nedleeds |
Awww.... no more posts? That's too bad, I was really enjoying that as a fun read. Looking forward to more if it comes that way, but if not, thank you for the entertainment thus far.
It's coming. Good to see people are still reading. 3 more sessions have been played since the last post. One long and 2 somewhat short sessions. I'll get to writing them up shortly.
nedleeds |
--Session 11 --
Attendance: Chopper Toughstick, Ifersh and Emmett Fletcher.
DM Note: Once again Chopper handles Spugnoir, and Emmett handles Han (Han's player is out of town).
NPCs: Ilde, Han Wannabe and Spugnoir
The Plot: We left our party in the town of Nulb, having 'completed' their second task of delivering a note from Romag to Dick Rentch. In addition to the note they also delivered a bucket of beatdown on Dick and his posse. They commandeered the Waterside Hostel and swapped it to Preston for his 'house' which might be a more discrete base of operations.
Recap: The party decides to to return to the temple and inform Romag that Dick had met his demise by way of the Fire temples agent Wat. The road back to the temple finds them in the middle of a wilderness encounter (courtesy of an old school encounter table), it's 2 Giant Crayfish! The party manages to dispatch the two crustaceans without too much damage, and they make their way down to the temple first floor without any additional incident. Romag is upset to hear of the demise of his premier recruiter, and the fact that Alrrem (leader of the fire temple) was responsible, gets his blood boiling.
“That is awful news indeed! I told him not to trust that sneaky Wat! I'm sure Alrrem had Wat just outright kill him! I must have revenge! Alrrem must pay! Fine then, instead of delivering the note I want you to slay Alrrem’s two underlings, his clerics. Alrrem is a bit much for you to chew off just yet but slaying his minions is a good start”
Romag has his acolyte, Hartsh, give the party a map of the dungeon 2nd floor - and a marking where the curates of Alrrem normally reside.
At this point the group decides to do a little exploring before they head down to the 2nd level. They make their way Northeast out of Romags chamber. They explore the areas around 139, 140 and 141 (for those of you following at home on your map :p ). 140 is a particularly disturbing room, with a ceiling mural of a giant eye and other revolting scenes of rape and carnage painted on the walls. They eventually reach the bizarre chambers down near 142 and 143. They spend some time with the 'Oracle' in 143, trying to discern the riddles behind it. The party asks it a number of questions, carefully writing down the responses. After a number of questions (and the noise of dice rolling behind my screen) they realize that it's nothing more then a giant magic 8-ball.
They decide to treck westward and see what lurks in the massive room with columns depicted on their map, room 145. At this point the party (thankfully) is adorned in Earth Temple robes. They emerge in the huge hall and see a 15' tall mound of earth in the middle. This is clearly some kind of worship / sacrifice hall. They begin to skirt the north wall when the ground rumbles and a massive stone creature (an Earth Elemental) erupts from the ground. It whirls towards them, looks at them, then pauses and begins walking in a small 20' circle. The PCs are relieved to not have to fight the massive creature. As they move westward, another one pops up and performs the same threatening motions. The exit the huge hall via the north west exit.
After heading further west the reek of carrion belows from a passage north (towards 146). Han sniffs out a sliding floor trap which would send its victims into a pit of 300 some odd giant rats. This is clearly some kind of garbage disposal solution that the environmental engineering staff of the temple have come up with.
The party then encounters the earth temple bugbears in area 147, using the robes to gain the element of surprise they gleefully slaughter the goblinoids. Han uses his elf DNA to notice the secret door out of the south west side. The sneakier members of the party slip through the portal and find a north south hallway with prison doors to the west and a small curtain covered chamber to the east. The chamber is a makeshift bedroom with a cot and several personal items. Scrounging around they find a small sized back pack with a map of the second floor, thieves tools, a hooked hammer, some small leather armor and a dagger. They also uncover the other secret door out of the south end of this back alley. The prison doors are all locked and unopenable from this side so they make their way back through the bugbear chambers. Ifersh decides to dispose of the bodies with the rat garbage disposal, in order to throw any earth agents off their tracks.
There a total of 6 prison cells, 3 are clearly empty. 2 contain a wave of zombies which rush out as the party opens the doorway. The party manage to beat down the undead with slashing weapons, and positive energy bursts. The final cell contains a stripped, bound and gagged gnome. The party ungags the gnome and initiates a dialog with him. His name is Wonnilon, he claims to have been down in this temple on a recon mission. His clan in the Kron Hills has been suspicious of the temples rise, and had traced bandit activity to it. The party is also in possession of a gnome friend ring which softens Wonnilons neutral attitude. He is a wealth of information about the temple, as he has explored most of level one and two.
“I need to get my stuff back. Most of it should be in the turnkey's secret corridor next door. I had some leather armor, a magical dagger, and a backpack with some miscellaneous items in it. If you could bring those to me, I'd appreciate it.”“I am doing some reconnaissance for my people in the Lortmils. I must return to my work now and I’ll be more careful next time!”
The party hands him his stuff from the bedroom. He laments that it's all there except his crossbow and a scroll of control plants.
“Thank you so much for my armor and dagger. I did have a lot of personal time vested in that crossbow. I had made my own "special" modifications to it. And my scroll gave me the power to Control Plants.”“From what I have heard, somewhere around here is a level of fungi and oozes and such. If I ever stumble upon it, the scroll might come in handy.”
“I was specially trained to infiltrate behind enemy lines in the Hateful Wars. I was decorated many times for my heroics in that war. Since then, I have tried to live a peaceful life, but I keep getting pulled back into the action.”
Ifersh informs him that fungii aren't plants, and so his scroll would have likely not done much good. Wonnilon also reveals that the evil chamber at 140 is avoided by all patrols for some reason. He has been using it as a place to rest safely. He also notes that the location of his jailor, a turnkey, is likely over in 152. Wonnilon is thirsty for revenge and agrees to accompany the party to dispatch his former torturer.
The parties sneaks open the door slowly and peer inside 152. They see a huge man in a chain shirt and leather smock flaying a human male from end to end while he hangs helpless chained to a wall. A bugbear stands behind him chuckling at the mans final screams of pain. The time for stealth is over and Cuthbert calls for justice. The party rushes the evil pair. A couple of sneak attacks dispatch the bugbear during the surprise round. The turnkey however doesn't go down so easy. He packs quite a wallop, and is tough to hit. He manages to back himself into a corner of the room to avoid sneak attacks, and gets some solid licks in. Eventually he falls and has his skull caved in. The remaining chambers hold two terrified female humans (farmers from near Verbobonc), and two orc brothers. The PCs decide to pay Wonnilon to escort the townsfolk back to Verbobonc, he accepts the job as he needs to return to report his findings anyway. The orcs are a bit different, they claim to be warriors and offer to fight along with the party for only 1/3 share. Ilde's rabid orc hatred makes that impossible, instead Ifersh has Ilde help the party drag the bodies to the rat disposal. Ifersh then gives the orcs the bugbears weapons and tells them to get out as soon as possible.
At this point the party is still in pretty good shape and the decide to descend down the stairs in the north west part of floor one, to floor two.
This ends session 11 -> Onto Session 12
nedleeds |
--Session 12 --
Attendance: Chopper Toughstick, Ifersh and Emmett Fletcher.
DM Note: Once again Chopper handles Spugnoir, and Emmett handles Han (Han's player is out of town).
