Please help (I'm not Evil Genius enough)

Savage Tide Adventure Path

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I need some advice of you clever, clever people. There are major spoilers here, both for Savage Tide and The Dark Knight (yeah, seriously) so be warned.

We’ve just gotten past Sea Wyvern’s Wake and I am plotting ahead. I wanted to throw another wrinkle into things for the party, so I had Rowyn come back as a revenant. I won’t go into too much extraneous detail (If your interested, check out the blog here).

During the initial battle at Farshore, Rowyn uses the confusion and her magic to kidnap two characters: Diamondback (In our game, she has been rehabilitated and become a henchman to –and is in love with – the leader PC) and my former character (I just took over as DM) who is the leader character’s brother. She is going to impersonate Diamondback and allow the party to believe Adameus (my former character – the brother) is the only one missing. This adds to all the other stuff they have to do before the Crimson Fleet arrives.

Here’s where the Dark Knight spoiler comes in. Rowyn is pulling a Joker here. She has the two NPCs hidden away in two different locations. She is going to reveal this to the party and force them to make a choice between which they will save. I’ve envisioned they are each tied up in caves that flood every day at high tide and, if not rescued in time, they drown. I haven’t decided exactly where on the island yet, but far enough apart that you couldn’t visit both before high tide.

My dilemma: How can Rowyn enforce the “choice” aspect of the plan? If I was a player (and until recently, I was) I would just say “split up.” In DK, Joker had an elaborate trap with sensors and phone connections and stuff. How do you replicate that in D&D with the resources that Undead Rowyn would have? The former DM suggested a monster encounter that requires the entire party to defeat, but I think that leaves too much to chance. I want this to be “Evil Genius.” I was also inspired by the Nicole Wallace in the Law & Order: Criminal Intent, and ‘The Miniature Killer” from CSI (or, Professor Moriarty?). In any event, her entire unlife is for the purpose of extracting revenge on the lead PC and its all she un-lives for, all she thinks about. She would have thought through every contingency and, frankly, I just ain’t that smart.

But, collectively, you are! Does anyone have any suggestions?

Rowyn, in addition to the abilities she had as written in the STAP is now undead. She also has, probably, every useful bit of equipment from the two hostages – The only one of significance is a charm bracelet that allows her to Teleport Without Error to the location of any person (two charges left).

Thank you, so much, just for reading this far. If you can help, I would be so grateful!!

How many PCs? Perhaps the only way to free the captured NPCs is some trap or mechanism that requires all the PCs to be present?

Troy Pacelli wrote:
During the initial battle at Farshore...

Just want to clarify...this happens when the ship runs ashore on the Isle...not in Farshore, right? That's two opposite ends of the island...just want to try and clear up any confusion.

cephyn wrote:
How many PCs? Perhaps the only way to free the captured NPCs is some trap or mechanism that requires all the PCs to be present?

Three PCs, but, in theory, they could get help from the Jade Ravens and any number of other NPCs.

Now, if there was a way to make the trap SPECIFIC to just those three individuals, that would be ideal, but I don't see Rowin having access to magic of that kind.

NPCs secured with high DC masterwork (arcane locked?) locks. There is only 1 key.

TracerBullet42 wrote:
Troy Pacelli wrote:
During the initial battle at Farshore...
Just want to clarify...this happens when the ship runs ashore on the Isle...not in Farshore, right? That's two opposite ends of the island...just want to try and clear up any confusion.

No. I was trying to simplify for brevity's sake, but Adameus is taken shortly after he teleports to Lavinia and Diamondback will be taken during the first pirate attack at Farshore. The fact that Adameus is taken earlier doesn’t really matter to the quandary here, though, so I didn’t bother to mention it. The outcome is that the choice has to be made after the first pirate attack but before the second.

cephyn wrote:
NPCs secured with high DC masterwork (arcane locked?) locks. There is only 1 key.

Oh, I like where this is heading. Where did she get the manacles and the spell, though?

Troy Pacelli wrote:
cephyn wrote:
NPCs secured with high DC masterwork (arcane locked?) locks. There is only 1 key.
Oh, I like where this is heading. Where did she get the manacles and the spell, though?

What, I gotta figure EVERYTHING out for you? ;)

To be honest, I actually have no idea what goes on in Savage Tide. I was just trying to come up with a simple mechanism. :) Maybe she found them as treasure. :P

cephyn wrote:
Troy Pacelli wrote:
cephyn wrote:
NPCs secured with high DC masterwork (arcane locked?) locks. There is only 1 key.
Oh, I like where this is heading. Where did she get the manacles and the spell, though?

