the Cagewrights" that I got off of RPGenius over a year ago.

Was wondering if you've done anymore in that regard, or with the Haunted Village.

We're starting Chapter 9 this it's getting close with us - and I'm not sure how I want to progress.


I'm also very interested in this. We're only halfway through Chapter 3 so we've got a while to go yet.

Olaf the Stout

My group is on hiatus at the downtime between Flood Season and Zenith Trajectory. I have a bit of time to go but I'd like to see what progress has been made as well. I can create my own content, as I do often, but if someone else does the work for me, I always take advantage of it. I have some time to go before we get that far. Of course, we're not even playing it right now...

We are half way chapter 10, 13 cages and yes, I am too extremely interested in how Delvesdeep envisaged the problems the characters encounter in the insane nightmare dreams of Adimarchus. He already gave some good actions for dream 1-3. Nightmare Four – Invasion of Heaven (Revenge) - could be something like to convince Adimarchus to turn his demonic forces against general Occipitus army. Haven't had much time to think about the others dreams yet, but if I have something I will post it.

Robert Brambley wrote:
We're starting Chapter 9 this it's getting close with us - and I'm not sure how I want to progress.

Yep, we just finished Chapter 7, so I'm in the same boat as you, Robert. I have been using a lot of Delves' mods and really want to do the dream sequences. An alternative ending with Adimarchus redeemed and Occipitus ripped from the Abyss and into its own pocket universe would be so upbeat compared to just whaling on Adimarchus.

I think Delvesdeep has been busy with, ya know, life and stuff. The nerve! :-D


I'm sorry about my delayed absence. I've started a new job this year and had my third child in October so needless to say I have been busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest.

My group has been playing spasmodically as a result and we are only up to chapter 7 - Secrets of the Soul Pillars.

What I would like to do though is work with those who care to iron out the rough edges in the missing adventures that I hinted at in the document 'Adimarchus and the new Cagrwrights' years a go (amazing to think it was that far in the past).

So lets start -

My biggest suggested changes related to the linking the Cagewrights to Adimarchus, foreshadowing the fallen angel and turning the General of Heaven into a figure to be saved rather than destroyed.

As you may remember I felt the Strike on Shatterhorn adventure was a waste of time adding nothing to the overall plot and merely created to give the characters a chance to wipe out the remaining faceless Cagewrights that had yet to meet. Effectively an adventure for an adventure sake.

So I mentioned that perhaps another adventure involving the characters travelling to a famous location in the SCAP known as the Haunted Village where the party could further the overall plot by rescuing Nidrama (Adimarchus Love)from Embril and the Spellweaver hidden deep beneath the dark waters of the Lake and Kopru Necropolis.

The other biggest change was that when the party finally confronted Adimarchus they would, instead of killing him, travel into his Dark Dreams and Nightmare Realm where his Inner Demon was slowly corrupting Cauldron with maddening dreams.

I suggested the party entered the realm where they passed through doors and into Adimarchus' dreams (which they had progressively seen themselves) where they had to help Adimarchus avoid or redeem the actions he took which lead him to eventually losing his souls and mind.

So where do people wish to start?


"The other biggest change was that when the party finally confronted Adimarchus they would, instead of killing him, travel into his Dark Dreams and Nightmare Realm where his Inner Demon was slowly corrupting Cauldron with maddening dreams.

I suggested the party entered the realm where they passed through doors and into Adimarchus' dreams (which they had progressively seen themselves) where they had to help Adimarchus avoid or redeem the actions he took which lead him to eventually losing his souls and mind. "

I don't know how helpful this is, but I just want to point out that I have been pondering how to change the Asylum adventure for 4e (I am not a big fan of the adventure, it feels very anti-climactic) and I think you just solved my dilemma.

My big problem is that Adimarchus is a sitting duck in the cage. My players will set up so that as soon as the cage door swings open, they'll unload all their daily/hampering powers and blast Adimarchus... it's just really lame for a final fight. My hookface fight was pathetic.. they had hookface hobbling around so that if he moved more than one square, he fell prone.. when he wasn't dazed or stunned.

But the concept of Adimarchus' cage being an entrance to a demi-plane allows me to create an entire adventure out of Adimarchus' demi-plane prison within a prison.