NPCs: Ilde, Han Wannabe and Spugnoir
The Plot: Our party descends to the second floor ready for the evils of the other elemental factions. They have been tasked by Romag to kill Alrrem's
acolytes in retaliation for the death of Dick Rentch, one of Romag's most valuable recruiters.
Recap: The stairway leads down to a landing with a north and south passage. The party opts to head south in a 40' x 50' room with a statue of a
minotaur, or perhaps Baphomet. They begin investigating a pile of junk to the east side when they learn that the statue isn't a statue. It's a minotaur that
has been covered in grey dust. The minotaur charges into combat with its battleaxe and promptly whiffs.
The party is able to flank the horned horror and take it out with a couple of timely hits and sneak attacks. After the skirmish they notice a secret door in
the east wall.
Han checks it for traps and finds none, and learns that the wall is opened with a loosened stone block. He opens the door and steps through the portal, as he
steps through on the other side of the wall the stone on the floor shifts and a huge log loosens from the ceiling and crashes on top of him. He makes his
reflex save and ignores the damage due to his Evasion.
Out of the frying pan and into the fire Han finds himself surrounded by a pack of brigands who have been alerted by the crash. As he gets his bearings and
the dust clears he sees he is standing in a 10' wide hallway that heads south then appears to open up into a room. The brigands are rushing north, all 8 of
them! The brigands use their surprise to setup flanking positions on Han and clog the hallway up.
The rest of the party pours into the hall and begins chopping through the brigands. A couple of brigands fall then their sergeants appear from the south and begin shouting orders, the party is draped in Earth Temple robes; this appears to confuse the commanders. Finally after a few rounds of combat a sharp looking man adorned in a black and red cloak with horned shoulders shouts at the group.
"stop this madness! You fools, we are guardsmen for the greater temple, have you lost your minds?!!!?"
This gives the party pause, and they ramble a bit about how the brigands attacked first. Finally they decide to just rush this guy. As they charge southward down the hallway they cross a blind corner. A well armed Half-Orc sticks his blade out for a sneak attack. The fighting resumes, and the human leader curses the half-orc (Brunk) for not striking a killing blow. Brunk retorts by cursing him and questioning his manhood. Brunk is able to get some flanks and deliver some savage blows. The party wittles the weaker brigands away then dispatches the two bickering leaders. They loot the place then move westward through Feldrins bedroom into a side room. Cracking open the door they find 3 humans, and 3 1/2 orcs weapons drawn hiding behind overturned tables.
They intimidate them and learn that they are Brunk's gang. They've recently been hired on by the greater temple, but Brunk is not fond of his (now dead) boss Feldrin. After informing the gang that their master is taking a dirt nap they agree to drop weapons and leave.
That's it for this session, it was a short one.
HAN WANNABE[/bigger]
Male half-elf Rogue 6
CG Medium humanoid
Init +7 ; Senses Perception +10, Low-light Vision, Keen Senses
(+2 sight-based, +2 sound-based)
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+4 armor, +3 dex)
hp 30 (6d8)
Fort +2, Ref
+8, Will +3
Defensive Abilities Elven Immunities, Dodge, Mobility, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense, Rogue Evasion
Spd 30
Melee +1 Sword, short +8 1d6+1 19-20/x2
Melee +1 Morningstar +5 1d8+1 20/x2
Ranged Mwk Shortbow +8 1d6 20/x3
Attacks Point Blank Shot, Sneak Attack, Bleeding Attack
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 12,
Cha 13
Base Atk +4, Cmb +4
Feats Armor Proficiency (Light) (PFB 82), Dodge (PFB 85), Improved Initiative (PFB 88), Mobility (PFB
91), Point Blank Shot (PFB 92), Skill Focus (PFB 94), Weapon Finesse (PFB 97)
Skills Acrobatics +11, Appraise +7, Bluff +13, Climb +6, Diplomacy +10,
Disable Device +11, Disguise +7, Escape Artist +10, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (local) +7, Linguistics +7, Perception +10, Sense
Motive +10, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +11, Swim +4
Languages Common, Elven
SQ Trapfinding
Combat Gear +1 Sword, short, +1
Morningstar, Mwk Shortbow, Masterwork Chain shirt
Other Gear Armor & Shield, Weapons
Class Abilities • UNCANNY DODGE - Retain your Dexterity
bonus to AC (if any) even if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. You still loses Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. (PFB 15).
SENSE (+2) - +2 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +2 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. (PFB 15).
All simple weapons, hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword. All light armor, but no shield. (PFB 38).
• SNEAK ATTACK - Deal +3d6 sneak
attack damage in addition to weapon damage any time the enemy is denied a dexterity bonus to AC or is flanked by the rogue. Ranged attacks must be within 30
feet to do sneak attack damage. (PFB 38).
• TRAPFINDING - The rogue can use the Perception skill to find traps whose DC is over 20. (PFB 38).
EVASION - If the rogue makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no
damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor and is not helpless. (PFB 39).
• ROGUE TALENT - You have chosen the
following rogue talents: Finesse Rogue, Combat Trick, Bleeding Attack.
- Finesse Rogue - Gain the Weapon Finesse feat. (PFA3 39).
- Combat Trick -
You have selected the combat feat Mobility. (PFA3 39).
- Bleeding Attack - A rogue with this ability can cause living opponents to bleed when hitting
them with a sneak attack. This attack causes the target to take 1 additional point of damage each round for each die of the rogue’s sneak attack (ie. 4d6
equals 4 points of bleed). Bleeding creatures take that amount of damage at the start of each of their turns. The bleeding can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal
check or the application of any effect that heals hit point damage. Bleeding damage from this ability does not stack with itself. (PFA3 39). (PFB 39).
This ends session 12 -> onto session 13
nedleeds |
--Session 13 --
Attendance: Chopper Toughstick, Ifersh and Emmett Fletcher.
DM Note: Once again Chopper handles Spugnoir, and Emmett handles Han (Han's player is out of town).
NPCs: Ilde, Han Wannabe and Spugnoir
The Plot: The weary adventurers forge forward through the second floor hoping to find the fire temple and further uncover the machinations of the evil temple. They are now aware of the greater temple and their presence on this floor.
Recap: After dispatching Feldrin and Brunk the PCs go south and east into the grand hallway which seems to bifurcate the whole second floor. They take a slight detour into a room that seems to be the source of some boisterous noise (226 for those following along). Han sneaks up and finds a room full of bugbears bearing no temple garb, being served dinner (sausages) by some goblins. The party plots and ambush to draw the bugbears out into the hallway.
DMs Note: The ranged fire is almost as good as up close at this point. The ranger is headed down the ranged combat path and has picked up a composite longbow (16 STR). The rogue is handy with a shortbow. The wizard has Point Blank and Precise and an at-will ranged touch acid glob (Conjuration school).
The bugbears eventually go down and the party is not too much worse for wear. Heading east towards the location of the fire temple the party is in pretty good shape and haven't really burned much in the way of resources. Eventually they turn south (209) and head into the chamber of the fire temple that Romag had marked for them (206). They pass through a curtain and are greeted by a well armed man and two large bugbears clearly adorned in fire temple armor.
They bluff their way through by claimed that they knew Wat and were recruited by him, they don't know what happened to him so they made their way down here themselves. A stellar check convinces the weak willed guard of their authenticity and they are ushered through to see Alrrem.
So, Wat finally did his job and brought me some recruits. Useless slime. I should replace him soon. Well, so much to do and so little time. You look like you'll do. Let's get started. Bow to me and swear fealty at once!
