Pathfinder Chronicles - Homebrew needs a home

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Hey everyone,

So my long time forgotten realms homebrew game, which has focused on a single homebrewed city, is going to make the big switch to Pathfinder -- and it needs a home!

The city itself is an island, currently located off the Sword Coast in forgotten realms. It's over run by double dealings and corruption - rogues, cults and repression. It's LE/LN city focused on trade and stands as a way point to other cities along the coast.

I recently got the Campaign setting from my FLGS and have started looking through it. Does anyone have any suggestions on where my little island city could go and fit in Pathfinders world?

Liberty's Edge

I wish I could help you, but it's been at least 15 years since I've played in the Realms. I can't remember anything about the Sword Coast.

Sorry I can't be of any real help, but I'm sure someone with actual ranks in Knowledge (forgotten realms) will be around shortly to help you. If, not try to jog my memory and I'll see if I can come up with something. :)

Absalom? Commerce city/nation which is the center of commerce for the Inner Sea area. It's more neutral the lawful though.

I'd say you can put it anywhere on the Arcadean Ocean, to the west of Avistan or Garund. Maybe on one of the islands to the west of Cheliax (near the Arch of Aroden), or west of Varisia, on that island group that also contains the Mordant Spire.

Since the city is homebrew, you can put it basically anywhere you want.

KaeYoss wrote:

I'd say you can put it anywhere on the Arcadean Ocean, to the west of Avistan or Garund. Maybe on one of the islands to the west of Cheliax (near the Arch of Aroden), or west of Varisia, on that island group that also contains the Mordant Spire.

Since the city is homebrew, you can put it basically anywhere you want.

Thanks for the suggestions! See, I'm not very familiar with the world, so I don't know where major trade lines would possibly run. One thing that defined the island-city was it's close connection to international trade. I'd like to keep that way.

Would it make sense to place it outside the Arch or Aroden, as a common (and unrestful) trade point between Avistan and Garund?

I don't think that there are many major trade routes in that direction - I'd say that most of the Inner Sea trade is conducted on the Inner Sea. I guess people are reluctant to go beyond the Arch, since there you find marauding Vikings and pirates and lots of other cool stuff people usually only like in TV, not up close and trying to rob, enslave, or kill you.

If you want trade, the inner sea is a good place to be. You might want to think about the idea of turning your city into Absalom. Absalom's not evil through and through, but Cheliax (and other factions that aren't necessarily spending tons of gold to nurse back sick baby birds back to health) has influence there.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I would put it off the Inner Sea coast of Cheliax.

Davelozzi wrote:
I would put it off the Inner Sea coast of Cheliax.

I was actually just looking at the map and thinking the same thing. According to the campaign setting, the Northern Route and the Southern Route, both pass the coast of Cheliax. Cheliax also looks like the best nation for my little deranged island as their treatment of "evil" seems to be pretty tolerant.

Does this look like a good spot?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Looks good to me...reminds me of Malta.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Cheliax also has interests along the south-western coast of Garund, in Sargava, so you can place the city farther from the centers of civilization if that's more along the feel of your homebrew.

Grand Lodge

I think that would be an interesting spot for sure. It would put it along both the North and South Routes, and could be a major stop over port for trade in the Immortality Elixir.

It is west enough that raiding vikings can be a threat, as are the two faced diabolical Chelaxians. I am sure it would be on a route for the noble Traldor as well. And all routes lead back to Absalom and through them on down to ancient Osirion.

So, yeah, great location for trade and you have a wealth of horrible evil just to the north and great nobility to your east a ways.

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