I know I want the final fight to be against Adimarchus as he shifts between angel and demon forms. But now I'll have to cook up two or three other encounters involving the major moments of Adimarchus' life. One should involve his time as an angel... one during the big fight against the angels, and then one involving Athux betraying him...

delvesdeep wrote:
busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest

I will cherish this line over the Xmas season.

delvesdeep wrote:
So I mentioned that perhaps another adventure involving the characters travelling to a famous location in the SCAP known as the Haunted Village where the party could further the overall plot by rescuing Nidrama (Adimarchus Love)from Embril and the Spellweaver hidden deep beneath the dark waters of the Lake and Kopru Necropolis.

I'm all for starting here. I am guessing that Embril is grabbing Nidrama as a way to control Adimarchus. When did Embril capture Nidrama? How did she do so? We could tie in the Soul Pillars, meaning that Embril had to have the info prior to the end of chapter 6 (as Chapter 7 represents the loss of that source). What if Embril was out of the temple because she was capturing Nidrama? I agree that Alurad should also be a big part of the Haunted Village. Did you want both of them to be part of the capture? Given that the Striders have been pursuing Alurad specifically (as shown in the ambush foreshadowing event), should we let the Striders find out that an angel has been captured? This should be after the Last Laugh rescue, as that event will horribly distract the Striders for a bit of time. This could also act as the tie-in that reminds the adventurers that just because Cauldron is saved in Chapter 9-10, all is not done yet.

The next question is which came first, the Kopru or the Spellweavers? I am thinking the Spellweavers were first, and possibly the Kopru built on top of the Spellweaver's necropolis. Maybe the "last" Spellweaver survivor of the Demonskar explosion placed himself in stasis, waiting for the rest of his race to find him?

delvesdeep wrote:

The other biggest change was that when the party finally confronted Adimarchus they would, instead of killing him, travel into his Dark Dreams and Nightmare Realm where his Inner Demon was slowly corrupting Cauldron with maddening dreams. I suggested the party entered the realm where they passed through doors and into Adimarchus' dreams (which they had progressively seen themselves) where they had to help Adimarchus avoid or redeem the actions he took which lead him to eventually losing his souls and mind.

My concern on this part is how to transition from the written adventure of "rescuing" Adimarchus to entering his dreams. Dreams and nightmares are normally contained in the Astral Realm. What spells would allow someone to enter his dreams and interact with them? How will the group realize this is what they must do (as opposed to just killing him)? I'll read up on spells over the holidays and see if there are any that jump out. Maybe we need Nidrama to lead them to those conclusions?

Thanks for your comments Fantomas. Have a look through the old thread 'adimarchus and the New Cagewrights' and feel free to use any ideas you wish for you adaptation.

Section8, I'm going to look for the old thread just to remind myself where my thoughts were at with these adventures before I start working with you and hopefully others on the ideas.


delvesdeep wrote:

with these adventures before I start working with you and hopefully others on the ideas.


Hey Delves,

It’s good to see the old guard is still wandering here time to time ;-)

Man, even with two legs I had far too many asses to kick the last three years. As a result my two parties are one arriving Vaprak’s Voice and the other in the middle of the Redgorge Siege (before Smoking Eye). But at the end of the day, after more than 70 game sessions of five hours for each group it is definitely our best campaign ever – for the last 25 years.
Definitely it is not only because of the great job of the original authors but also for a large part thanks to the DM who posted here. And between them you DD are the King.
I stole a lot of ideas to you and added also a bit of my French touch here and there. Unfortunately I cannot find the time to translate all of my own stuff in English to feed this forum – I ‘m really not a good boy I know, but I have one,… no two worlds to fuel for the players and it consumes all my remaining energy after work and family hours. However, even if I am at eons of the two last chapters of the SCAP right now I have to pay a little coin here for you my friend. It is Christmas time isn’t it?

