When Darkness Comes: Shisumo's 'Second Darkness' PbP


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At the Goblin:

Is there anything a Heal check can do for poison? Seeing as it's a snakebite, I think Jagor might strike on that idea without prompting.

Male Halfling Rogue 1

At the Runner


Clifford let himself relax a little and considers a little before replying
'The main reason was indeed to get your permission . I guess the other reason was to ensure I was not known to you as an Apache gangmember but rather as one who knew that good business goes with respect and rules.
As for the late hour , it's indeed my fault , I keep irregular hours and just thought to ask for a later appointment with you during the day but I must have made myself unclear to your staff .
Finally, I've always thought that having two employers for the same job is an unsound business practice. This might work for con artists who hightail from the town as soon as they receive the money but I'm here to stay .'
Also the player had no idea it was this late in the game ..

With the holidays , I'll be far from my computer till monday. Feel free to make the character act if necessary

At the River Runner:

You also needed to raise the issue of getting legal sanction against the Pauper, so that you could legally kidnap him into the Arena, remember?

Sorry everyone! Hope everyone had a Merry Xmas!

At the Goblin:


Fortitude Save (1d20+4=14)
Makoa gets a little frustrated, and tries to end the snake.
Earth Breaker with Magic Weapon spell (1d20+5=6, 2d6+7=13)

At the Goblin:

Makoa's wild blow wrecks a table and sends crockery flying across the room, but leaves the snake unharmed.

Hezekiah is up. And yes, Jagor can attempt to do something about the poison, if he wishes.

At the Goblin:

I was hoping a natural 20 might have made some headway in that department, but I will try again if I need to. On Jagor's turn, heal check to aid with the poison, using Hezekiah's bonus: Untrained heal check 1d20+5=20


Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)

At the Goblin:

Hezekiah is running out of options. Nervously he takes out his crossbow and loads it, pointing it unsteadily toward the snake.

At the Goblin:

Hezekiah prepares to enter combat as Jagor begins his treatment of the unconscious Sam. Cutting across the wound with a nearby knife, Jagor draws some of the poison out of her leg, and she immediately seems to breath a little easier.

The snake lunges once again at Makoa, and again its fangs find his flesh, this time more potently for 3 hp and another Fort save.

Makoa is up again.


Male Halfling Rogue 1

At the River Runner:

I didn't forget but Clifford doesn't want to bring the pauper back ...

At the Goblin:

Makoa shakes off the snake's fangs and venom both, and this time his hammer does not miss. The beast's skull is crushed beneath the weight of the earthbreaker, and it breathes no more.

Perception checks, DC 14.

At the River Runner:

All right, missed that bit. I'll wait for just a bit to see if Ghorum has anything to add or wants to bring that part of the discussion up, and then we'll wrap this little chitchat up.



Perception (1d20 2=7)
Not I, said the cat.

Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)


Hezekiah is focussed on Sam for the moment (and on Makoa, to a lesser extent) and doesn't notice anything amiss. 1d20+3=10

At the first possible moment, he will approach Makoa. "Makoa, you will need to be strong to resist the poison in your body. My touch can give you strength if you'll let me." Assuming Makoa agrees, Diviner's Fortune could give a +1 to his secondary save.

After that Hezekiah will try to help Jagor tend to Sam.

At the Gold Goblin:

Perception? Oh, oh, I have that skill!
Perception 1d20+9=18

"Makoa smash, good! Makoa OK where snake bite?"

"Magic-man, Jagor see something. You take care pretty girl?"

At the Goblin:

While Makoa and Hezekiah carefully poke the dead snake and try to see about waking the unconscious Samaritha, Jagor notices a small note tucked into the bottom of the wicker basket that had held the snake in the first place. When he unfolds it, he finds a crudely drawn portrait of Saul, but with stumps in place of both hands rather than just one. Beneath the sketch are the words: "Looking to go two for two, Saul? Get out of town now while you still can!"

At the Gold Goblin:

Jagor shows the note to Hezekiah and Makoa. "Jagor think snake not in kitchen by accident, snake here on purpose. Can you tell who put snake, Hezekiah?"

Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)

At the Goblin:

Uh-oh, now I'm supposed to be the clever one. This doesn't look good...

"I don't know, Jagor, but I'm sure Saul does. We should show him the note immediately. There isn't much more we can to until Clifford and Ghorum return."

At the Gold Goblin:


Well, you are certainly the more qualified, based on ability scores. And I can confidently say that without looking at your character sheet!

