Cusp of Sunrise Membership

Shackled City Adventure Path

In my campaign one of the characters is a Noble. He's Alex Tercival's cousin, Morgan Tercival. The party have met Vhalatru a few times and I thought as a nice foreshadowing to the CoS which will be featuring in Chapter Four (we're mid chapter three now) I'd give the noble paladin a present of a year's membership of the Cusp from Vhalatru - helps to keep them trusting and believing in him I guess.

My question is: how much is that worth?

Should their be membership fees or is it actually more a case of its free to be a member but you have to get invited? If its not free would there be a yearly membership or would it be a life time membership?

I guess in my campaign I have forced it to be a case of yearly paid membership as Vhalantru said he was buying Morgan his first year's membership as a gift, so if that's the case, what sort of cost are we talking about here?

I suspect others in the party might want to join too and I need to come up with a figure for this.

Any clues?


Think of it like one of todays high society clubs.

Initiation fee - Lots of money. 'Oh please can I be a member of the club.'

Yearly membership dues - Now that I'm a member I need to pay this to stay in good standing and prove I make enough money to hang out here.

monthly food and beverage 'tax' - You pay it up front monthly and it covers whatever you and your guests eat and drink.

Blakey wrote:
My question is: how much is that worth?

In Chapter Four, it says that a membership to the Cusp is worth 1,000 GP. It doesn't specify whether the fee is for yearly or lifetime membership.

I would assume that it is lifetime. The noble establishment's membership fee of 1,000 GP is simply in place to keep out the riff-raff. Even if a person of lesser standing was to cough up 1,000 GP, they still couldn't join without the sponsorship of an existing member.

Shimrath wrote:

In Chapter Four, it says that a membership to the Cusp is worth 1,000 GP. It doesn't specify whether the fee is for yearly or lifetime membership.

Good spot. I saw that yesterday when working on my 4E conversion of that chapter.

I think I'm going to make the first year a 1000 gold fee and then continual annual membership no more than 100 gold. So you have to be rich to get in but its not a huge cash sink after that.

That also makes the big V's gift all that more significant to an impoverished 5th level paladin...

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