What, I gotta figure EVERYTHING out for you? ;)

To be honest, I actually have no idea what goes on in Savage Tide. I was just trying to come up with a simple mechanism. :) Maybe she found them as treasure. :P

First, thanks for the input. It’s a great lead that I’ll definitely use in some fashion.

Second, thank you for the laugh. Yeah, I do sound pretty needy, don’t I?

Third, yes, that certainly is a possibility. As Tracer points out above, this scenario will occur some time in the future. They just arrived on the island, we won’t play again for three weeks, and then they have all of Here there be Monsters and the pirate attack before this kicks off, which gives me plenty of time to “play out” in my mind the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of Rowyn’s activities “behind the scenes.” It certainly is possible that she finds other treasures and such. I just like to think all this stuff though just in case the players challenge me on how she managed to pull it off (“Hey, wait a minute. How did she have enough time to blah, blah, blah and get big her in time to yada, yada, yada?”) It may never come up – Rowyn’s not giving anything up and you can’t exactly torture or intimidate an undead creature whose only desire is revenge – but all I need is some clever sue of Augury and I’m fraked.

Besides, part of what I’m going for is elegance. I want what Rowyn wants – to torture them. I want them to choose between the leader’s girlfriend and his brother. If it seems contrived or railroading, I think that would diminish it. I want the wow factor; where the players’ jaws drop and they just shake their heads and say “bravo,” with no funding that they can point to and call foul.

And, no, you don’t have to come up with all the answer. ; ) I’m just “thinking out loud” in the hopes that generating ideas.

For those of you who know the STAP: Is there someone, another NPC, to whom Rowyn might have access who could help her in this endeavor? Someone who could supply her with super strong masterwork arcane locked manacles? Plausibly, I mean.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

If you're talking manacles I think they'd be in Shadowcove. I'd say Tyralandi but they may need her help later. Then again, I forget which info she has but if she is the one who puts them in this position ... oh who am I kidding. She'll just laugh and say business is business, darling.

All sorts of twisted weird stuff - Tyralandi is your man, er, demon!

How about a wall of force keyed to an unnamed party member at each. then they all have to go.

Oh, no, wait ... divination. Okay - make them both the same PC, then it doesn't matter what the party do, they can split up and half get to watch one die.

carborundum wrote:

If you're talking manacles I think they'd be in Shadowcove. I'd say Tyralandi but they may need her help later. Then again, I forget which info she has but if she is the one who puts them in this position ... oh who am I kidding. She'll just laugh and say business is business, darling.

All sorts of twisted weird stuff - Tyralandi is your man, er, demon!

How about a wall of force keyed to an unnamed party member at each. then they all have to go.

Oh, no, wait ... divination. Okay - make them both the same PC, then it doesn't matter what the party do, they can split up and half get to watch one die.

Yeah, I like that!! It’s keyed to the lead PC – who is her “sworn enemy” and the focus of her vengeance. He can’t get to both, so he has to choose.

Manacles that are Arcane Locked (only one key) and Walls of Force both keyed to the one PC. This is exactly the kind of think I was thinking of! Awesome.

Tyralandi, yes. Possibly. What about Olangru, though? Might he be able to provider her with the manacles? Or scrolls for Wall of Force? He’ll likely be dead by the time this happens, but I’ve already got Rowyn working with Olangu on at least one of his little games.

You want to be a real evil dm, make sure there's some sort of magical audio communication between the two the other knows they aren't being saved....

Dark Archive

Troy Pacelli wrote:
carborundum wrote:

If you're talking manacles I think they'd be in Shadowcove. I'd say Tyralandi but they may need her help later. Then again, I forget which info she has but if she is the one who puts them in this position ... oh who am I kidding. She'll just laugh and say business is business, darling.

All sorts of twisted weird stuff - Tyralandi is your man, er, demon!

How about a wall of force keyed to an unnamed party member at each. then they all have to go.

Oh, no, wait ... divination. Okay - make them both the same PC, then it doesn't matter what the party do, they can split up and half get to watch one die.

Yeah, I like that!! It’s keyed to the lead PC – who is her “sworn enemy” and the focus of her vengeance. He can’t get to both, so he has to choose.

Manacles that are Arcane Locked (only one key) and Walls of Force both keyed to the one PC. This is exactly the kind of think I was thinking of! Awesome.

Tyralandi, yes. Possibly. What about Olangru, though? Might he be able to provider her with the manacles? Or scrolls for Wall of Force? He’ll likely be dead by the time this happens, but I’ve already got Rowyn working with Olangu on at least one of his little games.

If you really want to get Dark Knight with it, you could have her rig things so that the group gets two keys which she claims can open either prison - one goes to the leader and the other goes to someone else. The catch is that she's lying, and neither prison will open for the lead PC - only the other key really works. That way, he goes to rescue the one he loves more and winds up having to watch that person die.

