Nick Logue on Animalcast...much NSFWorkage

Music & Audio


Hey all!

I just did a really fun interview with the Animalcast guys, and it went live today. Listen as we rap about Sinister Adventures, werewolf rape, 4E, my man-crush on James Jacobs (and its tragic outcome), and Zen and the Art of Icy Death.

Scope it!

ANIMAL CAST EPISODE #60, Nick MFing Logue Episode!

Dark Archive

wonders what Nick's parents think about this stuff and if they ever read his adventures or listen to his interviews...

Dark Archive

Oh and Jason

you to look out for 'random' c-punches

James you weren't forgotten either

don't let Logue out of your sight ;)

Nicolas Logue wrote:

Hey all!

I just did a really fun interview with the Animalcast guys, and it went live today. Listen as we rap about Sinister Adventures, werewolf rape, 4E, my man-crush on James Jacobs (and its tragic outcome), and Zen and the Art of Icy Death.

Scope it!

ANIMAL CAST EPISODE #60, Nick MFing Logue Episode!

Thanks again, Nick. Much thanks to James too for giving us some clever inside information.

Best... interview... ever. You're the best, Nick.


I'm not gonna lie, that was pretty awesome.

This was a great podcast. Good work.

Nicolas Logue wrote:

ANIMAL CAST EPISODE #60, Nick MFing Logue Episode!

I thought of exactly the same answers to F Marry, or Die. Get out of my head!

Samnell wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:

ANIMAL CAST EPISODE #60, Nick MFing Logue Episode!
I thought of exactly the same answers to F Marry, or Die. Get out of my head!

No way. I had no idea where he was going with that, but I liked his answers better than what I was anticipating.

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