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Reason feat is a green result.

Supergirl wrote:
Reason feat is a green result.

Supergirl only:

The building has a light coating of lead surrounding the walls and interior walls as far as you can see, it looks recent and you're not sure its natural in origin

Superheroes In New Proverbial wrote:
Supergirl wrote:
Reason feat is a green result.

Supergirl only:

** spoiler omitted **

Ha, I knew that's what you were going to tell me. How about the other visions, do they spot anything (microscopic and telescopic), I scan the surrounding area.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Pong; I am going to go the site; need you a ride; I could easily carry you?

I will fly to the museum and look at the surrounding area for magic; hidden things; wards; and get a feeling of the place.

Supergirl wrote:
Superheroes In New Proverbial wrote:
Supergirl wrote:
Reason feat is a green result.

Supergirl only:

** spoiler omitted **
Ha, I knew that's what you were going to tell me. How about the other visions, do they spot anything (microscopic and telescopic), I scan the surrounding area.

Upper floors have been sealed off, doesn't mean you can't get in just that it would leave a mess and evidence of a break in, the front entrance is open admittedly that was expected but your thermal vision suggests you aren't the first to arrive

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

Pong; I am going to go the site; need you a ride; I could easily carry you?

I will fly to the museum and look at the surrounding area for magic; hidden things; wards; and get a feeling of the place.

"No I can get there fine, you keep an eye out for Supergirl okay, I hear she's vulnerable to magic like her cousin is," Pong nods back as he moves out taking the stairs well bounces up where th stairs was.

Knowing full well that other heroes will me on their way, I shall survey the area from the air and wait for them.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

At Pongs suggestion, I will team with Supergirl and maintain vigilant watch and support her actions; I will engage my defensive spell sheild.

What is the current weather and time please? are there lights on the building?

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Seeing Supergirl in the night; flying; noticing her blossoming figure and stature as a woman for the first time; Maelidek face warms and turns a bit red; he turns away to look at something else; wondering at these new emotions and feelings he has never had before for the lands of his youth were harsh and he had no time for such flights of intimate thought. He will himself to keep his head in the game and on the mission; wondering if he should apologize.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

At Pongs suggestion, I will team with Supergirl and maintain vigilant watch and support her actions; I will engage my defensive spell sheild.

What is the current weather and time please? are there lights on the building?

Its quite cold for this time of year, there are no lights on at present in the building since its not actually supposed to be in use given its still under development

"Hey there!"

Hovers in the air next to Maelidek the Mystic.

"Is the bouncy guy around?"

Supergirl wrote:

"Hey there!"

Hovers in the air next to Maelidek the Mystic.
"Is the bouncy guy around?"

There's no sign of Pong


He isn't as fast as you are so will probably take a little while before he arrives from your point of view

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

sheesh; my posts are gone; sigh; here goes again...

as Maelidek stops to hover; whereas he face was only visible and long tendrils of darkness; the tendrils form two concentric circles below him and he stands in the air not moving.

to Supergirl: I offered to give Pong a ride; but his pride as in all heroes of mettle sought to use his own powers to arrive here so it will probably take him a bit unless he gets a pushstart by getting hit by one of these horseless carriages; motorcars I remember them being called; I imagine he is bouncing along as best he can; remind me not to play him billiards hehe <he flashes a wink and small smile to Supergirl, then becomes serious>

we should find some way to communicate over distance with our comrades; if I had set this trap; I would have chosen to put traps or ambushes on what I would consider the obvious routes from where we might be expected to come from and our arrival here.

the sky is clear; not much help there; but the cold might be useful later. Can you see in darkness? I think our route of entry should be from the rooftop? what say you?

