When Darkness Comes: Shisumo's 'Second Darkness' PbP


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Clifford Strauss wrote:

It seems to me the point of hiring you was not so much for stealing the money but rather to put discredit on the Golden Goblin .

If Mister Saul ever discover whose rival of him is behind this , I think he would see it as a poetic justice to send you make a little trouble in their Gaming Hall.

Saul looks sideways at Clifford. “While I appreciate the suggestion, and I agree with you about what the purpose of this attack was, I don’t think we’re quite in a position to instigate a feud just yet,” he says. “For now, survival is our goal.”

Clifford Strauss wrote:
Otherwise , it's mostly useless to go near Bram's perfumes . This gentleman's master had most certainly observers here who will know better to keep their appointment. The only one who might remotely be there is the man's paramour and , well , agressing a woman near a brothel of Calistria seems to be a wrong idee careerwise

Saul nods, “I agree. I’ll pass the word to the gendarmes; perhaps something will come of it. But I wouldn’t expect much.”

Shaking his head, he leans over the wizard. “You tried your job. You failed. We’re keeping what you brought in, and I’ll be giving your name to the gendarmes as well. You’d best get out of town, and fast. Forget the girl, catch the first ship out; that’s the best deal you’re going to get. Now move.”

Thistlecrit rises unsteadily to his feet, looks longingly at the spellbook on the table, but then stumbles to the doorway, and out.

Makoa wrote:
Makoa, looking quite agitated at all the big and strange words being thrown around, "So, what we do now? I break legs good! Or mash face.." he says looking at the spot where his earth breaker was implanted in the skull of the thug. "Koth like mashing.." as he glances the head of his earth breaker. "I not know what to do now," Makoa whispers to Jagor.
Jagor Bonebreaker wrote:
Jagor looks from one speaker to another, brow furrowed. When Makoa leans over to whisper to him, he shrugs his broad shoulders and whispers, "Jagor not know too. But Saul have money, maybe give job. Some like fancy talk first, so Jagor wait." He brightens up and nods his head at Clifford, "Clifford will know what to do. Jagor wait for Clifford."

Saul looks to the rest of you, catching some of the byplay between Jagor and Makoa. “Yes, yes, indeed,” he says, going over to the cabinet again, this time withdrawing a small vial and passing it to Hezekiah before sitting down and lifting his wineglass. “To business.”

After a sip, he looks around at all of you. “Let me begin at the beginning. Some years ago, I was the leader of an important organization in Riddleport. Not one of the official ‘crimelords,’ as they’re called, but a man of influence, nonetheless. Trouble was, it wasn’t really a good position to be in, all things considered. I didn’t earn the sort of money I might have hoped for, nor did I find the kind of respect I really wanted. That life cost me my health, my sons, my wife, and eventually, my left hand.” He waves the stump and its odd, key-shaped prosthetic. “In the years since my wife’s death, I have scraped along, trying to find some way to earn a retirement that can support me. I’m not interested in a return to the life I lead in my youth – I just want something I can build a future on, to salvage something of my remaining years.”

He looks toward the spot where Thistlecrit lay against the wall, then heaves a great sigh. “Unfortunately,” he says, “while I want to leave that life behind, it probably hasn’t left me. Master Strauss is almost certainly correct – the attack tonight was an attempt at retribution, I’m sure. I have enemies, and they will strike at me again, I suspect. And that, my friends, brings me to you.”

“Here is my proposal. If my business here is going to succeed, it seems clear that I will need friends I can trust, friends with the skills necessary to protect my investment. But I know that those friends will need a reason to help me – they need to share my investment. I think you could be those people, and in order to make that happen, I am willing to share what I’ve built here. If you’re willing to come on board, I will make your junior partners in the Gold Goblin. In addition to a base wage, you’ll earn a share of the profits. Once we’re making some, anyway. You’ll have ‘covers’ as croupiers, bouncers, however you might best fit in, and of course, if you can do those jobs well, you’ll be improving the profitability of the casino – but your real purpose will be security. It’s my hope you’d serve more as a deterrent than anything else, of course, and your performance here tonight should help that.”

“What do you say?”

If Hezekiah drinks the contents of the vial:

You get 4 hit points back. Consider yourself to have had 0 to start with.

Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)

After a quizzical look Hezekiah gulps down the contents of the vial and regains some of his zest. He is eager at the prospect of work at the Gold Goblin, an opportunity to observe the workings of chance. Beaming, he nods.