The parties pride gets the best of them here and they don't bow, instead trying to intimidate the cleric. Alrrem, in a position of faltering power and facing a pretty sturdy intimidate check concedes a little bit.
I am Alrrem! Former leader of the Temple troops and chief cleric of the Fire Temple! Now are you hiring yourself on as a mercenary to my Temple or not?!
Eventually Alrrem reveals his first task. Which is to try and convince a troll chieftain to join the fire temple.
There is a troll chieftain, just to the west of my Temple here. His name is Oohlgrist. He can bring in a score of trolls to join my Fire Temple. For your first task, I need you to convince him to join with me.
At this point the party is split up and the others are a little ways up the hallway past the curtain of the outer chamber. The party is also unsure of whether or not to start killing everyone in sight or take up Alrrems cause and see where that goes. The rogue, monk and ranger head back out to the outer room with the 2 bugbears and the guard leader. Then comes an interesting plan on the part of the PCs. They decide to yell out loud about a large stash of sausages they had aquired on the way down into the fire temple. This immediately provokes interest from the bugbears who overhear the tales of prepared meats. They PCs claim the casks of sausage are too heavy, and bugbears jump at the opportunity to help move the sausage (?).
DM Note: So where did the sausage come from? If you read through the original module you'll note that Gygax goes through great pains to detail every last foodstuff present in any given room. He describes "wrinkled apples", "rich sausages", "Some large blackish sausages are strung over the ceiling arches". The last one about them being strung over the ceiling sent me into a fit of laughter thinking about a scene from 'Freddy Got Fingered' involving Tom Green, a bundle of sausage, a keyboard and ropes.
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The bugbears follow the party up the hallway and they are ambushed at the turn. The PCs barely manage to subdue them even with a surprise round. The bugbears roll some insane saving throws vs. several attempts at Hold Person. The plan is to claim the bugbears took the sausage and ran. Meanwhile the party heads down to the lair of Oohlghrist. They see a wide portal with a slab hanging above (near 211), they decide to head south through the portal and as expected after the party finishes scampering through it the slab slams solidly into the stone surface. They are now trapped and judging from their map they are going to be forced down one of two paths.
The rogue is sent eastward lurking in the shadows (and rolling some crazy stealth rolls). He finds an odd looking scene, a 5-headed hydra chained to the floor in the middle of the room. It's hard to tell exactly how far the chain can extend. Heading back to his comrades and informing them of the beast they decide to scope out the other way, much the same it's a room with a chained owlbear roaming around the room.
We decide to call it quits and the party has some tough decisions to make.
nedleeds |
Male human Monk 6
LG Medium humanoid
Init +3 ; Senses Perception +13
AC 20, touch 18, flat-footed 17 (+2 armor, +3 dex, +5 monk bonus)
hp 44 (6d8+12)
Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +10
Defensive Abilities Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Mobility, Monk Evasion, Still Mind, Purity of Body
Spd 50 ft./x4
Melee Unarmed Strike +7 1d8+2 20/x2
Melee Kama +5/+5 1d6+2 20/x2
Melee Unarmed Strike +6/+6 1d8+2 20/x2
Ranged Sling +7 1d4+2 20/x2
Special Attacks Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, Scorpion Style, Stunning Fist, Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike, Ki Pool
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 11
Base Atk +4, Cmb +8
Feats Combat Reflexes (PFB 83), Deflect Arrows (PFB 84), Dodge (PFB 85), Improved Unarmed Strike (PFB 89), Mobility (PFB 91), Scorpion Style (PFB 93), Stunning Fist (PFB 95), Weapon Focus (PFB 97)
Skills Acrobatics +12, Climb +9, Escape Artist +8, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (religion) +2, Perception +13, Ride +7, Sense Motive +13, Stealth +12, Swim +7
Languages Common
SQ Monk Fast Movement, Slow Fall, High Jump
Combat Gear Unarmed Strike, Kama, Sling
Other Gear Armor & Shield, Weapons
Class Abilities • FLURRY OF BLOWS - A monk may make a flurry of blows with special monk weapons and unarmed strikes interchangably, according to the modifiers in PFA3 30. (PFB 28-29, 30).
• AC BONUS - When unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds her Wisdom bonus (if any) to her AC. In addition, a monk gains a +1 bonus to AC at 5th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every five monk levels thereafter (+2 at 10th, +3 at 15th, and +4 at 20th level). These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the monk is flat-footed. She loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armor, when she carries a shield, or when she carries a medium or heavy load. (PFB 28).
• MONK BONUS FEATS - You have chosen the following monk bonus feats: Deflect Arrows, Scorpion Style, Combat Reflexes. (PFB 29).
• MONK WEAPONS AND ARMOR - Monks are proficient with club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shuriken, siangham, and sling. Monks are not proficient with any armor or shields When wearing armor, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, a monk loses her AC bonus, as well as her fast movement and flurry of blows abilities. (PFB 28).
• UNARMED STRIKE - A monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike at 1st level as a bonus feat. The Monk can attack with any appendage, so no negatives for offhand attacking. The monk deals more damage with an offhand attack, by the tables in PFA3 29, 30. (PFB 29).
• MONK EVASION - At 2nd level or higher if a monk makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a monk is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of evasion. (PFB 29).
• MONK FAST MOVEMENT - The monk has a bonus to base speed of +10 feet when unarmored and unencumbered. (PFB 29).
• STILL MIND - +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects from the school of enchantment. (PFB 29).
• KI POOL - A Ki point will buy for one round: 1 extra attack at highest BAB during a Flurry of Blows, +20 ft. speed, or +4 dodge AC. You have 3 points in your ki pool. (PFB 30).
• SLOW FALL - Within arms' reach of a wall, a monk may treat a fall as if it were 30 feet shorter than it actually is. (PFB 30).
• HIGH JUMP - Add monk level to acrobatics checks made to jump. Always counts as having a running start. Can spend a Ki point to add +20 to an acrobatics check made to jump for 1 round. (PFB 30).
• PURITY OF BODY - The monk gains immunity to all diseases including supernatural and magical diseases. (PFB 31).
Jam412 |
Before I write up the last couple of sessions. Anyone still reading? These take a bit to write up and I don't like talking to myself :)
Yup, still here! Heck, if you decided to continue the adventure after the module or start a different one, I would keep reading.
Dosgamer |
![Stavian III](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/55-Taldor-Emperor-Stavia.jpg)
Reading the names you mention from the module brings back long forgotten memories of running the original Temple myself. In my homegrown campaign world, I split the temple into multiple pieces (meaning each of the major factions were in different geographic locales), but there were magical portals connecting some of them to each other. I may have to see if I still have my old copy and dig it out hehe.
Great fun to read up on your party's adventures. Please do continue!
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By all means, keep writing! I wrote the story for my players in the last campaign I ran and it was fantastic - the players loved being in a story of their own making and the dialog I got from them was better than anything I could have dreamed on my own. My players' gaming experience was greatly enhanced and I was able to reach new levels as an aspiring writer.
On top of all that, YOU ARE GOOD! You are running a great campaign and you are giving priceless suggestions and "how-to" to every other DM who reads your posts. If you find it useful when someone in your audience chips in two cents' worth of free advice, then all the better.
Keep writing and keep DMing!
Fergie |
![Hanspur Symbol](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/RK-Hanspur.jpg)
Wow! I just read this thread from the beginning,- it is amazing. I'm totally hooked, and can't wait to hear how it progresses.
