When Darkness Comes: Shisumo's 'Second Darkness' PbP


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DM Shisumo wrote:
Jagor Bonebreaker wrote:
I don't know how close Jagor is (wasn't intending to be in their face so soon), so I will assume that he needs a move action to approach. If possible, he will target the thug closest to the wall (I'm picturing them in an arc off the wall and the girl within the arc). I'm numbering the thugs from 1 to 4 (nearest against wall, the one next to him, the next one over, and the one against the wall on the far side of the group).

That all works for me. Your description is spot-on - for Makoa and Clifford, #1 is on your right, curving around to #4 on the far left.

Jagor Bonebreaker wrote:

Jagor will move to the closest thug without invoking an attack of opportunity, preferring #1 if possible. Fighting defensively, he will attack his target, trying for nonlethal damage.

Unarmed strike attack; damage (1d20+2=14, 1d6+2=5)

Jagor steps up to the men and delivers a solid blow to one's jaw, rocking him back and sending a few drops of blood spattering from his nose. He looks shocked and surprised by the attack's potency.


I realized last night that I messed up the roll when I finally had my stats available. That was using my standard attack bonus, so there is no extra dodge bonus this round. iow, he's not fighting defensively - yet.

Also, I should point out that Jagor has Combat Reflexes and intends to take every attack of opportunity he can, especially if they try to cut and run.

Ghorum glances up at the same time that Jagor's fist slams into the mans head.

He shakes his head, muttering "Here we go...".

He steps down off the ledge beneath the back of the bar, and grabs his mace that he kept under the bar. "Mind the bar, sweetheart", he says to the barmaid just stepping up to the bar to refill her tray. "I have some business to attend to". He moves off to join the scuffle.

As Ghorum heads toward the fight and will be coming in from #4's direction, the drunks make their moves. The one that Jagor struck has apparently discovered his courage is leaking out of his bloody nose, and he makes a run for it granting Jagor an AoO, but his ally #2 steps up to where he was opening up a space between the men that might prove useful and slashes at Jagor, catching the half-orc in the abdomen with a vicious strike that deals 8 damage.

The other two move to attack Makoa. Both wield their shortswords with fearful effectiveness, one stabbing Makoa right through the heart for 12 damage - crit! and the other sinking his blade into the barbarian's stomach for 8 more - sorry man!. To their horror, these wounds that would have easily killed most men leave Makoa still on his feet.

Hezekiah, Clifford, and Makoa.

Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)

Hezekiah is itching to try out his new magic, but it is too intricate magic to cast in such a crowded place, so he just tries to confound one of Makoa's attackers, hoping to buy some time.

Cast Daze (DC 14) on one of Makoa's attackers.

The man blinks, shaking his head, but appears to resist the magic.

I think maybe I should stop posting for the moment, see if my dice cool down a bit.

In order to get within range, Hezekiah had to move up, for the record.

Clifford and Makoa.

DM Shisumo wrote:
As Ghorum heads toward the fight and will be coming in from #4's direction, the drunks make their moves. The one that Jagor struck has apparently discovered his courage is leaking out of his bloody nose, and he makes a run for it granting Jagor an AoO, but his ally #2 steps up to where he was opening up a space between the men that might prove useful and slashes at Jagor, catching the half-orc in the abdomen with a vicious strike that deals 8 damage.

Attack of Opportunity vs #1 (1d20+2=10, 1d6+2=6)

And it was decent damage, too! If there are any interested clerics around ;-), Jagor is seriously wounded with no clue how Makoa is still on his feet.

Jagor's blow, weakened by his own wounds, strikes the man's jacket, but doesn't penetrate it. The drunk flees the casino at top speed.

Jagor Bonebreaker wrote:
Jagor is seriously wounded with no clue how Makoa is still on his feet.

Orc Ferocity, baby!

With the stab to Makoa, he flies into a rage, pulls out his Earth Breaker "Koth", and attempts to plunge it deep into the skull of his attacker, before falling unconscious and bleeding.

Earth Breaker (1d20+7=10, 2d6+9=12)

Male Halfling Rogue 1

Seeing Makoa falling , Clifford gulps and draw his shortswort .
His wild strike goes wildly astray He tries to retreat near Jagor ('five foot step')

Makoa's wounds have not felled him, but they seem to be affecting his strikes, as he only delivers his opponent a glancing blow, absorbed without harm by the man's armor, before collapsing in a spreading pool of blood. Clifford, not at all comfortable in combat at the best of times, launches an attack that puts himself and Makoa in more danger than his opponents.