Dark Archive

If she's gonna be anything like the Joker, it's going to end up a false dilemna / nobody wins scenario anyway.

1) Perhaps each cave has a Glyph of Warding or Fire Trap-type trap spell on the manacles holding the prisoners. Freeing the prisoner causes it to go off. Or, for extra fun, freeing one prisoner causes the *other* prisoner's bracelet to explode.

2) A cheaper alternative is for each prisoner to have a nasty slow-acting disease or poison, and for the other prisoner to have the antidote, in a flask on a cord around their neck. After rescuing one prisoner, the party will have to take them to the cave where the other prisoner died and take the antidote off of their dead body to use to save the first prisoner from the disease/poison, forcing them (and the rescued prisoner) to viscerally confront the body of the person they failed to save (or who was sacrificed to save them).

3) A vicious thought might be for her to have acquired somewhere a cursed Ring of Friend Shielding. Each of the manacle-wearers is cursed to suffer the same damage as the other shackle-wearer. Removing the shackle might not even break the curse, a Remove Curse might be necessary, and rescuing one prisoner will only result in the second prisoner starting to drown once their fellow prisoner begins to drown... [The items were constructed as normal Bracers, mimicing the powers of rings of Friend Shielding, once, but were cursed when their wearers, twin brothers, turned against and killed each other, their angry spirits became trapped within the bracers, leading them to want to kill anyone who wears them. Freeing them make the Bracers non-magical, but possibly still valuable.]

Dark Archive

PulpCruciFiction wrote:
If you really want to get Dark Knight with it, you could have her rig things so that the group gets two keys which she claims can open either prison - one goes to the leader and the other goes to someone else. The catch is that she's lying, and neither prison will open for the lead PC - only the other key really works. That way, he goes to rescue the one he loves more and winds up having to watch that person die.

Oh, that's just cold. Good one!

cephyn wrote:
You want to be a real evil dm, make sure there's some sort of magical audio communication between the two the other knows they aren't being saved....
PulpCruciFiction wrote:
If you really want to get Dark Knight with it, you could have her rig things so that the group gets two keys which she claims can open either prison - one goes to the leader and the other goes to someone else. The catch is that she's lying, and neither prison will open for the lead PC - only the other key really works. That way, he goes to rescue the one he loves more and winds up having to watch that person die.

You people are really evil geniuses! I knew I could count on you!!

PulpCruciFiction wrote:
If you really want to get Dark Knight with it, you could have her rig things so that the group gets two keys which she claims can open either prison - one goes to the leader and the other goes to someone else. The catch is that she's lying, and neither prison will open for the lead PC - only the other key really works. That way, he goes to rescue the one he loves more and winds up having to watch that person die.

I guess that works if the keys are maked - like the red key is for Adameus and the black key is for Diamondback. Would it be going to far to say they look identical and that there's no inidcation which is which? 50/50 chance that you have the right key to save them both or that you have the wrong key and not enought time to save either of them! And, of course, as you say, one open neither of the locks.

Troy Pacelli wrote:
PulpCruciFiction wrote:
If you really want to get Dark Knight with it, you could have her rig things so that the group gets two keys which she claims can open either prison - one goes to the leader and the other goes to someone else. The catch is that she's lying, and neither prison will open for the lead PC - only the other key really works. That way, he goes to rescue the one he loves more and winds up having to watch that person die.
I guess that works if the keys are maked - like the red key is for Adameus and the black key is for Diamondback. Would it be going to far to say they look identical and that there's no inidcation which is which? 50/50 chance that you have the right key to save them both or that you have the wrong key and not enought time to save either of them! And, of course, as you say, one open neither of the locks.

The only way i can see that working is if it's a sort of reverse trigger - the locks will only open if the lead PC isn't within 1000 yards or something. I'm not real good on spells but that sounds like a complicated magical effect that I'm not sure exists.

Wall of Force and Arcane Masterwork Locks, keyed to the Lead PC and 1 key for the lock. To get through the other one you need what, Dispel Magic and a hell of a lockpicker? Have fun PCs.

I feel bad for them. >)

The idea where freeing one prisoner sets off a trap in the other cell is worth considering too, dunno how to get that to work though.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Oh - nice one with the wrong key, PCF! That's just pure harshness right there. Ouch!

/licks finger, points, says "Tssssss!"

Set wrote:
If she's gonna be anything like the Joker, it's going to end up a false dilemna / nobody wins scenario anyway.

Yeah, a no-win scenario does make sense, and I have been considering that.