On a slightly more serious note he turns to his companions: "Friends, I am afraid that I just proved that I am not very adept at fighting, so I would be much obliged if you would grant me the use of that wand to improve my offensive capabilities. My magic tends to be more subtle and were it not presumptious I should claim some small responsibility for that." He gestures at the ruined carpet.

"I would much appreciate if you would let me join your ranks. Maybe together we can find out who's behind this roguery and even thwart him or her."

Hezekiah Sexton wrote:

On a slightly more serious note he turns to his companions: "Friends, I am afraid that I just proved that I am not very adept at fighting, so I would be much obliged if you would grant me the use of that wand to improve my offensive capabilities. My magic tends to be more subtle and were it not presumptious I should claim some small responsibility for that." He gestures at the ruined carpet.

"I would much appreciate if you would let me join your ranks. Maybe together we can find out who's behind this roguery and even thwart him or her."

Ghorum listens intently, nodding his head. "Aye, the lad speaks the truth. Even in a town such as this, some Code of Honor must be maintained. Mr. Vancaskerin here seems sincere enough, and besides, I've nothin' better ta do at the moment!"

Saul nods. "Excellent," he continues, "that's two. What about the rest of you?"

DM Shisumo wrote:
Saul nods. "Excellent," he continues, "that's two. What about the rest of you?"

Jagor looks surprised when Saul includes him in his query, then looks at Clifford and Makoa before grinning (showing lots of teeth) and nodding his head furiously.

Male Halfling Rogue 1

How do you intend to officialize this notion of junior partners ?

DM Shisumo wrote:
Saul nods. "Excellent," he continues, "that's two. What about the rest of you?"

"Ya! I do that.." Makoa agrees, "What we doing now? When we get money?"

Clifford Strauss wrote:
How do you intend to officialize this notion of junior partners ?

"In the usual way; contracts, signed or marked. The deal is this: 10 gold a week, plus two percent of the Goblin's profits - I only keep five percent myself, I have to reinvest the rest. There is an apartment down the hall which you can use as your private lodgings; meals will be provided as well - we eat in the dining room through that door there. Both the food and the room are part of the deal. Is that sufficient?"

"I okay with that" Makoa says simply. "Food and money, now that good deal!"

Jagor looks from Saul to Clifford to Makoa. He starts to nod, but stops himself, waiting for Clifford's approval first.

He whispers to Makoa, "Clifford really smart with fancy talk."

Male Halfling Rogue 1
Jagor Bonebreaker wrote:

Jagor looks from Saul to Clifford to Makoa. He starts to nod, but stops himself, waiting for Clifford's approval first.

He whispers to Makoa, "Clifford really smart with fancy talk."

It does seem allright. Nevertheless , let's be clear that all losses would be at your expense and that I and my associates ( with a nod to the two half orcs) do reserve the right to change our minds after the first month .

That being said , I would suggest that Mr Hezekiah , you first determine what spells are in our new spellbook . That will certainly give you the means to learn offensive spells given the spells you erstwhile foe casted . We'll determine the final destination of the loot after this .

DM Shisumo wrote:
Clifford Strauss wrote:
How do you intend to officialize this notion of junior partners ?
"In the usual way; contracts, signed or marked. The deal is this: 10 gold a week, plus two percent of the Goblin's profits - I only keep five percent myself, I have to reinvest the rest. There is an apartment down the hall which you can use as your private lodgings; meals will be provided as well - we eat in the dining room through that door there. Both the food and the room are part of the deal. Is that sufficient?"

"Done", Ghorum says, then begins to look around. "Where is that serving wench. I need a drink!"

Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)
Clifford Strauss wrote:
That being said , I would suggest that Mr Hezekiah , you first determine what spells are in our new spellbook . That will certainly give you the means to learn offensive spells given the spells you erstwhile foe casted . We'll determine the final destination of the loot after this .

Hezekiah smiles kindly at Clifford. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were a master of the arcane arts. For sure I will study the spellbook closely but it will have to defer until I have made the necessary preparations and will take some time. Also copying spells is costly and there are arts of magic that I won't sully my soul studying, so I'm not quite as sanguine as you on that account. But of course I'll abide by our common decision concerning the loot."

Generally Hezekiah is trying to contain his excitement over Vancaskerin's offer. This is all too good to be true... but he waves away that thought to bask in the glory of the moment.