It could be a good idea to have the Haunted Village back in scope as you suggest – remember that the HV is also supposed to be the lair of the Necrocants in an earlier chapter so it makes a lot of sense to imagine the heroes may have been there before. I’m sure you can include this in the picture. The idea to have Nidrama involved in the plot is fine too.
But why not to raise some of the old legends of The Demonskar Bal:
Kozomagon Lidu
This one may be an old undead being of some kind who discovered a spell weaver secret which caused him to destroy its village and his beloved woman when he attempted to help Surabar in Redgorge 700 hundreds years before. The waves of the madness of Adimarchus rolled over the Necromancer year after year, century after century, and poisoned his soul. Kozomagon and Adimarchus’ fates are enough close that the first one was completely confused by the demon / angel lord dreams. He eventually finds a way to contact the Cagewrights and to use Embryl as an ally in order to reach his true prey: Nidrama – whom he wants to made his Queen forever. But Embryl also has felt in the nightmare of the demon prince and wants to play her own role in the story…
He is now a demigod but he is still remembering Nidrama and the sacrifice of his brother (Alakast – see the legacy of Alakast somewhere in the Messagesboard). Knowing her fate, he will try to help her in supporting the rescue operation by the heroes but without obvious physical intervention.
This one has been called by Kozomagon from the Carceri plane (in its new advanced demonic form) for whatever good reason and he is supposed to be bound. But all will change when he will face again the foes he hates the most in the universe.

About the final stand against Adimarchus, I am 100% for its replacement by the dreams scenario. You have 10 dreams if I recall correctly. I got the weird idea that in each dream the party should be of a different level for a short scenario / scene (i.e. level 2 for the first dream, 4 for the second and so on until 20). It is certainly a little bit of work to come back with ten Character Sheets by player and the same number of scenes. However IMHO this effect of “coming back to the old days guys” will be astounding for each of my player. That feedback experience during the last part of a great campaign, plus the dreams unreality feeling, seems to me the best game achievement I can imagine. But can you too ?

I hope something above can feed your talent, if you need it :-p

Be creative

As always, thanks Ridolfin for your comments.

Here is my thoughts on the Haunted Village adventure to date -

In Search of Hope - The Haunted Village

Event One – Travelling to the shadowy ruins of the Haunted Village and searching for the magically hidden Embril.

Alurid ambushes them with any surviving ‘undead villains’ from the path such as Mhad the vampire and/or the Necroaunts or failing this, with some flesh golems of his own creation. The party discover that Embril has taken Nidrama beneath the lakes surface and into the Kopru Necropolis.

Event Two – Descending into the lake the party see the alien appearing Kopru Necropolis resting in its murky depths.

A wave of powerful Kopru ghosts appears around the party and attack.
Event Three – As they enter the ruins the party find a great temple alit with green ghostly light at its zenith. When they enter the temple they are assaulted by visions of Adimarchus’ madness and continue to grow in strength as they move towards the temples heart. (Will DC 15 + 1 for every ten feet closer to altar, for a maximum of DC 25 or be confused as per the spell for 1d4 rounds)

Event Four – In the temple corridors the party are assaulted by two sets of guardians –Two Darkwalkers and, as they approach the air-filled inner chamber, 3 Demodands.

Event Five - Temple of Adimarchus, depicting Adimarchus more as a ‘fish-like/Kopru’ creature. Embril and the Spellweaver (as per same encounter found in Ruins of Shatterhorn) with the following exceptions.

- Embril has captured Nidrama (who sleeps and is currently travelling with Embril through the realm of Dreams) in an effort to finally destroy Adimarchus’ mind and therefore releasing his Inner Demon to fully control the angels body, effectively transforming Adimarchus into the demon mind and body.

- Instead of Embril attempting to Mind Jar the party she has entered the Plane of Dreams with Nidrama and with the aid of the Spellweaver to attempt to ‘find’ Adimarchus and show the angel his love before she kills Nidrama in front of him and destroys his mind altogether. Embril is unaware that she can not enter Adimarchus’ nightmares from the temple.

The party can claim the Spellweaver’s Dream Catcher to ‘Dream Travel’ 1/day, as per the Manual of the Planes spell. When the party enter the Realm of Dreams (Manual of the Planes) they find great black and red rivers slowly reaching out from a great lake of darkness (Dreamheart).

Through the glittering violet and silver haze and sparkling clusters of dreams, the party can see the inky fingers of madness washing over countless dreams and into countless creature’s minds. As they attempt to approach the darkness it seems to move further and further away. Only passing into the dream world in Adimarchus presence and through Adimarchus’ mind (while directly looking at the fallen angel) can the party hope to enter his nightmares and free him from his Inner Demon.