I think #1 is really good. I'll probably use that regardless of whatever else I throw at them. I could totally see them setting off the fire trap and diving into the water if they make their saving throws (ala Batman and Harvey – the latter taking half damage!!! – <maniacal laugh>)

There might be something in #2, also. But instead of disease, poison – totally Rowyn’s bag. I’ll have to think about this, too.

This is good stuff! Thank you so much!!

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

cephyn wrote:
The idea where freeing one prisoner sets off a trap in the other cell is worth considering too, dunno how to get that to work though.

Say that each has the combination for the other one on a note, but each note (in a locket?) is basically Explosive Runes?

Too obvious? How about the note's wrapped in arcane keyed rice paper and they have to put it on the prisoners tongue to dissolve the wrapping. Open their mouth to let the PCs read it and boom!

Okay - magic rice paper is stoopid, but some way that the PCs cause the death of the one they think they're saving is kind of what you're looking for.

Is the plan to kill both or to let them save one (or both)?

Dark Archive

Troy Pacelli wrote:

I guess that works if the keys are maked - like the red key is for Adameus and the black key is for Diamondback. Would it be going to far to say they look identical and that there's no inidcation which is which? 50/50 chance that you have the right key to save them both or that you have the wrong key and not enought time to save either of them! And, of course, as you say, one open neither of the locks.

I'm assuming the PCs will split up once they have the two different keys, so the characters have one key that opens both, and another that opens neither (though they don't know this yet). The trick is making sure somehow that the lead PC gets the wrong one. You can have them look identical, which I don't think is a stretch, but if she just hands one to the leader and the other to someone else, there is a risk that they will switch them and dull the impact.

cephyn wrote:
Wall of Force and Arcane Masterwork Locks, keyed to the Lead PC and 1 key for the lock. To get through the other one you need what, Dispel Magic and a hell of a lockpicker? Have fun PCs.

And the lockpicker is one of the two imprisoned, and the magic guy is a cleric/mage (his mage level is half his character level – no way he can dispel magic of this level!) Awesome!!!

cephyn wrote:
The idea where freeing one prisoner sets off a trap in the other cell is worth considering too, dunno how to get that to work though.

Yeah, see, that’s what I’m wrestling with.

Dark Archive

Actually, you could do the keyed wall of force thing along with my original idea. The two keys are in fact identical, and in this case they would both actually work. However, both locations would also have walls of force keyed to the person other than the leader. So when the other PC shows up at his location the wall drops and the key works. When the leader gets to his, he still has to watch his loved one die, but even worse, he's holding the key to free him/her while standing a few yards away.

"I said the key would work. I never said you'd get the chance to use it..."

PulpCruciFiction wrote:

Actually, you could do the keyed wall of force thing along with my original idea. The two keys are in fact identical, and in this case they would both actually work. However, both locations would also have walls of force keyed to the person other than the leader. So when the other PC shows up at his location the wall drops and the key works. When the leader gets to his, he still has to watch his loved one die, but even worse, he's holding the key to free him/her while standing a few yards away.

"I said the key would work. I never said you'd get the chance to use it..."

Easily blown if the lead PC doesn't go alone...

PulpCruciFiction wrote:
I'm assuming the PCs will split up once they have the two different keys, so the characters have one key that opens both, and another that opens neither (though they don't know this yet). The trick is making sure somehow that the lead PC gets the wrong one. You can have them look identical, which I don't think is a stretch, but if she just hands one to the leader and the other to someone else, there is a risk that they will switch them and dull the impact.

Wait, why two keys? (So many suggestions, I think I’m getting confused) It’s a choice. Here’s one key. It opens both locks, but you don’t have enough time to open both.

I want this to be elegant, not a Rube Goldberg Machine. I want it to be flawless and as simple as possible. As such, if I do decide to go for the no-win scenario, then both hostages are dead before the scenario even starts … with fire traps as a bonus for whomever arrives to attempt a rescue.

I have a lot to think about! You have all given such great advise here, I have a lot to work with.

cephyn wrote:
PulpCruciFiction wrote:

Actually, you could do the keyed wall of force thing along with my original idea. The two keys are in fact identical, and in this case they would both actually work. However, both locations would also have walls of force keyed to the person other than the leader. So when the other PC shows up at his location the wall drops and the key works. When the leader gets to his, he still has to watch his loved one die, but even worse, he's holding the key to free him/her while standing a few yards away.

"I said the key would work. I never said you'd get the chance to use it..."

Easily blown if the lead PC doesn't go alone...

Thus my Rube Goldberg analogy.

carborundum wrote:

How about a wall of force keyed to an unnamed party member at each. then they all have to go.

Oh, no, wait ... divination. Okay - make them both the same PC, then it doesn't matter what the party do, they can split up and half get to watch one die.