Jagor and Ghorum, and now would be a good time for some thrilling heroics.

DM Shisumo wrote:
Makoa's wounds have not felled him, but they seem to be affecting his strikes, as he only delivers his opponent a glancing blow, absorbed by the man's armor, before collapsing in a spreading pool of blood. Clifford, not at all comfortable in combat at the best of times, launches an attack that puts himself and Makoa in more danger than his opponents.

I haven't looked at the rules for the Pathfinder Barbarian much, but would Makoa's rage give him additional hit points that would keep him on his feet?

DM Shisumo wrote:
Jagor and Ghorum, and now would be a good time for some thrilling heroics.

You'll have to take that up with the dice, sir.

Jagor, feeling his wounds, throws caution to the wind as he tries to bring the drunk down.

Flurry of blows (1d20=1, 1d6+2=8, 1d20=3, 1d6+2=3)

And seeing the brightly-dressed jester flailing wildly, the drunk collapses in a fit of laughter.


Jagor Bonebreaker wrote:
I haven't looked at the rules for the Pathfinder Barbarian much, but would Makoa's rage give him additional hit points that would keep him on his feet?

Makoa's at -6, which is "merely" -4 when he's raging. So yes, but no.

Jagor Bonebreaker wrote:
DM Shisumo wrote:
Jagor and Ghorum, and now would be a good time for some thrilling heroics.

You'll have to take that up with the dice, sir.

Jagor, feeling his wounds, throws caution to the wind as he tries to bring the drunk down.

Flurry of blows (1d20=1, 1d6+2=8, 1d20=3, 1d6+2=3)

That wasn't exactly what I had in mind, no...

Ghorum? Please?

"MAKOA! No!" Ghorum yells as he sees the huge man fall. He runs over to him, drops his mace next to the half-orc, and begins praying.

Move to Makoa's side (Move Action) and cast Cure Light Wounds on Makoa (Standard Action). If the move takes the full round, he'll cast it beginning of next round. Sorry, not sure how far away Ghorum was.

"Lord Cailean, grant your mercy upon this lad, and restore him to health. I beseech your aid so he can bring to justice those who would bespoil this place, blessed by your greatness."

Ghorum steps up to the fallen barbarian and whispers a prayer, which seems to revive the warrior considerably restoring 7 hp.

Jagor's opponent attacks him, but underestimates the monk based on the attacks he faced, and Jagor easily avoid the blow. Hezekiah and Ghorum are not so fortunate, however; the drunk who shook off Hezekiah's spell turns on him and slashes his arm for 4 hp, and though Ghorum tries to raise his shield to ward off the thug standing over Makoa, he is unable to do so taking 3 hp damage.

Hezekiah, Clifford, and Makoa.

Male Halfling Rogue 1

Apparently I'm not in contact with everyone so if I can I'll try to take a flanking position with Jagor

clifford is inspired by his comrades joining the fight

Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)

Hezekiah winces at the pain in his arm. This is getting serious fast. Stepping backwards out of harm's way he aims his magic at the thug's weapon.

5' step backwards, then cast Grease on the thug's sword. (DC 15)

Clifford's sword sinks into his opponent's leg with surprising viciousness. Hezekiah steps back to gain some room, then casts a spell on the sword that threatens him; as quick as that, the blade slips from the man's grasp and falls to the floor, hitting with a thump that is largely muffled by the thick carpeting. Against the wall, the half-elf woman with the tattoos stares in shock at the magical effect, and her eyes lock on Hezekiah's.

Makoa, then Jagor and Ghorum.

Filled with rage, Makoa grips his earth breaker and stands up. Assuming he isn't killed from standing. He takes a swing at the man who stabbed him in the chest.

Earth Breaker (1d20+7=17, 2d6+9=17)

I like those numbers

Jagor will continue his flailing attack against #2, but will incorporate some caution into the seemingly wild blows. Can't do worse than last time, after all.

Fighting defensively with a flurry of blows. Needing the defense, but hoping more attempts will give him a chance at a lucky shot. Not wanting total defense so Clifford has a flank in his favor.

Modifiers to attack

  • Standard attack: +2
  • Fighting defensively: -4
  • Flurry of blows: -2
  • Flanking: +2
    Total attack bonus of -2

    Unarmed strikes for nonlethal damage (1d20-2=4, 1d6+2=5, 1d20-2=18, 1d6+2=5)

  • "Bastard!" shouts Ghorum as he grabs his mace and swings at his assailant.