Dark Archive

I only have a few moments right now to post, hopefully I can add more to this thread later. I just wanted to mention one plot point I came up with for my own game.


In my game, the founder of the "Haunted Village" was a friend and comtemporary of Surabar Spellmason and was a female (as written in the Demonskar Ball write-up). At the end of the campaign during the adventure in the Haunted Village I intend for it to be revealed that Embril is actually the same person! In my own game the XIII are all able to extend their lives in different ways (although many have died over the centuries). The diaster at the Haunted Village killed all of her people, but left the woman with an unnaturally long life and an affinity for death magic. Because of this power she eventually went mad and was pulled towards the mad demon prince and eventually was sponsored into the XIII. She is currently one of the oldest members in the group.

Liberty's Edge

delvesdeep wrote:

I suggested the party entered the realm where they passed through doors and into Adimarchus' dreams (which they had progressively seen themselves) where they had to help Adimarchus avoid or redeem the actions he took which lead him to eventually losing his souls and mind.

So where do people wish to start?


Delves, good to see you back on.

Allow me to tell you what has been going on – I’ll share some of my story and that may help generate ideas etc. First, my campaign draws near to its end. We started Chapter 12, and next game scheduled 1/24 will be the FINAL game! Confrontation w/ Adimarchus (demonic form).

First, for the purpose of my campaign, I used Delvesdeep’s excellent write-up he made in linking Adimarchus to the CageWrights. The haunted dreams were revealed to the party one at a time at the start of each chapter. Some of these story-plots below were added liberties that I took that were not from his document, however. Below are the events of late that have led the PCs where they are now…

1_) Haloen had a daughter – Celeste is her daughter – sent to investigate the CageWrights
2_) Nidrama took on a mortal host – Jenya is that hose, though this is kept a secret for fear of alerting the Cagewrights. Shebeleth sensed something “different” about her – which is why he had her removed from her duties (as seen in Delvesdeeps write-up for events)
3_) After Celeste was trapped in the painting – she escaped during 13 Cages chapter – when the destruction to a portion of the city caused Valanthru’s mansion to collapse, destroying the painting and thus breaking it’s magical “seal.” She then revealed her true identity to the party, and told them that she recently learned that Nidrama – the “angel from the PC’s dreams” has taken a mortal host and is among us. She told the PCs to think of someone that she would most likely be – someone who has been close to the events all along, from the beginning, someone who would have a lot of vested interest in the goings-on with the CageWrights. Such a host would have certain physical features that would have changed – drastically over time – perhaps aging, hair changing, eye-changing. They figured it out – that it was Jenya.
4_) Jenya had gone missing – she “suddenly left for the haunted Village” again as per Delvesdeeps write-up. She has not been heard from in quite some time. Celeste offers to join the PCs to head to Haunted Village ASAP to see to Jenya/Nidrama’s well-being. (this was immediately following success in Chapter 10)
5_) I too agreed w/ Delvesdeep’s opinion that Strike on Shatterhorn was a pointless dungeon crawl, so I removed it (along with many of the NPCs in the story all-along; limiting the number of CageWrights to 6 masters, 6 apprecentics, and Dyr’Ryd the leader (again as per Delve’s write-up).
6_) upon arriving at Haunted Village, Khyron (who had managed to survive still to this point), along with Alurad, and a host of undead creatures assaulted the PCs. Once vanquished, the party found the center of the ancient ruined town. At the center, there was a standing stone circular slab of granite, and a circumference of cleared area embedded with stone as an ‘audience’ area for religious rights performed on the altar. On the circular slab, Embril was there “in a comatose like state” lying in the opposite direction was Jenya/Nidrama with both their heads touching ear to ear – like they were connected at the head. In Alurad’s possession was a journal. In the journal it explained that this circular slab is dedicated to the worship of Adimarchus. Embril wanted to find a way to become a host for Adimarchus and used the slab which was the “Dream Catcher” to enter Admiarchus’ dreams and thoughts on the Demi-plane of dreams since the altar/dream-catcher was linked to him. Nidrama found out about Embril’s plan somehow and that is why she came to the Haunted Village. Alurad didn’t know if “Jenya” had entered Embril’s mind, or if the reverse was true. It was explained similarly to astral travel, that their bodies were here, but they could be permanently trapped if the “vehicle” of the dream travel had their body killed. So the necrocaunts didn’t risk trapping Embril there in the dreamland by killing “Jenya” ; so instead they just waited there for them to wake up.