I'm reading through the spell for Wall of Force and I don't see a semi-permeability function on it. Help me out here. Does it say somewhere that it can be passed though by the caster and/or person or persons indicated by the caster?

You've all given me so many good ideas for screwing with them, I've gotten away from the original intent. Let’s rein it in.

I want to force them to make a choice and that is the intent Rowyn is conveying. I want them to have no hope of rescuing both so that the choice is genuine. The no win scenario is tempting, but there is one flaw – if both die, then they don’t feel responsible because they know they never had a chance. If one survives, then Viselys allowed the other one to die and has to live with it.

So I’m down to the masterwork wizard locked manacles with one key. I also like the idea of a Wall of Force that only admits the one person holding the key (Whomever that might be), if that is a possibility under that spell (anybody?) – I don’t want a whole crew of people chiseling the manacles out of the rock or something.

I really prefer she doesn’t have to leave the island to obtain the manacle and spells. Do you think Olnagru can obtain these items for her?

Dark Archive

Troy Pacelli wrote:
cephyn wrote:
PulpCruciFiction wrote:

Actually, you could do the keyed wall of force thing along with my original idea. The two keys are in fact identical, and in this case they would both actually work. However, both locations would also have walls of force keyed to the person other than the leader. So when the other PC shows up at his location the wall drops and the key works. When the leader gets to his, he still has to watch his loved one die, but even worse, he's holding the key to free him/her while standing a few yards away.

"I said the key would work. I never said you'd get the chance to use it..."

Easily blown if the lead PC doesn't go alone...
Thus my Rube Goldberg analogy.

Yeah, I'm not sure I'm being clear enough. I think that one key and only enough time to rescue one of them works fine, but my idea builds on that.

The jist of my idea is that she gives them two keys that look alike, but only one works. That way they split up and think they're going to be able to save both of their friends until the moment the second key fails to operate.

The other element would be that Rowyn would want to make sure that her most hated enemy got the wrong key. Hence, the leader heads off to rescue the person he loves more while his friend goes to rescue the other person. The second PC's rescue attempt goes off as planned, but the lead PC is forced to watch his loved one die.

The problem, as I mentioned, is making sure that the lead PC gets the bad key. The solution I brought up with the added walls of force was an attempt to make sure that happened - the idea here is that the secondary PC not only gets the good key, but both walls of force are keyed to drop when he specifically approaches. However, I agree that this adds an unnecessary element to the trap design. I would probably just have Rowyn hand the bad key to the lead PC and the good key to someone else.

If the PCs do something silly, like switch keys, then one wall drops but the key doesn't work, and the other one won't drop at all. That's just frustrating for the PCs, since they won't realize what they did wrong.

If I'm a PC and the bad guy says "I've imprisoned 2 of your friends, here's 2 keys to get them out. Good Luck!" I'm thinking something is fishy. Too easy. And it also sorta removes the point of the exercise - to make the PCs choose. If you give them 2 keys, they're not consciously choosing who to let die. They assume they can save both. You might as well flip a coin.

With one key, it forces the PCs to choose. Even if they split up, hoping to save the other person, they know they might not be able to. So the key goes to whomever they want to guarantee life.

I'm not sure how, game mechanics-wise, to get the force wall thing to work. I don't know spells that well. It's probably easier with just the manacles and 1 key. Lower level magic too.

Dark Archive

cephyn wrote:
If the PCs do something silly, like switch keys, then one wall drops but the key doesn't work, and the other one won't drop at all. That's just frustrating for the PCs, since they won't realize what they did wrong.

Right, I agree. In fact, I don't think the wall of force idea is necessary at all if you've got the manacles in play.

cephyn wrote:

If I'm a PC and the bad guy says "I've imprisoned 2 of your friends, here's 2 keys to get them out. Good Luck!" I'm thinking something is fishy. Too easy. And it also sorta removes the point of the exercise - to make the PCs choose. If you give them 2 keys, they're not consciously choosing who to let die. They assume they can save both. You might as well flip a coin.

With one key, it forces the PCs to choose. Even if they split up, hoping to save the other person, they know they might not be able to. So the key goes to whomever they want to guarantee life.

Again, this makes sense. And if the point is to force the PCs to make a difficult choice, this is definitely the way to go. The point of the additional stuff I proposed is not only to force the characters to make a choice, but to frustrate their intentions, like the Joker did. It would be like having just one key, but when you stick it into a lock, the other set of manacles pops open instead of the one you're trying to open.

Ideally, if I'm the villain, not only do I want my enemy to struggle with the choice of who to save, I also want to spite him by making sure the wrong one lives.

