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If I understand correctly, D0: Hollow's Last Hope is no longer in print. I know you can still get the PDF, but I'm not that interested in reading things like modules or magazines onscreen.
Does anyone know where I can get a print copy of this? I check Ebay often but ... so far, no luck. Does anyone have the print copy that they would want to trade, sell etc?

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If I understand correctly, D0: Hollow's Last Hope is no longer in print. I know you can still get the PDF, but I'm not that interested in reading things like modules or magazines onscreen.
Does anyone know where I can get a print copy of this? I check Ebay often but ... so far, no luck. Does anyone have the print copy that they would want to trade, sell etc?
I can check to see if I still have a spare copy, the hard thing is I never have time to get to the post office myself :P

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You could purchase the PDF and take it to your local Staples or such. There it can be printed double sided and bound with a clear front and opaque back cover. That's what I do with the bulk of my PDFs. For D0 the cost will be modest.
Actually, just to be clear - Staples wouldn't print it for you; it's copyrighted. They'd bind it just as described but you have to do the printing yourself. (I've worked at the Staples copy center - all centers like that are very strict about copyright rules.)

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Krell wrote:You could purchase the PDF and take it to your local Staples or such. There it can be printed double sided and bound with a clear front and opaque back cover. That's what I do with the bulk of my PDFs. For D0 the cost will be modest.Actually, just to be clear - Staples wouldn't print it for you; it's copyrighted. They'd bind it just as described but you have to do the printing yourself. (I've worked at the Staples copy center - all centers like that are very strict about copyright rules.)
Really? I've never had a problem getting a Paizo PDF printed there. Even had the manager do the printing a couple of times, and never questioned it.

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Really? I've never had a problem getting a Paizo PDF printed there. Even had the manager do the printing a couple of times, and never questioned it.
I think it depends on which one you go to. I've never had problem one with any of my PDFs and I've used a couple of different copy centers in my area. Kinkos, Staples, and Office Depot were all cool about it but I have heard of other people having problems from time to time.

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I.Malachi wrote:Really? I've never had a problem getting a Paizo PDF printed there. Even had the manager do the printing a couple of times, and never questioned it.Krell wrote:You could purchase the PDF and take it to your local Staples or such. There it can be printed double sided and bound with a clear front and opaque back cover. That's what I do with the bulk of my PDFs. For D0 the cost will be modest.Actually, just to be clear - Staples wouldn't print it for you; it's copyrighted. They'd bind it just as described but you have to do the printing yourself. (I've worked at the Staples copy center - all centers like that are very strict about copyright rules.)
If they did they weren't supposed to - even though you own the pdf it's still considered property of Paizo and they (at least my store) won't touch it. Same thing with a script I wrote - it now belongs to the production company who aired it so I can't have it copied even though I wrote it. Yeah, some people will tell you it's technically a grey area but it isn't really and we don't treat it as such.
Your guys either don't care or don't know they can't do it. (So you're lucky. :P )

Krell |

I've never had an issue having a PDF printed at my local Staples. I only have one printed so its clear that I'm not selling them-they're for my personal use. I'm surprised that there would be an issue for me to have a hardcopy 'back-up' created. I would think it's akin to having a second copy of the PDF on a disk for archival purposes.

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I've never had an issue having a PDF printed at my local Staples. I only have one printed so its clear that I'm not selling them-they're for my personal use. I'm surprised that there would be an issue for me to have a hardcopy 'back-up' created. I would think it's akin to having a second copy of the PDF on a disk for archival purposes.
It doesn't really matter why you're printing it. Personally, I don't think anyone would have a problem with you having a hard-copy back-up. Professionally, though, the company's policy is to err on the side of caution. If anyone were to call us out on it we could get slapped with a $250,000 fine on top of whatever other legal fees would occur. So, they don't wish to take chances. The point is that it doesn't matter whether your store has done it or not; they're still not supposed to do so.
The difference is that if you print it out or make a cd copy the liability is on you rather than Staples or any other copy store you'd go to. In fact, if you were copying a book or something they'd direct you to the self-serve copiers - in that case, it's still considered to be on you.

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Krell wrote:I've never had an issue having a PDF printed at my local Staples. I only have one printed so its clear that I'm not selling them-they're for my personal use. I'm surprised that there would be an issue for me to have a hardcopy 'back-up' created. I would think it's akin to having a second copy of the PDF on a disk for archival purposes.It doesn't really matter why you're printing it. Personally, I don't think anyone would have a problem with you having a hard-copy back-up. Professionally, though, the company's policy is to err on the side of caution. If anyone were to call us out on it we could get slapped with a $250,000 fine on top of whatever other legal fees would occur. So, they don't wish to take chances. The point is that it doesn't matter whether your store has done it or not; they're still not supposed to do so.
The difference is that if you print it out or make a cd copy the liability is on you rather than Staples or any other copy store you'd go to. In fact, if you were copying a book or something they'd direct you to the self-serve copiers - in that case, it's still considered to be on you.
I've heard of places who wouldn't do it until they saw the watermark with the person's name, and were shown ID prooving that it was a legal purchase (and this was at a staples I beleive)

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I.Malachi wrote:I've heard of places who wouldn't do it until they saw the watermark with the person's name, and were shown ID prooving that it was a legal purchase (and this was at a staples I beleive)Krell wrote:I've never had an issue having a PDF printed at my local Staples. I only have one printed so its clear that I'm not selling them-they're for my personal use. I'm surprised that there would be an issue for me to have a hardcopy 'back-up' created. I would think it's akin to having a second copy of the PDF on a disk for archival purposes.It doesn't really matter why you're printing it. Personally, I don't think anyone would have a problem with you having a hard-copy back-up. Professionally, though, the company's policy is to err on the side of caution. If anyone were to call us out on it we could get slapped with a $250,000 fine on top of whatever other legal fees would occur. So, they don't wish to take chances. The point is that it doesn't matter whether your store has done it or not; they're still not supposed to do so.
The difference is that if you print it out or make a cd copy the liability is on you rather than Staples or any other copy store you'd go to. In fact, if you were copying a book or something they'd direct you to the self-serve copiers - in that case, it's still considered to be on you.
My manager would probably let that slide through, actually, yeah.
Oh, and I did see a print copy of Hollow's Last Hope on ebay recently. The bid was rather high so I didn't mark it or I'd link it for you. Sorry. :(