    Swing and a miss (1d20+1=7, 1d8+1=8)

    Makoa raises to his feet and takes up his earthbreaker once again. Although his assailant sees an opening and lunges for it, the attack goes wide - and the man pays for his failure with his life, as Makoa delivers a strike of astonishing finality. Jagor launches a series of blows against his opponent, and although the first is not effective, the second lays the man low, sending him bonelessly to the floor in a bruised and bleeding heap. Ghorum sees the remaining man's sword drop to the floor and decides that it represents an opportunity, but nothing comes of it.

    Either too drunk or too angry to realize his sudden danger, the remaining thug curses at his fallen sword, and at Hezeziah, then lashes out with a kick of surprising effectiveness, nearly shattering a kneecap as it hits for 3 lethal.

    Hezekiah, Clifford, Makoa.

    Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)

    Hezekiah staggers backwards and desperately mutters an incantation, anything to keep the murderous villain at bay.

    5' step backwards, cast Daze (DC 14).

    Though Hezekiah's earlier use of the daze hex had been ineffective, this one seems to take hold of the man, as his expression changes to one of confusion and bewilderment, and he shakes his head several times as if trying to clear it.

    Clifford, Makoa.

    Male Halfling Rogue 1

    Clifford move to the last thug and valiantly tries to stab you're not sur exactly who

    Maximum damage , minimum to hit , sigh

    Makoa moves closer to the last remaining foe and swings.

    Earth Breaker (1d20 7=24, 2d6+9=13)

    i do not envy him

    Presumably, that will do the fellow in...

    Jagor, seeing the last drunk fall, sits heavily on the one he knocked out. He reaches down and takes the short sword from where it had fallen, but only to keep the man from waking up and using it on someone. He looks a bit pale and there's a fair amount of blood on his fine new clothes.

    To himself, "Jagor new clothes not new anymore."

    Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)

    Hezekiah is feeling a little dizzy. He walks over to the tattooed lady (a little unsteadily) and tries to smile. "You alright, miss?"

    Male Halfling Rogue 1

    Clifford turns back quickly to the crowd bows with a flourish and exclaims

    "The Golden Goblin , Gentles ! Always the place for some excitment !
    For those who need some cordial atfer this , may I suggest our own bartender-cleric here ' .
    He whispers
    'Makoa , Jagor , Take the corpses and put them in another room'

    given the reputation the place will have , two lethal fights in days , we might as well make it work for us

    Makoa does not actually kill the man, but since he lays, bleeding out his life, on the carpet, the difference is pretty academic unless you would like to do something to change that.

    The tattooed woman waves Hezekiah's question away, almost impatiently. "No, no, I'm fine." She leans toward him, eyes wide. "Are you," she whispers, "a wizard?"

    As Clifford makes his speech, the surrounding crowd watches in a sort of stunned amazement, though some do take him up on his suggestion and move toward the bar. Though several of the group are dangerously wounded, and only Clifford has suffered no hurt at all, a mixture of fear and respect seems to be the onlookers' general attitude toward you all.

    Perhaps it is that attitude that provokes Saul's response. Appearing from the cash room, he takes a quick moment to ascertain that all of you are well, then leaps up onto the dais and addresses the crowd.

    "Yes, folks, the Goblin is a place of excitement - but this kind of excitement is not going to happen again, not here! These five men," and he stops and waves his hand at you, "are the warriors you've heard of, who stopped a group of thieves from robbing this casino last week; you've seen for yourselves what they're capable of tonight! They're my new partners, and they'll be providing security for the Gold Goblin, as well helping to run it! Starting tonight, Makoa the Half-Orc, our new chief of security, will be enforcing a no-weapons policy in the casino - that massive hammer of his will be the only one allowed on the floor! From now on, the Gold Goblin will be a place for fun, excitement and the best gambling and drinks in Riddleport - but for violence, you'll have to go downstairs to our arena, because the casino will also be the safest in Riddleport as well!"

    Saul pauses, and his eyes narrow slightly. "And for those of you who are here tonight as the eyes and ears of the criminal powers of this town, you go back and tell your bosses what you've seen tonight. Make sure they know what our new team is capable of, and tell them we will not be bullied!" And with that, he hops down, approaching you once again. "Brother Ghorum," he says, "can you get Makoa back at 100% so he can begin collecting weapons? Makoa, will you tell your men to start getting them from the customers, and asking for them at the door? We'll bring in a cabinet tomorrow; for tonight, we can keep them in the cashier's cage."

    Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)
    DM Shisumo wrote:
    The tattooed woman waves Hezekiah's question away, almost impatiently. "No, no, I'm fine." She leans toward him, eyes wide. "Are you," she whispers, "a wizard?"

    "As a matter of fact, I am. With whom do I have the honor - and pleasure - to converse?"

    Makoa signals to the guards to start collecting weapons, and proceeds to let Gorum do whatever he does to make Makoa 100%.

    Makoa wrote:
    Makoa signals to the guards to start collecting weapons, and proceeds to let Gorum do whatever he does to make Makoa 100%.

    Ghorum slides the haft of his mace into his belt, and walks over to the hulking half-orc.

    "Easy, lad. Lets have a look at you...". He scans the man carefully, then smiles broadly. "Bah...scratches, nothing more".

    With that, Ghorum places his hand on the half-orcs forehead, and bows his head, muttering a prayer.

    Cure Light Wounds (1d8+1=7 HP restored)

    Jagor remains sitting on the prone man, watching Clifford and then Saul speaking to the customers. He perks up when Ghorum applies a blessing to the barbarian. Hint, hint.

    Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)

    Hint hint indeed. Hezekiah also edges closer while trying to keep in eye contact with his new acquaintance.

    80 xp for this fight, and I think it may be the hardest-earned 80 xp I've ever seen...

    Hezekiah Sexton wrote:
    DM Shisumo wrote:
    The tattooed woman waves Hezekiah's question away, almost impatiently. "No, no, I'm fine." She leans toward him, eyes wide. "Are you," she whispers, "a wizard?"
    "As a matter of fact, I am. With whom do I have the honor - and pleasure - to converse?"

    Looking somewhat surprised at having the conversation turned back on herself, even to this degree, the woman blinks for a moment before replying, "Oh! Um... I'm, uh, I'm Samaritha Beldusk. I'm a transmuter, a graduate of the Academae in Korvosa." She looks down for a second, then says, "Though things are a little... difficult... at the moment." She looks up again, then waves the turn of the conversation away, using the same motion as before. "Are you a cyphermage, by chance?"

    Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)
    DM Shisumo wrote:
    Looking somewhat surprised at having the conversation turned back on herself, even to this degree, the woman blinks for a moment before replying, "Oh! Um... I'm, uh, I'm Samaritha Beldusk. I'm a transmuter, a graduate of the Academae in Korvosa." She looks down for a second, then says, "Though things are a little... difficult... at the moment." She looks up again, then waves the turn of the conversation away, using the same motion as before. "Are you a cyphermage, by chance?"

    "Why, yes indeed I am. Could I be of assistance to you in any way?"

    Hezekiah Sexton wrote:
    "Why, yes indeed I am. Could I be of assistance to you in any way?"

    Samaritha's eyes light up as she answers, "Are you, perhaps, taking apprentices or offering sponsorships right now?"

    Elsewhere, Makoa's men behind circling among the patrons, collecting weaponry, and Saul sends Larur to get the gendarmes, claiming quite loudly to have the men brought up on charges of attempted murder.

    DM Shisumo wrote:
    Hezekiah Sexton wrote:
    "Why, yes indeed I am. Could I be of assistance to you in any way?"

    Samaritha's eyes light up as she answers, "Are you, perhaps, taking apprentices or offering sponsorships right now?"

    Elsewhere, Makoa's men behind circling among the patrons, collecting weaponry, and Saul sends Larur to get the gendarmes, claiming quite loudly to have the men brought up on charges of attempted murder.

    Jagor has not moved from his seat on the fallen drunk, but his wound is no longer bleeding like it had been. He's listening to the conversation between the two wizards. At the woman's question, he looks at Hezekiah, nodding his head as though to say, "Yes, are you?"

    Not to put pressure on the party wizard, but Jagor thinks she's kind of purty and he just nearly died trying to protect her, so anything that would keep her around is OK with him!

    Male Halfling Rogue 1

    After the attention is no longer on him due to Saul speech and after waiting a little time , Clifford will check the thugs belongings

    He will try not to be discreet doing so :
    stealth 24

    Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)
    DM Shisumo wrote:
    Hezekiah Sexton wrote:
    "Why, yes indeed I am. Could I be of assistance to you in any way?"
    Samaritha's eyes light up as she answers, "Are you, perhaps, taking apprentices or offering sponsorships right now?"

    "Er... well, I guess something could be arranged. I don't take apprentices as such, but I'd be happy to help any way I could to further your study of the magical arts."