The truly brutal way to go is to have the 1 key that does 2 things: 1, it opens the "other" manacles, remotely, freeing the "wrong" prisoner. 2, it fuses the key to the manacle and sets off a trap on the prisoner wearing the unopened manacles. This doesn't have to be anything too powerful even. Something like multiple charges of shocking grasp would be pretty miserable. Or even multiple charges of heat metal (a cantrip, i think) would be horrible. The PCs might, might have a chance to free the still locked prisoner, but they'll have to race against whatever is horribly damaging them.

Dark Archive

cephyn wrote:
The truly brutal way to go is to have the 1 key that does 2 things: 1, it opens the "other" manacles, remotely, freeing the "wrong" prisoner. 2, it fuses the key to the manacle and sets off a trap on the prisoner wearing the unopened manacles. This doesn't have to be anything too powerful even. Something like multiple charges of shocking grasp would be pretty miserable. Or even multiple charges of heat metal (a cantrip, i think) would be horrible. The PCs might, might have a chance to free the still locked prisoner, but they'll have to race against whatever is horribly damaging them.

Actually, I like the one key, but it opens the other manacles idea even better. It makes sure the "wrong" person lives, forces the leader to watch the one he loves more die, and leaves the prisoner who survives with the knowledge that the leader actually wanted to let him/her die.

Wow. You guys have really taken to the excercise, and I really appreciate it.

I think, for my purposes, the simple test is the way to go. I expect that this is just the first in a sereies of tortures Rowyn will visit on the party, so some of the other bandess may come into play later.

One idea that an earlier suggestion triggered, in conjunction with my own mention of The Miniature Killer from CSI, is that Rowyn is going to leave a miniature diarama depiciting the death of the other character at each of the sites. What I mean is, for example, Viselys runs to save Diamondback. He unlocks her manacle. Then he notices a box with a very detailed representation of the other groto with a tiny figure of Adameus, chained to the botom, floating upwars. Since Rowyn doesn't know which character he would choose, she has one of this grotto with a figure of Diamondback at Adameus' location, but they have no way to know that because it will be washed away (Rowyn teleports there to remove the diorama after she sees which Viselys is going to). Essentially, it looks like she knew which one Viselys would choose before he did himself.

I'll have Rowyn leave future miniatures depciting the death of her next victim as a taunt - "try and stop me."

Troy Pacelli wrote:

Wow. You guys have really taken to the excercise, and I really appreciate it.

I think, for my purposes, the simple test is the way to go. I expect that this is just the first in a sereies of tortures Rowyn will visit on the party, so some of the other bandess may come into play later.

One idea that an earlier suggestion triggered, in conjunction with my own mention of The Miniature Killer from CSI, is that Rowyn is going to leave a miniature diarama depiciting the death of the other character at each of the sites. What I mean is, for example, Viselys runs to save Diamondback. He unlocks her manacle. Then he notices a box with a very detailed representation of the other groto with a tiny figure of Adameus, chained to the botom, floating upwars. Since Rowyn doesn't know which character he would choose, she has one of this grotto with a figure of Diamondback at Adameus' location, but they have no way to know that because it will be washed away (Rowyn teleports there to remove the diorama after she sees which Viselys is going to). Essentially, it looks like she knew which one Viselys would choose before he did himself.

I'll have Rowyn leave future miniatures depciting the death of her next victim as a taunt - "try and stop me."

*Chuckle* really enjoying this thread. My take on the miniatures aspect:

Two salt carvings of the two victims. The key is inside; the carving must be dissolved to get the key. On the outside of the carving is the map to the location and an arcane word ie do not dissolve too quickly!

You can make the 'switch' in the carving, the map, or the key. If you have particularly savvy players you can make a double switch (that's what so funny--clearly I can not choose the glass of wine in front of me! :)

The statuettes are magical saying the word completes the spell (trigger item) in the way working a potion does. Dispel magic specifically focused to the wall of force is the mechanic you are looking for--need to make the item a 'potion' that anyone can use.

My addition(s): the wall of force is actually protecting the victim from high tide. Remove the wall and the drowning begins.
To be more evil (less genius) switch high tide to volcanoe since you have two of them spewing lava about... (and even the survivor gets horribly scarred). Also run the enocunter in initiative. Build the suspense by switching from party/victim A to party/victim B. Finally in both places is another statuette, (uhmmm... guys, where did we leave Lavinia? :)

"Curaigh” wrote:
*Chuckle* really enjoying this thread.

I’m glad to hear it. Glad I could contribute to the community.

"Curaigh” wrote:

Two salt carvings of the two victims…

The statuettes are magical saying the word completes the spell (trigger item) in the way working a potion does. Dispel magic specifically focused to the wall of force is the mechanic you are looking for--need to make the item a 'potion'...