Jagor nods at Hezekiah's suggestion and bends down to pick up the unconscious woman. "Jagor carry pretty girl so she not on floor anymore. Where Jagor take her?"

I'm thinking the room where Saul made his offer to the group, maybe?

At the River Runner:

Slyeg studies you both for a bit longer, then lets out a frustrated breath. "Fine then," he snaps. "You've got your 'permission,' now get out and let me sleep."

The two of you are escorted back downstairs and out of the inn.

I'm going to assume you head back to the Gold Goblin - if that's not the case, we can rewind to handle anything that I'm skipping over now.

160 xp for all of you, for dealing with two different varieties of snake.

When Ghorum and Clifford return to the Goblin, the casino is still surprisingly active, with most of the guards and even some of the serving staff still there and awake. It quickly turns out that, shortly after they left, a snake - Jagor and Makoa can both identify it as a "cindersnake," a poisonous serpent common to the uplands east of Riddleport - was found in a wicker basket someone placed in the kitchen, along with a threatening note aimed at Saul. Saul himself is in a towering rage, swearing violently that he will not be intimidated and will not put up with this sort of behavior.

Samaritha Beldusk, the tattooed half-elf with the apparent knack for needing rescue, has been injured by the snake, but Ghorum's ministrations quickly have her back on her feet, albeit a little woozy.

While Ghorum is treating Sam, Mavrielle finds Clifford. "Did you talk to Slyeg? What did he say?"

Male Halfling Rogue 1
DM Shisumo wrote:
While Ghorum is treating Sam, Mavrielle finds Clifford. "Did you talk to Slyeg? What did he say?"

" Sam again ? This girl is a magnet for troubles ... "

Shisumo , normally Mavrielle didn't know of my meeting with Slyeg.

Clifford Strauss wrote:
DM Shisumo wrote:
While Ghorum is treating Sam, Mavrielle finds Clifford. "Did you talk to Slyeg? What did he say?"

" Sam again ? This girl is a magnet for troubles ... "

Shisumo , normally Mavrielle didn't know of my meeting with Slyeg.

She does not, in fact, know of your meeting. She has no idea where you went. She's just hoping and being pushy - as I mentioned before you left, she's been bothering you about it all night. ;)

Male Halfling Rogue 1

We are still not sure we'll take the job
Just for information , do you know what your father look like ?

Clifford Strauss wrote:

We are still not sure we'll take the job

Mavrielle frowns in frustration. "Why not? Is it the money? Because I'm sure you could manage a reward or something, and just looting the gang would likely be worth a ton of gold."

Clifford Strauss wrote:
Just for information , do you know what your father look like ?

"...no," she sighs. "I've never been able to talk to anyone who can tell me anything about his appearance these days. He's apparently a quick-change artist, or has some disguise magic, or something."

Jagor hovers as his erstwhile patient is tended to by someone with some skill, explaining in his broken Common what he did and why, at least until Ghorum asks him to kindly "Shut UP!"

Once she is one her feet, he will offer to steady her back down the stairs. "Sam need help down stairs? Jagor right here!"

Male Halfling Rogue 1

Once Mavrielle has left , I'll try to contact everyone and ask them if they are ready to go ?

"Me ready."

Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)

I'm game, but I might want to replenish my spells.

"Oh, Jagor ready! What Jagor ready for?"

Jagor Bonebreaker wrote:
"Oh, Jagor ready! What Jagor ready for?"

"Me think we get ready for knee-breakin. We wait too long to mash rapist."

FYI, it's about 5 in the morning at this point. I'll assume Ghorum has also stitched Makoa back together a bit as well, so he's down some spells and channels as well, though he still will have some also - if you guys are going now, I'll figure out how much he's got left, or he can post again and tell me.

Male Halfling Rogue 1

Clifford looks a little taken aback then embarrassed

' Must be more tired than I thought. Of course , Hezekiah , we'll wait for you to be ready . Do you need some more days to recopy spells ? There is after all no hurry. The better prepared we are , the more chance we'll have to succeed '

Hezekiah , did you count the money from the sales we made? If not , please do so

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

I'm happy with the spells I got, thank you. I just need my beauty sleep.

...and maybe a hint as to where to find what we got for the loot.

Male Halfling Rogue 1

I discussed it in the discussion thread . I sold the wand and the scroll and gave you 255 gp

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Clifford Strauss wrote:
I discussed it in the discussion thread . I sold the wand and the scroll and gave you 255 gp

Yes, and I scribed two spells for the money, so I'm good.