I don't think we should enter unless we see something happen. Do you have a magical spell that would enable you to dectect the unseen? Oh, no I don't see in the dark very well. Besides, we should wait for our bouncer, we may need a bouncer if things get out of hand.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Certainly, Ms Supergirl; if the agents set against us are using magic to grant them invisibility; I will know unless their skill is much greater than mine; magic is much like any other power source and can be detected by those with the right tools. If they are using some super science gadget, it may fail near me; but I wont see them any more than you. I suggest with your super vision and hearing; you watch for dust particles from their walking; thermal prints from walking; displacement of air; and noise; perhaps might hear heartbeats. Many guardian types are creations and dont have heat; hearts, or such things; but mortals do. I am just glad the building hasnt been enchanted; having the building against us would be worrisome.

as for granting you darkvision; certainly it can be done many ways, but the safest for your mind would be to charge a one time item, it would stay fresh with the spell for a day or two no more. I have never cast a technique on another directly to give them darksight; it would not be recommended to do this at this time without some research as results would be unpredicatble. The easiest thing to do would be to find some creature, like a cat; and dominate its mind and link yours as the control; you could see through its eyes and move it around. As long as you control your thoughts to it and keep them simple; you wont destroy its mind and it should be ok.

In the future; i will work on something. Typically fey make joke candy and foods to have sport with mortals; I know those and a few that are useful besides.

I think with our two skill and power sets; we will be an excellent team and difficult for our opponents to overcome. If you suspect something is invisible; i will counterspell the area if it looks ok; but remember; anything known can be countered; mages are plotters and thinkers, the more they know about you, the more they can counter your strengths.

If you run out of powers against a male magi; flash that smile and wink; you would be surprized how many mages are very secluded and alone; it could make them pause or delay, banter and half promises are good tools also; many of the most powerful love to monologue.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

<realizing I just monologued myself; hehe, I focus back on searching the building and nearby area and look behind and above us for clues; hiding my blush of shame for becoming distracted>

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
<realizing I just monologued myself; hehe, I focus back on searching the building and nearby area and look behind and above us for clues; hiding my blush of shame for becoming distracted>


As you peruse the area a strong sensation almost overcomes you as a voice speaks directly to you.
<WELCOME, I DO HOPE YOU WILL REMIND YOUR FRIEND NOT TO MAKE A MESS ENTERING AFTER ALL NOT EVERYONE BLOWS EVERYTHING UP!> the mental voice shakes your composure but not enough to disrupt your concentration.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Attempt to reply back; "I greet thee back, who gives this welcome; and which friend should be reminded to mind their manners, the flying girl or the bouncing boy or someone else?"

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

To Supergirl,

Well, we have been noticed; we are to not show destructive force and not break anything as we enter, we should tell Pong and any others. I was addressed directly by some vast voice; did you hear it as well?

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
Attempt to reply back; "I greet thee back, who gives this welcome; and which friend should be reminded to mind their manners, the flying girl or the bouncing boy or someone else?"



male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

<under my breath> is it me; or is this a one sided conversation; I have no idea what this voice is talking about, I dont have a girlfriend; and what was broken that needs repair; the police station?

<Normal voice> Supergirl; are you aware of any meeting? I was told this meeting was arranged; wierd. See Pong yet?

<back to the voice> I do not know to what you refer; I am not aware of any meeting; girlfriend; or something broken needing repairs, my apologies. If we are to meet; then perhaps you and yours should show yourselves.

"I hear nothing. Is someone talking to you telepathically? Is it a male or female voice?"

I scan the area with my super hearing in an attempt to locate any unseen persons.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

I am not certain how this communication was working; I did not know if you could hear it or not. Its seems we are expected; being watched and at least one inside is a bit peeved about some earlier destruction and the cost of fixing it and I assume that is directed at you.

Perhaps our foe is here to settle a score with us. We did learn she has a unique idea of justice.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
<under my breath> is it me; or is this a one sided conversation; I have no idea what this voice is talking about, I dont have a girlfriend; and what was broken that needs repair; the police station?

Maelidek only:


]<Normal voice> Supergirl; are you aware of any meeting? I was told this meeting was arranged; wierd. See Pong yet?[/quote wrote:

No sign yet

<back to the voice> I do not know to what you refer; I am not aware of any meeting; girlfriend; or something broken needing repairs, my apologies. If we are to meet; then perhaps you and yours should show yourselves.