Okay, when I said I wasn’t “evil genius” enough, it was an understatement. What I should have said was “I’m dumb as a box of rocks.” I understood everything up to this point. Tell me if what I’m thinking is what you mean: The keys will act as a trigger for a Dispel Magic for the appropriate Wall of Force when the Arcane Word is spoken (triggering the Dispel Magic encoded on the key). Is that right? If not, I’m lost.

Even if I am wrong, this sounds great! Thanks!!

I appreciate all the help and I want you to know that it has all been a huge assist to me. I’ve spent a great deal of time on this and I think I finally have decided how this is going to work.

First, she struck a deal with Olangru – she turned over Adameus, which essentially get’s the whole show rolling, plus she offers him some “tips” for screwing with them because she knows them – really well. In return, Olangru plays cab driver a few times for her. He takes her to Sasserine to raid the family coffers (she’s going to need a lot of gold). Then he teleports her to see a powerful (13th level) wizard she knows of who is known for such dark dealings (The same wizard who once turned a young woman into a horse for Avaner, incidentally. Read our blog).

She obtains from the wizard the following:

Two sets of Adamantine masterwork manacles with amazing quality adamantine masterwork locks. He casts Arcane Lock on them and empowers the key (one key that opens both) to Dispel the Arcane lock when used normally. Total Price: 15,460 gp each

Two Wall of Force scrolls – Total Price: 450gp each

Two Permanency scrolls to be used on the Walls of Force. He is weaving in the condition that any creature holding the key to the manacles can bring down the Permanency and the Wall. (Not 100% by the rules, but it seems like such a simple thing for a 13th level wizard). The trick is that the DL to use the scroll for Rowyn is 33; she needs to roll a 14 or better – possible, but unlikely. I could say that she buys extra scrolls and tries again and again, but at 13,150gp per, that seems a bit unlikely, too. I’m making a DM call that she automatically makes the rolls for story reasons. I think that’s fair. I don’t think my players will pick it apart that far.

Sub TOTAL = 58,120gp
+10% = 5,813gp

TOTAL = 63,933gp

Look on the players faces as this scenario unfolds: Priceless!

Now, aside from my fudging (blatantly ignoring) the Use Magic Device rolls, can anyone see a flaw this scheme?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

By the laws of D&D only your own players can see any flaws and only on game night.

Dark Archive

Rather than have her buy this stuff, you could DM Fiat that it's already there. Centuries ago, cultists of a two-faced demon lord of the abyssal depths would make twin sacrifices to their 'god,' staking out people for the tide, always a pair, and always at opposite ends of the territory around their village (twins were the most auspicious offering, but rarely available, and a married couple would do in a pinch).

These cultists are long-dead, but the sea-caves they used for their sacrifices remain intact, with unrusting manacles to hold the sacrifices in place, as the cultists themselves were forbidden to see the faces of their watery lord, lest they be blasted into madness.

[Their beliefs were that if the lord was fed at opposite ends of the village simultaneously, his twin serpentine necks would stretch to reach both sacrifices, while his dark heart would lie out to sea near the village, and they would benefit from his 'blessing,' being exposed to the heart of his power.]

Our naughty person has discovered the ritual, if not it's purpose or the bits about the demon-lord (who may not even exist anymore, and that's assuming it ever *did* exist!), and decided to take advantage of the ancient magics of the caves, designed to hold the sacrifices in and prevent them from escaping. If the ritual just *happens* to work, and the party is present in one of the caves when the sacrifice was due, and are driven mad by the intangible presence of a frustrated demon-lord? Well, that's just gravy.

Hmm. I wonder what sort of demon-lord would have two heads, long necks, and associations with water and madness?

Set wrote:

Rather than have her buy this stuff, you could DM Fiat that it's already there. Centuries ago, cultists of a two-faced demon lord of the abyssal depths would make twin sacrifices to their 'god,' staking out people for the tide, always a pair, and always at opposite ends of the territory around their village (twins were the most auspicious offering, but rarely available, and a married couple would do in a pinch).

These cultists are long-dead, but the sea-caves they used for their sacrifices remain intact, with unrusting manacles to hold the sacrifices in place, as the cultists themselves were forbidden to see the faces of their watery lord, lest they be blasted into madness.

[Their beliefs were that if the lord was fed at opposite ends of the village simultaneously, his twin serpentine necks would stretch to reach both sacrifices, while his dark heart would lie out to sea near the village, and they would benefit from his 'blessing,' being exposed to the heart of his power.]