I DM'd the AD&D version, and played the hell out of the video game, to great frustration (buggy). My first party was almost exactly the same classes your players built.
Thanks for writing up all of these posts!
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Heck yeah we are still reading. As someone else said, every single day I check the Paizo boards and the first place I check is here. Having a great time reading your story. I love your style and it sure does remind me of when we went through it. I have been aching to run it after reading your posts so far.
nedleeds |
--Session 14 --
Attendance: Chopper Toughstick, Ifersh and Emmett Fletcher.
DM Note: Once again Chopper handles Spugnoir, and Emmett handles Han (Han's player is out of town).
NPCs: Ilde, Han Wannabe and Spugnoir
The Plot: Our intrepid party can't turn back now, a billion pound stone slab has locked into place and the party has an enraged owlbear to the west and a 5-headed hydra to the east. They are on the hunt for a great troll chief. Han decides to see how far the hydras chain extends and since his player isn't there he feels more compelled to take risks (actually ... his player would have done it anyway). Sure enough engineering marvels in the temple never cease to amaze, and the maw of the hydra can only get about 5 feet from the edge of the wall. The party is able to scurry along the wall and make it out of the south exit of the room (202 for those keeping score at home).
As expected the troll chief is an imposing figure, he's adorned in bone armor and wields a really big greatsword. He also doesn't seem to care for the fire temple ("FIRE BAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"). He threatens to kill them, but they talk their way out of it by promising riches. They decide to head east and check out the mysteries of the West Syyyyyde !!! They think better of descending to the 3rd level when they reach the downward staircase at 222a (the letters 'TPK' were etched in the keystone in the archway leading down). They are greeted by some bugbears in 222 who don't attack but instead pass the PCs off to the large room to the south.
DMs Note: At this point the metagame in the air says none of the priests are just going to throw down with the PCs unless the PCs so desire it. Normally this would have reeked of danger and trap, but at this point the faction leaders are more filled with hot air then trap.
The party enters a huge room 90' x 40'. There is a giant pool of water in the middle, and visages of squid, aboleths, and other wet creatures adorning the walls. This is clearly the water temple's rec room. A well dressed and calm man addresses the party as a few acolytes murmur and pray around the pool. There are 1/2 a dozen or so bugbears gazing at the party wondering whether or not they will be brunch.
(A dark haired man in a chain shirt and aqua robes looks up from his studies) You have finally arrived. You are late.
The PCs are obviously confused, by both the serene voice of this cleric as well as his assurance that he has been expecting them. They inquire as to how or where they have met, or how he knows them.
In a manner of speaking, yes, I know you. I have many sources of information, and I have been expecting you. I apologize for the delayed introduction. I am Belsornig, chief cleric of the Water Temple. I have been watching you through my agents for many weeks now. My agents are much more widespread than those of my amateurish rivals. I am not surprised you never discovered one of them. Like me, they are experts at their craft. After all, I taught them.
At this point they can't do anything but believe Belsornig, through the documents they found in the broken tower they know his recruiter is Gremag - who was in Hommlett undercover as a trader. They begin to question everything, and all the NPCs they've come into contact with. Belsornig’s first task is to procure the services of Oohlgrist the troll chief. His dialog is much like that of Alrrem’s, however he offers a belt of Acid Resistance (10) to help sway the troll. the troll. They also decide it's not a good time to engage Belsornig in combat. They agree to his task, wondering if he already knows they've offered to do the same for Alrrem.
After some discussion the party formulates a rather mad plan. They'll attempt to turn the troll chief against the fire temple, on behalf of the earth temple. They once again try to convince the troll to join (earth this time), they offer him the belt. He is convinced but is too lazy to get up and move against the fire temple. Thinking on their feet, the druid Ifersh moves out to the room to the east while the party continues to parley with Oolghrist. He casts flaming sphere and rolls it into the troll leaders chamber. The PCs all begin screaming and yelling about the fire temple attacking. The chief flies into a fit of anger, and heads east. The PCs swear they saw fire agents heading up the hallway that goes east then north. 2 of Oohghrists troll minions follow along. They end up in room 204. There are 3 Fire Temple Bugbears and an unfortunate acolyte. There are barely any scraps left for the players to beat on as the big O has bifurcated them. The players urge them to continue south to slay the fire temple leader. But being lazy in nature the trolls grab some legs and arms and head back to eat. The door bursts open and Alrrem is ready to fight. A solid Bluff check convinces Alrrem that Oolghrist turned on them after stating he'd join, and that he has just sprinted back down the hallway. Alrrem declares that the troll must die, the party claims they are undermanned. Alrrem orders his two acolytes to join them, he also gives them the ring of fire resistance (10) he planned on using to bribe the traitorous troll.Carrying the banner of the fire temple the party charges (NPCs in front) down to confront the troll. Combat ensues and the party is going to have a tough time getting around in the tight confines of the troll chamber.
DMs Note: The party does it's first heavy buffing here, using Shield of Faith, Protection from Chaos, Bulls Strength, Owls Wisdom and even a Cat's Grace. It pays off on the dwarven cleric, who ends up being a tempting target with a ridiculous (~32) AC vs. Giants. The party also learns a hard lesson about big angry creatures with CLEAVE.
The party deftly puts the fire clerics in harms way, and slowly beats down the troll. They have to burn nearly all their healing to stay alive. As combat concludes the fire temple clerics lie dead and so does the troll. They coup-de-gras the giants and grab Oolghrists head, Ifersh briefly considers using it as a cod piece but instead they will use it as proof of the trolls defeat.
Returning to Alrrem, they show him the head and inform him of the death of the acolytes. Alrrem is at a loss, and implores the PCs to handle his next task.
Alrrems second task is the recruitment of an ogre tribe reported to be based a few miles outside of the temple grounds.“All the other Temples have ogre guards, but all mine were lost years ago in the Battle of Emridy Meadows. Now recently my scouts have discovered a small band of ogres that have taken up residence in a group of caves nearby. I want those ogres to join me!”
Alrrem has a map to the ogre cave. It’s the orc cave from earlier, if the party didn’t dispatch the orcs then they are there being bullied by the ogres who have moved into their territory.
Any questions about how to accomplish this task are met with frustration, “I don't care! That's your job! Use your diplomatic abilities to sway them to join the glory of the Fire Temple. Or just beat 'em up and drag 'em down here. Whatever suits your style. Just get me those ogres!”
The party heads back to inform Romag of the dead acolytes that Oolghrist dispatched. Romag is pleased at the mayhem the party has created, he has one final task for his mercenaries, he claims that a full audience with the greater temple awaits them if they can complete it.
Belsornig is the leader of the water temple. (spits) I do not like to even mention his name. Don't ever trust him, I can tell you that. He likes to think he's clever, and that his Water Temple has favor with the Greater Temple. But I know that is not the case. If he could get Hedrack’s flaccid penis out of his mouth for one second and actually speak about his accomplishments all would see him for the fraud that he is. This is the final task I was going to ask of you. He needs to be killed, badly. I cannot tolerate his manipulative games any longer.
The party agrees, and heads off to the 'resting room' that Wonnilon revealed to them. They manage to rest up and heal most of their wounds. They decide that they'll head out and dispatch the ogres, then head to Verbobonc in an attempt to better arm themselves before serving the temple leaders a little of their own medicine.
