Dumb Question

Pathfinder Society

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I swear somewhere it was stated that only the PHB and DMG were available at this time is that accurate? If so, where was it stated? I have read the Guide a couple times and can't seem to find it.


Liberty's Edge 1/5

Is the PH assumption of one starting set of clothes (p111), still intact?


PS: The thread title did warn you

graywulfe wrote:

I swear somewhere it was stated that only the PHB and DMG were available at this time is that accurate? If so, where was it stated? I have read the Guide a couple times and can't seem to find it.


pg 3 intro paragraph and then reiterated throughout the chargen chapter.

graywulfe wrote:

Is the PH assumption of one starting set of clothes (p111), still intact?


Liberty's Edge 1/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
graywulfe wrote:

I swear somewhere it was stated that only the PHB and DMG were available at this time is that accurate? If so, where was it stated? I have read the Guide a couple times and can't seem to find it.


pg 3 intro paragraph and then reiterated throughout the chargen chapter.

yup figured it was staring me right in the face.



Liberty's Edge

I've also seen people reference the SRD as a valid source of material; is this documented in the OP file? I've scanned it to some degree and while I see reference to the PH for valid character options, I don't see the SRD referenced anywhere.

I see where you only have the PH to choose from for race and class, but it doesn't actually mention access to DMG prestige classes... is it safe to assume they will be available? It makes quite a bit of difference on character build even at level 1...


Considering they are going to convert to their version of 3.5 in 2009 I would suggest that PRCs are a bit premature at this point. They've said they'll add source materials at a later date, but for now all you can assume you'll have access to for your character is the PHB. That's my opinion anyway.

Norgerber wrote:
Considering they are going to convert to their version of 3.5 in 2009 I would suggest that PRCs are a bit premature at this point. They've said they'll add source materials at a later date, but for now all you can assume you'll have access to for your character is the PHB. That's my opinion anyway.

This is correct. For now.

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