Clifford Strauss wrote:
It does seem allright. Nevertheless , let's be clear that all losses would be at your expense and that I and my associates ( with a nod to the two half orcs) do reserve the right to change our minds after the first month .

Saul nods slightly, a small frown appearing for the first time on his face. "I've no problem with the escape clause," he says, "and I don't plan to leave you on the hook for the Goblin's debts, but if we can't improve profitability quickly in the first few weeks, I may have to cut your salaries to cover the bills, at least temporarily. Can you agree to that?"

Ghorum Kraak wrote:
"Done", Ghorum says, then begins to look around. "Where is that serving wench. I need a drink!"

"I take it the wine's not to your standards, my good priest?" chuckles Saul. "Perhaps the port would be more to your liking..."

Male Halfling Rogue 1
DM Shisumo wrote:
Clifford Strauss wrote:
It does seem allright. Nevertheless , let's be clear that all losses would be at your expense and that I and my associates ( with a nod to the two half orcs) do reserve the right to change our minds after the first month .
Saul nods slightly, a small frown appearing for the first time on his face. "I've no problem with the escape clause," he says, "and I don't plan to leave you on the hook for the Goblin's debts, but if we can't improve profitability quickly in the first few weeks, I may have to cut your salaries to cover the bills, at least temporarily. Can you agree to that?"

Yes .

Saul grins. "Excellent!" he says, smiling broadly. "It's a deal! A toast to our new partnership!"

The wine is excellent (if not to a dwarf's usual taste), and it goes down smoothly. After you set your glasses down, Saul continues, "I'll have Larur draw up the contracts in the morning, and you can decide for yourselves where you can best put your talents to use." He pauses, then frowns, "Speaking of Larur, I wonder what's taking him so long?"

As if the question conjured its own answer, Larur pushes the door in, carrying a serving tray, like the barmaids had earlier, stacked with glittering coins. Like a waiter in a fine restaurant, he places the coins, arranged tastefully on small plates, in front of each of you, with a self-satisfied grin.

Clifford gets 10 pp, 7 gp, 6 sp; Makoa gets 4 pp, 6 gp, 9 sp; Hezekiah gets 1 pp, 3 gp, 8 sp, 4 cp; Ghorum gets 6 pp, 4 gp, 8 sp; and Jagor gets 2 pp, 2 gp, 12 sp. (This includes your split of the chips taken from Angvar.)

The grin disappears, however, as he makes his way over to Saul and leans in to whisper something to the casino owner. Saul listens with a frown, then suddenly erupts, "What?! Say that again, for all of us to hear this time."

Larur looks around at you, then shrugs. "The floor help, useless bunch of drosspots that they are, have almost entirely quit," he says. "We've got two waitresses, one croupier, and the guard who fought alongside you five tonight still here." The grin returns for a moment. "Actually, I fired all the guards but Harv - he's the one who stood up with you - because the rest were mine tailings not worth the smelting. The rest did quit, though."

Saul stares for a moment, then asks, with a bit of a choked voice, "Who stayed?"

"Lixy, of course, and then Mirri and Chinia are the waitresses. Chinia almost went too, but Mirri managed to talk her out of it. Other than that, it's just Hans and Beyar, and Bojask of course."

Saul takes a deep breath. After a moment to collect himself, he looks back up at you. "You see?" he asks. "This is why I need you. I need those I can rely on not to run out at the first sign of trouble." He runs his hand through his thinning hair, tapping the key-stump on the armrest of his chair. After a moment, he lets out another breath, nodding to himself. "All right. We'll have to hire replacements. We need a day or three to put the place back together after tonight anyway, so no harm done. If you five can help with the hiring, that would be splendid; regardless, I'd like to be ready to open on Moonday."

He turns to Larur. "Get the staff - what's left of them, at any rate - together downstairs, please. I have an announcement to make."

Downstairs, the five of you are introduced to the staff as the new junior partners of the Gold Goblin. In turn, you meet the remaining staff: Lixy Parmenter, the pert-nosed croupier who runs the ghoulette wheel with a possessiveness that is somewhat surprising; Mirra Salassa, the short, attractive redhead who claims the title of "head barmaid" in the Goblin's Tankard, the Gold Goblin's in-house bar; Chinia Letisia, a tall elf woman whose dark grey eyes leave no whites visible and seem to bore coldly into you all; Hans and Beyar, the Ulfen brothers who are the only guards trusted by Saul to guard the cashiers and the vault (they are under orders not to leave the cashier's cage for any reason, so they stayed there throughout the attempted heist); and the swarthy Bojask, who runs the kennels in the Goblin's sublevels as part of the "secret" fighting arena. (Bojask was apparently off-duty tonight, since he keeps blinking like a man who just woke up, and smells distinctly of cheap ale.)