Our naughty person has discovered the ritual, if not it's purpose or the bits about the demon-lord (who may not even exist anymore, and that's assuming it ever *did* exist!), and decided to take advantage of the ancient magics of the caves, designed to hold the sacrifices in and prevent them from escaping. If the ritual just *happens* to work, and the party is present in one of the caves when the sacrifice was due, and are driven mad by the intangible presence of a frustrated demon-lord? Well, that's just gravy.

Hmm. I wonder what sort of demon-lord would have two heads, long necks, and associations with water and madness?

yeah A two headed demon? Serpents for arms? Who would buy it? *grin*

What I meant was you have a key within a key. One key is to the location (map) or alternately to the magic. The other key is to the manacles. To get to the manacle key you have to destroy the location/magic key.

The carving of the individual was just a tie in to the miniature killer.

carborundum wrote:
By the laws of D&D only your own players can see any flaws and only on game night.

And only one of the three of them would even call me on it (the rules laywer of the group). You're right. I should be fine.

Set wrote:

Rather than have her buy this stuff, you could DM Fiat that it's already there. Centuries ago, cultists of a two-faced demon lord of the abyssal depths would make twin sacrifices to their 'god,' staking out people for the tide, always a pair, and always at opposite ends of the territory around their village (twins were the most auspicious offering, but rarely available, and a married couple would do in a pinch).

These cultists are long-dead, but the sea-caves they used for their sacrifices remain intact, with unrusting manacles to hold the sacrifices in place, as the cultists themselves were forbidden to see the faces of their watery lord, lest they be blasted into madness.

[Their beliefs were that if the lord was fed at opposite ends of the village simultaneously, his twin serpentine necks would stretch to reach both sacrifices, while his dark heart would lie out to sea near the village, and they would benefit from his 'blessing,' being exposed to the heart of his power.]

Our naughty person has discovered the ritual, if not it's purpose or the bits about the demon-lord (who may not even exist anymore, and that's assuming it ever *did* exist!), and decided to take advantage of the ancient magics of the caves, designed to hold the sacrifices in and prevent them from escaping. If the ritual just *happens* to work, and the party is present in one of the caves when the sacrifice was due, and are driven mad by the intangible presence of a frustrated demon-lord? Well, that's just gravy.

Hmm. I wonder what sort of demon-lord would have two heads, long necks, and associations with water and madness?

Yeah, I like that. Good thinking! But I’m going to keep the “get the stuff from the wizard” angle because I need to establish that wizard anyway for a separate subplot. If the characters investigate, as I hope they will, I hope that the question of where the stuff came from arises. I can’t think of how they would find out, but they’re clever and they just might come up with something really good. In any event, it is good for me to know this 13th level wizard is out there somewhere and can start fleshing him out for later use.

But the backstory about the two caves and the rituals and all, that I’m using. It just fits too well not to. It would be a great little bit of trivia to throw out there some time after this is all resolved (and one of the NPCs is dead). OOOh, ooh! Maybe when they meet Demagorgon, he thanks them for the tasty snack!!

This just keeps getting better and better!!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

As for where she got the manacles and key, there is a temple of Dalt in Sasserine, Dalt being the god of keys and portals. That magic item sounds right up their alley. Maybe she had it with her for just such an occasion.


Robert Hradek wrote:

As for where she got the manacles and key, there is a temple of Dalt in Sasserine, Dalt being the god of keys and portals. That magic item sounds right up their alley. Maybe she had it with her for just such an occasion.


Excellent! Thank you, so much!

Just to add my to bits. I remember that there's an etheral filtcher making trouble in Farshore. I could see Rowyn dominating/charming/intimidating the little critter to help with getting supplies and what not. Could be a handy little hench for later tormenting as well until it's caught in the warehouse.

fey'Dorian wrote:
Just to add my to bits. I remember that there's an etheral filtcher making trouble in Farshore. I could see Rowyn dominating/charming/intimidating the little critter to help with getting supplies and what not. Could be a handy little hench for later tormenting as well until it's caught in the warehouse.

I must have totally overlooked that. Where can I find this little filcher? In the STAP, I mean.

Troy Pacelli wrote:
I must have totally overlooked that. Where can I find this little filcher? In the STAP, I mean.

It's one of the side-adventure/plot hooks in Tides of Dread.

ellegua wrote:
Troy Pacelli wrote:
I must have totally overlooked that. Where can I find this little filcher? In the STAP, I mean.
It's one of the side-adventure/plot hooks in Tides of Dread.

Ah, I see. Thanks! Yeah, I guess if I'm going to plan ahead, I should probably read the details that are already there a little closer, huh?

I just wanted to update you all that I've finally gottent to this point in the game. You can read about it starting with this blog entry: them.html

As always, if you come to the blog, please comment to encourage me and my players (no spoilers, please).

Thanks for all of you who gave input that made our last game such a jaw dropper!

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