Maelidek only:


Supergirl wrote:

"I hear nothing. Is someone talking to you telepathically? Is it a male or female voice?"

I scan the area with my super hearing in an attempt to locate any unseen persons.

Supergirl only:

You can hear whispering inside the building there appear to be a number of people both male and female as far as you can tell inside and you'll need to make a power Feat roll using your Super Hearing power rank to check on the feat table

Supergirl wrote:
Perhaps our foe is here to settle a score with us. We did learn she has a unique idea of justice.

Now that deserves an Intuition feat roll!

Superheroes In New Proverbial wrote:
Supergirl wrote:

"I hear nothing. Is someone talking to you telepathically? Is it a male or female voice?"

I scan the area with my super hearing in an attempt to locate any unseen persons.

Supergirl only:

** spoiler omitted **

I got a green result on my super hearing check.

Superheroes In New Proverbial wrote:
Supergirl wrote:
Perhaps our foe is here to settle a score with us. We did learn she has a unique idea of justice.
** spoiler omitted **

I got a yellow result on my intuition roll.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Well, this is a bit alarming; who ever is speaking to me goes right through my mental defenses, as you cannot hear it; they warn us they are not alone and sound vaguely threatening, but I am not sure.

<looks over at Supergirl>

hehe this is very different for how I was raised; in constant warfare you know who the enemies are and are sure of your actions and your support; this situation is intensely ... different.


I hope Pong and any others arrive soon.

Are you able to speak back to the individual and be heard? I would assume at this point in time they can hear us or understand what we are saying and thinking. If it is a discussion or negotation of some kind they are interested in perhaps we should agree. It's possible we misjudged the entire situation last night. We really do have little facts. If it is damage control they are interested in perhaps such a discussion could take place in the air. What do you think?

Supergirl wrote:
Superheroes In New Proverbial wrote:
Supergirl wrote:
Perhaps our foe is here to settle a score with us. We did learn she has a unique idea of justice.
** spoiler omitted **
I got a yellow result on my intuition roll.


According to what was discussed the Ice Witch reacts extremely badly to criminal acts more specifically violent ones, now if this event was either leaked to draw her in or by her it means whoever you're hearing are either working for her something that discussion never even touched or potential victims...

Still only Supergirl:

"So where are they?" a male voice asked the tone is a mixture of arrogance and impatience.
"They haven't reported back from the basement, sir? what are the others here for?" a female voice asks back.
"Hmm we came for the same thing, strange that makes seven different groups and thats not even counting whoever caused the destruction of that police headquarters," the male voice mutters back almost indifferent as if he isn't really paying attention.
"Sir?" the woman's voice sounds a little more scared.
"Mordo tried to rob the museum, however he and those mercenary thugs were sent packing by that elemental psychopath, still I don't know know why the police division headquarters was hit nor why Mordo ended up there with the one member of Batman's team he would have any interest in..." his voice trails off.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

That sounds very reasonable; though consider that may be a delaying tactic to complete some activity; we can as supposed heroes but take up the mantle of higher ethical ground.

"hear me yea who have spoken to me; presumably from inside the building, we seek your council and parlay; we have no desire for confrontation though we do not shirk it if required. If it is deemed reasonable; for any hurt we have caused thee we shall make amends. Know yea that we are the protectors of the city and its environs and your words to us will not fall upon deaf ears."

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

That sounds very reasonable; though consider that may be a delaying tactic to complete some activity; we can as supposed heroes but take up the mantle of higher ethical ground.

"hear me yea who have spoken to me; presumably from inside the building, we seek your council and parlay; we have no desire for confrontation though we do not shirk it if required. If it is deemed reasonable; for any hurt we have caused thee we shall make amends. Know yea that we are the protectors of the city and its environs and your words to us will not fall upon deaf ears."


<BEWARE MORDO AND HIS COVEN!> the voice replies and falls silent.

A mist is now developing from out of the ground surrounding the building.