Afterward, Saul gives you a complete tour of the facility, and finally bids you good night, telling you to rest well and meet with Larur in the morning to discuss your specific roles at the Gold Goblin.

See the discussion thread for much additional information on this.

Considering the options available and his pertinent skills, Jagor will most likely be of help with the Perception checks or the Profession (gambler) checks. He will work the 4 hours a day as long as whatever else the group is up to doesn't prevent him from performing his assigned tasks.

With Clifford's approval, Jagor nods his head and beams one of his huge grins at the assembled folks. He's always wanted to deal and looks forward to getting his hands on a deck of cards to start practicing the shuffle-and-deal in earnest.

DM Shisumo wrote:
Ghorum Kraak wrote:
"Done", Ghorum says, then begins to look around. "Where is that serving wench. I need a drink!"
"I take it the wine's not to your standards, my good priest?" chuckles Saul. "Perhaps the port would be more to your liking..."

Ghorum blushes, embarassed.

"Oh...uh...no, no!" he stammers. "It is good, its just that...well...I've gotten into trouble with wine before, so I now just stick to ale and whiskey!" Ghorum laughs.

Male Halfling Rogue 1

I would also suggest we interview the new prospectives employées. It would not do to hire dishonest people or moles from other bosses .
Would that be a sense motive check ?
Lets do this even it is doéen't help profits . some Riddleport citizens can be a little less than upright.
Let's not try things too difficult first . We can't chance another reversal so soon .
Personnaly I think I can do many things apart from projecting a credible image of menace. So what can you do ?

I can't think of much that would be less interesting than role-playing through job interviews, so we'll handle it as a one-time possible check to help Saul's profitability roll: Sense Motive, DC 20, 4 hours, gives a +2 bonus to the first week's check if successful. Rolling a 15 or less will give him a -1, however, and might also result in more long-term problems.

Also, I'd like some context on where/when this conversation is taking place. Later that night in your rooms, the following morning at breakfast, somewhere/somewhen else...?

Male Halfling Rogue 1

For me , It would be when Saul has just left us so in public for the moment.
After all , Clifford is a upright citizen with no duplicity in his soul . And he also have a deed to the arch of Riddleport to sell you :)

After the excitement of the evening, perhaps it isn't surprising that the conversation trails off fairly quickly and you all retire.

The following morning dawns cloudy and wet, far more typical of Arodus in Riddleport, a fine mist drifting down across the rooftops and cobblestones of the city. The gloom of the morning, however, is offset by the smell of cooked food drifting into your apartments from the dining room next door.

So, what are you plans for the day?

DM Shisumo wrote:
So, what are you plans for the day?

"Jagor hungry!!" I haven't the foggiest notion of what to do next. After consuming whatever is set in front of him and visiting with any others (members of the party, especially, but also any other staff that are present), Jagor will rumble downstairs to see what he can do to help with repairs and cleanup. Plan subject to change, of course, in the event of more interesting suggestions from other party members.

Jagor finds Larur in the dining room when he comes in, pancakes, bacon, sausages, ham, scrambled eggs, and slices of bread covering the table.

"Have a seat, lad!" says Larur. "Think you're the first one up. We don't normally have quite such a spread, but I thought this morning, you folks deserved a little something extra." As Jagor tears into the food, Larur laughs. "I do love to see a good appetite at work," he adds.

When Jagor's plate is empty, Larur, who has been sipping some sort of juice but otherwise seems to have eaten already, asks, "Have you settled on the duties you'd like to schedule for yourself? I need to know so's I know how to do the hiring. In particular, Saul was hoping one of you'd take on the security chief job."

In general, you've got all of Riddleport to play around in, and three full days before opening. How you want to spend those days is up to you. There's already one possible activity on the table: helping Larur with the hiring process.

Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)

Hezekiah would like to take some time to study the captured spellbook (the following day when he's got Read Magic prepared), and possibly copying a spell or two if he can muster the resources.