This ends session 14 -> Next session 15 (and a PC may die!!!!!!)
nedleeds |
Male human Ranger 6
CG Medium humanoid
Init +4 (+5 in forests); Senses Perception +11
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +1 shield, +4 dex)
hp 65 (6d10+23)
Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +7
Spd 30 ft./x4
Melee +1 Longsword +11/+6 1d8+5 19-20/x2
Melee Mwk Flail +11/+6 1d8+4 20/x2
Ranged Mwk Longbow, composite +12/+7 1d8+2 20/x3
Special Attacks Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot
Str 18, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 13
Base Atk +6, Cmb +10
Feats Armor Proficiency (Light) (PFB 82), Endurance (PFB 85), Iron Will (PFB 89), Point Blank Shot (PFB 92), Precise Shot (PFB 92), Quick Draw (PFB 92), Rapid Shot (PFB 93), Shield Proficiency (PFB 94), Weapon Focus (PFB 97)
Skills Acrobatics +6, Climb +7, Diplomacy +7, Handle Animal +8, Heal +6, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (geography) +7, Knowledge (nature) +7, Perception +11, Ride +6, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +10, Survival +11, Swim +4
Languages Common
SQ Favored Enemy, Ranger Wild Empathy, Track, Favored Terrain, Hunter's Bond
Combat Gear +1 Longsword, Mwk Longbow, Mwk Flail, Elven Chain, Shield, light steel
Other Gear Armor & Shield, Weapons
Class Abilities • FAVORED ENEMY - You have bonuses to Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks as well as weapon attack and damage rolls used against the following creature types: Animal (+2), Humanoid (human) (+4). (PFB 35-36).
• RANGER WEAPONS AND ARMOR - All simple and martial weapons, light armor and shields (but not tower shields). (PFB 35).
• RANGER WILD EMPATHY - Change animal attitudes in a way similar to Diplomacy. Check bonus equals 7. Animal must be within 30 ft.. (PFB 36).
• TRACK - Add half ranger level to Survival checks made to follow tracks. (PFB 36).
• RANGER COMBAT STYLE (Improved) - Precise Shot, Rapid Shot (PFB 36-37).
• FAVORED TERRAIN - The ranger gets bonuses to Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks in Forest (+2) terrain The ranger's initiative bonus in this terrain is increased: : +5 in forests. (PFB 37).
• RANGER ENDURANCE - A ranger gains Endurance as a bonus feat at 3rd level. (PFB 37).
• HUNTER'S BOND - As a move action, the ranger can give companions within 30 ft. half the ranger's Favored Enemy bonus for 2 rounds. (PFB 37).
• RANGER SPELLS - The ranger can cast spells drawn from the Ranger Spell List (PHB 3.5 191-192) according to the ranger spell progression (PFA3 36). (PFB 37).
48 out of 15 on the point buy :)
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![Attic Whisperer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/42-attic_whisperer_final_h.jpg)
Healing Surge !!!
I have preety good eye sight and can disceren most food, but what is that ? It looks like corn with rice with noodles.
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nedleeds wrote:Healing Surge !!!I have preety good eye sight and can disceren most food, but what is that ? It looks like corn with rice with noodles.
Scrambled eggs, buttered toast and hash browns covered with cheese. Cup of coffee next to it, and what appears to be a waffle in the background.
Standard breakfast around here.
"Healing surge" may refer to the wonders of greasy breakfast food as a hangover cure.
nedleeds |
baron arem heshvaun wrote:nedleeds wrote:Healing Surge !!!I have preety good eye sight and can disceren most food, but what is that ? It looks like corn with rice with noodles.Scrambled eggs, buttered toast and hash browns covered with cheese. Cup of coffee next to it, and what appears to be a waffle in the background.
Standard breakfast around here.
"Healing surge" may refer to the wonders of greasy breakfast food as a hangover cure.
Yes. That is accurate. I was both mocking 4th edition and displaying a tradition here in the greater metro Atlanta area - Waffle House.
nedleeds |
Male half-orc Druid 6
CN Medium humanoid
Init +0 ; Senses Perception +6, Darkvision 60 ft.
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+3 armor, +3 shield, +2 deflection)
hp 38 (6d8+-5)
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +9
Defensive Abilities Resist Nature's Lure
Spd 20 ft./x4
Melee Mwk Scimitar +8 1d6+3 18-20/x2
Melee +1 Club +8 1d6+4 20/x2
Ranged Sling +4 1d4+3 20/x2
Str 16, Dex 10, Con 9, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +4, Cmb +7
Feats Armor Proficiency (Light) (PFB 82), Armor Proficiency (Medium) (PFB 82), Augment Summoning (PFB 82), Natural Spell (PFB 92), Shield Proficiency (PFB 94), Spell Focus (PFB 94)
Skills Climb +4, Fly +0, Handle Animal +9, Heal +9, Knowledge (geography) +4, Knowledge (nature) +9, Perception +6, Ride +2, Spellcraft +6, Survival +9, Swim +0
Languages Common, Druidic, Orc
SQ Nature Bond, Trackless Step, Wild Shape, Druid Woodland Stride, Summon Companion, Speak with Animals, Hold Animal
Combat Gear Mwk Scimitar, +1 Club, Sling, Hide, Shield, heavy wooden +1
Other Gear Armor & Shield, Weapons
Class Abilities • FORBIDDEN SPELL ALIGNMENT - Spells with the Lawful descriptor are forbidden by your alignment and your deity's alignment. (PFB 22, 23).
• DRUID BONUS LANGUAGES - A Druid automatically knows Druidic, and may choose Sylvan as a bonus language. (PFB 23).
• DRUID ORISONS - Druids can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, each day. They can cast these spells at will as a spell-like ability. 3 at 1st level, or 4 at any subsequent level. Orisons are treated like any other spell cast by the cleric in terms of duration and other variables based on level. Orisons cannot be channeled through spontaneous casting. (PFB 23).
• DRUID SPELLS - A druid casts divine spells, which are drawn from the druid spell list. Her alignment may restrict her from casting certain spells opposed to her moral or ethical beliefs; see Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells. A druid must choose and prepare her spells in advance. To prepare or cast a spell, the druid must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a druid’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the druid’s Wisdom modifier. (PFB 23).
• DRUID SPONTANEOUS CASTING - A druid can channel stored spell energy into summoning spells that she hasn’t prepared ahead of time. She can “lose” a prepared spell in order to cast any summon nature’s ally spell of the same level or lower. (PFB 23).
• DRUID WEAPONS AND ARMOR - Weapons: club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, scythe, sickle, shortspear, sling, and spear, all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume with wild shape. Armor: light and medium armor (but no metal armor); shields (except tower shields) but must use only wooden ones. Prohibited armor or shields render the druid unable to cast druid spells or use supernatural or spell-like class abilities 24 hours. (PFB 23).
• NATURE BOND (Domain Powers - Animal) - You have chosen nature-related domain powers. The Animal domain is detailed in PFA2 70. - Summon Companion (Su) - Conjure a creature as with Summon Nature’s ally I-II (PFB 277-278), but it remains untill dismissed or killed. Once the creature dies or is dismissed, you must wait 1 hour before summoning another. [PFB 176]
- Speak with Animals (Sp) - You can cast Speak with Animals (PFB 3.5 272) 3 times/day. [PFB 176]
- Hold Animal (Sp) - You can cast Hold Animal (PFB 238) 1/day. [PFB 176]
- - - - (PFB 24).
• NATURE SENSE - A druid gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks. (PFB 24).
• TRACKLESS STEP - Starting at 3rd level, a druid leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. She may choose to leave a trail if so desired. (PFB 25).
