What's your PFS Number?

Pathfinder Society

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Scarab Sages

Coridan wrote:
fray wrote:

1701 baby!!!!!

Your character better be named Kirk

Please splain that to me... I have no idea what that means.

I haven't had a character named Kirk yet... so it is possible.

Scarab Sages

fray wrote:
Coridan wrote:
fray wrote:

1701 baby!!!!!

Your character better be named Kirk

Please splain that to me... I have no idea what that means.

I haven't had a character named Kirk yet... so it is possible.

In the original star trek series, the Enterprise had the serial number NCC-1701. The Captain was James T. Kirk.

sorry, my nerd is showing.

Liberty's Edge

underling wrote:
sorry, my nerd is showing.

You might want to cover that up in mixed company. ;)

Liberty's Edge

2002 for Andoran, baby! XD

Jeremy Puckett

Liberty's Edge

Patrick Curtin wrote:
# 1821 here. Qadiraha Akbar!

Admiral Akbar!

Wow, that's more than 400 people in 24 hours.


Shadow Lodge

Don't be surprised. Pathfinder is an amazing line, and we can't wait to get involved in the organized play side of things :)

Liberty's Edge

2008, on 08/09/08. All well, as usual a day late and a dollar short.

Scarab Sages

#1843. Guess I was a little slow on the draw.

Liberty's Edge

Oh, yeah. FREEDOM!!!

Scarab Sages

Darian Graey wrote:
Oh, yeah. FREEDOM!!!

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

Liberty's Edge

David Fryer 905 wrote:
Darian Graey wrote:
Oh, yeah. FREEDOM!!!
Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

But oh so much to gain.

Dark Archive

#1811 Chelaxian. Taking the 8 and adding it to any of the other numbers equals 9, which is another number of the mighty Asomdeus Lord of the Nine.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Hmm 2013 for me. The year the world will end... And why would anybody want to be anything but Taldoran?

Sovereign Court


Scarab Sages

underling wrote:

In the original star trek series, the Enterprise had the serial number NCC-1701. The Captain was James T. Kirk.

sorry, my nerd is showing.

Oh rad!

Ithink I'll have to incorporate that into the character somehow...

MMXVI - Chelaxian. Hellfire and Blood!

Sovereign Court

I claim 1788 for Tandor

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

fray wrote:
Coridan wrote:
fray wrote:

1701 baby!!!!!

Your character better be named Kirk

Please splain that to me... I have no idea what that means.

I haven't had a character named Kirk yet... so it is possible.

*looks for his walker.*

Sovereign Court

OK now #2013 is a real person. I had typed in the whole profile, but then the program ate it when I tried a preview. It's too late to type it all in again tonight, but Taldoran Bards Rule!

Dark Archive Contributor

scranford wrote:
Hmm 2013 for me. The year the world will end... And why would anybody want to be anything but Taldoran?

Because, as I mentioned in another thread, if it ain't Chelaxian, it's crap.

#1991 for Cheliax, btw. Hmm... that's the year I started high school. That bodes ill for my character(s). Actually, what really bodes ill for my characters is that I'll be playing them, so they'll be suboptimal and unlucky. ;D

Hmm... I'm rambling. I should go to bed. ;P

Scarab Sages

2022 for me. The Pharoah shall rise!

Scarab Sages

Anyway to know what the faction distribution is at?


Hazhi Awass wrote:
Anyway to know what the faction distribution is at?

For what would you need that info... Knowing distribution could lead even more uneven distribution (if that even matters in PS...) Just thinking aloud here :) Oh, and welcome to the boards!

Hazhi Awass wrote:
Anyway to know what the faction distribution is at?

Yeah, we won't be sharing that. :-)

We will be sharing point totals and the like, but not the specific break downs of the factions.


#2041 Taldor

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Remember everone, come visit the Chelixian thread. We're having barbeque andd cake...Devil's Food of course

*hands out cake

Sovereign Court

#1962 Taldoran

Liberty's Edge



Dark Archive Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4

2024 - a truly noble number, for a truly noble people.

... oh, and I think it's probably a REALLY good idea to keep membership totals secret.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Hazhi Awass wrote:
Anyway to know what the faction distribution is at?

It's 100% Chelaxian.

...if you ask a Chelaxian.

Paizo Employee

Eh! Wot's dis nummer on m'arm? 6091? Dat can't be right.

Dark Archive 1/5

Vic Wertz wrote:
Hazhi Awass wrote:
Anyway to know what the faction distribution is at?

It's 100% Chelaxian.

The Infernal Empire IS Eternal

The Exchange


Scarab Sages

Sebastian wrote:

Damnit, I wanted 1666...

I got 1658.

Hey, I'm 1858. We're number twins!

So that makes me online number 255. Or should I say: 11111111.

Scarab Sages

Vic Wertz wrote:
Hazhi Awass wrote:
Anyway to know what the faction distribution is at?

It's 100% Chelaxian.

** spoiler omitted **

Or if you ask an Osirian. We're happy to concede that illusion.

The Exchange

Number 1792, here. ;-)

The Exchange 1/5 Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

2218, I don't mind the higher number, as I was off having a wonderful weekend w/out the laptop.

Liberty's Edge

George Krieger wrote:
David Wickham wrote:
Coridan wrote:

1634, 63 is my lucky number so I'm pretty happy.

How did you guys register 1600 people before it went live?

i think the first thousand are mostly empty and the 603 were taken by GenCon attenders
I'm a GenCon attender, and I got 1636. Might I already have one if I bought tickets?

Not that it matters, but I don't want to use the online number if I had one assigned when I bought the tickets. Could someone shed some light on the subject for me? :)

You did not have one assigned when you bought tickets. You need to register.



Faction to be determined.


1/5 **


Sovereign Court 4/5

#2205. Easy to remember.

The PFS rules were published during the Nordic countries' biggest RPG convention, Ropecon. Might explain why it took some time to join.

No harm done though.

Sovereign Court 4/5

#2379 for Taldor.

(i am trying to resist talking with an accent of a Centauri, and failing...For the Empire!)

alias: Plotty Fingers

Liberty's Edge

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
You did not have one assigned when you bought tickets. You need to register.

Got it. Thanks!

Sovereign Court

2322 :(

Easy to remember...so that's a plus.

1607 - I guess I was early.

Scarab Sages

My number is 2268, I am of the faction Osirion and I am happy that one can register by the Internet

Scarab Sages 5/5


cue the music.

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