Otherwise he won't be very useful at the casino, except that he'll make ample use of Diviner's fortune to help the others in their tasks. Following his natural proclivities he is likely to get back to the academy to study the history of gambling, and to gather any information he can on his new employer and any possible enemies he might have.

DM Shisumo wrote:

When Jagor's plate is empty, Larur, who has been sipping some sort of juice but otherwise seems to have eaten already, asks, "Have you settled on the duties you'd like to schedule for yourself? I need to know so's I know how to do the hiring. In particular, Saul was hoping one of you'd take on the security chief job."

In general, you've got all of Riddleport to play around in, and three full days before opening. How you want to spend those days is up to you. There's already one possible activity on the table: helping Larur with the hiring process.

Ghorum speaks up. "Well, I'm a bit familiar with drinkin' and all, so's I was thinkin' I could work behind th' bar, servin' up some drinks. I could even try to find some good whiskey's from other places until we's open ag'in."



If the new "accent" for Ghorum is annoying, please let me know. I'm just pulling a reverse Kevin Costner from Robin Hood. :-)

DM Shisumo wrote:

Jagor finds Larur in the dining room when he comes in, pancakes, bacon, sausages, ham, scrambled eggs, and slices of bread covering the table.

"Have a seat, lad!" says Larur. "Think you're the first one up. We don't normally have quite such a spread, but I thought this morning, you folks deserved a little something extra." As Jagor tears into the food, Larur laughs. "I do love to see a good appetite at work," he adds.

When Jagor's plate is empty, Larur, who has been sipping some sort of juice but otherwise seems to have eaten already, asks, "Have you settled on the duties you'd like to schedule for yourself? I need to know so's I know how to do the hiring. In particular, Saul was hoping one of you'd take on the security chief job."

"Jagor security chief? Jagor could be guard, he knows what guards do, but what security chief do?"

The half-orc scratches his head and says, "Jagor think that he be good watcher in the ceiling. Not smart, but have good eyes. See?"

"What Lah-roar think?"

Hezekiah Sexton wrote:
Hezekiah would like to take some time to study the captured spellbook (the following day when he's got Read Magic prepared), and possibly copying a spell or two if he can muster the resources.


In addition to all the cantrips in the Beta core - there are no schools missing, which suggests that Angvar was a universalist - the spellbook contains the following spells: grease, hold portal, identify, magic aura (which is of course an illusion spell), magic missile, shield, sleep and true strike. Each spell would cost 100 gp to copy into your spellbook. In all, the spellbook is worth 1400 gp if you sell it.

You can also use detect magic again to try to identify the mysterious bracers, but identify would be much more reliable...

Hezekiah Sexton wrote:
Otherwise he won't be very useful at the casino, except that he'll make ample use of Diviner's fortune to help the others in their tasks. Following his natural proclivities he is likely to get back to the academy to study the history of gambling, and to gather any information he can on his new employer and any possible enemies he might have.

You may not be able to do much, but Gilbert has a +8 Perception modifier, and I would allow you to give him an Aid Another bonus in addition to your Diviner's Fortune boost if you were working together as spotters.

After breakfast, Hezekiah heads out to the Cypher Lodge for some research.

At the Lodge:

The Lodge is a large, stone and timber building shaped something like an arrowhead, perched on the slope of the western mountains and overlooking the city, the harbor, and most importantly, the Cyphergate. A small number of people - mostly wizards, sorcerers, or other scholars known to Hezekiah as fellow cyphermages - climb the stairs toward the doors or make their way down them to the street. One face, however, catches his eye as he ascends the steps: a half-elven woman with orange-blonde hair, not a wizard he knows, but sporting what can only be Varisian-style arcane tattoos. Her expression is that of a thunderhead coming over the mountain peak as she stomps her way down the stairs.

Jagor Bonebreaker wrote:

"Jagor security chief? Jagor could be guard, he knows what guards do, but what security chief do?"

The half-orc scratches his head and says, "Jagor think that he be good watcher in the ceiling. Not smart, but have good eyes. See?"

"What Lah-roar think?"

"The security chief would have to be able to give orders to the other guards, which would mean he or she would have to be on the ground floor," Larur says thoughtfully. "If you think you'd be best as a spotter, we'll find someone else for the security chief job. But we'll be happy to have your eyes on us, nonetheless!"

