Churgeon Prestige Class ?


Liberty's Edge

I am playing a Cleric that focus' mainly on healing. Does anyone know the book the Churgeon Prestige class is in.

Or any other Prestige Classes you would recomend.

There is a Chiurgeon prestige class in Iron Kingdoms. I believe it is in the IK Campaign Guide, but that may be incorrect. Also I think it was more of a mad scientist than a healer.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Durin1211 wrote:

I am playing a Cleric that focus' mainly on healing. Does anyone know the book the Churgeon Prestige class is in.

Or any other Prestige Classes you would recomend.

The Radiant Servant of Pelor is really good at healing AND turning undead. It's in the Complete Divine. It's one of the few PrCs I've actually played as a player, and I sort of accidentally fell into it. I began a 1st level human cloistered cleric of Pelor with Augment Healing and either Empower Turning or Quicken Turning, and the DM mentioned it to me, and it was a perfect fit. Taking Extra Turning also fit the character.

It was also real useful when the BBEG at the end of the campaign was a lich. The elf swashbuckler tried to walk through a Prismatic Wall and got teleported away, the ranger got disintegrated, the warlock was petrified, and I rolled a natural 20 on my attack roll, did really good on my turn check to power my Divine Spell Power feat to overcome the lich's spell resistance, then the lich rolled a natural 1 on its Will save, and got Healed to death. I was then able to use Break Enchantment to un-petrify the warlock, True-Rezzed the ranger, and Scryed and Planeshifted to recover the swashbuckler.

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