Celeste who was with the party suggested that the PCs try to lay on the large slab and enter the dream state as well – connecting with Embril and Jenya; and she would remain vigilant watching over their bodies as they slept. They did so – and realized they entered Embril’s dreams. There she was all-powerful wizard queen. She was about to annihilate them all when Nidrama suddenly appeared behind her, with her sword of heavenly flaming vengeance cut Embril two. This of course severed the tie to the prime material since Embril was indeed the vehicle – she is now dead in the dreamland, so her body, too died (like dying in the Matrix).

So now the party – with Nidrama’s help were trapped – but they needed to venture forth to find a way to link to Adimarchus. Nidrama suggested that they use the memories – the thoughts and dreams of the “haunted dreams” that the heroes knew about – intimate information of Adimarchus’ psyche – which could perhaps find the highway to his mind. When they did so, the scenery changed around and they found themselves standing in a green field – blue skies and silver clouds. A giant ivory stairway, with Haloen at the top; standing like she was vigilant, but never really noticed them approach her – like they were ghosts and she couldn’t see them. The PCs talked to her and she was aloof and dismissive. They mentioned Adimarchus and she turned dour and said very judgemental and condescending comments about him. As the PCs spoke among themselves she went back to staring off into space like she didn’t acknowledge that they were there. They picked up on the fact that she was just a figment of their imagination. “No not THEIR imagination – a figment – a memory of Admiarchus.” Nidrama cautioned the PCs that she must be the “guardian of his inner thoughts. Adimarchus must be using his memories and thoughts of her as a means to protect his inner mind – he must subconsciously see her as the most perfect guardian; Halaoen would never betray, would never fail, would never stop doing her job. Her comments about Adimarchus must be what he thinks she thinks of him. These are memories and thoughts being projected by HIS perception. Win her confidence, and she may let down her guard enough so that we can venture beyond this defense mechanism and enter Adimarchus’ mind.”
The players spoke to Haloen about her daughter. They spoke of how they helped her, how she helped them etc. She rationalized that if Celeste trusts them, so should she! The scenery changed – enter the write-up and description of Orthrys (the plane of Carceri containing Skullrot and where Adimarchus is.

The moved on, ran into a demon hunting party with the Marilith (name started with a B), three vrocks and two Hezrous. Instead of a paladin captive, they had a small long-blond haired boy (about 8 years old appearance).

The PCs killed the demons and saved the boy. His name (in a soft innocent voice) is “Addy” He escaped Skullrot, and the “bad-man” sent the demons to capture him. Through conversation, they learn that he is a prisoner of Skull-rot (the PCs remember the name of that place from the dreams). They decipher that he escapes a lot and is always hunted down – like some perpetual game. They deduce that the boy is the representation of the last vestige of innocence and naiveté left in Admarchus’ id. That his escape and recapture is representation of him struggling with his “goodness” everytime it starts to come out – the ‘demons’ once again find a way to control it and trap it. The PCs learn from Addy that the “bad man” is in a cage – and gets angry often and is mad; and haunts his dreams etc etc. The PCs are convinced that this is Admiarchus. But who keeps him chained? “the skull-man”. The PCs ask Addy if he remembers his parents, if he remembers how long ago he was imprisoned, etc. All of which Addy can’t remember his parents, and can’t remember ever NOT being imprisoned and escaping. Suffice it to say that the PCs deduce that Addy escaping and being recaptured has been something that has been going on for centuries; a never-ending struggle.

Nidrama indicated to the PCs then that Adimarchus sounds as if he as much a prisoner in his own mind as he is physically in a cage. She indicated that they should go to Skullrot to confront Adimarchus and free him from his inner-demons; these beings that infect his mind and psyche and turn him into a monster. They offered to free Addy for good if he led them to Skullrot; which he agreed to. The players were discussing among themselves how they could possibly convince “addy” to remember who he truly is, and foster the innocence and goodness trapped deep inside the recesses of Adimarchus mind.