Ghorum Kraak wrote:
Ghorum speaks up. "Well, I'm a bit familiar with drinkin' and all, so's I was thinkin' I could work behind th' bar, servin' up some drinks. I could even try to find some good whiskey's from other places until we's open ag'in."

Larur grins broadly. "I was hoping you'd say that," he says. "Nothing like a priest of the Drunken Hero to get some thoroughly drunken patrons in! With you behind the bar, we'll have the most popular tavern this side of the Publican House! As for finding us other sources of drink, if you have them, I'd be happy to hear it, but I think we've done a fair job of finding what there is to find in the way of good supplies here in town. We even imported some choice brews for the tournament, though not everything made it in time, unfortunately."

DM Shisumo wrote:
Jagor Bonebreaker wrote:

"Jagor security chief? Jagor could be guard, he knows what guards do, but what security chief do?"

The half-orc scratches his head and says, "Jagor think that he be good watcher in the ceiling. Not smart, but have good eyes. See?"

"What Lah-roar think?"

"The security chief would have to be able to give orders to the other guards, which would mean he or she would have to be on the ground floor," Larur says thoughtfully. "If you think you'd be best as a spotter, we'll find someone else for the security chief job. But we'll be happy to have your eyes on us, nonetheless!"

"OK! Jagor be 'spotter'! Jagor help security chief, too!"

Sniff Sniff
"Food.." Makoa groggily says as he gets out of bed and heads toward the scent. "Morning Jagor. What you doing today?" Makoa sits and eats breakfast, more like a beast than man.

Makoa wrote:

Sniff Sniff

"Food.." Makoa groggily says as he gets out of bed and heads toward the scent. "Morning Jagor. What you doing today?" Makoa sits and eats breakfast, more like a beast than man.

"Jagor will be spotter! Not yet, but when Goblin open, Jagor spotter! Not sure what do today - wait for you or Clifford. Good breakfast - try flat things over there with sweet stuff. MMMM! Heh."

"Lah-roar want to know what we do for Goblin so he can hire new help. What you do when open? Look mean, be security? Heh. Hezekiah already go somewhere - he not think I like it there, so I wait. Ghorum," points at the cleric, "says he will be bartender for god! Hahaha!"

"So, what you do today?"

Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)

DM Shisumo:

Hezekiah will prepare Sleep and Identify from the borrowed spellbook, then try to identify the bracers.

At the lodge he will ask about who the woman was and what ticked her off like that before immersing himself in his studies.

"I eat." Makoa says simply, trying to think of anything else he may have to do today. "Goblin need bouncer?" he asks Jagor.


The bracers are bracers of armor +1, worth 500 gp if you sold them.

In response to your inquiries about the woman, Bisa, the halfling Red Veil sorceress on front desk duty today, shrugs her small shoulders unconcernedly. "A new applicant," she says, "but with all the fuss over the Blot, especially with Blakely gone, no one's looking to sponsor anyone at the moment. Got the impression she was running low on coin, and didn't relish a turn or two as a quickwife, which is where she seems to be headed."

How long do you plan to research, and what are your priorities?

Makoa wrote:
"I eat." Makoa says simply, trying to think of anything else he may have to do today. "Goblin need bouncer?" he asks Jagor.

"We do indeed," replies Larur for him. "I think you're just the man for the job, truth be known. That beating you took last night, and yet you still stayed on your feet long enough to... well. Most impressive, most impressive. I've been hoping you might take on a spot as a guard, or even the security chief, if you've a mind to."

"Lah-roar, I be honest.. I not very smart for security chief. I be very good bouncer though, know enough about gamble to spot cheater, and was knee-breaker for people in past. I be good floor bouncer."

I saw on Black Tom's discussion thread that robin's going to be out of pocket for a couple days, so I'll bring him in for a moment.

Clifford joins the rest of the group for breakfast. He admits to having several possible ideas for ways he would work into the casino's staff, and Larur nods. "When you've settled on something, just me know, lad."

Clifford also mentions that he saw one of Boss Croat's men at the tournament last night, and Larur's eyes sharpen. "Do tell," he says darkly.

Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)
DM Shisumo wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

I'll just spend a day or two researching and be back in good time for the opening. I'd like to find out as much as I can about our employer and take a crash course in gambling. Beyond that it's back to researching the Blot.