Yes it is magic in origin in case you were wondering

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Tell me of this Mordo; that I may know him and his Coven, I reply.

Supergirl; have you knowledge of one call Mordo, or a coven that follows him; this is an enemy we may face soon; perhaps you should get behind me a bit and keep your eyes and ears peeled; see you Pong yet with your greater vision; as time proceeds do I begin to worry about his travels. That mist; it is magical in nature; I believe we should go a bit close as it may be our parlay meeting. Have you any iron on you? while things such as my Eldrich Bolt and sheild are not affected by such things; My Dark Fey magic which can be used far more subtly to aid us would be hampered by such things. Knowing this before hand would save a wasted action were I in need of cloaking us with a glamour or such type power.

gm - I bring up my shields and defenses.

Just in case rolled a intuition roll to see if I could get a determination on the type of magic; taint of hell; feel of Fae; creepiness of the dead; but rolled bad; not even green.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

Tell me of this Mordo; that I may know him and his Coven, I reply.

Supergirl; have you knowledge of one call Mordo, or a coven that follows him; this is an enemy we may face soon; perhaps you should get behind me a bit and keep your eyes and ears peeled; see you Pong yet with your greater vision; as time proceeds do I begin to worry about his travels. That mist; it is magical in nature; I believe we should go a bit close as it may be our parlay meeting. Have you any iron on you? while things such as my Eldrich Bolt and sheild are not affected by such things; My Dark Fey magic which can be used far more subtly to aid us would be hampered by such things. Knowing this before hand would save a wasted action were I in need of cloaking us with a glamour or such type power.

gm - I bring up my shields and defenses.

Just in case rolled a intuition roll to see if I could get a determination on the type of magic; taint of hell; feel of Fae; creepiness of the dead; but rolled bad; not even green.

No, I have no idea who Mordo is nor do I know about a coven either. I fear that Pong isn't coming, I'm thinking he was detained, perhaps in order to separate and weaken our forces. I'll continue to look for him however. Keep in mind if I get to close to your magic it very well may do more harm then good. I could do a superfast fly by the building and peer through the windows if you like? Iron? No, just the normal kryton amount one has in their bloodstream.

Now I'm getting the impression they are taughting us in order to force our hand and break in. If they wanted to talk I think they would come out.

Supergirl wrote:
No, I have no idea who Mordo is nor do I know about a coven either. I fear that Pong isn't coming, I'm thinking he was detained, perhaps in order to separate and weaken our forces. I'll continue to look for him however. Keep in mind if I get to close to your magic it very well may do more harm then good. I could do a superfast fly by the building and peer through the windows if you like? Iron? No, just the normal kryton amount one has in their bloodstream.


Mordo is the bad guy you fought last night who you bundled through the window of a jewellers before he fled

]Now I'm getting the impression they are taughting us in order to force our hand and break in. If they wanted to talk I think they would come out. [/QUOTE wrote:


You are vulnerable to magic so IF the building has been shielded you're more likely to hurt yourself than damage it...

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
Tell me of this Mordo; that I may know him and his Coven, I reply.

That would suggest Mordo came expecting trouble

[quote=]Supergirl; have you knowledge of one call Mordo, or a coven that follows him; this is an enemy we may face soon; perhaps you should get behind me a bit and keep your eyes and ears peeled; see you Pong yet with your greater vision; as time proceeds do I begin to worry about his travels. That mist; it is magical in nature; I believe we should go a bit close as it may be our parlay meeting. Have you any iron on you? while things such as my Eldrich Bolt and sheild are not affected by such things; My Dark Fey magic which can be used far more subtly to aid us would be hampered by such things. Knowing this before hand would save a wasted action were I in need of cloaking us with a glamour or such type power.

gm - I bring up my shields and defenses.

No problem assumed you already had your shield up in any case

]Just in case rolled a intuition roll to see if I could get a determination on the type of magic; taint of hell; feel of Fae; creepiness of the dead; but rolled bad; not even green. [/QUOTE wrote:

Whatever it is its coming from underground so either there's a battle being waged in the building's basement or within the building itself

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Supergirl; I fear there is evidence that there is a battle being waged underground.