• RESIST NATURE'S LURE - Starting at 4th level, a druid gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like and supernatural abilities of fey. This bonus also applies to spells and effects that target plants, such as blight, entangle, spike growth, and warp wood. (PFB 25).
• WILD SHAPE - You can change into the form of a beast, as detailed in PFA2 16. (PFB 25-26).
• DRUID WOODLAND STRIDE - Starting at 2nd level, a you may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect her. (PFB 25).
7 out of 15 on the point buy :p
nedleeds |
Female dwarf Cleric 6
LG Medium humanoid
Init +1 ; Senses Perception +4, Darkvision 60 ft. (+2 taste-based, +2 touch-based)
AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21 (+8 armor, +3 shield, +1 dex)
hp 58 (6d8+21)
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +9
Defensive Abilities Hearty, Defensive Training, Stability, Protection from Chaos
Spd 20 ft./x3
Melee +1 Warhammer +8 1d8+3 20/x3
Melee Shortspear +6 1d6+2 20/x2
Ranged Mwk Sling +6 1d4+2 20/x2
Special Attacks Hatred, Combat Casting, Acid Dart, Magic Stone, Align Weapon
Str 14, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 18, Cha 12
Base Atk +4, Cmb +6
Feats Armor Proficiency (Heavy) (PFB 82), Armor Proficiency (Light) (PFB 82), Armor Proficiency (Medium) (PFB 82), Combat Casting (PFB 83), Extra Turning (PFB 86), Shield Proficiency (PFB 94), Weapon Focus (PFB 97)
Skills Diplomacy +5, Heal +8, Knowledge (history) +4, Knowledge (the planes) +4, Linguistics +4, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +9
Languages Common, Dwarven
SQ Keen Senses, Channel Energy, Soften Earth and Stone, Touch of Law
Combat Gear +1 Warhammer, Shortspear, Mwk Sling, Masterwork Full plate, Shield, heavy steel +1
Other Gear Armor & Shield, Weapons
Class Abilities • AURA - A Cleric of Torag radiates a powerful aura of Lawful Good. (PFB 20).
• CHANNEL ENERGY - A cleric may channel energy as explained in the Channel Energy box. (PFB 22).
• CLERIC BONUS LANGUAGES - A cleric’s bonus language options include Celestial, Abyssal, and Infernal regardless of race. (PFB 22).
• CLERIC ORISONS - Clerics can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, each day. They can cast these spells at will as a spell-like ability. 3 at 1st level, or 4 at any subsequent level. Orisons are treated like any other spell cast by the cleric in terms of duration and other variables based on level. Orisons cannot be channeled through spontaneous casting. (PFB 22).
• CLERIC SPELLS - The cleric casts divine spells drawn from the Cleric spell list, as listed in PFA2 13. The cleric must meditate and pray for an hour each day to regain spells. (PFB 20-22).
• CLERIC SPONTANEOUS CASTING - A Good cleric can swap prepared spells for healing spells. An evil cleric can swap out prepared spells for inflict spells. A neutral cleric of a neutral god can choose one or the other upon taking the Cleric class. (PFB 22).
• CLERIC WEAPONS AND ARMOR - All simple weapons, all types of armor, shields (except tower shields), and favored weapon of deity -- Warhammer. (PFB 20).
• DOMAIN POWERS - Each of the cleric's chosen domains grants domain powers.
- Acid Dart (Su) - As a standard action, you can unleash an acid dart targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The acid dart deals 1d6 points of acid damage + 1 for every two caster levels you possess. [PFB 178]
- Magic Stone (Sp) - You can cast Magic Stone (PHB 3.5 251) 3 times/day. [PFB 178]
- Soften Earth and Stone (Sp) - You can cast Soften Earth and Stone (PFBWE 35) 1/day. [PFB 178]
- Touch of Law (Su) - As a standard action, you can touch a creature giving it the ability to treat one d20 roll as if its natural result was an 11. This ability lasts 3 rounds or until it is used. This ability can be used after the die is rolled to change the result. Once a creature has benefited from touch of law, it can gain no further benefit from this ability for 1 day. [PFB 180]
- Protection from Chaos (Sp) - You can cast Protection from Chaos (PHB 3.5 266) 3 times/day. [PFB 180]
- Align Weapon (Su) - As a standard action, you can unleash an acid dart targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The acid dart deals 1d6 points of acid damage + 1 for every two caster levels you possess. [PFB 178]
(PFB 22).
• FORBIDDEN SPELL ALIGNMENT - Spells with the Evil descriptor are forbidden by your alignment and your deity's alignment. Spells with the Chaotic descriptor are forbidden by your alignment and your deity's alignment. (PFB 22, 23).
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The comment about TPK being scrawled into the wall reminded me of the Monty Python and the Holy Grail where they read the inscription of Aaaaaaagggghhhhh.
I can hear the question now..."but how did they write TPK if they all died?"
Cracked me up. Keep it coming!
When I read that I just burst out laughing. I had to explain to my wife why I was laughing and she thought the TPK capstone was BRILLIANT!
hogarth |
Hey, I just noticed that this thread is still going! I minimised the Playtest Reports area because I figured it was dead, but it's not dead yet...
Just a question: does poor Chopper the monk really have no decent equipment? That's rough for a level 6 character!
And what happened to the druid's Self-Sufficient feat? ;-)
nedleeds |
--Session 15 --
Attendance: Chopper Toughstick, Ifersh and Emmett Fletcher.
DM Note: Once again Chopper handles Spugnoir, and Emmett handles Han (Han's player is out of town).
NPCs: Ilde, Han Wannabe and Spugnoir
The Plot: The PCs have been brewing up a keg of carnage in the temple. Alrrem's underlings are dead, the services of a great troll leader have been denied to the factions. The PCs have now been tasked with reinforcing Alrrem's forces with an ogre tribe, and with killing the water temple leader, Belsornig at the urging of Romag.
The PCs make their way out of the temple and head to the orc cave where they found Ilde and her dead clanmates. Knowing the general layout of the cave, they opt to send Han in to stealth his way around and hopefully get a feel for the numbers and positions of any ogres. He skulks around making some stellar stealth checks, he gets a bead on 2 ogres with clubs on the west wall, and some number of ogres in a lit area on the east wall.
Before initiating combat chopper decides to get into the cave a little way using his own impressive stealth skills. They rush the ogres and use the surprise round mostly moving and taking a couple of pot shots at the ogres. Chopper manages to acrobatic his way all the way to the north end of the tunnel only to discover that the ogres are led by an ogre mage. He has enough legs to base the ogre.
DMs Note: From the sad attempt to recreate the battle using mspaint.exe below you can see the party getting flanked. The two most dangerous ogres (the Skirmishers http://www.ddmdb.com/miniatures/623) are coming in from the east side. The north/south wall divides everything into a thin corridor on the west and a large middle room at the base of the falls. The druid ends up having to hold off the skirmishers coming westward. The party ends up pincered by the mage and the ogres with clubs to the north and the deadly skirmishers heading in from the east.
Pitiful Image of the Cave Scene.
Figuring the mage to be the biggest threat they concentrate on taking him out. The mage only gets off one cone of cold before he is dispatched, having been stunned and pelted with arrows. Spugnoir gets off a summon celestial stag beetle which helps hold the skirmishers off for about a round. The cone of cold however disrupts the druids summon (augmented Dire Wolf). This failed spellcraft will end up spelling doom for him. The skirmishers are able to close and spear him to death around the 4th round. Eventually the cleric holds the skirmishers at bay, and the parties 'hitters' are able to take them out.