Later in the afternoon Hezekiah saunters into the Goblin with an unbecoming smirk on his face. "I found out some things from our spellbook. To begin with the bracers afford a small amount of magical protection for unarmored warriors. Maybe Jagor will be interested? There were also some interesting spells in the book, but I need some more money to transscribe them, so I suggest that we don't sell it until I've had a chance to copy them. It's worth a pretty penny, though."

"I might not be very useful in the casino, but I know how to twist the pattern slightly to give you all an edge. And Gilbert here is a decent spotter. Has anything of interest happened around here?"

Hezekiah Sexton wrote:
Later in the afternoon Hezekiah saunters into the Goblin with an unbecoming smirk on his face. "I found out some things from our spellbook. To begin with the bracers afford a small amount of magical protection for unarmored warriors. Maybe Jagor will be interested?

Taking one of the armbands, he looks closely at it, "This magic? How make it work? How pretty armbands protect Jagor?"

Jagor's interested, but I'm not sure that allocation best serves the group since his AC is pretty healthy already. Jagor will be fine if someone else would get use from them.

Male Halfling Rogue 1

" Take them , Jagor , you and Makoa are definitely our main hitters and you can(t be armored enough" .

How much money would you be talking about , Hezekiah ? We could always sell the scroll but we'd better be careful selling it. Some people would not like this

Yes Jasker Gant was here . He is a capp , a lieutenant in Boss Croat' employment . He was most certainly checking the place but that seems normal . It's a pity but he and Makoa had some heated words just before he left so I don't know if he left just before the attack on purpose or not .

So shall we say
Hezekiah as spotter . And maybe you could use your magic to enhance some games like those illusions of the talking head or the thing on the cage ? .
Makoa as bouncer or dealer , your choice makoa
Ghorum as bartender
Jagor as spotter or dealer
I'll alternate as either a pit boss/greeter or I 'll go drum some business outside.

But that's for later. For now, let us go retrieve our belongings and settle here
Larur , would you be interested in my help before the opening interviewing potential employees ?

Once in the street
Oh and guys , you'd better let me negotiate usually looking especially at Hezekiah and Ghorum there. May I assume you are not riddleport born ? even when offered a sweet deal like this , you don't want to seem too eager.

Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)
Clifford Strauss wrote:
How much money would you be talking about , Hezekiah ? We could always sell the scroll but we'd better be careful selling it. Some people would not like this.

Hezekiah replies airily: "Oh, about two or three hundred gold pieces. Writing materials are expensive, you know. On the other hand the book itself is worth considerably more than that."

"By the way, I don't do illusions. They are an abomination, but I wouldn't expect you to know that. We all have our areas of expertise."

Male Halfling Rogue 1

200 GP ! An abomination ! Here, I thought that wizards had a sense of measure ! Guess Bardic tales about megalomaniac wizards are true after all . Do you want to ruin us? Think about all poor Ghorum little bastards who'll starve ! "

Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)
Clifford Strauss wrote:
200 GP ! An abomination ! Here, I thought that wizards had a sense of measure ! Guess Bardic tales about megalomaniac wizards are true after all . Do you want to ruin us? Think about all poor Ghorum little bastards who'll starve ! "

Hezekiah gives Clifford an icy look. "I didn't say that I have any claim to that kind of money. All I'm asking is that we refrain from selling the book until I have had the opportunity to muster it. I don't expect you to understand, but I do expect you to be civil."

Male Halfling Rogue 1

Clifford shakes his head :
'You really aren't used to Riddleport, my friend ! You NEVER pay the first price here , it's expected for you to haggle a little so as to have a more reasonable price. And you might be surprised by what I do know . So do you need the whole 300 gp or could a part of this be helpful for the time being ? '

Time warp:

"If you think Jagor need, Jagor will use. How it work?"

Mimicking the way the wizard was wearing them, he figures out the straps and dons the bracers. A little self-conscious, he flexs his wrists and twists his arms before pulling his sleeves down as far as they would reach.

Back to current:

Jagor looks back and forth between Hezekiah and Clifford, a little concerned about their tone with one another. He keeps quiet, but he's ready to step in if it comes to blows.

Jagor now has a +1 armor bonus to AC.

After waiting for a reply from Makoa's last statement to Larur, Makoa chuckles at Jagor's new jewelry. "They look pretty," he chuckles, "maches purse." With that, he laughs a deep orcish laugh and pats Jagor on the back. "This place be good for us. We security, nobody mess with us." Makoa grins.

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