The PCs got inside the tower of skullrot, fought the demodands and the game ended there.

Next game (finale); the PCs will fight the Lich-Fiend jailer, and then Adimarchus will be “freed” he will merge with Addy as one – then separate – the “addy” will then be in the cage, and the demon formerly known as Adimarchus will be free and will fight the PCs. Nidrama will be immediately sapped of all strength and be glued to the wall (to Adimarchus – she does not exist feeling that she betrayed him and turned her back on him – so in his conscious thoughts she is dead to him.) Once the demonic side is slain, child of Graz’zt (a succubus) appears as well as Graz’zt himself and two Balor demons. Nidrama will wake up and yell for the PCs to convince Addy to remember who he is – now that his “bad side” is gone. If the PCs convinced Addy that he is indeed a good and powerful angel and that this is all happening in his head he can restore his memories and suddenly realizes that if this is HIS dreams, then he is the master of his dreams; the place suddenly grows bright like sunlight, Nidrama has been fighting the demons, Adimarchus kills the succubus as she is the reason for his imprisonment. Graz’zt kills Nidrama – “You killed my only daughter – I’ll kill your only love; one whore’s life for another.” Adimarchus suddenly regains all of his powers, and control, realizes in his dreams he is a god, and suddenly Graz’zt is inside the cage. (remember – this is all just analogous – so Adimarchus has defeated his arch-nemesis – the infiltrator of his thoughts and he who made him turn evil – Adimarchus has found a way to keep him locked out of his conscious thoughts forever, by using Graz’zt own cage against him.

Then Adimarchus will sacrifice his own essence to bring Nidrama back to life; Adimarchus – having fully redeemed himself will become a ball of energy: all characters will be expelled into Occipitus plane; Adimarchus’ essence in a glowing gold ball of light will be held in Nidrama’s hand. She indicates to the PCs that his essence will be returned to the heavens and will someday be reborn and reformed into a whole new angel – “Perhaps someday he will be the angel that looks over your descendants.”

Occipitus will rejoin with the heavens, and the PCs will look down and see the town of Cauldron already being rebuilt. “It appears the future looks bright for both our worlds.”

(close curtain).

Sorry for the lengthy post; hope you enjoyed it.

Dark Archive

Holy crap that's awesome....

I only hope that my SCAP campaign can end as well as that. We're still on the 3rd chapter so I've got a while to go before I worry about the finale! :)

Olaf the Stout

Sean Halloran wrote:

I only have a few moments right now to post, hopefully I can add more to this thread later. I just wanted to mention one plot point I came up with for my own game.


In my game, the founder of the "Haunted Village" was a friend and comtemporary of Surabar Spellmason and was a female (as written in the Demonskar Ball write-up). At the end of the campaign during the adventure in the Haunted Village I intend for it to be revealed that Embril is actually the same person! In my own game the XIII are all able to extend their lives in different ways (although many have died over the centuries). The diaster at the Haunted Village killed all of her people, but left the woman with an unnaturally long life and an affinity for death magic. Because of this power she eventually went mad and was pulled towards the mad demon prince and eventually was sponsored into the XIII. She is currently one of the oldest members in the group.

I like that twist. I may use it. Great idea.


Robert Brambley wrote:

Delves, good to see you back on.
Allow me to tell you what has been going on – I’ll share some of my story and that may help generate ideas etc. First, my campaign draws near to its end. We started Chapter 12, and next game scheduled 1/24 will be the FINAL game! Confrontation w/ Adimarchus (demonic form).

First, for the purpose of my campaign, I used Delvesdeep’s excellent write-up he made in linking Adimarchus to the CageWrights. The haunted dreams were revealed to the party one at a time at the start of each chapter. Some of these story-plots below were added liberties that I took that were not from his document, however. Below are the events of late that have led the PCs where they are now…

1_) Haloen had a daughter – Celeste is her daughter – sent to investigate the CageWrights
2_) Nidrama took on a mortal host – Jenya is that hose, though this is kept a secret for fear of alerting the Cagewrights. Shebeleth sensed something “different” about her – which is why he had her removed from her duties (as seen in Delvesdeeps write-up for events)
3_) After Celeste was trapped in the painting – she escaped during 13 Cages chapter – when the destruction to a portion of the city caused Valanthru’s mansion to collapse, destroying the painting and thus breaking it’s magical “seal.” She then revealed her true identity to the party, and told them that she recently learned that Nidrama – the “angel from the PC’s dreams” has taken a mortal host and is among us. She told the PCs to think of someone that she would most likely be – someone who has been close to the events all along, from the beginning, someone who would have a lot of vested interest...