DMs Note: The skirmishers are CR11 under 3.5 and ended up being pretty deadly threats. That beings said, the party still had a pretty good shot of making it out of of the encounter with no casualties. The druid has low HPs but augmented Dire Wolves are absolute terrors, had he been able to put a blocking wolf in between he likely would have survived. But the ogres were fast and had reach.
So here we have the party with its first dead PC. They decide to head up and off to Verbobonc with the body hoping for some help from the church of St. Cuthbert. They are also under geared at this point and hope to use some of their saved up loot to go on a shopping spree in a large city. Arriving in Verbobonc they head immediately to the temple. After some negotiating and pleading from spugnoir and chopper, describing the great works of good that Ifersh performed and the terrors and perils of the temple that still await them the church offers True Resurrection at cost (25,000 gp). This is within the economic grasp of the parties gold and still leaves them with some money to spend on gear. Ifersh is restored to his usual self, and the party decides to investigate some of the factions of Verbobonc and see how they might react to news of the temples reactivation. The first act is that Lord Wilfrick, leader of the gnomes in Verbobonc and a representative of gnomish interests in the region has requested an audience with the party. Through his sources, Nybble and Wonnilon he has learned of their acts of heroism. He promises to rally gnomish support for an assault on the temple, he says this will take some time but that he will be ready with an army when the time is right to strike. In the meantime he offers the party their choice (any type) of a ring of resist energy (10).
DMs Note: At this point the PCs are starting to (i think) feel like part of the bigger picture. They have gained notoriety in Hommlett and now in the city of verbobonc. They understand that the temple can't be completely destroyed forever without the support of an army. Their role at this point is more in subterfuge, undermining and information gathering.
With the support of Wilfrick, they decide to check out the other large temple in Verbobonc - the temple of Pelor. They are met there by a viscount who agrees to lend his support alongside that of the cudgel and the gnomes. The PCs then shop for a bit, the highlights include 2 belts of dexterity (one for the ranger, one for the monk), and a belt of constitution (for Ifersh's lowly 9 CON). Ifersh also picks up a Scimitar +2 to hopefully help him in close combat.
Ifersh urges the party to head back to Hommlett to deliver the information they have gathered on the factions, and the news that a greater temple exists.
After counciling with Burne and Rufus, the news spurs them to devote more resources to the keep and the standing army. They claim that they can't spare any effort to assault the temple, and that defense of Hommlett is their first priority. Jaroo perks up at the mention of the greater temple, he urges the party to consult the herbmonger in Nulb with this news, claiming that she is 'more than what she seems'.
Finally the party decides to head back to Nulb to rest in their home, and check up on Mother Screng the herbmonger. Arriving in Nulb without incident they stop by the Waterside Hostel to check up on Preston Weltz and Schemp the Paladin bartender. Strangely the hostel is locked up and nobody is answering the door, they assume perhaps Preston has already gone out of business. Heading back to their rickety home, unlocking the door they are warmly greeted by ....
LARETH THE BEAUTIFUL !!! Along with Rannos Devl, Gremag and two seedy looking minions. Quickly looking around they see the body of poor Preston Weltz hanging, entrails exposed nailed to the back wall. The PCs are surprised and in a bad spot, the surprise round allows Rannos and one of his minions to manuever for flanks. The initiative goes poorly for the party, Rannos rolls very high and gets off a 5d6 sneak attack on the lower level rogue Han Wannabe. His blade cuts deep scoring a 30 point sneak attack. A follow-up second attack on the nearly dead rogue also hits for another 20 or so, the shriek of pain from Han and ole' Prestons defiled carcass sends the party into a blood rage.
DMs Note: Remembering the near death from the assassin the party tries to take out the weak flankers quickly, knowing that Gremag and Rannos without flanks are not nearly the threat.
Several buffs and rounds later the 2 vile rogues and their henchman are down and only Lareth remains. He tries frantically to neg burst the party to death with his 4d6 bursts. But Ilde's healing, and the parties gang tackling eventually take Lareth down. This time however there will be no capturing and Ifersh crushes Lareth's skull like a melon.
Clearly the parties missteps came back to haunt them here. They had forgotten about Lareth's escape and hadn't quite tied that loose end up. Han is dead as a door knob, and the party is badly wounded. They head off to Mother Screng with the corpses, and all the news of the temple they've aquired in the past weeks.
Showing Mother Screng the temple robes, the bodies of their comrades, and sharing news that a greater temple exists is proof enough for Mother Screng to reveal her secret. She is actually the Canoness Y'Dey.
Screng is of course Canoness Y’Dey. She is wearing a Brooch of Alter Self and has disguised herself as an old woman. Otis is also aware of her disguise and is here to support her and protect her. She is gathering information on the temple under deep cover. She will not reveal herself unless the party has some tangible proof that they are intent on bringing down the temple. This proof can include:Robes, notes or other artifacts from the various elemental factions.
The Orb of Golden Death immediately provokes a response.If the party takes a wild guess at her being the canoness she will deny it fervently. She will not accompany the party into the temple, but instead will assist with free healing, raising and other services. If the party is nearing the last parts of the temple, she may help with identifying the various artifacts (such as the Orb) that the party may come across. Her ‘daughter’, Hruda, may offer to join if Y’Dey reveals herself. Hruda is actually the adopted ward of Y’Dey, and is a former cutpurse turned warrior. She is a Rogue 1 / Fighter 2, she will advance as a fighter only barring some life altering event (maybe Y’Dey getting slaughtered).
Y’Dey also reveals that she has allied with Jaroo (against the wishes of many in the Church) and they have sent an agent named Kella (a druid of the Gnarley Wood) into the temple. They haven’t heard from her for over a week however and are concerned that she has died.
Y'Dey explains the entire ruse which brought the party into this grand adventure.
You see, as fervent a believer as I am in St. Cuthbert I quickly realized that the rising evil we have all sensed couldn't be broken and beaten with outward force. It would require subtlety, and guile that is not normally acceptable among followers of the cudgel. Myself and a small faction within the church concocted this plot in the hopes of drawing out the evil forces that were clearly lurking within Hommlett. I have allied with Jaroo, of the Old Faith, an act that certainly would draw the ire of certain members of my church. Terjon is unaware, as are all but a few in the church. The decoy was in fact my sister, who sacrificed herself in the name of the greater good. Thankfully the body was returned to Dalmert and we will be able to raise her once this whole ordeal is over.
Things went pretty much as I had planned them in my script and notes:
The woman that lies dead is not the Canoness Y’Dey. She is in fact a decoy sent by agents of St. Cuthbert. Information about her presence in Verbobonc was leaked in both Verbobonc and Hommlett in an attempt to draw out agents of Iuz. The ploy worked and there is now a dangling thread for the party to follow. The church suspects an evil presence in Hommlett but has been unable to determine the source. Given that most of the village still follows the Old Faith (Beory), they can’t overtly inquisition the residents. Politics it seems intervenes even in D&D. Their plan was to both uncover the evil force in Hommlett and fake the Canoness’ death. She then can assume an undercover position in another stronghold of evil, Nulb. All of this, of course has been planned to head off the rise of the Temple of Elemental Evil which the church suspects is nearing. Dalmert is aware of the plan; Terjon however is not as the church is unsure of who has been compromised in Hommlett. The assassination confirmed what the church already suspected and thus more plans are set in motion, including the Canoness’ mission in Nulb. The party inadvertently makes the perfect ruse for the church, as they can reveal these mysteries but if captured or tortured for information are truly unaware of the greater plan. What the church is unaware of however is the progress that has been made in the temple, its level of power, and the warring factions that include more than simply the Old One.