Here is my suggestion; we must do something unexpected to gain the advantage; come closer so I can whisper; perhaps that will make a difference; oh; and I was thinking if you were behind me and a spell came for us I could shield you from it as I see no magic defense on you; with your speed you could always move to sheild me from some more mundane threat.

<when she gets close; will whisper softly>
Supergirl: I believe that you said you can see through materials; can you see through the ground and find us a weak spot; can you perhaps find an underground door; perhaps it is a parking garage; or with your speed and strength push a hole in the ground and make us an extrance; beware though; I have no idea who is fighting who and which are the good and bad guys; though if Fae are there I will take their side as they at least have honor. If you agree go; and go quickly in case they hear us so we move before they can reconfigure their forces; I will follow. Good Luck.


Yea, sorry about forgetting the name Mordo, not use to the pace of PBP.

"Yes I can see underground so long as the foundation isn't lined with lead.I'll let you know in a couple of seconds if there is something available."

Scans area surrounding the building in order to look for a viable underground entrance, I will also take the time to scan the roof as well.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

KK; keeps watch.

Supergirl wrote:

Yea, sorry about forgetting the name Mordo, not use to the pace of PBP.

"Yes I can see underground so long as the foundation isn't lined with lead.I'll let you know in a couple of seconds if there is something available."

Scans area surrounding the building in order to look for a viable underground entrance, I will also take the time to scan the roof as well.


The building's exterior now having magical mists block your x-ray vision but a little way away from the building your vision clears revealing there's a sewer access that looks like it might lead beneath the building you want to enter however any closer to the former New Proverbial Museum and your x-ray vision is blocked once more...


The roof access is available there's a fire access door leading into the interior of the building that you can see but not what's inside

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf


Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
KK; keeps watch.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
KK; keeps watch.

The mist is growing and the ground surrounding the disused former museum and school is becoming coated in ice.

A number of vans pull up at this point and numerious people in official looking suits pile out and congregate as a couple of large trailer drawing trucks pull in and a few of them split into groups some going around the building and others moving to cover the front whilst two go to meet the trucks.

Maelidek you're sensing the presence of fey being drawn to this area quite possibly by the energy being emanated from beneath the building

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Supergirl; beware; not only is there increased activity from these vans; but I believe those in the building are prepared to counter this additional force; I sense a you recognise those people; they look official; but I believe at this juncture they will only increase the chance of conflict.

I believe you should intercede and delay them if you can; then we should proceed as we planned to drill a new entrance.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Uhm; SG; you there?

A dull bout of thunder shakes the ground before you, the operatives barely keep their balance as a second rumble sets off their vehicle alarms.
A third but this time the ground erupts as a figure goes sailing past landing a dozen feet beyond the last of the convoy of vehicles the operatives turned up in, the figure is nightmarishly large dressed in the garb of a wrestler with what looks like some kind of drug supply set up that feeds something directly into him.
He appears unconscious but there's now a gaping hole leading deep underground.

Will wait for responses will link up a map if you want to go down the hole

Supergirls been out of action due to back pain.

I will sweep down towards the vans to intercede, as I do, I scan the people and objects they have with my x-ray vision.

Have I heard of anyone called Bane?

Supergirl wrote:

Supergirls been out of action due to back pain.

I will sweep down towards the vans to intercede, as I do, I scan the people and objects they have with my x-ray vision.
Have I heard of anyone called Bane?

Hope you're feeling better then my sister has that problem far too often

Evidently perusing the files Batman allowed you to access you recognise the infamous South American villain, he looks like he's been used as a punching bag and then knocked clean out cold!

The operatives are now very alarmed at the sight of the red and blue blur they have now seen and whilst a handful are rushing inside the building wearing what looks like powered armour the rest seem to be readying for a full pitch battle!

They look like Lexcorp goons to you

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