Really interesting Robert! Celeste as Haloens daughter was an idea I came up with in the Delving Deeper articles I wrote on but the rest were very much all your good ideas.

It sounds like it all panned out beautifully using your ideas. I particularly like the idea of using Celeste as the hook for the Haunted Village.

If I understand correctly you are not using Anthux and Adimarchus' generals for the final fight when the fallen angel sacrafices himself but instead the demon lord himself?!

Well done Rob. I'm looking forward to hearing how the last adventure goes.


Liberty's Edge

delvesdeep wrote:

Really interesting Robert! Celeste as Haloens daughter was an idea I came up with in the Delving Deeper articles I wrote on but the rest were very much all your good ideas.

Yes I liked the idea of Celeste as her daughter - and figured out how to incorporate that.

Thanks for the props. I didn't come up with everything on my own; i was inspired by a number of persons on here including yourself. But alot of it I wrote and changed around as I saw fit.

Regardless it all went over very well for my players.

delvesdeep wrote:

It sounds like it all panned out beautifully using your ideas. I particularly like the idea of using Celeste as the hook for the Haunted Village.

Cool. I used Haloen also as the gatekeeper to Adimarchus' fragile psyche. Celeste appeared again in the heaven after defeating Adimarchus and helping him redeem himself.

delvesdeep wrote:

If I understand correctly you are not using Anthux and Adimarchus' generals for the final fight when the fallen angel sacrafices himself but instead the demon lord himself?!

Correct. Anthux was never in the picture - I replaced him with Graz'zt's daughter who has mastermindedly seduced Adimarchus as was the demon on his shoulder all along - turning his back on the light, goodness, and Ni'Drama. It was her that was in the cage that Adimarchus swapped himself for.

I got that idea from alternate haunted dreams posts by Mr.Vergee on here. I combined both his and your haunted dreams (plus some of my own) to make an earth-shattering story.

delvesdeep wrote:

Well done Rob. I'm looking forward to hearing how the last adventure goes.

I just finished the campaign and posted the summary of the last game


Thanks to you, and everyone else on here that has maintained and aided in creating a very wonderful story!!

See you on the Age of Worms board - I'll be kicking that off on Feb 7th!! I have less than two weeks to prepare. Hopefully I'll find a lot of goodness there, too.


Dark Archive

Robert Brambley wrote:

Hey DD, have you done any more on the Dreams and entering Adimarchus' nightmares?

I still have the old word file of "Adimarchus and the Cagewrights" that I got off of RPGenius over a year ago.

Was wondering if you've done anymore in that regard, or with the Haunted Village.

We're starting Chapter 9 this it's getting close with us - and I'm not sure how I want to progress.


Im curious what is this word file and where can I get a copy? Is it still available at RPGenius?

Grand Lodge

Serving up a link!

Dark Archive

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Serving up a link!

Thank you

Liberty's Edge

delvesdeep wrote:
If I understand correctly you are not using Anthux and Adimarchus' generals for the final fight when the fallen angel sacrafices himself but instead the demon lord himself?!

One more thing; the role of Anthux as it pertained to Graz'zt's offspring and tricking Adimarchus into the cage was replaced by a female demon (succubus) daughter (union of Graz'zt and Malachonthet).

As for Anthux's role for being the "angel" that Admimarchus continued to find solace spending time with trying to maintain his sanity with; I replaced that identity with the angel already in the story: Saureya.

It was Saureya that Adimarchus felt had convinced him to find "goodness" and free Graz'zt's daughter from the cage. In the story Saureya continued to talk to Adimarchus about finding his goodness again and redemption, even while being tortured for centuries and Adimarchus trying to turn him to the 'dark side.' Meanwhile throughout the centuries Saureya assisted Adimarchus in creating the Test of the Smoking Eye (as per the adventure suggests.)


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