So to clarify - you're waiting for Hezekiah and Ghorum to recover their spells before you go?

Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)

That works for me.

Male Halfling Rogue 1


Though Makoa and Jagor might not be entirely comfortable with the delay, you all manage to get some sleep. Saul is willing to let you have the day off, partly on Larur's recommendation, though you get the impression the dwarf has not filled him in on all the specifics just yet.

So what is the plan? When do you go, and how do you handle things when you arrive?

Male Halfling Rogue 1

Ok we'll keep the plan simple ,
Me , Makoa and Jagor will go to the hospice openly . Jagor , Makoa , I want you to speak very very bad common and frenquently orc if you speak the language . I'll reply in shoanti .
The story is Jagor is looking for his woman Kamalia who did a flit . He and his friend Makoa did hire me to find her and I heard she may be in the hospice .
Jagor , Makoa , I want you to play on the bad perception people have of demi orcs , stupid , brutish , evil .
This is thin but simple and should allow us to come and check the place and separate the ones who are armed from the real beggars .

Hezekiah and Ghorum should be in a nearby street prepared to come running if it all goes south .

Clifford Strauss wrote:

Ok we'll keep the plan simple ,

Me , Makoa and Jagor will go to the hospice openly . Jagor , Makoa , I want you to speak very very bad common and frequently orc if you speak the language . I'll reply in shoanti .
The story is Jagor is looking for his woman Kamalia who did a flit . He and his friend Makoa did hire me to find her and I heard she may be in the hospice .
Jagor , Makoa , I want you to play on the bad perception people have of demi orcs , stupid , brutish , evil .
This is thin but simple and should allow us to come and check the place and separate the ones who are armed from the real beggars .

Hezekiah and Ghorum should be in a nearby street prepared to come running if it all goes south.

"Jagor speak good Common!" Heh. "Jagor look for Kah-may-lee-ah. You see Jagor woman?" Ask the stupid half-orc to portray a stupid half-orc. You're not typecasting, are you?

Questions: 1) Is this area bad enough that Hezekia and Ghorum waiting alone will be in danger? 2) How will they know if it "goes south?" Perhaps they should follow us in at a distance so they are on the scene, but not assumed to know us?

Jagor Bonebreaker wrote:
Questions: 1) Is this area bad enough that Hezekia and Ghorum waiting alone will be in danger?

It's iffy, but not terrible. A lot of their safety would depend on things like how late you go, how much hardware Ghorum in particular is openly carrying, what sort of attitude they present, and so on. Plus, of course, dumb luck. ;) If I break out a wandering monster table, though, blame Black Tom - he's been using them on me, and I think a little payback would only be fair. ;)

Male Halfling Rogue 1

Shall we proceed , gentlemen ?

Clifford Strauss wrote:
Shall we proceed , gentlemen ?

After you, sir.

So you're headed out in the mid-afternoon, with the two half-orcs and Clifford going in, and Ghorum and Hezekiah staying nearby outside? Okay. I'll get an intro to the scene written up tonight.

Incidentally, has anyone seen or heard anything from Torillan in awhile? Ghorum has been uncharacteristically quiet...

Standing halfway down a muck-smeared alley, sandwiched between a derelict wainwright's shop and a bakery, stands a dilapidated tenement. A crooked belltower rises from the building's rear, and a half-dozen grease-smeared, cracked, and boarded over windows gaze out from walls that might once, decades ago at least, have been white. A small sign hangs over the building's battered oak front doors: "St. Casperian's Salvation - All Welcome."

Flagstone steps beneath the sign climb to an open foyer hung with a pair of weatherbeaten double doors. Two smaller doors flank the main entrance, both covered with graffiti. The southern door has a sign that reads, "Flophouse: upstairs and take a left." The word "left" is crossed out, and scrawled next to it is the word "hike." The other door has a homemade sign that reads, "All rooms taken."

Behind the mission sits an overgrown courtyard surrounded by a low stone wall. A path leads from the alley, between the wainwright's shop and the mission, through a rusted iron gate and up to a pair of boarded doors. A loan oak stands in the corner of the courtyard.

Traffic in the alleyway at this time of day is light, and you see no one nearby as you approach the mission.

So what do you all do?

Makoa will walk in, disregarding the sign entirely.

Makoa wrote:
Makoa will walk in, disregarding the sign entirely.

The signs are on the left and right doors. But there's a pair of main doors between them. Which ones you going through?

Oh, sorry. Left. :)

Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)

I'll stick to the plan and wait outside with Ghorum, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible.

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