    Samaritha looks slightly disappointed at the idea of not being Hezekiah's apprentice, but perks up again at his offer of assistance in some other capacity.


    Entry into the cyphermages requires sponsorship, and specifically from someone of at least the Yellow Veil. You'd probably have to ask around make a Gather information check to see who might be willing to sponsor a new recruit, depending on her abilities and specialties, and, as you learned over the weekend, the current fervor over the Blot has most of the Order fairly distracted, so it might take a few weeks even if you do find someone.

    She continues, "I only took this waitress job to help with the bills; I actually did quite well in my-"

    Abruptly, the entire room is filled with crackling sparks of blue-white electricity, leaping between every piece of metal in the room. It snaps and pops under CLifford's fingers as he rifles through the drunks' goods; it crackles around Makoa's weapons and those he is collecting from the patrons; it skitters across Ghorum's armor and shield as he moves among the party, tending to their wounds.

    After just a moment, the electricity vanishes, but the effects linger - all the metal in the room seems magnetized, as the piles of weapons suddenly pull toward one another, the roulette wheels' balls cling to the tall spikes in the center of the wheels, and Ghorum's mace strains toward his shield.


    The sudden lightning show provides an excellent distractions, and no one notices you. In addition to their shortsword, (all average quality), you note that the drunks were wearing ordinary studded leather armor, and each had a quiver of arrows, though no bow. You also find a total of 10 gp in a mixture of coins and chips.


    As was mentioned on the discussion thread, you can channel positive energy to heal everyone within 30 ft. of you, which might help get the whole group back on its feet together...

    Saul rushes toward you as the crowd looks around in bewilderment, the magnetic effects still clinging to everything around them. "What in the depths of the Abyss was that?" he asks.

    DM Shisumo wrote:
    Saul rushes toward you as the crowd looks around in bewilderment, the magnetic effects still clinging to everything around them. "What in the depths of the Abyss was that?" he asks.

    Jagor's eyes are as big as saucers as he tries to look everywhere at once. His gaze finally settles on the only magic-man he knows: Hezekiah.

    Makoa, taken aback by what just happened, takes a cue from Jagor, and looks to Hezekiah. "What happen?"

    Male Halfling Rogue 1

    Clifford ,while pocketing some money (5 Gp seems about right ), looks rather at the crowd trying to detect the culprit there

    Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)

    Hezekiah is fascinated. "That wasn't me. I'm not sure what it was."

    Knowledge (arcana) 9 Hezekiah obviously hasn't a clue, not that he would admit it in front of the lady.

    Sam frowns, looking around, wide-eyed. "I don't think it was a spell..." she says distractedly.

    Clifford sees no one in the crowd who shows any signs of having had any part in the phenomenon - all the patrons and croupiers seem to be equally confused and uncertain.

    After a few minutes, as quickly as it came, the effect seems to end. The roulette balls clatter back down, the weapons fall into individual pieces again, the servingware separates without any additional fuss. When Larur returns with the gendarmes a short while later, he tells you and Saul (slightly wide-eyed himself) that whatever-it-was seems to have been city-wide, and the whole town is as confused and on edge as the inhabitants of the Gold Goblin.

    Nevertheless, the gendarmes take the drunks into custody, only a little less efficiently than they might have otherwise, and slowly, the games and conversation around the casino start back up again.

    Ooooh, spooky!

    Anyone got any plans for the remainder of the night or the next day?

    Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)

    DM Shisumo:

    Hezekiah would like to know a little more about Samaritha's background and then pop around to the Guild to see if I can find a sponsor for her. Gather Information 11

    Male Halfling Rogue 1

    Yes Indeed , I 've got places to go !

    First , I'll wait for Hezekiah to stop chatting up the help (joke:) and then address her
    'Hello , miss . I know you are still a bit shocked but I would like some information. Just for security reasons you understand . Were these ruffians in your section ? '
    To make a long story short , people like these drunks should have been indicated to Makoa as potential sources of problems long before actual trouble began . Clifford is trying to determine where something went wrong to hopefully right it

    For the DM , Makoa and Jagor

    'Ok , Jagor , Makoa : if this is the way you take care of your clothes , we need to buy some more.' While we'll indeed buy some more serious clothes (the type which would accentuate the aura of menace of my two friends ) , Clifford will also say once out of the casino ' So , where do you thing we should put a big target ? Or am I the only one who translated your esteemed boss talk as : 'I won't pay protection money for the casino . If any want me to pay , you must get rid of my partners first ... '
    just for information , would we know what gangs would ask for protection money from us ?

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