Unfortunately Y'Dey can't cast True Resurrection on the fallen rogue, or Preston. Otis however agrees to give them a respectable burial. Now rogue-less,
beaten and battered, an angrier but now convincingly united party must move on and finish what they have started.
nedleeds |
Hey, I just noticed that this thread is still going! I minimised the Playtest Reports area because I figured it was dead, but it's not dead yet...
Just a question: does poor Chopper the monk really have no decent equipment? That's rough for a level 6 character!
And what happened to the druid's Self-Sufficient feat? ;-)
Choppers player is lurking somewhere in the interweb, so perhaps he can answer himself.
After the latest shopping spree he has a little more equipment. Truth be told, monks are typically on the short end of the equipment xmas tree because ... drumroll ... they don't use weapons, armor, scrolls and wands. He actually has the (GP wise) most valuable magic item, which is his Ring of Freedom of Movement. Coupled with his speed and retarded acrobatics check he can burn around the grid going where he whats regardless of difficult terrain. Also things like Entangle or Web can be cast over opponents then Chopper can hop around punching them all, while the rest of the party pelts with arrows/acid/fire.
He has Bracers of Armor +2, his new Belt of Dexterity +2, Ring of Protection +1 and the aforementioned RoFoM. Not too bad.
The party talked the druid out of taking Self-Sufficient. He threatened to take Leadership when he recently leveled up as well, not wanting another character to manage I believe he instead opted for Great Fortitude.
nedleeds |
Also, for those reading and probably have more 3.x experience than I. Can somebody walk me through the whole Pounce/Rake/Claw/Bite/Rape things that the Tiger
and Lion
are armed with. It seems confusing when paired with the whole CMB system.
hogarth |
Choppers player is lurking somewhere in the interweb, so perhaps he can answer himself.After the latest shopping spree he has a little more equipment. Truth be told, monks are typically on the short end of the equipment xmas tree because ... drumroll ... they don't use weapons, armor, scrolls and wands. He actually has the (GP wise) most valuable magic item, which is his Ring of Freedom of Movement. Coupled with his speed and retarded acrobatics check he can burn around the grid going where he whats regardless of difficult terrain. Also things like Entangle or Web can be cast over opponents then Chopper can hop around punching them all, while the rest of the party pelts with arrows/acid/fire.
He has Bracers of Armor +2, his new Belt of Dexterity +2, Ring of Protection +1 and the aforementioned RoFoM. Not too bad.
Ah! I looked at the line "Combat Gear: Unarmed Strike, Kama, Sling" and thought that was a little skimpy. :-) A Ring of Freedom of Movement is great, but an Amulet of Mighty Fists or a magic weapon would certainly help him hit.
Did you see the preview of the final version of the Pathfinder monk? It looks like they're going to get some nice extra abilities.
nedleeds |
nedleeds wrote:
Choppers player is lurking somewhere in the interweb, so perhaps he can answer himself.After the latest shopping spree he has a little more equipment. Truth be told, monks are typically on the short end of the equipment xmas tree because ... drumroll ... they don't use weapons, armor, scrolls and wands. He actually has the (GP wise) most valuable magic item, which is his Ring of Freedom of Movement. Coupled with his speed and retarded acrobatics check he can burn around the grid going where he whats regardless of difficult terrain. Also things like Entangle or Web can be cast over opponents then Chopper can hop around punching them all, while the rest of the party pelts with arrows/acid/fire.
He has Bracers of Armor +2, his new Belt of Dexterity +2, Ring of Protection +1 and the aforementioned RoFoM. Not too bad.
Ah! I looked at the line "Combat Gear: Unarmed Strike, Kama, Sling" and thought that was a little skimpy. :-) A Ring of Freedom of Movement is great, but an Amulet of Mighty Fists or a magic weapon would certainly help him hit.
Did you see the preview of the final version of the Pathfinder monk? It looks like they're going to get some nice extra abilities.
Oh yeah, sorry the gear blocks are probably inaccurate in some of those blocks since the gear changes pretty often I have the player hand write that stuff on their own papers, I just try to keep the base stats. His weapons are his fists, some masterwork Kamas (for zombies), and his now lost Baklunish Razor Hat (Exotic Weapon, Monk Weapon, 1d6 slashing, can be thrown).
hogarth |
Also, for those reading and probably have more 3.x experience than I. Can somebody walk me through the whole Pounce/Rake/Claw/Bite/Rape things that the Tiger
and Lion
are armed with. It seems confusing when paired with the whole CMB system.
What exactly is your question?
A lion or tiger can pounce, which means they can make a full attack after a charge including two rakes (so bite/claw/claw/rake/rake). Ouch. But that has nothing to do with CMB yet.
Lions and tigers also have the ability to start a grapple with a bite (lion) or a bite-or-claw (tiger). At that point they would make a CMB check (if they wanted to grapple) or a CMB check at -20 (if they don't want to be grappled). If it succeeds, then on their next turn they can make a CMB check (as a standard action) and two rake attacks (for "free", assuming the grapple check succeeded). As soon as a CMB check fails, the grapple ends.
nedleeds |
nedleeds wrote:Also, for those reading and probably have more 3.x experience than I. Can somebody walk me through the whole Pounce/Rake/Claw/Bite/Rape things that the Tiger
and Lion
are armed with. It seems confusing when paired with the whole CMB system.
Lions and tigers also have the ability to start a grapple with a bite (lion) or a bite-or-claw (tiger). At that point they would make a CMB check (if they wanted to grapple) or a CMB check at -20 (if they don't want to be grappled). If it succeeds, then on their next turn they can make a CMB check (as a standard action) and two rake attacks (for "free", assuming the grapple check succeeded). As soon as a CMB check fails, the grapple ends.
Ouch, ok that's pretty savage. Spugnoir pulled an augmented celestial lion out and I wanted to make sure I knew all the grizzly options it had. All that and a smite evil!
hogarth |
Ouch, ok that's pretty savage. Spugnoir pulled an augmented celestial lion out and I wanted to make sure I knew all the grizzly options it had. All that and a smite evil!
Grappling is O.K., although 9 times out of 10 the lion would be better off charging someone every round (for 5 attacks) rather than grappling (even with the two free rake attacks). An augmented celestial lion would have a CMB of +11 (+3 BAB, +7 Str, +1 size); that's good enough to grapple a bugbear (say) 65% of the time (CMB +11 vs. a DC of 19). The bad part about grappling is that once you fail a grapple check, that's it -- the grapple is over and you have to start all over again.
nedleeds |
We just wrapped up a short session with a long, long, brutal fight last night. That puts me 3 behind the posts here. I'll get them written up shortly.
As for the $5; I appreciate the offer, but if you like the next few write ups give the cash to the humane society. Need to make up for all the crayfish and frogs we've killed during this thing ...
nedleeds |
My next session is August 8th and I'm just prepping level 2. I am hoping that after the bloody nose they took last time from Romag, the party will start roleplaying a bit more like your guys.
Look forward to reading the next instalment.
As a little preview. As of last night Romag was the last elemental faction leader standing in my temple :)
Everyone else is dead ... some met some pretty grisly fates.